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My Perfect Fit: A M/m Age Play Romance (Pieces Book 2)

Page 10

by M. A. Innes

  “Sure, sounds fun.” I glanced over at Mad. “Tomorrow afternoon?”

  He shook his head. “Late morning before it gets too hot.”

  That sounded like a better idea. “Then lake in the afternoon?”


  “See, now you boys will have something better to tell me about than trying to pretend going to the grocery store took half the day.”


  “I think this could have waited until later in the morning.” We were out of bed before seven…during the summer!

  “If we’re going to fix the lawnmower, get the yard done, and go over to Mr. Haslet’s house before it gets too hot, then we probably should have been up earlier.” He looked up from where he’d been doing something under the mower and gave me a pointed look. “I just couldn’t get someone out of bed.”

  He’d tried getting me up at six-thirty. That was criminal.

  “I shouldn’t have had to threaten to extend your punishment to get you to function.” He tried to sound stern with me, but all I could picture was how sexy he was first thing in the morning.

  Yeah, he might have had to talk about punishments to get me to move. I was looking forward to coming so that was a real threat right now…but first, he tried much more fun methods. Teasing, kisses, tickling—I don’t think he had any idea how close I came to using that diaper this morning. Hmm. Maybe he did now that I think about it.

  Finally, he gave my bottom a swat and said in that stern, sexy voice that he was going to give me another two days of punishment if I didn’t get out of bed. Because that hadn’t sounded like fun at all, I stopped hiding under the covers and let him take my diaper off.

  Now we were out in the yard, finishing our coffee while he figured out what I’d done to the mower. Contrary to what he’d told my mother, he was guessing. At least he’d gotten her off my back.

  “Ha! Think I found it.”

  “Just be careful. I don’t want to have to explain to my mother that you lost your fingers fixing the lawnmower. That would definitely be classified as my fault. She’d never forgive me.…I think at this point she likes you better anyway.”

  “She does.” Mad looked up and grinned before wiggling something under the large blades. He was going to chop off his fingers if he wasn’t more—

  “That should do it. There was a piece—of the hat I think—stuck in here. Let’s get it back upright and see if it’ll start now.”

  I might have frowned. “I get to finish my coffee before we mow the lawn, right?”

  Now that I was up, I was okay with functioning but not before coffee. That seemed like it would fall into the cruel and unusual category. Mad laughed. “I want to see if it starts. There’s another cup calling my name before we do anything else. Promise.”

  “Good. You had me worried there for a minute. No fun stuff this morning and working without enough caffeine. I was going to start checking to see if you’d been abducted and replaced by an android.” I was teasing but I guess Mad took it as a challenge. He carefully took the mug out of my hand, setting it down on the ground. Then tackled me, sending us both tumbling back into the grass.

  I was laughing until he rolled on top of me, pinning me down. He had a wicked smile filled with heat and fire. “You should be thanking me instead of complaining.” He shook his head at me like he was disappointed. “If you only knew the things I wanted to do to you this morning. I was being nice since you’re still grounded.”

  My eyes nearly crossed when he thrust his cock into mine, giving a whole new meaning to the term “grounded.” I loved the feeling of being trapped under him. Pinned down and helpless was hot.

  “What…what did you want to do?” I shouldn’t have asked. I knew it as soon as it came out of my mouth, but I had to know.

  He did something with his hips and his cock dragged against mine taking my breath away. “Are you sure, Baby?”

  I wasn’t sure but I nodded anyway. “Please.”

  “I woke up thinking about what we bought yesterday. I was going to get you all ready with both of your new toys. Then have you give Daddy special kisses. Knowing how turned on you’d get but that you wouldn’t be able to come…watching how you’d wiggle and squirm as you pleased Daddy. Oh, I almost came thinking about it, Baby.”

  I almost orgasmed picturing how it would feel. “Daddy!” I don’t know if I was shocked or if I was begging for it. But thankfully, he had more common sense than I did.

  “Not this time, B. Once your punishment is over and I can let you come afterward. Then I’ll tease you and make you feel incredible. If you’re a good boy today, I’ll let you give Daddy special kisses in the shower later. How does that sound? You’ve taken your punishment so well. I can’t wait until Saturday.” His voice was deep and heat rolled off him in waves.

  Just listening to his dirty words made me want to beg and rut up against him, but I knew I couldn’t. My punishment was almost over. Saturday was going to be amazing. So was shower time later as long as we got our shit done.

  Who needed to take time for coffee this morning? I had better things to do today.

  “How long until shower time?” I was serious, but Mad laughed and rolled off me. Grabbing my hand, he helped pull me up off the grass.

  “Come on. I need more coffee and another one of those muffins your mom made this morning. Then we’ll finish the yard before we go over to your neighbor’s.”

  “Do you think he wants help or was she just trying to get us out of the house?” With my mom, you never knew.

  He shrugged. “Both? At least going over there is something to do, even if he doesn’t need any help.” Pulling me close, I got a quick kiss. “This should get us back on your mom’s good side too.”

  Frowning I gave him a little shove, “You’re already there. You fixed the lawn mower and are functional in the kitchen.”

  He puffed out his chest and gave an exaggerated swagger across the lawn back to the house. “Cause I’m perfect, B.”

  “Yeah, right.” Yeah, right. He was perfect and he was mine…but I wasn’t going to tell him that. His head was already big enough.


  “So, is your neighbor the type of guy that would appreciate help or is he going to chase us off his yard or something?” Mad questioned me as we started walking down the street.

  We’d gotten the yard done in good time, so it was only mid-morning when we started wandering down to Mr. Haslet’s house. “No idea. I don’t know him that well. I know my mom’s been over to his house several times and she knows the rest of the family pretty well. His daughter’s nice. I met her a couple of times.”

  “Guess we’ll see then. At least we’ll get brownie points from your mom for trying.”

  “I could use all that I can get.”

  “We got the yard finished.” Mad looked too hopeful. I hated to burst his bubble.

  “That’s just going to remind her how bad it looked half-done and how I screwed up and killed the gnome.” It was going to turn out to be like the toaster. “The only reason she even let me anywhere near the yard was because you were there to supervise. She trusts you not to fuck it up.”

  His shoulder brushed mine and he chuckled a little. “I don’t mind watching you.”

  “That sounded dirtier than I think she meant.”

  “Your mom isn’t an idiot. She knows what we’re doing.”

  “Uh, don’t say that! I’ll never be able to look her in the face again!” I was going to need some kind of brain bleach to get that out of my head.

  “The look on your face, B. It was priceless.” He was laughing so hard he could hardly walk. “I was teasing. Honest.”

  “No, you weren’t! I’ve spent years trying to pretend she has no idea what I like. Do not ruin my delusions!” That was not funny at all.

  “No, honest. She thinks you’re a sweet innocent virgin who doesn’t have any sexual desires.”

  That was even worse! “Uh, don’t do that to me. I don’t want her think
ing about me and that stuff!”

  Mad was laughing so hard now he had to stop and catch his breath. I left him there on the sidewalk and kept going. He could catch up once he stopped saying such horrible, mortifying things. Lucky for him, we were almost there so I couldn’t lose him.

  Lucky for me, Mr. Haslet was out in his yard when I walked up. Mad had to get himself together and rush over or risk looking like an idiot, and I was saved from any more trauma.

  “Hello, I’m Michelle’s son, Bryan.” I was going to do my best not to use any pronouns until I could figure out which to use. If it was someone from school I would have just asked, but I wasn’t sure that was the right move in this situation. “She thought that you could use some help around the yard.”

  “And she thought it would get us out of the house.” Mad piped in as he came up. “Hi, I’m Maddox, I’m a friend of Bryan’s. Is it Mr. Haslet?”

  Maybe I was overthinking it. Mad simply held his hand out and gave him a sincere smile like it was easy. It probably was. You couldn’t tell so asking made the most sense. The T-shirt and long flowy skirt didn’t go with the beard. The combination was unique, and surprisingly didn’t look bad on him, it just made assuming pronouns hard.

  “Mister works. I might change my mind but I’ve gotten used to it. Picking something else might be more trouble than it’s worth.” He shrugged and set aside the big scissor things he’d been using to trim the bushes.

  “Not if it matters to you.” Again, Mad looked like it made sense and the rest of us were kind of slow. Mr. Haslet gave him a nod and went back to trimming the bushes.

  “So, Michelle thought you could use something to do. Not taking summer classes or anything?” He’d obviously been talking to mom.

  “No, we took the summer off but now she’s probably afraid we’re going to melt our brains or something watching too much TV.” Mad laughed and leaned against the fence. He was always so confident when he met people. I felt like an idiot. He made it seem so easy, as though it should come naturally.

  Mr. Haslet looked around, “I could use some help. Lawn needs mowing and I’ve got to weed the garden.” Then he looked between us. “Who’s better with the mower?”

  That set Mad off again laughing like a hyena in a cartoon. The older man tried to look innocent, but the twinkle in his eye gave him away. “Your mom told me about the little lawn statue. Leonard was some kind of glad you killed that thing. God-awful ugly.”

  “Hyena boy over here can mow this time then. I’ll be happy to weed.” The faster we got work done the faster we could take a shower. That was going to keep me working like a devil.

  “Sounds good.” Mad was still chuckling, but he was trying to compose himself.

  Shaking my head at him, I tried to ignore the nut and turned back to the man now watching us like we were some kind of old-fashioned comedy duo. “Where would you like me to start?”

  “I’ll show you. We’ll leave your man to catch his breath for a minute.” He said it very seriously but that had Mad nearly rolling on the ground.

  “Probably not enough caffeine.” We were never going to get this done if he didn’t start functioning.



  “You gonna to be all right over there?” Yeah, I might have been teasing him a little too much, but he looked so cute when he blushed and squirmed. The fact that my words only made his hard-on worse was fun too.

  Bryan turned toward the window and tried to control his wiggling, but he couldn’t quite stop it. If he was really upset with me, his erection would have gone away by now so I wasn’t worried. Instead, I finished turning off the car and leaned over closer to him. “You know, your special place has been hard since you gave Daddy kisses in the shower.”


  His head fell back against the seat and his hands came up to cover his face. His words came out muffled and whiny. “I can’t help it.”

  I liked that he couldn’t help it.

  Fighting the urge to reach down and cup him, I tried to sound stern. “I think the next time you have to be punished, we’re going to need to get you a little cage for your special place. Daddy can’t take you to have fun when your special place is begging for attention.”

  He’d been hard as a rock since we’d gotten home from helping Mr. Haslet out. The shower probably hadn’t helped, but it was so easy to see that he’d been looking forward to it. Even without being able to orgasm, Bryan still liked pleasing me and submitting.

  It was a difficult call to make. Come on, it was impossible to deny either of us when he sank down to his knees in the shower, the water running over his sexy, naked body and asked if he could give me kisses. I would have had to be a monk to say no.

  There was also no hiding the fact that he liked the denial. He liked not being able to come and surrendering that choice to me. After only a couple of days, he seemed as if he was more confident in our relationship. I had to think that his punishment had something to do with it.

  He wasn’t hiding nearly as often. He’d been able to go into a sex shop, for goodness’ sake, and stand there while I talked about orgasm denial and toys. Even a week ago, Bryan would never have been able to do that. He would have probably worried himself into a heart attack in the car on the way over.

  What I couldn’t decide was how much control and denial to use on a regular basis. I didn’t want him to feel like he was being punished all the time, but if it made him feel more secure then I had to figure out a way to work it into our daily life. Right?

  Another question for a more experienced Dom…or Domme.

  All right, if we were ever going to be able to get out of the car and go down to the lake, we had to get his cock under control. Time to stop teasing and talk about something else. “What did you think about Mr. Haslet’s offer to go back down tomorrow and weed the flower beds?”

  Offer was a nice way of saying he’d told us to be back down earlier tomorrow so he got more done before his shows came on. Bryan laughed and his hands came down to rest on his lap. “He’s so funny. His stories were great.”

  “When he said he’d rather shave than weed around the tomatoes I thought I’d die. The look on your face!”

  “I was so confused! I didn’t realize he meant his legs!” Bryan’s hands started waving around. “Who says something like that? We’re basically strangers!”

  “He’s open about who he is, I’ll give him that.”

  “Then he looked down at his skirt and asked what we thought about it! My kinks don’t line up with rating women’s clothing.”

  “I thought it looked nice. You could have come up with something nice to say too. It was very colorful and the length was probably good on him. I can’t picture him having great gams at this point.”

  “For the love of—” Bryan was shaking his head.

  I’d had a great time, but Bryan had been constantly in a state of shock. He’d never been around anyone like Mr. Haslet. He was so open and honest about who he was. The first time the old guy had said something colorful, Bryan had just looked at him, not sure how to respond. The older man had shrugged and told us that he’d hidden who he was for too long and he wasn’t going to worry about it anymore.

  Personally, I thought that Michelle must have dropped some kind of hint that Bryan needed to see people who were more open. A couple of times, the funny old man had winked at me when Bryan’s back was turned. He seemed to be going out of his way to make sure we knew he was frustrated by all the time he’d wasted hiding from who he was.

  Hopefully, Bryan wouldn’t realize that. I had a feeling it would make him too nervous to go back over there tomorrow if he did. But it was good for him, for both of us probably. What we wanted wasn’t going to ever be something that was really open for everyone to see, but we didn’t need to hide from everyone. There were always going to be people that we could share more of who we were with.

  Sarah and Richard came to mind right away.

  It probably wasn’t
the right time to bring that up to Bryan, though he was getting closer to accepting it. At breakfast, when I mentioned emailing Sarah, he’d turned red but hadn’t hidden. He’d nodded his head and took a couple of deep breaths. It was a much better reaction than I’d expected.

  “What do you want to do when he lets us escape tomorrow?” Bryan was relaxed in his seat now, leaning against the door and smiling.

  “Let’s go walk around those shops downtown. Then we can get something to eat. Maybe try something different since all you’ve tried is the diner.”

  “Sounds good.” He reached for the door handle. “You want to carry the cooler and I’ll grab the blanket and stuff?”

  “Sure.” We’d packed for an army knowing that we might run into his friends. Neither of us was looking forward to it, but it probably couldn’t be helped. There were only a couple of people that I didn’t want to see, but we might not be able to avoid them. Letting them chase us away from the lake wasn’t an option either. Bryan was very firm about that.

  Surprisingly firm.

  I’d expected him to be nervous or to even consider not going. He shook his head and said that he loved the lake. I kept my fingers crossed that we wouldn’t have to deal with anyone today. A nice relaxing afternoon with just the two of us sounded perfect.

  Looking around as we got the stuff out of the car, I wasn’t sure that was going to be possible. Bryan saw me searching the groups, but he didn’t say anything. He just stood a little straighter and shook his head like he didn’t want to talk about it. Defiance was better than hiding.


  As we got down to the edge of the water, he pointed to a spot that was still fairly empty. It was a bit of a walk for people with kids and stuff so hopefully, it would stay that way. The cooler felt like it weighed a ton by the time we weaved our way through the crowds.

  “What did you put in here? Bricks?”


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