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Protect and Serve: Soldiers, SEALs and Cops: Contemporary Heroes from NY Times and USA Today and other bestselling authors

Page 42

by J. M. Madden

  “I’d take her word for it, Mac.” Allen called out from the roof. “She racked me good for crossing her. That one’s got lethal aim.”

  Mike’s smile grew. Mac gave her a slow and steady once over before backing away, his arms up. She turned to Nash. “According to Kristen, a nice man in a suit showed up this morning and promised her a new house. You didn’t know anything about this?”

  He shook his head. No way would Weber do something like this. The man had no heart and didn’t give a shit about anything but his precious finds.

  Speaking of the devil, he appeared from inside the trailer, a phone to his ear. “I said today, not Tuesday. The ducks need a new pond. You heard me. Ducks. That works. See you then.” He ended the call and gave them a nod in acknowledgement. That must be the standard TREX greeting.

  He brought up his finger as he answered a call. “Weber. She did what?” He chuckled, shocking the hell out of Nash. He didn’t think the man was capable of the sound. “What? Of course I’m laughing. It was your idea to get a dog, JT. As if we don’t have enough chaos in our lives. Don’t remind me. No, I’m happy. I’m happy! Jesus, woman. More ice cream? You’re eating for two, not ten. Hello? Hello?”

  “Agents,” he greeted as he approached. Gone was the jovial man from a moment ago. He wore no smile. No shine in his eyes as he regarded them. He gave Mike a double-take. “What the hell are you wearing?”

  “Bikini, sir.” She stood rigid, not bothering to cover up.

  “Looks like postage stamps connected by dental floss. Did wardrobe pick that out? They have a history of suits like that.”

  “No, sir. This one is mine.”

  “So it is.” He nodded at all the activity around them. “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know what to think,” Nash answered. “I don’t even know what’s going on.”

  “Kristen and I had a nice chat this morning. She said you watch over her.”

  “I do what I can.” It wasn’t nearly enough.

  “Now it’s time for us to do what we can. You’re part of a team here, Nash. Maybe not directly, but close enough. You have your own yard to deal with. Let us help.”

  He didn’t know what to say. Wrapping his arm around Mike, he stood in awe as he watched TREX build Kristen the house she deserved.

  Maybe the agency wasn’t so bad.

  “Looks like we’re just in the way,” Mike said as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Take me home.”

  Home. Their home. Together. He liked the sound of that.


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  “If you’re looking for non-stop, heart-racing action and sizzling romance, look no further. Allie K. Adams will take you there—and more!” –USA Today bestselling author Lucy Monroe

  Allie K. Adams is the USA Today bestselling author of several award-winning stories. An active member of the search and rescue, as well as previously served as a reserve deputy, Allie has firsthand experience in most of the dangers she writes about. Known for her highly thrilling, deeply intense suspense romances, she can be found most days in front of her computer, saving the world one sizzling story at a time. She grew up in Seattle and now currently lives in southwest Montana with the hubs and various other wildlife.

  She loves to hear from readers and encourages them to reach out to her through her website at

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  I Will Find You (#1)

  They All Scream (#2) – Coming Halloween, 2015!

  THE TREX ADVENTURES — Military Romantic Suspense

  First Response (#1 TREX Brief)

  Rescue Me (#2)

  At Any Cost (#3)

  TREX Boxed Set One (#1 - #3)

  No Way Out (#4 TREX Brief – Special Edition)

  Seek and Destroy (#5)

  Under the Covers (#6)

  Out of Time (#7)

  Merry TREXmas (#8 – Special Edition) – Coming Xmas, 2015!

  THE BRACE SERIES — Police Romantic Suspense

  Brace For Impact (#1)

  Brace For Contact (#2)

  THE CAMPUS PLAYERS — Sassy New Adult

  Grooming the Player (#1)

  Hiring the Player (#2)

  Schooling the Player (#3) – Coming soon!


  A Love Once Lost (Barbara Freethy’s The Callaways)

  Taking Chances, Part 1 (HM Ward’s The Arrangement)

  Truth or Dare (Carly Phillips’ Dare to Love)

  Turn the Page (Tiffany A. Snow’s Kathleen Turner)

  Taking Chances, Part 2 (HM Ward’s The Arrangement) – Coming soon!

  THE ROADHOUSE SERIES – Cowboy Romantic Suspense Serial

  Riding Lessons – Masters’ Roadhouse, Part 1 (#1) – Out Now!

  Riding Double – Masters’ Roadhouse, Part 2 (#2) – Out Now!

  Riding Cowboys – Henry’s Roadhouse, Part 1 (#3)

  Riding the Fence – Henry’s Roadhouse, Part 2 (#4)

  Riding Bareback – Emerson’s Roadhouse, Part 1 (#5)

  The Last Ride – Emerson’s Roadhouse, Part 2 (#6)



  Hildie McQueen


  The aroma of freshly baked cinnamon scones made Abbie Adams' mouth water upon entering her small shop, Sweet Magnolia Teahouse, downtown Whisper, Georgia. Her best friend and partner Becka stood behind the counter, her pretty cherubic face flushed, flour on her cheeks and in her red curls. "Hey Abbie, you gotta hear this."

  "Let me put down this heavy box first.” Abbie called out heading to a side door so she could go into her small office space. She put down her box and purse then walked into the back kitchen area. It was early, they didn't open until ten in the morning for tea customers and closed promptly at four o'clock in the afternoon. When they'd gone into business, they'd made an agreement not to allow it to take over their lives. Even though many of their customers in the small town sometimes complained, they'd never changed their hours.

  She donned a chocolate brown smock with the Sweet Magnolia Teahouse logo over her left breast covering the striped blue t-shirt she wore with jeans and flat shoes. She pulled her long hair back into a ponytail then walked through the swinging door to behind the counter.

  Her friend wiped her hands on a towel and grinned. Becka wore her wild curls up in a messy bun from which most of her hair had escaped. In one of her usual mix-matched patterned outfits, she wore a fifties housewife style dress with bunches of cherries on a teal blue background. Yellow frilly socks and apple green Reeboks completed the ensemble.

  Her vivid green eyes twinkled mischievously. "I left Gary lying across the bed, naked and breathless."

  "Seriously?" Abbie stopped and stared at her friend. "Did you really think I wanted to hear that?" She didn't want to picture her best friend's husband naked. Gary Knudsen was a burly, handsome man who doted on Becka and from the information her friend always insisted on sharing, there were apparently plenty of reasons why.

  "Oh yeah," Becka got a dreamy look. "But that's not what I wanted to tell you.” she continued while carefully setting the fresh scones onto a beautiful blue flowered china plate.

  Abbie snatched one from the baking sheet and plopped onto a tall chair. "Talk all you want while I have a cup of Darjeeling, and this yummy darling here." She eyed the teapot clock on the wall. It was nine-thirty, plenty of time before they opened.

  "Listen to this," Becka whispered even though there wasn't anyone in the shop. "Someone stole Polly and Peter right off Mrs. Polanski's porch."

  "Her parakeets. You know how she dotes on them. She is beside herself, poor thing." Becka continued to tsk as she pulled a different tray of scones from the oven, these were their Wednesday special flavor, golden raisin.

  If she'd known those were in the oven, Abbie would have waited. She studied her already bitten into scone and wondered if maybe she should go ahead and take a golden raisin one and eat half of each. "Why is it such a big deal that the birds are missing?"

  "Because," Becka continued hesitating for effect. “It's another random theft in the string of things taken around town. First the Smith's mailbox, then Julie Milton's rocking chair, Amelia's mother said a cat statue was snatched from their back deck and now this. The mayor is having a town hall meeting tomorrow night."

  "Goodness," Abbie replied absently biting into the golden raisin scone. "I hope they figure out who's doing it. It's a shame when you can't leave things on your own porch. Who the hell has a cat statue anyway?"

  "Coy is so annoying; she's smudging the glass," Becka said and went to the front door and flipped the sign to open when the woman cupped her hands and peered in. "Hi Coy, you're up and about early."

  The woman walked past Becka barely sparing her a glance and rushed to the counter her hands on the counter. Her sparkling bright pink inch long nails extended like talons. Coy took a long breath. "Oh my God. I want to eat the entire shop."

  "That would not surprise me. You're always eating." Becka said. The two had a good-natured banter going, constantly chiding each other over their lack of ability sticking to a diet.

  Coy adjusted her headband and looked Becka up and down. "Hmm, looks like you've been your own taste-tester lately."

  Both burst into giggles and Abbie shook her head. "Coy have you heard about the random thefts? What do you think?"

  "I think there's a mad man living amongst us. And he needs to be stopped before he moves on to women's underwear. I am keeping my panties inside from now on."

  There was silence as Abbie and Becka exchanged looks, neither daring to ask where Coy normally kept her panties. Abbie cleared her throat. "I have to agree, there seems to be a crazy person living here in Whisper."

  "Or persons," Becka said in a conspiracy tone. "Maybe the thief has a partner, someone who is his or her lookout."

  The bell over the door jingled and the three women inhaled as the newest member of the community, Logan Porter, walked in. He looked to each of them and then turned to look behind him. "Err...good morning ladies."

  "Good morning," they chorused and smiled at the handsome man. He'd just moved to Whisper several months earlier and took over the retiring doctor's practice as the new veterinarian.

  "I'd like a cup of coffee and a couple of those scones." He moved to the counter obviously trying to avoid Coy who turned in a full circle, her eyes locked on him.

  Abbie was glad he was distracted as she wiped crumbs from her mouth and bit her lips in hopes they'd get some color. "Good morning Doctor Porter, what can I get you?"

  At Becka's loud throat clearing, she realized he'd already ordered. "Err...right, I'll get that coffee." She whirled and stared at the empty coffee pot. Too busy eating, she'd not started it. Abbie turned back to the vet, who held a bag with the scones. "Have you tried hot chai?"

  He frowned, the lowered eyebrows did not distract from his astonishing good looks one bit. “No, can't say I have."

  "Well I tell you what. Since the coffee won't be ready for a few minutes. How about a cup of chai on the house and I'll bring you fresh coffee as soon as it's made?"

  He shrugged and smiled at her. She felt her eyes round as she swallowed. The man's smile was lethal to women. "I'll take the chai, no need for coffee. I'll make at pot at the clinic."

  "Good Lord!” Coy exclaimed, leaning her elbow on the counter while she stared at the vet. "You sure you only treat animals?"

  The vet nodded. "Yes ma'am. Do you have a pet?"

  "No, but I'm getting one now. Maybe a hamster or a rabbit, they're quiet." Coy tapped her long nails on the counter. "I don't have time for dogs and cats. They are too noisy."

  "Well I'll certainly take care of your new pet once you get one. Just bring it by." He took the chai from Abbie and strolled out.

  "You two need to roll your tongues back in." Becka huffed and went to the door, blocking their view of the doctor's backside. "There's ol' Mrs. Grundy," she exclaimed. "Must be shopping for a new broom to fly around on."

  Across the street, Mrs. Grundy shuffled down the sidewalk, wearing what looked to be a velvet orange jogging suit.

  "Looks like she broke out of old lady jail," Abbie said watching the stooped woman stop and look into the thrift store window. "I want to hope she doesn't come here, but it's almost like a horrible morbid curiosity challenge. To see how mean she can be today."

  "Mean old lady never fails to top herself," Becka agreed.

  Coy squeezed between them. "I'm not that curious. I better get to work." She clopped down the sidewalk, heading to her consignment store two doors down.


  It was an hour before closing, but already Abbie's back was tight from standing. It had been busier than normal. Probably all the Whisper residents out to swap the latest news on the random thefts and gossip about why the mayor sported a black eye. In Abbie's opinion, there was a better chance of catching the thief than finding out what happened to Clark Carter.

  The mayor's wife was out of town, which lead to the suspicion he'd gone drinking out of town and gotten into a bar brawl. When asked he'd explained it had occurred while playing basketball with his brother over the weekend. But no one wanted to believe that boring tale.

  Leaving Becka to handle the one customer who'd just arrived, she lugged a bag of trash out the back door. She lifted on tiptoes to open the dumpster when she caught sight of Mayor Carter shoving several large bags into the trunk of his car. The Mayor stopped and looked around, almost as if he didn't want to be seen. When he turned in her direction, Abbie ducked down behind the dumpster.

  Slowly she lifted back up to peek. The mayor backed his car out of the space and drove away, his tires spinning out in his haste.

  "Becka, I just saw Mayor Carter shoving bags of stuff into the trunk of his car in the alleyway. He was acting all twitchy."

  Her friend wiped the counter and motioned for her to come nearer. "Did he see you?" She whispered so the customer who sat sipping tea by the window wouldn't hear her.

  "No, I ducked when he turned in my direction. Don't you think it's strange?" Abbie felt her eyes widen. "Do you think he's the random thief?"

  Becka shook her head. "No, he's to classy for that. I bet he was dumpster diving."

  "How can he be to classy to steal, but not to dumpster dive?" Abbie let out a huff. "Maybe he was moving things from his back seat so he could see better out the back window."

  "Maybe," Becka sounded reluctant in her agreement. "But why in the alleyway? What was he doing back there?" She covered her mouth with both hands and dragged her into the small kitchen. "Oh no...what if he killed someone and it was a body?"

  Abbie gasped, her mouth falling open. "They were black bags. Isn't that what murderers use?"

  "Maybe he did see you and you thwarted his plans to dump the body."

  There was only one way to find out, she would have to snoop on the mayor and see what he was up to. One could not just go around saying the guy was a murderer. His family was old money and besides that fact, Abbie had dated him in high school.

  "I don't want to think he's a killer. He was my know."

  Her friend shrugged. "Maybe you were attracted to him because he's a bad boy. A dangerous man."

  "Clark was in the chess club. For goodness sakes, the man doesn't have a dangerous bone in his body. Well except for one maybe," she giggled and hiccupped. "Damn it, I hate this. Every time I get nervous, I get the darn hiccups."

  "Is anyone back there? This is horrible customer service." Mrs. Grundy called from the counter. "I can'
t believe you two stay in business," she snapped when they emerged from the back. Her narrowed eyes went from one to the other.

  "Good afternoon Mrs. Grundy," Becka said with a sweet smile. "What can I get you?"

  The old lady sniffed and looked down her nose at the scones in the display case. "How old are they?"

  "Less than half an hour, Becka just baked them," Abbie told her moving to where the cups were held since the woman always ordered chamomile tea.

  "I'll take one. It better be fresh or I'm not paying for it." She shuffled to a table. It was then Abbie noticed a little dog. It looked like a cross between a terrier and some sort of rat. It sat on the floor and looked up at her.

  "Mrs. Grundy is that your dog? You can't bring pets in here."

  The old woman studied the pitiful creature. "That ugly thing? Of course not. Put it out of it's misery and throw it in the dumpster."

  The little dog yapped, each bark making its tiny body bounce off the floor. Then is trotted over to where Mrs. Grundy sat, lifted its leg and peed on her pant leg.

  Abbie's eyes flew wide and she bit her lip to keep from alerting the old woman who was too focused out the window to notice.

  Before she could help it, she rushed to where the little dog stood and swooped it up. The dog yelped in surprise and snapped at her.

  "Be quiet if you want to live," Abbie told it toting the dog across the room to her cramped office and placed him in the empty box she'd carried earlier with her supplies.

  She went to the cleaning closet and got an old towel and pinched a piece of left over scone. Surprisingly the little dog remained in the box so she smoothed the town on the bottom and held out the treat. The dog ate the offering in two bites, yawned and settled into the towel.

  From the table Mrs. Grundy shook her head. "I've half a mind to report you for having that mongrel on the premises. That's Cissie Bloom's dog. That girl is too busy being a slut to watch after her animal."

  The older woman drank her tea in silence seeming overly interested in something happening outside to the center of town where Whisper Park was.


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