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Once Upon a Pet Show (A Redpoint One Romance)

Page 9

by Marlow, J. A.

  "Oh, it's not a problem at all. What a cozy room," Vallory said, following her in.

  Damien trailed behind all of them, his arms filled with Vallory's luggage except the one she'd managed to grab from him when unloading the cart. Setting them beside the door, he took the time to take in the room.

  The walls and ceilings angled, following the lines of the roofline and dormers. A paned window with a seating nook looked out over gardens highlighted with lights hidden in the foliage. Newly painted walls gleamed in the overhead light. A brown substrata covered the floor, ready for whatever flooring Velda picked out. Vallory helped Velda make the large bed with four tall corner posts pushed into a corner.

  Yes, it would be a nice room for guests when completed and fully furnished. For tonight, it would make do for Vallory and provide an easy walk to the pet show in the morning.

  With the bed made, Velda frowned at the room as if displeased with it. "At least a nightstand tonight. I'll be right back."

  Siggy stayed behind to explore the suitcases, growling at his bot. Then turned around and licked it as if a friend.

  Vallory pushed her hair off her face as she straightened from tucking in the last of the sheets, giving him a smile he felt right down to the pit of his stomach. "Thank you for finding a bed for me. I was worried I would have to sleep in the spaceport."

  "I think you'll find this much more comfortable." Damien motioned to his bot. "Come on, time to get back to work."

  His bot gave him a saucy whistle and chirp, voicing its objection. Still, it did as he asked, retreating out to the hall.

  "You have a cute bot," Vallory said with a grin just as saucy.

  Cute wasn't how he would describe how it was acting. "In the morning, take the main path back to the pet show. If you have any questions about directions, just ask Velda."

  Vallory nodded, clasping her hands in front of her dress. "Of course. Heading out now?"

  "Yes, before Velda gets back here and gets any big ideas." He didn't plan to give Velda time to recover from her shock of him arriving at her doorstep with a request to take care of a woman.

  "Should I guess what type of big ideas?" Vallory asked, taking a step towards him.

  He took a firm step backwards. "And don't you give her any ideas. She doesn't need any help. None of the Club do."

  Vallory laughed, the infectious melody echoing off the bare walls of the room. "Thinking they may try to duplicate their success with Rachel?"

  Damn, she'd thought of it, too. He took another step backwards, putting him at open door. "The women are known for their matchmaking. I'm shocked Velda didn't try from the time we arrived."

  Which only increased the mischievousness in her eyes. Maybe he made a mistake bringing her here. Velda might corrupt her further. Yes, time to make an escape.

  "Have a good evening." Damien turned and fled, nearly tripping over his bot and Siggy in the process.


  The expression on Damien's face when he fled made Vallory smile the rest of the night. The word 'fled' was a good description. The poor man nearly tripped over his bot.

  It kept her smiling even as she found herself lonely for his company. Silly thing to feel, considering they'd hardly spent any time together. Her mind kept straying to the short walk. Walking side by side, her arm tucked under his with her hand laying on his muscular forearm. It had felt so right, in a way she'd never experienced before.

  She wanted more, and she had no right to want or expect it.

  Her soft smile continued into the next day, through getting ready the next morning, and checking on her daubpups before the meeting. No rumors of more missing pets, thank goodness.

  Once the meeting started, though, she forced her mind back to business. With it came the dread of the coming end of the pet show with something new added to her previous worries.

  Now the sadness of leaving Damien behind joined the worry about the daubpup's future. Of her own future and future happiness.

  She wished she had an answer for any of it.


  "WE BELIEVE SHE would make an excellent addition to the crew," Velda finally finished, beaming at everyone on the maintenance platform. Hair in place, just right, makeup precisely applied. Dressed to kill, and still she managed a completely innocent expression. As if she didn't know the trouble she was causing.

  Like all the others, Damien stared at the three women in shock. To one side stood the Naughty Knitter's Club, a slightly overweight woman with a friendly face and gently curled blond hair. He had to give the woman credit. The focus of the entire room, but she held herself straight and kept a smile on her face, even if it was a little strained.

  They'd done it again. Showed up in the middle of the morning meeting with another person in tow, announcing to the rest of them that they'd found someone new for the maintenance department. Confident in the fact.

  Damien glanced around the room, expecting to find a bot come flying out of one of the back rooms to gaze adoringly at the new human it had chosen. None moving yet, but that didn't mean anything. One could pop out at any moment.

  Finally, Zane's voice cut through the silence filling the room, demanding, "Do you do this every day?"

  Daisy grinned, a felt dark-blue hat perched on her silvery-gray hair with a iridescent spiky feather sticking out the back. "Only when we've found someone suitable."

  "You're lucky our latest interviews have gone so well," Eddie said with a firm nod. "We turn away most of them."

  Arthur leaned a hip against the railing of the raised center platform, crossing his arms over his chest. "We need to discuss protocol if you are going to continue with this."

  "Of course. Why don't you, Tish, and Rachel and her beau come by this Friday for dinner at my place? We'll discuss it in detail." Velda grinned like a cat who had just eaten a bowl of cream. Oh great. Arthur just admitted defeat, only not in so many words.

  "And Zane," Daisy quickly added, adjusting the hat when it started slipping to the side. "Zane must come. We will make his favorite desert."

  "I doubt I'll be here," Zane said just as quickly.

  Which earned a frown from Eddie. "Of course you'll be here, dear. There's simply too much to repair on the station for you to leave anytime soon."

  Damien's eyes narrowed at how Zane went stiff at the comment. Did he really hate this place so much?

  "What about me?" Rachel asked, coming in through the main door of the maintenance platform. She stopped, taking in the new arrival standing to the side and gave an audible groan. "You're up to it again?"

  "You shouldn't be here," Damien said, leaning forward in his chair. The two bots trailing behind Rachel chirped their agreement.

  "This is why we're doing this, love," Eddie said. "You aren't ready to come back to work, and they need help."

  "So, we're helping," Daisy said simply. "We think Izabela would work well in your department. Someone else will have to train her at first, of course."

  Arthur gave his own sigh. "Vasiliy, you are on plumbing today. Izabela, you're with him. Good luck on your first day. We'll talk at length later today."

  Vasiliy pushed away from the wall he'd been leaning against and gestured to her. "Back here. We'll get you set up."

  With a relieved smile, the woman walked quickly towards the back and disappeared into the locker and supply room. Arthur's attention never deviated from the Naughty Knitter's Club, a fact that Daisy's fidgeting indicated she'd started noticing.

  "I'm asking you to hold off on any other new arrivals until after we talk and after the Pet Show," Arthur said. The words were polite and kind, but the firmness behind them came through loud and clear. "We are not in a position to properly train new arrivals with everything else that is happening."

  "Or until a few guidelines are established," Zane added from behind Arthur.

  Velda smiled sweetly, in a manner Damien didn't trust an inch. Rachel's eye's narrowed at the same smile. "Of course. Dinner on Friday, then. 7pm, and don't
be late, and that includes you, Zane. We're looking forward to it."

  The women left, with Daisy giving them a perky wave before they disappeared. Rachel watched them the entire way, saying only once they were gone, "They're up to something else."

  Damien shifted in his seat. Hopefully that 'something else' didn't include messing with his life, or lack of a love-life. His bot was more than enough of a matchmaker.

  "They're always up to something," Arthur said, letting his arms drop.

  "Some things never change," Zane mumbled.

  Arthur turned towards the back of the room where the rest of the crew stood or leaned against the walls. "Cody, you have Shay. See if he shows any aptitude in weapon systems."

  "It's about time!" Shay almost shouted, a big grin on his face.

  "The rest of you, keep your eyes out. Report any unusual circumstance to Ami," Arthur continued as if Shay hadn't said at thing. He gestured towards Ami, standing quietly to one side with her regular computer headgear perched over her head.

  "Any luck in tracking the problems?" Rachel asked, staying by the door.

  "None so far, but I have too little information to spot patterns," Ami said, not the least bit frazzled to find herself the center of attention. "I'm sure we will soon."

  "Everyone head out. We have a lot of work to do today." Arthur pointed to the door as his stern gaze settled on Rachel. "Out. You are still on sick-leave."

  Rachel puffed at him, rolling her eyes. "I'm not here to work. Relax, boss."

  Tish ran up to give her a quick hug, trailed by her three bots. "I have to run for a repair, but I'll come by later today to say hello properly."

  "Tis fine. Go." Rachel continued into the room with the two bots behind her complaining. She threw her arms around Zane and gave him a tight hug. The type of hug Damien had dreamed of giving Vallory the night before. Before he'd chickened out. "I just came to see a special someone. I haven't seen you in years!"

  Zane hugged her back. "That would be because I haven't been here in years."

  "Far too long." Rachel stepped back, smiling up into his face. "It's so good to see you. It's been frustrating being laid up when so much is going on, but I feel better now that you are here."

  Zane let out a frustrated breath. "All of you so sure I can help with this?"

  "Yes," Arthur said simply. "Other than Tish, I haven't seen anyone have such an instinctive connection to the station. We're counting on that."

  "So are the businesses relying on the pet show," Damien said as the rest of the crew filtered towards the door to start their day. Something he should do himself. "Another hotel struck last night, and today one of the restaurant areas? It's getting worse."

  Rachel leaned back against the railing, propping her arms back on them, and grinned at Zane. "See? You can't leave yet. Besides, you haven't seen my new guy, Ignacio. I've been telling him all about you."

  Zane's eyes sharpened as he stared straight at Rachel. "New guy? Boyfriend?"

  "Oh, he's more than a boyfriend now. I even got a new bot out of the deal," Rachel said, her smile unabated. If anything it deepened. The new bot hovering nearby chirped, knowing she was referring to it.

  Damien grinned at her as he stepped off the platform. His bot came out of the back rooms with his cart, ready for a new day of work. "I think she's hinting."

  Arthur leaned against the same railing as Rachel, only this time with his chest to it and arms crossed over the top bar. "I think so. Have something you want to tell us, Rachel?"

  Her expression turned innocent. "Tell? What's to tell? You've known Tish longer. Do you have something to tell us?"

  Now, why did that comment make Arthur tense like that? And why was Zane even more tense than before, his attention now turning to Arthur. "You, as well? You are in a relationship?"

  "Tish and I, yes. She's the head of another department, so don't worry. Not a conflict according to regs," Arthur said.

  "It's not regulations I'm thinking of." Zane regarded both Rachel and Arthur with tense eyes, his face solid panes of muscle. "Keep them away from your bots. I won't say don't let the station know. It seems to know no matter where you are inside."

  Damien straightened from adjusting the layout of the tools and supplies inside the cart. Everyone still remaining in the room froze, all attention on Zane. Even the bots.

  Arthur shoved off the railing, turning fully towards Zane, demanding, "Why?"

  The muscles in Zane's corded throat worked, before he bit out, "Because the station believes it now owns you. It will not share you with anyone else. Haven't you notice no one here is married?"

  "One of our new hires is. There have been no issues," Arthur responded.

  Zane shrugged, turning away, his back muscles as tense as the rest of him, showing through his tight shirt. "Ignore my warning, if you like. It drove off the woman I love, and I'm not the first it's done it to. It's why I left. The station will not control my life."

  Zane's words haunted Damien for the rest of the day. His mood must have rubbed off on his bot, because even its noises were subdued. It didn't help his mood any. With all the problems on the station lately, it was a worry he didn't need or want.

  The station jealous of the maintenance crew having personal lives? A person in their lives to love? A family?

  He'd never put together the lack of couples in the department to such a thing before. And yet, there it was. One newbie married, but all of those who had been in the department for more than three or more years? Not a married person among the bunch, including him.

  He flexed his shoulders as he worked a new filter into one of the life-support nodes. With an additional shove, it slipped into place. His bot helped anchor it before they shut the access panel and tested the new installation.

  Now that he thought about it, Zane did leave abruptly. Arthur rose to the occasion of his advancement to the position, but they'd all wondered what happened. Now they knew. By the end of the day, the truth of it would filter down to the entire maintenance crew on all shifts and at the secondary maintenance platform.

  Would more stories surface? Somehow he knew they would. Not because gossip liked to travel, but because deep down in his bones, he knew Zane told a truth.

  The controls indicated the filter was working. Damien stepped back and watched his bot move down the wall to the floor, tucking its arms into the hatch at the front of its body.

  Truth, and yet…

  "You really like Vallory, don't you." He didn't phrase it as a question. His bot answered with a happy chirp, reaffirming what he'd observed. "So, what happened with Zane?"

  An unhappy short whistle answered the question. This was one of those times he really wished the station and its bots would learn their language. It was certainly smart enough, wasn't it?

  Did the sound mean there was something wrong with the woman Zane had been attracted to? Up to something, like the newbie they'd had when Tish arrived who turned out to be working with the pirates? Did she lie about why she was leaving Zane? Some other issue? Something Zane wasn't saying? Something with the station or its bots?

  What was the rest of the story?

  Too little information to figure it all out, and he had no one to ask who would know more. In the meantime, gossip and rumor would fill in the gaps. He knew how that worked, even if he didn't like it. It went against what he preferred. Give him the straight-up truth.

  Especially in this time of unusual station events.

  He heard several calls go back and forth between the maintenance crew and Ami as he worked, moving from one trouble spot to the next to make repairs. Ami always answered quickly, and in a few questions she nailed the nature of the problem. She was good, displaying an almost instinctive knowledge for the station when it came to locations and what division the problem was coming from. He had a feeling that if she ever wanted a job in the maintenance department, the station would welcome her.

  The computer group would not. He'd heard they had as much trouble as the main
tenance division in finding the right sort of person to work with the odd systems of Redpoint One.

  "Last one of the day," Damien said as he closed up a ventilation shaft, overseeing the final cleaning of it by a small army of bots. To Ami, he said, "Clean down here, and I hate to say it, but the stink didn't come from this shaft."

  Ami sighed into the channel. "I'm not surprised. I don't know how, but I believe the smell is coming from higher in the system. For whatever reason, it shunts off into different directions each time."

  "Any clues as to source?" Damien asked, checking the results of the air tests one last time.

  "Nope. Do you? You're the life-support guru."

  Damien gave a heavy sigh himself, one he kept off the channel. Turning it back on, he answered, "No idea yet. I'll keep looking."

  Shutting down the channel, he looked down at his bot. "We need to take the time one of these mornings to trace a few lines. The repairs will have to wait."

  One eyestalk bent over to look back at him as it put things away. A chirp and it concentrated on its business, settling back in front of the cart and grabbing the handle. Ready to go to the next job.

  But, Damien meant it. That was the last repair and check of the day. Time to go off-shift before something else happened to put him into overtime. Not that working overtime had helped with the station system failures. Every night he went to bed frustrated.

  "Come on." He headed down the corridor, intent on getting to the maintenance platform as fast as possible.

  He couldn't really blame the station for all his frustrations. Another warred for supremacy, and all of it was compacted in a nicely formed female body with curly auburn hair and a sprinkling of freckles. He'd found himself dreaming of her laugh and their walk. The daubpups had made their way into his dream, too, but at that point the dreams turned strange.

  Vallory. The woman his body and heart wanted, but his mind reminded him he could not have. Not unless he was willing to give up the rest of his life.

  Was that what happened to Zane? Did the station really drive him off?


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