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Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)

Page 8

by Rebecca Elise

  Skylar leaned in and shouted for us to see if we could find a table we could all sit at. Amazingly we did find a booth. It was farther away from the band but we were actually able to hear each other.

  “I don’t want to sit between the love birds.” Jocalyn announced.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw both Wes and Skylar stiffen. I wonder why it is they don’t want anyone to know they are seeing each other. I mean no one ever mentioned anything about interoffice dating being against the rules to me. The two of them seeing each other is hardly any more scandalous than whatever this is that is going on between me and Jack. They have to know that people know right?

  “I meant Chloe and Jack.” Jocalyn said.

  Jack grinned and I could feel my face turning three shades of red. I slid into the booth first and Jack scooted in next to me. Skylar, Wes and Jocalyn slid into the seat across from us.

  “Jack how do you think Chloe looks?” Jocalyn asked putting him on the spot.

  “She looks absolutely beautiful. She always looks beautiful.” Jack said, his blue eyes gazing into mine.

  I could feel myself start to blush again.

  “I picked out her outfit!” Jocalyn said proudly.

  “They played dress up.” Wes announced.

  “Dress up?” Jack asked with an amused look on his face.

  “It’s a long story.” I said.

  “I wish Dex was here and this could be a triple date.” Jocalyn sighed.

  Wes and Skylar tensed up again and this time everyone noticed.

  “Alright well I see some friends so I am going to go dance with them.” Jocalyn said as she looked back and forth between Wes and Skylar’s faces. She hopped up from her seat, bounced over to where the band was playing and started bopping up and down.

  I gave Wes and Skylar a quizzical look. I wanted to ask them about their relationship but knew I didn’t really have the nerve to be so blatantly nosy without having a few drinks in me first. Maybe they will just freely give the information so I don’t have to feel like I am meddling in their business.

  “Well I guess the secrets out.” Wes said as he put his arm around Skylar’s shoulder.

  “If it’s any consolation Jocalyn said that everyone already knew you guys were dating.” I told them.

  Skylar cleared her throat. “We’re uh.....we’re not exactly dating.”

  “What do you mean not exactly dating?” I asked.

  Wes and Skylar looked at each other and smiled. I thought I was going to have to pry an answer out of it when they finally turned towards me and Wes said to me, “We’re not dating. We’re married.”

  “You’re what? How long has this little charade been going on?” I asked jokingly.

  Wes laughed. “Well we’ve been going together for two years and we got engaged a few months ago and decided to get married right before you came. All of our families were here and Skye’s brother is an ordained minister so we said let’s do it.”

  “So why keep it a secret? Isn’t that hard, especially when you see each other every day at work?”

  Skylar shook her head. “There used to be a strict no dating policy but then about a year ago it was changed so you could date a coworker but you had to sign some paper. We decided we liked having this little secret between us. Besides we don’t have to worry about people treating us differently or if I’m mad at Wes and want to ignore him, no one notices. When you’re married and you ignore your spouse, everyone notices. We just didn’t want to have to deal with any nonsense that would come with it.”

  I nodded. It made sense. I probably should have been that way with my relationship – or whatever you want to call it - with Jack. Although, the only people that knew were Skylar, Wes and Jocalyn – who surprisingly hasn’t said anything to anyone.

  A waitress carrying around a tray of shots passed us then. We each took a shot to celebrate Wes and Skylar’s marriage announcement. After that, we decided to join Jocalyn on the dance floor. Jack stared into my eyes as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled my body close to his. It wasn’t a slow song but Jack seemed determined to keep me as close him as possible and that was fine with me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, sliding my hands up into his hair.

  Jack licked his lips as his gaze slid from my eyes down to my mouth. All I could think about was how his lips felt against mine the other night. I wanted to feel his lips against mine again.....badly. Maybe he needed some encouragement. I bent my head down, leaned in so that there was no room left in between us. Slowly I moved my head back up and parted my lips as we gazed in to each other’s eyes again. For a moment, I thought my tactic wasn’t going to work but then Jack moved his hands up, cradling my face in his palms. He smiled as he pulled my face to his, gently kissing my lips one, two, three times.

  I glanced over at Skylar when we parted. She smiled at me and motioned with her head for us to follow her. I grabbed Jacks hand, following Skylar and Wes through the crowd to a high table with four empty seats. Wes pulled out his cellphone and glanced down at the screen.

  “Well love, are you about ready to head out?” Wes asked Skylar.

  “Yes, we should double date for real sometime.” Skylar said as she stood up.

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you guys Monday.” I said as they turned to leave.

  “How about you? Are you ready to leave?” Jack asked me.

  I looked at my watch. I was still kind of early, almost eleven. I didn’t mind leaving but I wasn’t ready to leave Jack yet.

  “Yeah let me find Jocalyn and tell her we’re leaving.” I said.

  Jocalyn was still bopping around on the dance floor with a bunch of people I didn’t know. I told her we were leaving and she waved goodbye without breaking a step. Jack grabbed my hand as we walked out of Barnaby’s and down the street towards our building.

  “Do you want to do something completely crazy?” Jack asked me as we walked.

  “Define crazy.” I asked curiously.

  “What if we went home, packed a few things and got out of here for the weekend.” Jack said.

  “That’s very spontaneous of you.” I wasn’t sure if he was serious or if he was joking. He had to be joking right?

  “So what do you say?” He asked me.

  “You’re serious?”


  “Okay.....let’s do it!” I agreed.

  Jack turned to me as we reached our doors. “I’ll meet you at my truck in ten minutes.”

  I ran into my condo and leaned against my door as panic momentarily coursed through my body. I just agreed to go away for the weekend with Jack. Jack, whom I haven’t known very long and have only had one date with. Well two dates if you counted tonight, which I guess I should considering the way the events of the evening are playing out. I had no idea what to pack because I didn’t know where we were going. For a split second I thought about telling him I changed my mind, but I couldn’t do that. I want him to think I’m fun. Fun girls don’t agree to go away with guys and then change their minds. He’ll think I’m indecisive and a tease and......wait does he think we’re gonna.....Focus Chloe. You only have ten minutes.

  I grabbed my carryon so that I didn’t appear to be high maintenance. I threw in my toiletries and makeup first. Undergarments came next – cute ones of course, just in case. I tossed in two pairs of pajamas, two t-shirts, two long sleeved shirts, two pairs of jeans, a pair of cords, a sweater, a dress, a pair of boots, a pair of heels, my brush and my cell phone charger. I had a few minutes to spare, so I decided to change into a pair of black workout pants, a light pink t-shirt and a pink and black pullover fleece. After slipping my feet into a pair of sneakers, I grabbed two bottles of water, a bag of chips, my carry on and my purse. I locked my door and went down to meet Jack.

  Jack was standing next to his truck wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, a green t-shirt and a tan hoodie. He had his cellphone in his hands and I could see his fingers moving quickly over it. I wondered if he was texting someone, and if he wa
s, I wondered who it was and what he was saying. I’d never ask him, of course, because it’s none of my business but still.....I was curious. He glanced up at me just as I reached his truck and he shoved his phone into the front pocket of his jeans.

  “Ready?” He asked as he tossed my carryon into the back seat.

  “I am.” I said as I pitched my purse into the front of the truck and hoisted myself up.

  “Let’s roll.” Jack said as he hopped up into the driver’s seat.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Well my family has this cottage along a river about an hour from here. Is that okay? No one is there right now.”

  “That sounds great.” I said.

  Jack put a cd into the player as we pulled out of the parking lot.

  “I love this band.” I said as rock music filled the truck.

  “I do too. Best band ever.” Jack agreed.

  “Second best.” I said as I looked out the window.

  “Who’s the first?” Jack asked.

  “Subzero of course.” I said with mock surprise that he would even ask.

  Jack laughed. “You’re just saying that because you’re my publicist and you have to.”

  I shrugged and gave him a smile.

  We both sang along with the music as we drove. Jack, of course, was a much better singer then I was. Although, even if he wasn’t in a band and had a terrible singing voice, he would still be a much better singer then I am. I’ve actually had people ask me to stop singing before but Jack didn’t comment about my lack of talent or anything.

  We pulled up to the cottage a little after midnight. Jack grabbed out suitcases and we went inside. It was cute, not terribly big, but cozy. The walls were decorated with family pictures, pictures of a young Jack and who I assumed where his brother and his father fishing and hiking through some woods. The outdated furniture had a faded floral pattern to it but it gave the place a homey feel to it.

  “I was thinking we could both take my room unless you want your own.” Jack said staring at me.

  “Your room is fine.” I said.

  “I know we just got here, but it’s kind of late and I’ve had a really long day. Do you mind if we just go up?” He asked.

  “That sounds good to me.”

  Jack grabbed our suitcases and I followed him up the stairs.

  “The bathroom is the second door on the left.”

  “Thanks.” I said as I grabbed a pair of pink plaid pajama bottoms and my toiletries bag. When I got into the bathroom, I pulled off my fleece and my workout pants. I applied lotion to my legs before I put on my pajama bottoms. I wasn’t sure what to expect this weekend, but I was glad that I took the time to shave my legs this morning. I quickly brushed my teeth and grabbed my stuff before heading back to Jack’s room.

  I nearly fell over when I walked in his door. Jack had traded his jeans for a pair of light blue striped pajama bottoms, however he opted to go shirtless and oh my goodness! He didn’t have ripped, bulging muscles but he was nicely, and maybe a bit deliciously, toned and defined. I managed to look away from him long enough to put my stuff in my carry on.

  Jack propped two pillows up against the wall and he was sitting on the bed leaning up against them. He motioned for me to come over to him with two fingers and he patted the spot next to him on the bed. I walked over to the bed feeling really shy all of the sudden. I wasn’t sure why. It’s not like I had never spent the night with a guy before. I mean we’re just two adults sleeping in the same bed right? I climbed into bed next to him and all I could think was warm....shirtless....muscles.

  Jack turned off the lights and slid down in the bed so that we were lying face to face. He reached out his hand and caressed my cheek softly with his fingertips. His hand found its way down the middle of my back and he pulled me closer to him. Instinctively, I reached my hand up and ran my fingers through his hair. Jack leaned his face down and pressed his soft, warm lips against mine. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest and I was pretty sure Jack could feel it. We laid there kissing for a few minutes, and I was starting to think I was glad I grabbed the cute panties, when Jack pulled away. Through the darkness I could see the smile plastered across his face

  “I really like you Chloe.....a lot.” Jack said softly.

  “I really like you too Jack.”

  “Goodnight.” He said kissing my forehead.

  “Goodnight.” I whispered.

  I turned over onto my side and, with Jacks arms wrapped around me, I quickly fell asleep.


  When I woke up the next morning, Jack and I were still cuddled up close together.

  “Good morning.” He said leaning over me to nuzzle my cheek.

  “Good morning.” I said, smiling to myself.

  We laid there for a few minutes before Jack kissed my cheek and jumped out of bed.

  “I’m making pancakes. Come down when you’re ready.” Jack announced as he pulled on a t-shirt and ran downstairs.

  With the biggest smile plastered on my face, I pulled myself out of bed and strolled into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I glanced at myself and was instantly glad that I didn’t just jump out of bed and run downstairs. I had the world’s worst case of bed head on one side of my head. I will never understand how my hair will be perfectly straight when I go to bed yet I wake up looking like Don King. I tamed it down as best as I possibly could before joining Jack in the kitchen.

  “Need any help?” I asked.

  “No, I’m good, but thanks for offering.”

  “The view here is gorgeous.” I said as I sat down at the kitchen table and gazed out the sliding glass door. The morning sun was dancing across the tiny ripples in the river. Dozens of trees surrounding the water had already lost most of their leaves, but they still provided a pretty back drop.

  “I love it here. It’s so peaceful. This is my favorite place to be when I feel like I just need to get away,” Jack said as he set two plates of pancakes on the table and sat down next to me. “I have to tell you, I’m so glad that you’re as spontaneous as I am.”

  I laughed. “Well it’s pretty new for me actually, “I said spearing a piece of pancake with my fork, “When I lived in New York I literally planned every second of my life out. When I moved here, I promised myself I wasn’t going to be like that anymore or at least not all of the time.”

  “Well how is that working out for you? I mean, you seem to be doing well.”

  “It’s been great actually. I’ve been doing things that I never thought I would do. I feel like a completely new person and I love it.”

  “Okay so what does the new, fun Chloe want to do today? We could drive into town and check out some stores or we could go four wheeling or we could stay here and hang out.”

  “Or we could do all three.” I said.

  “Or we could do all three.” Jack agreed.

  We cleared off the table and made our way back upstairs to take showers and get dressed. I took my shower first, making a point to not dawdle under the warm water like I normally do. While I was in the bedroom blow drying my hair all I could think about was the fact that Jack was naked and in the shower. I even contemplated joining him in there and saying I missed a spot or something. I could imagine the mixed look of surprise and lust when I started washing him and not me. The water turned off as I was in the middle of my naughty little daydream and I realized I had missed the window of opportunity.

  Shaking my head and attempting to shove any lingering dirty thoughts into the back of my head, I quickly dressed in a pair of jeans, a long sleeved gray waffle knit shirt and a light blue t-shirt. Grabbing my sneakers, I went downstairs to wait for Jack.

  “So I was thinking,” Jack started as he came down the stairs, “We could go into town and get some stuff to make dinner for tonight and then we could come back and take the four wheelers out.”

  “That sounds great.” I said as we grabbed our jackets and walked out the door.

  The little town Jack took me to was completely adorable. It was small, like one of those little towns you see on TV where everyone knows everyone else. The cobblestone streets were dotted with benches and old fashioned street lamps. Flanked on either sides were little mom and pop shops.

  “Do you have any ideas what we should do for dinner?” He asked as we headed into Clarington’s grocery store.

  “What about spaghetti? These tomatoes are perfect for making sauce.” I said as I picked up a vine of tomatoes.

  “We could do that with a salad, some garlic bread and a bottle of wine.” Jack said.

  “And that tiramisu.” I added pointing towards the bakery.

  “Definitely that tiramisu.” Jack smiled.

  While Jack picked out stuff for the salad, I grabbed some spices for the sauce. After grabbing a package of homemade pasta, I met Jack at the bakery where we picked out the most delicious looking tiramisu I had ever seen. We paid for our food and as we were walking back to the truck, Jack pointed out a liquor store. “How about you pop in there real quick and grab a bottle of wine while I put this stuff in the truck.” Jack said.

  “Have you ever been on a four wheeler before?” Jack asked me after we finished putting our dinner supplies away.

  “Uh, no actually, I haven’t.”

  “I’ll try to go easy on you.” Jack teased as he pulled out two black helmets.

  Jack put one of the helmets on the seat of the four wheeler and walked over to me. He softly tucked my hair behind my ears and put the helmet on my head, buckling it under my chin.

  “How does it look?” I asked as he tightened the strap.

  “Very sexy.” He said giving me a wink.

  Jack climbed onto the four wheeler and after he put on his own helmet, he patted the seat behind him. I climbed on and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. Jack turned the key and after the four wheeler roared to life, we sped off into the woods.

  Chapter Nine

  When we got back to the house, I started chopping up tomatoes for the sauce. I tossed the tomatoes, some water, garlic, salt, pepper, oregano, parsley and a pinch of sugar into a saucepan and turned the burner to low. Jack came up behind me as I was stirring the sauce and wrapped his arms around my waist. I put the spoon down on a plate and turned around to face him.


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