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Torn Asunder (Protected By The Damned Book 1)

Page 11

by Michael Todd

  “Don’t worry, Calvin,” Katie said, smiling. “I’d take care of you.”

  “Right.” He chuckled and waved her into the room. “Come on, it’s time for our workout.”

  She and the guys lined up in the pit, preparing for a day of Jiujitsu lessons and implementation followed by several long hours of sparring.

  She took her time learning each move, going through them slowly and trying to get them just right. Katie was frustrated, especially on training days like this where she could see the others in action and realize her own mortal mistakes.

  Hey, Pandy, Katie called. How about you help me out with these moves?

  Probably not a good idea, the demon said. Learn the moves, study them, and commit them to memory. As long as you remember the moves and practice them a couple times, I’ll be able to take over in a fight and do some serious damage. Well, maybe not take over, but juice you up; give your karate some flair.

  Why can’t you help me now? My back is sore from being thrown down so many times it’s like I’m you, working professionally in a horizontal position. These guys are good. Way better than me; I just can’t hold my own against them.

  Not yet, she said. Be patient—and don’t think I didn’t hear you call me “Pandy,” or your snide remark about prostitution. I’ll have you know that being paid to do something I would have done for free is a great con.

  Katie entered the ring set up in the pit and bowed to Armani, who had a smirk on his face. Korbin stood at the front and bowed to both fighters, nodding at them to begin.

  She really wasn’t getting the moves but she was fast and small, which helped her stay on her feet for at least a few minutes. She turned quickly and attempted to dart behind Armani, but he stuck his leg out and tripped her.

  He reached forward and grabbed her arm and she sighed, bracing for impact. He laughed as he twisted it, flipping her whole body over and onto her back. She laid there groaning for a moment, watching Armani bow and reach his hand down to her.

  So I just have to let them kick my ass over and over again? Katie asked, jumping up and walking to the sidelines until it was her turn to get another butt-kicking.

  Pretty much, Pandora said.

  Why do I feel like you’re enjoying this more than you should be? Katie asked. Do you feel pain, or at least my pain?

  No, I can block it out, Pandora admitted. Look, I can pump you full of power right here and now and you can take down every single one of these guys, but neither one of us will like the ending.

  I don’t know. Katie looked around and laughed. That sounds pretty righteous right about now.

  Yeah, until they realize you don’t have just any old cheap-ass ninety-nine-cent demon inside you, Pandora said. Then you become lab meat for testing. Personally, I would rather stare at these idiots all day than end up staring up at a white lab coat with some scary instrument of torture.

  Yeah, maybe you’re right. Katie flinched as Damian landed hard on the mat. One more ass-kicking, coming up.

  Katie sighed as she jumped back into the ring to face Derek head-on.

  She could see the confusion in his eyes when she went down fast and hard.

  He had seen her fight those guys on the street and knew what kind of power her demon gave her. It was obvious that he was questioning why she had suddenly become so weak. He didn’t say a word, but he didn’t cut her the least bit of slack either.

  “ALL RIGHT, GUYS,” Korbin said, clapping his hands to catch everyone’s attention. “That’s good enough for today. Everyone did well, although I think Katie might need some icepacks for her ass and back.”

  “Ha ha,” Katie said, flipping him the finger and hobbling over to the bench. “Next time I’ll be ready.”

  Korbin laughed. “I don’t doubt that.”

  Katie put on her shoes, grabbed her bags, and took the elevator upstairs. When she was out of sight, Damian, Derek, Armani, Calvin, and Korbin stood around the pit talking to each other.

  “Honestly?” Derek looked at the elevators and back to the guys. “I’ve seen her do so much more than she did today. On the street yesterday she was unstoppable. She could have gone up against three demons and not even broken a sweat. She was agile, fast, and didn’t even blink when it came to taking the next step, but today she was withdrawn and pulled back from it. Maybe she’s just tired, but there was definitely a different girl in her today than last night on the street.”

  “It’s her demon,” Armani said. “I can see it in her eyes when we talk. She is a lot more than she is pretending to be. Whatever demon is inside her gives her an edge. It no longer waits idly by for a chance to pounce. It’s almost like they have a relationship of some sort, a bond that isn’t the demon taking over or anything like that.” He weighed his next words carefully. “It’s almost as if the demon is helping her. Giving her body power, and also her mind.”

  Damian spoke up as Garrett joined them. “One thing I’ve learned about Katie is that her heart is her greatest strength and her greatest challenge. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find out that she had opened up to her demon in some way, and that her demon has done the same.”

  Korbin shook his head. “That’s impossible. These demons have no empathy or ability to care.”

  Damian rubbed the stubble on his face. “For the ones we have researched that’s true, but we have never seen what one of the Seventy-Two will do if given a human that is twice its match.” He looked at the guys.

  “It’s obvious that Katie isn’t like the others. She accepted her fate, and worked at her training twice as hard as almost anyone else in the beginning. When she thought she couldn’t move forward in the moments of her first battle, courage came from somewhere.” He nodded to his left. “Armani saw how she fought in Los Angeles, and everyone here sees how she treats the team. She tries her damnedest each and every time.”

  “I’d say the team is stronger,” Calvin interjected. “I felt it the moment she joined us. I don’t mean when she arrived, but the moment her heart opened up to this new life. It was like something ran through us that day, making us a stronger united front. How she fought today may be her human limit, but it is nowhere near her actual limit. I think we all believe she can do more.”

  “Added to that, she heals incredibly fast,” Garrett pointed out. “Like within minutes, not hours or days. It’s phenomenal to watch. I wasn’t even sure what to say about it, thinking maybe it was my imagination.”

  “So,” Korbin said, looking to each of the men, “she is special. If this is true, then it’s even more imperative we support her integration into her new life, and help her not make a stupid mistake out there. We need her alive and strong and working beside her demon, not for it. She just might be our super-anchor, guys.”

  “Just remember that she isn’t stupid.” Derek chuckled. “She called me out so fast I could only stutter the truth to her yesterday.”

  “In all fairness,” Armani popped Derek on the arm, “you are the worst tail I have ever seen in my life.”

  “You are probably right,” Derek agreed, “but I bet you five that she’d see you too.”

  Korbin interrupted, “All right, guys, hit the showers and rest up. We have an early morning of training, and hopefully we’ll get some calls soon. Good job today.”

  Korbin and Calvin stood in the pit watching everyone shuffle out of the ring and up to the lockers. While everyone seemed hopeful and jubilant, Korbin’s air screamed concern.

  Calvin waited until the other guys were out of earshot and turned to Korbin. “You really think that she might be that kind of anchor?”

  “I’m almost positive,” he said. “But we need to be careful. Whatever demon is inside her, I think it can control her if it wants—even if she doesn’t believe it.”

  “It won’t, though,” Calvin countered, grabbing a towel and running it along his arms. “It likes its human capsule too much. I have faith that Katie knows when enough is enough.”

  “I hope you’re right.�
� Korbin sighed. “See you at dinner, Calvin.”

  Calvin nodded and watched as Korbin made his way out of the training area and into the elevator. Calvin really hoped he was right about Katie, because a demon like that in the wrong hands?

  Well, the problem would affect more than just this team.

  KATIE LEFT the training hall first, not really feeling like talking with the team. She almost felt distant from them, never really having bonded that well.

  She figured she would leave them to their man-talk and go upstairs for some relaxation and a hot bubble bath to soothe her aching muscles. When she got to her room, though, excitement hit her.

  All the boxes from Amazon had arrived, so it was like Christmas in February for her.

  She opened the boxes one by one, carefully taking out the framed pictures, the candles, and several articles of clothing, including new bras since the old ones didn’t seem to fit anymore. She wanted to spend the time making the place a little more feminine and a little homier.

  When she was done she stood back and looked around the room, pleased with her efforts.

  All right, I’ll bite, Pandora said. What is all of this?

  Things I like, Katie replied. Things I never had a chance to buy in my old life. I never pampered myself, or made a home where I lived. I just worried about grades, money, and volleyball. I regret that now—I won’t lie. I regret not letting loose a little bit and just having a good time. I regret not taking care of my mind, body, and spirit. So, now that I have the time and the means, I am trying to make this space more for me and less for the glory of the team. If that makes sense.

  It does, Pandora said. As a demon I obviously have a different take on what’s comforting and relaxing, but I won’t deny that it’s important. Be your whole self, Katherine, all the time. You never know when you won’t ever get another chance.

  Katie shook her head and looked at the giant picture of the Las Vegas lights. It made her feel like she was part of something, and that something seemed to be coming easier and easier to her as the days passed.

  She knew she had a connection with Pandora that was different than the others had with their demons, but she wasn’t dumb.

  She had to careful.

  Pandora might be helping her stay alive and in one piece at the moment, but she was still a demon and they couldn’t distinguish between right and wrong. They were hell on earth, and Pandora was stronger than the rest—or so she had told her.

  Katie tossed the thoughts from her mind and jumped into an Epsom-salt bath. She leaned her head against the tub, feeling the swelling and stiffness of her muscles begin to fade.

  It was almost a good burn, knowing she’d put everything she had into sparring with the others. She may have not been a winner—or even gotten in a good rap of the knuckles—but Katie knew that when the time called for it, she would be able to unleash those powers hidden deep inside of her with the help of Pandora.

  And if Pandora betrayed her?

  Katie would simply end them both.


  Training went from hard to even harder almost overnight. Katie almost felt like they were testing her, waiting for the power within her to show.

  Every time her back hit the mat, Pandora was there to pump her up. Damn, that looked like it hurt from my perspective, so did it? or Holy shit, they felt that in California, I’m sure those pussies are all hiding under their desks now with an earthquake alert, or Well, fuck…your dead great-great-grandmother felt that ass-kicking.

  Katie knew better, though, and pushed her body to the limits she could deal with. If her body got stronger, she had a better chance when it came time to hunt the demons.

  After training, they went up for a late lunch.

  “That was damned intense,” Calvin said, rubbing his shoulder.

  “Tell me about it.” Armani grabbed his towel and wiped away the sweat still lingering on his forehead. “I just about passed out back there.”

  “I don’t doubt we need it.” Derek laughed. “But my muscles are fighting back, and I think this time they’re winning.”

  “I think we need to do something as a team tonight.” Calvin rolled his neck around to get out the stiffness. “Let’s go out to the movies. There’s a new action movie out with Arnold and some new actors. I think it’s about heaven and hell, too.”

  “Sounds good. I’m in,” Damian said.

  Armani put up his hand. “Two.”

  “You can count me in,” Derek told them.

  “Katie?” Calvin asked, looking at her.

  “What? Movie? Hell, yeah,” she agreed.

  “Sweet,” Calvin said. “Let’s all meet in the pit at seven and we can head over in one SUV. I’ll even treat everyone to popcorn and a soda.”

  “Look at you.” Armani laughed, tossing his towel at Calvin. “Getting all crazy over there. I think he likes us, guys.”

  “Yeah, you’re okay.” Calvin tossed the towel back. “Except for that stinky pile of cotton sweat. That’s just awful.”

  After lunch Katie headed back to her room, stoked to go out to the movies.

  Movies? Pandora asked. I never did like the movies—all that movement and no voices. Plus, they were so drab.

  When the hell was the last time you saw a movie?

  When they were black and white.

  Katie’s lips pressed together. Wait a minute! You know about recent TV shows, so I’m calling bullshit.

  Fine, I told a lie. Sue me, Pandora replied.

  Okay, about this outing… I was kind of hoping I could have that time to myself, Katie told Pandora.

  That’s fine with me, Pandora said. I need some relaxing time of my own anyway. I’ll keep an eye on you, though, just in case.

  Thanks, Mom. Katie laughed.

  The real question is, what are you going to wear? Pandora snickered.

  I’ve got just the thing, I think, Katie said with pride.

  Bet it’s too much, Pandora replied.

  She jumped in the shower and washed the day’s training off, then applied some of the creams she had bought on her shopping trip and decided to put on some makeup for the first time since she got there. When she was done she carefully pulled her new clothes from the closet, excited to get to wear them somewhere. She dressed in blue jeans, nice calf-high brown leather boots, a white T-shirt, and a brown leather jacket. She left her hair down and bouncy, and smiled at herself in the mirror.

  Pandora reviewed the mirror. I have to say, Katherine, you’re starting to catch on to this fashion thing.

  I wouldn’t say that, Katie replied. But at least I’m comfortable in my own skin for once.

  At least there are plenty of places to hide things, Pandora said.

  My thoughts exactly, Katie said, slipping a knife into her boot and one into the inside pocket of her jacket. You can never be too careful. She slipped a knife into her other boot. And these days that really means something to me. Just a year ago, I thought carrying mace in my purse was daring.

  And look at you now. Pandora laughed. Dressed to impress and armed to the teeth, or something lower. Damn, with guys it’s so easy to allude to head…large or small.

  A girl in my position has to bend a little if she wants to have it all. Katie smiled.

  There just might be hope for you yet, Pandora stated. At least I have you saying ‘bend’ in a sentence. Have fun at your movie. I’ll be watching.

  Like that isn’t creepy. Katie grabbed her wallet and headed out of the room.

  “Look at you.” Armani whistled as Katie approached the elevator.

  “Dressed for a date with all your favorite guys,” Calvin said.

  “Nobody had better get frisky.” She pointed at them, then winked. “I’ve got knives in my boots.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?” Derek asked, shaking his head.

  Everyone laughed and joked, heading down to the pit and then into the garage. Katie looked around for Korbin, but he never did things with the team outside work. It ma
de her wonder what kind of life he really had, and why he was missing so much. She shook the thoughts from her head and climbed into the SUV, sitting down and buckling her seatbelt.

  This was definitely going to be a good night. She could feel it.

  ONCE DONE WITH THE MOVIE, the guys and Katie wove through traffic to the other side of the street and slipped into a dark alley. Katie looked around, slightly perplexed, but the guys had said they were getting food so she was following without question.

  They finally arrived at the bar, which was deep in the Las Vegas alley. Once they’d gone through a stone archway it sat on grassy knoll of sorts, and Korbin was standing at the door with a smile on his face.

  “Korbin,” Calvin said, slapping his hand and pulling him in for a hug. “Man, you missed a badass movie. Seriously, it was awesome.”

  “I never was one for packed theaters,” he said. “I’ll catch it on DVD.”

  They went inside and grabbed a table. Everyone in there looked hard, like they had rolled right out of a demon incursion. The place smelled like old booze and stale popcorn, but there was something comfortable about it for people like Korbin and the gang.

  “So Arnold was pretty much badass, even at like a million years old,” Armani said, standing up and pretending to shoot an automatic weapon into the crowd.

  “Hell, yeah,” Calvin said. “And the women in that movie? They were my dream girls.”

  “That is actually pretty cool, considering they were all badass chicks,” Katie said, lifting her glass.

  “Hell, yeah,” Calvin agreed. “I don’t want no weak woman at my side.”

  “What is up with this furniture?” Katie asked, since the table squeaked and wobbled beneath them. “It’s like taped together and shit, like they dug it out of dumpsters.”

  “You’ll see,” Korbin told her with an enigmatic smile.

  Katie gave Korbin a curious look, but went back to eating. Sure enough, about two-thirds of the way through their meal an argument broke out to their right.


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