Book Read Free

Just Trust Me…

Page 9

by Jacquie D’Alessandro

  He chuckled and slid his arm more securely around her shoulder. The bus was filled to capacity with other hikers from various tour companies, two of whom they’d briefly chatted with prior to departing. The couple, Bill and Eileen Carlson, who Kayla judged to be in their late forties, hailed from Atlanta. They were going on the same tour as Kayla and Brett, but soon after the introductions, the bus had departed Cusco and hanging on for dear life had eclipsed conversing further with the couple.

  “Definitely not the sort of limo an uptown girl like you is used to,” Brett said, his eyes filled with teasing warmth.

  “Limo, my ass,” she replied, her teeth rattling. “I don’t ride around in limos. I walk everywhere. But you have to admit this road could stand a little repaving.”

  “You’ll have to repeat that. I lost track of everything you said after you mentioned your ass, which is extremely fine, by the way.”

  “It’s going to be sore and bruised after this.”

  “Have I mentioned I’m an excellent masseur?”

  “No, but I’m not surprised. You have very talented hands.”

  “You inspire them. And a whole big bunch of fantasies, as well.”

  “I’d love to hear them, but I’m afraid we might bite off our tongues if we keep trying to talk.”

  “So I shouldn’t mention that our tongues figure prominently in my fantasies?”

  Heat that had nothing to do with the hot, dusty ride whooshed through her. “Why don’t you hold that thought until we’re alone, and then you can show me?”

  He grinned and her nipples hardened. Just like that. Damn, what this man could do to her with a simple grin was nothing short of absurd. And…wonderful. In a way she’d never before experienced. In a way she was liking far more than was wise.

  “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” he said, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

  She laughed. “I’ve already shown you mine.”

  “I know. And I can’t wait to see it again.”

  God help her, neither could she.

  Thankfully the bus driver slowed down, lessening the stomach-lurching jouncing, and Kayla took the opportunity to pull her small cosmetics bag from an outer flap on her backpack.

  “My lips feel like the Sahara,” she said, pulling out her favorite La Fleur moisturizing lipstick. Before she could apply the soothing salve, he leaned down and brushed his mouth over hers.

  “They feel good to me.”

  “That’s because I wear this…” She held up the slim tube. “Although keeping it on my lips has been a challenge with you around. You keep kissing it off.”

  He stole another quick kiss then leaned back. “To use your question, is that a complaint?”

  “To use your words, hell no.”

  She felt his gaze upon her while she applied the sheer wash of glossy pink color.

  He glanced down at her cosmetics bag and a teasing light gleamed in his eyes. “Makeup? On a hike, princess?”

  “Hey, a girl needs her moisturizer and SPF protection, especially in the sun-drenched mountains.” After Kayla recapped the lipstick, Brett took the tube from her, his gaze bouncing from the flower image on the tube to the matching image on her cosmetics bag.

  “La Fleur,” he said.

  Of course, he would know. But most guys wouldn’t have a clue. So she swallowed her guilt and raised her brows, feigning surprise. “That’s right. How did you know? Keeping your finger on the pulse of the cosmetics industry?”

  A muscle jerked in his jaw. “I recognize the flower. Their ads are on billboards all over Manhattan. You like their stuff?”

  A fissure of relief worked its way through her guilt. At least she could honestly answer his question. “I do. I’m sort of a cosmetics junkie-I love trying new products. Out of all the stuff out there, and believe me there’s a lot, I like La Fleur the best.”


  “The purity of their ingredients. Their color palettes. I’ve found that some cosmetics companies will carry one, maybe two products that I like-an eye pencil or a mascara. But with La Fleur, I like all their products.”

  His gaze roamed over her face and he brushed the pad of his thumb over her cheek. “You have beautiful skin.”

  “Thank you. It’s courtesy of La Fleur’s coconut milk cleanser. It’s amazing.”

  “If it keeps your skin looking like this, I’d have to agree.” A frown bunched between his brows. “So you’re really sold on this La Fleur.”

  “Absolutely,” she said, meaning it. “Why do you ask? Looking to borrow my skin cleanser?”

  Instead of smiling, as she’d hoped, he shook his head. “No. I guess I’m just…I don’t know. Surprised maybe, although that’s probably not the right word. I’m not crazy about La Fleur myself.”

  Trying her best to look innocent and feeling like a complete heel, she asked, “You’ve tried their line of men’s products?”

  “No. I’m just a soap-and-water kind of guy. I’ve had a bit of work-related contact with La Fleur and I was…less than impressed.”

  “They treated you badly?”

  A sheepish look crossed his face. “Not exactly, although I did find them annoying. But I suppose not any more so than any other cosmetics company I’ve dealt with lately. But I just have a bad association with La Fleur.”

  Uh-oh. Nelson wouldn’t be pleased to hear this. “Why’s that?”

  He hesitated, then said, “Because I attended a party La Fleur hosted and walked in on my girlfriend and one of their male models.”

  She blinked. Had he just said girlfriend? “What were they doing?”

  He shot her a look that clearly said, “Do you really need to ask?” Then stated in a clipped voice, “She was giving him a blow job, and he was praising higher beings.”

  Dismay and sympathy flooded her, but then the significance of his other words dawned on her. At a party La Fleur hosted. The only party he’d attended that La Fleur had hosted had been…

  The one she’d arranged.

  The one he’d abruptly left, leaving her to explain his absence to some very unpleased corporate honchos.

  “When did this happen?” she asked, needing to make sure.

  “Two months ago.”

  Oh, boy. Well, at least now she knew why he’d jumped ship. And in a blink, all the anger and resentment she’d felt at his abrupt departure evaporated, leaving her feeling like a louse for all the bad things she’d thought about him. She’d considered that he might have had a good reason for leaving the party, and he certainly had. The fact that he’d left after making such a discovery, without causing a scene, amazed her. She doubted she would have been so composed in a similar situation, a realization that did nothing to make her feel like less of a louse.

  Kayla reached up to clasp his hand that rested on her shoulder. “I’m so sorry. More than one boyfriend has cheated on me over the years, so I know how awful it feels, although I never discovered the betrayal in such a…graphic way.”

  “It sucked.” He made a humorless sound. “No pun intended.”

  “You’re not together anymore?”

  His gaze turned cool and she immediately sensed his withdrawal. “No. I didn’t care to be with a liar, and she, clearly, had found someone else. And for the record,” he continued, his voice as cool as his gaze, “if I were involved with someone else, last night with you wouldn’t have happened. I have faults, but cheating isn’t one of them.”

  She squeezed his hand, instantly contrite. “I’m sorry. Really. I didn’t mean to imply that you would.” To her relief, the chill left his eyes at her apology, giving her the courage to continue, “What I really wanted to know, but asked very badly, was whether you’re nursing a broken heart.”

  His golden-brown gaze rested on hers. “No. My heart is free.”

  His words zinged a thrill through her that her common sense immediately squashed. What difference did it make? It wasn’t as if she would ever have his heart. Even if she managed to capture a small piec
e of it, he’d reclaim it pretty damn quick once he found out how she’d duped him. What had his exact words been? Oh, yeah. I didn’t care to be with a liar. It would be very smart of her not to forget that.

  But damn it, she normally wasn’t a liar. Oh, sure, she wasn’t above uttering little white lies to spare someone’s feelings, but she’d never considered herself a dishonest person.

  Until now.

  Until Nelson, damn him, had put her in this untenable position which grew more unpalatable with each passing moment.

  She pushed those thoughts aside, only to find them instantly replaced by a dozen questions regarding his former girlfriend. What did she look like, how long were they together, was she good in bed-the usual sort of info and details women wanted to know. She pressed her lips together and managed to suppress them. Whoever the woman was, she was an idiot, and out of the picture. Another thrill, followed by instant alarm, zoomed through her.

  His grin flashed, but his eyes remained serious, searching hers. “At least my heart was free until you strolled along. I think I should call the police and have you arrested for stealing it.”

  Her pulse jumped, part with happiness and part with trepidation-because she felt the exact same way. But unlike him, she knew whatever they might share here in Peru had a built-in expiration date, courtesy of La Fleur and her role as corporate spy.

  Forcing a light tone, she smiled and said, “I’m not too worried about being hauled off in handcuffs. In your attempt to report me to the Spanish cops, you’d instead end up ordering cold beer for the entire police force.”

  “Hey, I know how to say ‘hot food’ also.”

  “Great. You’d buy the entire police force an entire meal.” She waggled her brows. “And I’d go free.”

  His gaze dropped to her lips and heat raced through her. “And I’d find you.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  “What would you do once you found me?”

  He brushed his mouth over hers, a featherlight touch that teased and tantalized and drew a sigh of pleasure from her. “Before or after I got you naked?” he whispered against her lips.

  Oh, my. The mere thought of him getting her naked tightened her womb. Before she could answer, however, the bus pulled to a stop. Dust swirled around them and the driver turned and smiled.

  “Welcome to Quoriwayrachina,” he said, the complicated name of the town where the tour began rolling off his tongue with a native’s ease.

  Brett looked at her and smiled. “Here we are, at the beginning of our Big Adventure.”

  She gazed at the mountains and lush vegetation and the groups of people standing nearby, readying what looked like tents. The beginning. Right. She just hoped she’d make it to the end of this adventure with all her body parts-including her heart-intact.

  But one look at those intimidating mountains and then at the sexy man next to her and Kayla experienced some very serious doubts on both counts.


  KAYLA STOOD next to Brett with the other nine people who comprised their group. Everyone went around and briefly introduced themselves. In addition to their guide, Paolo Trucero, there were Alberto and Miguel, Paolo’s younger brothers, who were serving as the porters, and their sister, Ana, the cook for the excursion. All of the siblings possessed dark hair, deep-brown eyes, and friendly smiles.

  Eileen and Bill Carlson turned out to be high-school social studies teachers who’d embarked on this trek-which they called the trip of a lifetime-as a gift to themselves for seeing their twin sons graduate from college.

  “We deserved a reward and a vacation,” Bill said with a laugh.

  Another couple, Shawn Deavers and Ashley Laine, were newly minted college graduates from California taking a break before plunging into their new post-college lives. Dan Smith, a soft-spoken man traveling alone from Chicago, whom Kayla placed in his late fifties, rounded out the group.

  “Bienvenidos, welcome,” Paolo said, addressing the group after collecting everyone’s tickets. “Today we begin our hike along the Camino del Inca, or Inca Trail. This footpath through the Andes will lead us directly to the gates of Machu Picchu, one of the most beautiful and enigmatic ancient sites and important archeological finds in the world. I want to congratulate all of you on choosing this adventure, for this trail is the most authentic and scenic way to see Machu Picchu, to understand the Incas’ extraordinary architectural achievement and their deep regard for nature.” His white grin flashed. “And you’ll have lifetime bragging rights against the gringos who take the train to the ruins.”

  Everyone laughed and he continued, “As you already know, the journey will be arduous, especially given the high altitude, but I guarantee that by the time it’s over, you will not be the same. The mountain scenery, the exotic vegetation and animals, the Inca ruins, the dazzling cloud-forest vistas-they will all work their magic on you. We are fortunate that the high tourist season has not yet begun, so the trail will be less crowded, affording you the opportunity for the quiet contemplation this place inspires. I will provide commentary along the way, but please do not hesitate to ask either me, Alberto, Miguel or Ana any questions you may have. Their English is not fluent, but they know sufficient, like to yell, ‘Hey, that gringo tourist just fell off the cliff!’”

  Kayla’s stomach dropped at his words, but again Paolo’s smile flashed.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “That hardly ever happens. Especially when we obey the first rule, which is…?”

  “Stay on the trail,” everyone dutifully repeated.

  “Excellent. I ask that you take a few minutes now to check that your gear is secure and that you have water and sunscreen handy. Then we’ll be on our way, first crossing the Rio Urubamba, then beginning our ascent.”

  Knowing how her fair skin burned and freckled-the curse of redheads everywhere-Kayla slathered on another layer of sunscreen, then plopped on her floppy straw hat. She and Brett checked each other’s backpacks to make sure they were secure, then faced each other.

  “Here’s to our Big Adventure and getting our lives back in balance,” she said with a smile, lifting her palm for a high five. “No change, no gain.”

  He lightly slapped his hand against hers, then cupped her face between his hands. “Gotta tell ya, Kayla,” he said softly, his gaze serious on hers, his thumbs brushing lightly over her cheeks, “I’m feeling changed already. As if my Big Adventure started yesterday afternoon at that outdoor café. And it’s all your fault.”

  “Is that a complaint?”

  “Hell, no.”

  A lump lodged in her throat. Because, in spite of her already sore butt and her trepidation about embarking on this way-outside-her-comfort-zone journey, she was happier than she’d been in a long time.

  And it was all his fault.

  Yet poking holes in that happiness was the knowledge that it would soon deflate, courtesy of her deception. Reality would hit once they returned to New York, so all she could do was live for the moment. And that’s what she intended to do.

  That and pray she survived this four-day hike.

  Damn. Why couldn’t Brett have decided to get his life back in balance on a tropical island adventure where the most strenuous thing anyone had to do was decide if they wanted a mai tai or a piña colada? A fancy hotel where “packing light” meant stylish sundresses and cute shoes and teeny bikinis folded in a Louis Vuitton carry-on bag. Definitely much more her style. As opposed to sleeping in a pitched tent and lugging a backpack. While she’d still be spying and deceiving the man, at least she’d be comfortable.

  So much for glamour.

  Sure, Brett had thought she was attractive yesterday, but no doubt his ardor would cool when after a few days on the trail, she looked like roadkill. She had no doubt that he’d still look supremely sexy-in that unfair way that men had of looking good while women seemed to…deteriorate. Well, her hat and oversized sunglasses would hide a multitude of sins. She hoped.

  After everyo
ne had on their gear, Paolo handed each of them a plastic-coated pocket-size pamphlet that unfolded like an accordion. “These show pictures of just some of the vegetation and the more than two hundred and fifty species of orchids that grow along the trail, as well as many of the birds and insects. You’ll be able to spot hummingbirds, waterfowl and an extraordinary abundance of butterflies unique to this region. However, the most prized and rare sighting along the trail is the spectacled bear.”

  Kayla’s insides chilled. “Bear?” she repeated, unable to keep the note of alarm from her voice.

  “Bear?” Ashley echoed, earning Kayla’s gratitude that it wasn’t just her who didn’t care for the word.

  “Not to worry,” Paolo said. “The spectacled bear is very shy-much more afraid of you than you are of it.”

  “I sincerely doubt that,” Kayla said with feeling. “Did I, um, mention that I’m allergic to bears?”

  Paolo chuckled. “This bear is an herbivore, so unless you suddenly sprout leaves, you are in no danger. The species is very rare and close to extinction. It is a sign of extreme good fortune if we see one.”

  “As long as we see it from a healthy distance,” Kayla muttered, ignoring a sound from Brett that sounded suspiciously like a snicker.

  They set out, with Paolo in the lead, followed by the Carlsons, Dan Smith then Shawn and Ashley. Brett and Kayla went next, with Alberto, Miguel and Ana bringing up the rear.

  Brett entwined his fingers with hers, moving slowly so as to leave a gap behind Shawn and Ashley for a bit of privacy. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

  A frisson of annoyance rippled through her, stiffening her spine. Humph. Smug male. “I’ll have you know I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time, thank you very much. So I’m used to more…uptown accommodations. Without bears. I’ll adapt. And run fast.”


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