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My Perfect Fit: A M/m Age Play Romance (Pieces Book 2)

Page 5

by M. A. Innes

  “I totally outed us as weird.”

  He pinched me. “We’re not weird. You’re my special boy and I love you.”

  “Ow! You’re starting to sound like my mother. There’s nothing wrong with that word.”

  He kissed my head again. “I just don’t want you to think there is.”

  “Different isn’t bad. I get that. Honest.” I tilted my head so I could tuck my face into his neck. “I just meant that my reaction was enough to confirm that we’re into something out of the ordinary.”

  “I don’t care if they guessed. I love you, and it’s not like we did anything inappropriate in public. Not like them talking about spankings and stuff. Who says that in front of other people?” He was starting to get worked up again. I was ready to put it behind us, so I blew on his neck a little and snuggled tighter against him.

  “Watch the water with me, Daddy.” I tried to make him understand I was ready to forget everything and just be his baby.

  “Hmm, I like watching the water with my boy.” His fingers started slowly caressing my arms and he settled back against the log he was leaning on. “Perfect.”

  We sat there for a long time. Watching the sun go down, lighting up the lake with reds and golds that flickered with the ripples and gentle waves. There was no more anger or worries. It was just us in the quiet. Finally, when the sun was almost down, he rubbed my arms gently.

  “Come on, Baby. Let’s go find some dinner then we’ll go home. We still have book time tonight.”

  I turned in his arms. “Love you.”

  He kissed me gently. “Love you too, Baby.”



  “Are you boys all right? I thought you’d be out later. Didn’t your note say something about that?” We hadn’t even made it two feet inside the doorway when his mom came out of the kitchen. Bryan was doing a lot better now, but there was no way he could answer her questions.

  Before I could say anything, her voice took that “mom tone” I’d started to associate with Michelle when she was worried. “What happened?”

  Okay, so maybe Bryan still looked a little worse for wear. He sighed and turned to answer her when I stepped in. “Hey, you go on up for me. Okay?” Then I leaned close, gave him a little kiss and whispered, “Go take off your clothes and wait for me in the bathroom. We’ll get you ready for bed.”

  He was so worn out, he didn’t even blush. He nodded as he started to head up the stairs. “Okay.”

  I held up my hand trying to signal for her to wait while he walked to our room. Once I thought he probably couldn’t hear much anymore, I stepped closer to her so I wouldn’t have to talk very loud. No point in pushing my luck. I knew he didn’t want to hear the conversation.

  She waited more patiently than I expected while we watched him. Then she dropped her voice low. “What happened? Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine, or at least he will be.” I wasn’t sure how much to say but I knew I had to tell her something. Otherwise, she’d do that whole “mom thing” and think the worst. “Some people he knew from school made some assumptions about the nature of our relationship. Not correct ones—but in the right ballpark if you know what I mean.”

  She nodded and thankfully didn’t elaborate. Even I couldn’t have handled that. “They’re evidently in a more unique relationship and don’t feel the need to hide it. They expected us to be just as open and—”

  “Well, that’s terrible manners. Questioning strangers over their sexual habits!” She tried to be quiet but I could still hear her frustration.

  “And Bryan’s so reserved about things, so it didn’t go well. I don’t know if the guys couldn’t see how uncomfortable he was or if they didn’t care. One of the guys didn’t back off until I was able to go over and step in. I just didn’t realize what was happening fast enough.”

  Rationally, I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. But it was still going to be a long time before I let myself off the hook for that. I should have been paying more attention to him.

  “I’m sure you stopped things as soon as you could.” She gave me a quick hug and a pat on the back. “Don’t beat yourself up over it. Bryan doesn’t look like he’s holding a grudge.”

  “Thanks, Michelle. I’m going to head up and check on him.”

  “Don’t let him worry too much.” She looked like she wanted to say more but she held herself back.

  “I won’t.”

  Heading up the stairs, I was curious to see if he’d followed my instructions. My best guess was that he had. At that point, he seemed to need me to take control more than ever. For a minute, I thought about lifting his punishment because of all that happened but then I dismissed that idea.

  He needed me to be his Dom and Daddy. Both roles needed to be consistent and letting him out of his punishment days early was not the right decision. At least, I thought it wasn’t. It was times like these I wanted to be able to ask someone more questions, just not idiots like those two. Someone older who knew what the hell they were doing. Who didn’t make me uncomfortable.

  When I got upstairs, I locked the door then went into the bathroom, still not sure what I would see. I found a naked and pouting Bryan sitting on the edge of the tub. He opened his mouth, but I cut him off.

  “Nope. We’re going to get you ready for bed, then if it’s not too late, I’m going to read to you. Maybe we’ll watch TV or something before we go to sleep.” I kneeled down by the tub and gave him a quick kiss. “You’ve had enough of everything today. You just need to turn it all off, to let me be in charge.”

  He frowned at me like he wanted to argue but after a minute, he nodded and slumped down. He’d had a rough day. Killed the lawnmower and the gnome, got punished, and got harassed when we went to hang out, poor baby. “All right. Let’s get you a bath first. Then we’ll brush your teeth.”

  Bryan blushed and his hands tightened on the shiny white ledge but he didn’t argue. We’d been trying to work out a bedtime routine, and this was a new step we’d added. Bryan liked being taken care of, but he didn’t always have the nerve to ask for it. So when he’d reacted beautifully to a bath-time scene in the book we were reading, I told him we were going to try it.

  He’d squirmed and made a token protest but his cock hadn’t hidden what he wanted, even with his diaper on. As he blushed and looked everywhere but at me, his body was obvious about what he wanted.

  I leaned over and plugged the tub then turned on the water. Leaving Bryan sitting there with a quick kiss, I went over to the sink and looked underneath. Bingo. I thought I’d seen some bubble bath the other day. I peeked over at Bryan. He was an interesting shade of strawberry, now studying the tiles on the floor. That was subtle.

  He got embarrassed over the oddest things. Not that I’d ever phrase it that way, but still. I wanted to be able to see inside his mind to really understand him. It was times like these that I was afraid I’d never figure him out. Pushing my worries away, I brought it over to the water and put a big dollop in. I couldn’t help but grin as the water started foaming.

  Who didn’t love bubbles?

  “All right, Baby, let’s get you in. The water’s getting deep enough.” I took his hands and helped him into the tub. Yeah, he could have done that part himself but I liked taking care of him.

  “Lean back and relax, B. I’m going to wash you and you’re just going to enjoy it.” Picking up his washcloth, I squeezed some of his bath gel on it and brought it to his chest.

  His eyes closed and he sank deeper into the water as I continued to slowly run the cloth over his skin. It’d been easy to imagine how much I’d like touching him like this, but the reality was even better. The sexual part of it was there; he was naked and wet. I’d have to be dead not to find it hot, but it was more than that.

  He needed me.

  He needed my love.

  He needed that special personal touch to feel like he mattered.

  Watching him as the stress drifted away, the craziest emotion
s welled up. It felt stupid to get worked up over something simple like this, but it didn’t feel simple. It felt complicated and incredible. I leaned down and gave him a slow, tender kiss. “Love you.”

  He kept his eyes closed but smiled. “Love you too, Daddy.”

  I kept up the slow gentle rhythm as I washed his arms and legs. Then I gave him another kiss, quicker this time. “Sit up, Baby. Daddy needs to get your back.”

  His eyes opened slowly and I could tell he wasn’t quite with me. “Sit up on your knees. I need to finish washing you. The water’s starting to get cold.”

  Blinking at me, it took him a minute to figure out what I’d said. “Okay.” Then he moved around in the tub and went up on his knees. God, he was sexy. Water dripped down him, highlighting his incredible body.

  “There we go.” Holding on to the sides of the tub, he balanced while I finished washing his back. I could see a shiver race through him as I brought the cloth down his back. “Daddy needs to wash your special places. Stay still for me.”

  I might have taken longer than I really needed to. He was thoroughly scrubbed and so hard I wanted to do all kinds of naughty things to him by the time I was finished. Sadly, that would have to wait. He wasn’t in the right headspace, no matter what his body wanted. Then there was the punishment.

  “All right, let’s get you dried off and into your jammies.” Bryan blushed again but held my hand sweetly as he stepped out of the tub. The squirming and fidgeting came back as I dried him off, but that could have been because he was turned on.

  Once he was dry, we went back into the bedroom and I led him over to the bed. “Up for Daddy.” We’d started keeping a couple of diapers in his nightstand, so it didn’t take long to get his pj’s and things ready. I was going to look for some of those footie pajamas I’d seen on some infomercial but for now, I just put his diaper on and a white T-shirt.

  He’d gotten nervous about not having anything to cover his diaper, so we’d compromised. I would set a pair of his flannel sleep pants on the end of the bed and we’d always keep the door locked. When he was dressed, I helped him sit up and gave him another kiss. “Teeth, then book time.”

  We weren’t quite at the strawberry color again but we were getting close to it. I wrapped my arms around him and tucked him close to my body, letting him hide against my neck. We stood there quietly for a few minutes until he pulled away and took a deep breath. So cute and conflicted.


  “Yes, Daddy. Thank you.” He leaned close and gave me a quick kiss that nearly melted my heart. My sweet nut.

  “Teeth time.” I took his hand again and led him back to the bathroom. Getting his toothbrush ready was easy, but figuring out how to stand to brush his teeth was still awkward. His blush faded quickly as he tried not to giggle at me. I might have hammed up the difficulty a little because he was finding it so funny.

  Eventually, his teeth were brushed and I tucked him into bed. “Okay, wait here.” I gave him his phone and a little peck on the forehead.

  Getting me ready was easy after Bryan.

  Not that I minded at all. Hell, most of it was my idea anyway. Incorporating our role-playing into bedtime stuff seemed like a natural fit. It was that personal time that made us both feel more connected.

  Within minutes, I was out of the bathroom dressed in my sleep pants. I threw a T-shirt on the bed just in case we needed to go downstairs—I’d rather cuddle him without it. Climbing up, I stole his phone from him and grinned. “Ready for book time?”

  Bryan couldn’t decide how to answer, but I was excited enough for the two of us. I liked this part of the day. It was sexy and fun but felt intimate too. I might also like teasing him with the naughty parts. Besides, they had some good ideas!

  He snuggled back into my arms and tucked his head into my neck, mumbling, “Yes, Daddy.”

  “We were getting to the good part when we had to stop last time.” Yeah, I couldn’t help it. I loved how turned on and cute he got.

  All I got was a nod, but his body was still very interested so I wasn’t worried. “All right, let’s see where we left off.…Oh, right after he got his diaper on.” Pulling up his reading app, I tapped on the book. “Here we go.”

  “Come on, sweet boy. Let’s go back downstairs and we’ll pick out a movie.” Reaching for Mark, Sebastian was surprised when Mark stopped him.

  “What about you, Daddy?” A blush stained Mark’s cheeks but he didn’t break eye contact.

  I shifted around for a minute and gave Bryan a kiss on his cheek. “I like that he gets just as nervous as you. It’s sweet.”

  Bryan groaned. “Daddy!”

  I laughed at his obvious embarrassment. He was so funny. He might be conflicted about how he felt, but when he bumped my hand to jostle the phone, I knew I was supposed to keep going.

  “Me?” Sebastian asked, not following.

  “You, Daddy.” This time Mark shifted his eyes down, giving Sebastian’s straining erection an obvious look.

  “Ahh, for now, our time is about you, baby boy. Once you’re sure that you want to belong to me then we’ll explore other things together. My control is only so good, sweet boy. However, before crossing those lines, I want to make sure you’re ready to be mine. Because once I have you, I’m not going to let you go.”

  They walked downstairs, hand in hand, and went to the couch. Sitting down on the couch, he pulled Mark onto his lap and pushed play on the movie he’d already picked out earlier that day. Obsessively planning a date? No, not him.

  The clean, sweet smell of his freshly bathed boy was turning out to be more of an aphrodisiac than he’d expected. Something about it just made Sebastian want to strip his boy down and lick him all over to see if his taste was as sweet as his smell.

  What made the temptation even worse was Mark’s diaper-clad bottom pressing into Sebastian’s still-straining erection. With every shift and cuddle, Mark’s body would rub against Sebastian’s cock, pushing his control to the breaking point.

  I knew Bryan had read it before, but even if I hadn’t, his desire would have given him away. Every time we’d get to a good part his breathing would get faster and if he wasn’t already hard, he would start to get to that point quickly. It made me curious about how many times my boy had read this story.

  When we’d first started reading the book it had hit me harder than I’d expected. It felt stupid, but seeing how bad Mark had felt about himself made me want to hold Bryan tighter and tell him how much I loved him.

  Refusing to get distracted by sad things, I let one hand slide down to cup the front of Bryan’s diaper. “Are we getting to a good part, B?”

  Surprisingly, Bryan nodded and pushed himself harder into my hand. “Naughty boy. Don’t forget you don’t get to come.”

  A little whine escaped but he sagged down sighing before nodding again. “Yes, Daddy.” It might have been the right words, but they were filled with frustration.

  When it got to the point that he was going to lose control, he reached around to try and shift Mark away from his body just enough to get some relief. Mark just shook his head and stiffened up refusing to be moved.

  “I like cuddles, Daddy.”

  “Baby, you need to shift just a little bit.”

  Mark’s response was an innocent look as he shifted his bottom, right over Sebastian’s straining body. “Baby…baby…you’re going to have to…stop…baby.”

  The pleasure coursing through him pushed every thought out of his brain. “Baby…”

  “Yes, Daddy?”

  “Naughty boy, you’ve been driving your Daddy crazy on purpose.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Now his boy’s grin went from an innocent smile to a cheeky little grin.

  “Naughty boy…why?” Every time Sebastian started to speak Mark would start rubbing his bottom right over Sebastian’s cock, caressing it and teasing it with his body. His sweet little boy had a naughty side.

  Mark straightened up just enough to kiss Sebastian on t
he cheek, “Because I wanted to touch my daddy, too. Not just let Daddy please me.”

  “I don’t want you to feel—”

  “I don’t, Daddy, but we don’t have to go too far. I just want to touch you, too. Can I touch you, Daddy?”

  Lord, there was no way he could say no. “Baby, you can touch your daddy anytime. I’m yours just as much as you’re mine.”

  His naughty little boy smiled and shifted in Sebastian’s lap so that he was straddling him, pressing his diaper-covered cock against Sebastian’s hard body. Reaching down, Mark stripped his shirt off and leaned in close to Sebastian.

  “Can I touch you, Daddy? Are you sure your little boy can touch his daddy?” His boy’s words sent shivers through his body.

  “Yes, baby. You can touch Daddy.”

  “Oh, B, is the boy going to play with his daddy’s cock? Is he going to touch his daddy?” We both knew the answer to that one. Even if I hadn’t read the book, the answer was obvious—but it was still fun to make Bryan squirm.

  “Hurry, Daddy.” Hmm, someone liked this part. Me too, so I didn’t keep either of us waiting and I started reading again.

  Reaching down, Mark’s face finally showed his wavering nerve as his hands shook and his eyes widened. As Mark’s small hands slowly opened his pants, Sebastian thought he would come right then. Mark was beautiful as he reached in and released Sebastian’s cock. Licking his lips and chewing on his bottom lip, Mark alternated between looks of curiosity and hunger.

  Sebastian did his best to let Mark explore, but his hands were gripping Mark’s hips so hard he was afraid there would be bruises tomorrow. He knew if he moved his hands though, there would be no way he could stop himself from taking charge.

  The first touch of his boy’s soft hands on his cock had him thrusting up, desperate for more. Mark jerked and tightened his grip instinctually as he watched Sebastian’s body react to his touch. Sebastian watched as Mark licked his lips again before he started stroking Sebastian’s cock.

  “God, baby, I’m almost there already. You’ve had me hard and ready since you got here. I’m not going to last.”


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