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Protect and Serve: Soldiers, SEALs and Cops: Contemporary Heroes from NY Times and USA Today and other bestselling authors

Page 35

by J. M. Madden

  Which reminded him to stop by and drop off the new lighthouse nightlight he’d picked up for her room. She loved lighthouses. It had been almost a month since he’d visited her. He wanted to let her know he’d taken out one of the key manufacturers of the drug that she’d been hooked on.

  “It’s our job to make the dark a safer place.” Lee shook his head after muttering a few of Nash’s favorite cuss words. “I would have killed the bastard. I lost my partner when a perp shot him. Here, we’re risking our lives, and our thanks are getting shot and suspended.” He glared at the director.

  Lawson brought up his hands. “Don’t look at me. It was before my time.”

  “My director was forced into early retirement over that.” Nash was ready to walk after the tidal wave of bureaucratic bullshit that followed and had his resignation letter ready. If Vulatec hadn’t talked him out of it, he’d be an ex-agent now.

  “Disgraceful.” Lee continued to shake his head. “The press focused on hanging you instead of what that piece of shit did to the victim. Goddamn media.”

  “We can’t change what happened,” Lawson pointed out, his tone gravelly. Nash had never heard anything close to it come out of the director’s mouth. “The SBI—hell, our entire law enforcement family—is under attack. The media focuses on whatever it takes to put us in a bad light. Do you see anything out there focusing on all the lives we save? All the threats we take off the streets? No. You know why? Because people want someone to blame. Is it the cop’s fault you were late to work and pulled you over to get you to slow down? If he hadn’t, you would have continued to weave in and out of traffic, ran a red light, and killed that little girl in the crosswalk.”

  By the time he finished, he panted, his color faded. Holy shit. Nash had heard about the director losing a daughter, but had no idea how. Now he knew. Seeing Lawson this passionate about changing the public’s perception was contagious.

  “We have men and women out there risking their lives to make this world a better place,” he continued after he’d regained some of the composure in his voice. “We don’t deserve the beat down we’re getting.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Lee nodded. “I’m sorry to hear about your daughter, Lawson.”

  He dropped his gaze. “Thanks.”

  “This latest bust is perfect timing,” Lee said, pulling the conversation away from the painful memory of losing a child. Nash honestly knew exactly how it felt, the memory debilitating at times, even years later.

  “Timing for what?”

  “To break in a new partner.”

  Not just no, but hell no. “Are you serious?”

  “Let me guess. You’re one of those tough guys who work alone.”

  “That’s tombstone courage,” Nash ground out. “No one in the SBI is stupid enough to think that. We all need partners.”

  “Great.” Lawson grinned. “Then it’s settled. What do you think?”

  He wanted to tell the director exactly what he thought but decided to finally take his mom’s advice and not say anything since he didn’t have anything nice to say. When Lawson continued to stare at him from across the round table, waiting with those wide, puppy-dog brown eyes and way too much innocence to be a director for the SBI, Nash spoke up. “What do I think? What do you think I think?”

  “You think it’s a stupid idea.” Lawson’s overly bright eyes shadowed in disappointment. Jesus. It looked like he just missed out on the ice cream truck.

  “You’re right.”

  “It’s got potential.” Lee rested his elbows on the table. “With a few modifications. Speaking of...”

  A knock on the office door interrupted them. How the hell did Lee know that was about to happen? Lawson’s receptionist poked her head inside and met the director’s eyes. What was her name again? Rhonda? Ruby? “Your appointment is here.”

  “Thank you, Rhiannon.”

  Right. Her parents were huge Fleetwood Mac fans, naming her after the song. Rhiannon glanced over at Nash. Her smile changed in an instant. What was a polite secretary-to-boss smile had transformed into a sexy, come-and-get-me grin. Nash returned the gesture, recalling the last time she smiled at him like that. At least they both had on clothes this time.

  “Send her in.” Lawson looked at his receptionist and then whipped a wide-eyed glance back at Nash when he finally caught on. Once she left the room, his mouth fell open as he shook his head. “Her too?”

  Nash laughed gruffly. Yes, her too. Rhiannon had incredible legs. They were as long as the day and could wrap around him twice. He smiled at the memory of another set of legs, these shorter, petite. That didn’t make them any less sexy. They poked out from under one of his dress shirts as she danced while making them something inedible for dinner.

  “You are unbelievable. You know that?”

  Nash feigned an innocent look. “What? I can’t help it if I’m irresistible.”

  “Yeah,” he countered. “Until they realize they’re just another notch on your bedpost.”


  “Hell yeah, I’m jealous.” Lawson shook his head. “I’m the director, and I don’t see half the action you do.”

  It’s hard to see the action when you haven’t even hit puberty. Nash kept his thought to himself. “Why are you inviting someone else to our meeting?”

  Lawson nodded at Lee. “That’s your cue.”

  “Look, Nash. By capitalizing on the success of this last bust, we’re one step closer to shutting them down.”

  “Shutting who down?”

  “You and I both know who.” Lee narrowed his stern gaze. His hooded features shadowed deeper. “Don’t pretend you don’t know why I’m really here. On behalf of TREX, you’re welcome. Now it’s time for you to do something for us.”

  There it was. TREX somehow got in the middle of his bust, insuring its success. As if that wasn’t enough to have him ready to walk out, they lied when they assured him the agency had the ability to find anything. Clearly not, or she’d already be here.

  Lee swung his gaze to the director and gave him a nod, handing the reins back over. “Okay, so TREX may have had something to do with you tracking down that lab. Even with that… Well… There’s no easy way to say this. See, the uh… I mean…”

  “The media hates you,” Lee blurted out impatiently.

  Nash laughed. It was hollow as it echoed through the office. “You think I give a rat’s ass what they think?”

  “The public hates you, too.”

  Now, that bothered him. Hell, how that bothered him. Everything he did was to protect the public. They hated him for it? Talk about a sucker punch.

  “That bothers you, doesn’t it?”

  Lee’s question earned him a burning glare. “Hell yeah, it bothers me. I bust my ass day in and day out to get drugs off the street. Knowing I’m hated for it is…”

  “Unfair,” a female voice sounded. A familiar female voice. And, before Nash had a chance to respond, he damn near swallowed his tongue as she strolled into the office, her rounded hips swaying in her well-fitted dark chocolate suit that matched the color of her eyes. The skirt stopped a few fingers above her knees, giving everyone a teasing look at her pretty, shapely thighs.

  She didn’t wear nylons, instead choosing to proudly display her creamy legs for God, the world, and now Nash to see. But, then again, she never did like wearing nylons. Too confining, she’d always said. Hell, she hated underwear, too. At least she did the last time he saw her. That thought would be the death of him if he continued to wonder whether she had any panties on under that suit right now.

  Michaela Starr. Holy hell. TREX came through after all. And here he thought they were all smoke and mirrors when they promised they’d bring him the brightest star. She had her long hair pulled up into a nice French roll, but it didn’t hide the brilliant shine that captured his attention. When those laughing eyes centered in on him, the sexy pull of her lips had him hard in an instant. He tried to play down his body’s reaction to her.
She may not even remember him. After all, it had been years since they last saw each other. Five years, two months, and twenty-one days.

  Not that he was counting.

  Dear God, please let her not remember him, at least not the way he remembered her. That was part of the deal. TREX wasn’t allowed to tell her he’d asked them to find her to prove they had the ability to find anything. In truth, he’d asked them to find her just so he’d stop lying awake at night missing her.

  Did he invade her dreams at night and sometimes during the day? Did he dance around inside her brain, day after day and night after night? It was exhausting trying to get over her memory. He hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep since sleeping with her.

  “Agent Ashford, I’d like you to meet Michaela Starr.”

  “Hello, Nash.” She approached him and leaned down to offer her hand as he remained in his seat. Hell, he couldn’t move now if he wanted to. As she bent over, her high breasts caught his attention, but he dared not take a peek. It was hard, literally, but he kept his attention glued to her pretty face. Her gaze cooled as it pinned him to the chair.

  Oh yeah. She remembered him, all right.

  “You two know each other?” Lawson broke in.

  Nash barely heard him over the thudding in his ears. How long had he wanted to see her again? How many years had he dreamed she’d walk back through his door looking just as delectable as she did now? Of course, in his dream she’d be wearing a smile and nothing else. “Yeah, we know each other.”

  “Wicked,” Lawson breathed. “This is going to be awesome!” Both Mike and Nash turned to the director. His little-boy smile wilted as he darted a glance between them both. “I mean, you know. This is excellent.”

  She hummed in the back of her soft throat. Nash almost groaned in response. He loved that little sound she made. The last time he heard that cute purr, they were back at his apartment, two naked bodies covered in sweat and passion.

  “Most excellent,” she commented wryly, her gaze swinging back to Nash.

  Her eyes were every bit as deep as he remembered them to be, maybe more. They danced as they assessed him, but as she settled in, they darkened into a wicked glimmer he knew and…

  Never mind.

  “Ms. Starr,” Lawson started.

  “Mike,” she corrected.

  He spiked an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  “The name. It’s Mike. I don’t go by my last name.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Too many references to balls of gas.” She shot Nash a sideways glance.


  “Won’t this be fun,” Lee grumbled. “Have a seat, Mike. Let’s get this over with.”


  Mike took a seat next to the TREX agent, her gaze never leaving Nash. He didn’t like that she sat at the chair farthest from him. There were a few other chairs to choose from. She didn’t have to sit in the one right next to Goliath.

  Crossing those beautiful legs in front of her, she gave the appearance of a cool, relaxed, confident woman. He knew better. Her body remained rigid, the pulse at the base of her neck looking close to hitting critical mass.

  “How are you?” Nash asked and held his breath for the answer. Have you thought about me at all since leaving?

  “I’m here against my will. Do you really want me to answer that?”

  Judging by that flash in her eyes? No, he didn’t want her saying anything in front of the others. Grinning sheepishly, he lowered his gaze as heat crept up his neck. Jesus, if she didn’t turn down her sultry allure, they were all in a shitload of trouble. She screamed hot and unbridled sex from her prim and proper hairstyle all the way down to her pretty little toes poking out of her open-toed heels. When did she start painting her toenails?

  Her draw wasn’t lost on Lawson. The director shifted in his chair and adjusted his groin. Nash may have memories older than him, but the guy was still a man and noticed her just as much as Nash did.

  Lee gave her a few looks, but left it at that. He either had a woman already keeping him warm, or he was blind.

  “Okay.” Lawson slid a piece of paper to Mike. “This is a list of your duties. Agree to the terms, and the job is yours.”

  She flashed a frigid smile. “I was told the job was already mine.”

  Nash shot forward. Alarms screamed in his head. What the hell? “Job? What job?”

  Lee grabbed the paper and gave it a scan. He grabbed the pen sitting on the table in front of the director and marked up the list. Lawson made a few noises in protest, but didn’t stop him. “Three, five, and ten are out. One has been modified to include—”

  “What job?” Nash asked with more force, dreading the answer. Mike couldn’t be his new partner. Please, God. Please do not let him say…

  “She’s your new partner.”

  He shot out of his chair. “No way.”

  Lee didn’t even look up from the paper as he continue to write. “Sit down, Agent Ashford. We aren’t done.”

  “The hell we aren’t.”

  With a slow and steady sweep, he rested that hard look on Nash. “Sit.”

  “No fu—”

  “I did not spend all night briefing Agent Starr on her duties for you to say no.”

  He snagged her gaze with his as desperation and disbelief laced his tone. “You work for the SBI?” How did he not know that?

  “TREX,” she corrected.

  Holy shit. He did not see that coming. “You’re one of them?”

  Her eyes narrowed as color splashed her cheeks. “One of who?”

  “You work for a fucking alphabet agency.”

  “As do you. Now, if you don’t mind, we have a lot to cover.” She motioned at the chair. Reluctantly, he sat and folded his arms in front of him. It didn’t matter what they had to cover. The answer would be the same. He refused to work with her. He wouldn’t last a day.

  This was cruel and unusual punishment. Punishment for what, he didn’t know. She’d left him, not the other way around. Why drag him through hell for it? Was this some sort of retaliation for not jumping at the chance to tell TREX everything he knew about that bust? Talk about a low blow.

  “This is bullshit,” he muttered, his irritation inching higher as she and Lee spoke quietly. She nodded, agreeing to whatever he said.

  “That should do it.” Lee handed her the paper. As she made her way down the page, her jaw tightened more and more. By the time she finished, she did not look happy. Not at all.

  She threw a glare at Nash. It slammed into him like a brick across his head. He widened his eyes at how quickly her mood had changed. He wished he could say it shocked him, but he knew her. Her highs. Her lows. Her everything.

  “Was number seven your idea, Norman?”

  Ah hell. She never used his real name unless shit was about to get real. He knew that look. That tone. The last time she’d used that look on him, she broke the heel of her shoe on his head. He had the scar as a reminder to never piss off a woman, especially one with a temper and good aim.

  He brought up his hands to ward off her attack. “Don’t look at me. I just found out about this whole thing.”

  “Don’t give me that sh—” She stopped herself and forced a smile. “No one mentioned a list.”

  “Come on. It won’t be that bad. Look at him,” Lee said as he pointed at Nash. “He’s a good-looking guy. You can do something with him, right?”

  Her expression heated as she regarded him. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “I, uh… Yeah.” He nodded and cleared his throat. “Weber was right. You two definitely have a history. Number seven shouldn’t be an issue.”

  “And you’re like…” the director motioned at her body.

  She arched her brow and dared him to continue. “What am I?”

  “Don’t go there, Lawson.” Nash shook his head.

  “What? I was just…I was…she’s…”

  “Throw him a bone, Mike.”

  That sexy curl of her lips
pinched his gut. She gave the director a slow and steady look, her gaze scraping over his body so measured it made Nash’s body fill with a mix of feral hunger and ardent need. Jesus, she devoured the director with her eyes. Nash didn’t like it, didn’t like her looking at anyone like that but him.

  “I’m sure he’s already got one.”

  Nash grinned and covered his mouth as he scratched at the whiskers he’d neglected to shave off today. Or yesterday. “What does she have to agree to?”

  Mike folded the paper in half and, with a look that made a man think of only one thing, pushed the paper across the table toward him. “See for yourself.”

  He unfolded the paper and read it, shaking his head at most of the things listed. Thank God Lee refused over half of them. His temper edged higher the more he read. It wasn’t bad enough he already knew Michaela Starr intimately, at how her body fit against his. He’d have a hard enough time simply working with her.

  They wanted them spending every waking moment together? Pose as cozy companions? Pretend to be the best of friends? No way would he be able to hold up the masquerade, not without taking it all the way. He’d missed her too much to not take advantage of them sharing the same airspace again.

  He couldn’t do that to her. To him. He barely recovered from her leaving the first time, choosing getting her ass shot at while surrounded by dessert over him. He’d go batshit crazy if it happened again.

  “No way,” he growled and wadded up the paper.

  “That was my only copy,” Lawson whined. He grabbed it to straighten it out on the table.

  “So what? There’s no way I’m going to agree to this shit.”

  “And what part would be the shit work for you?” Mike spoke up, her voice dangerously calm and collected. “Let me guess. You hate the idea of anyone messing with your tough-guy image. God forbid someone clean you up and show off your soft side.”

  “I don’t have a soft side.” Nash clenched his fists and fought to remain seated. He wanted to get the hell out of this room before he ripped his director’s head off for springing something like this on him. On them both.

  Why the hell would TREX want them working together? Weber promised he’d find Mike and deliver her to Nash. He’d done exactly that. No one said a damn thing about them working together. Talk about a bait and switch.


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