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Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)

Page 10

by Rebecca Elise

  “So tell me why you sounded like you were ready to kill someone when I called you earlier.” Jack said, kissing the top of my head.

  “Do you remember that night I came to your show and that overbearing actress was there?” I asked.

  “Yes. Let me guess, she wants you to jump through flaming hoops to get her something unbelievable.” Jack said.

  “You could say that,” I hesitated, “She wants me to set her up as your date to that charity event.”

  Jack laughed. “Well can you blame her? What did you tell her?”

  “I told her you have a girlfriend but she doesn’t care. She’s relentless but if you and your massive ego are flattered by this, I can make it happen.”

  “Don’t worry about her. I told you already I’m not interested. The only girl I want to go with is you.” Jack kissed the top of my head again and I smiled up at him.

  “Thank you again for tonight. You really didn’t have to do that.” I said.

  Jack shook his head. “No but I wanted to.”

  I laid there in Jack’s arms taking everything in. I felt like I was floating on top of the world and I wasn’t sure how I got there. When I glanced back at Jack his eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to wake him up, but it was getting late, and I had to work the next day. My plan was to get up and leave without waking him, but when I tried to move past him, I tripped over his feet.

  “Where are you going?” He asked sleepily.

  “Home.....I gotta work tomorrow.”

  Jack pulled me back down to him and tightened his arms around me. “Stay.”

  “I want to but I can’t.”

  “Chloe you live across the hall not across town. Stay here. I can wake you up in the morning and you can go get ready for work.”

  I studied his face. His tired, beautiful blue eyes were begging me not to go as he bit his bottom lip. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to stay; it was that I didn’t think I’d be able to leave him in the morning.

  Jack leaned down, kissed my neck close to my ear and whispered “please”.

  “Okay but if I don’t make it into work tomorrow and I get fired, I’m holding you responsible.” I teased.

  “Deal!” Jack jumped up from the couch, nearly knocking me over.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him.

  “I’m taking you to bed before you change your mind.” Jack said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and ushered me into his room.

  “I’ll grab you some pajamas so you have no reason to go to your place until the morning.” Jack opened up his closet door and handed me a pair of black sweatpants and a blue t-shirt. I started to walk towards the bathroom to change, when Jack pulled me back and pressed his lips against mine.

  I dropped the clothes I was holding onto the floor and grabbed the back of his head. Our kisses deepened, becoming more passionate as Jack ran his hands up and down my back. All of the sudden, even though I was exhausted, I didn’t want him to stop. I have never been very bold, especially in the bedroom, but something came over me in that moment. I grabbed the bottom of Jacks shirt and broke our kiss off just long enough to pull it over his head.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Jack whispered.

  “Yes.” I responded breathlessly.

  Jack crushed his lips hard against mine. His fingertips traveled slowly down my back causing my body to shiver with want and need. His hands stopped on my bottom and lifted as his picked me up and I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. Clothes started flying around in a fury as we tumbled onto Jack’s king sized bed with his body covering mine.

  Jack dipped his head down, placing soft kisses along my jaw line, up to the corner of my mouth. He ran his tongue along my lower lip before he sucked it gently between his lips. I moaned quietly as I reached my hands up to his head, knotting my fingers in his hair. Jack claimed my mouth with his, parting my lips with his tongue. He darted his tongue inside my mouth, kissing me with an intense passion as his hands roamed down the sides of my body. With one final suck on my lower lip, he broke off the kiss and I was about to protest when he began kissing his way down my chin and my neck, into the valley between my breasts.

  Jack brought one hand up and tenderly massaged one of my breasts while he shifted his body slightly so that he could take the other one in his mouth. The sensual feeling of his sucking, licking, touching and teasing my body became so intense I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust right underneath him.

  “Now,” I whispered.

  Jack kissed his way back up to my mouth, nipping my skin with his teeth along the way. My lips parted with anticipation as he kissed higher and higher before he finally plunged his tongue inside, massaging it against mine. Our kisses became deeper, more desperate as he pushed inside me with one quick thrust of his hips. We immediately fell into rhythm with each other with Jack quickly moving in and out. He reached down, grabbed my wrist and pulled my arm above my head, lacing his fingers with mine as he did. I moved my free hand up to run my fingers through his hair just as Jack moved his head back, breaking off our kiss and staring down at me.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Jack whispered.

  I opened my mouth to tell Jack how handsome I thought he was, but before I got the chance to say anything at all, Jack brought his mouth back down to mine. We took turns sucking and nipping at each other’s lips and tongues in between sweet, passionate kisses. Our hands roamed each other’s bodies as our movements became less quick and needy and more slow and sensual. In an instant we had gone from having sex to making love and it was incredible. Suddenly, my body ignited with complete and total euphoria as it trembled against his and moments later he did the same.

  “Wow.” Jack said.

  “Yeah.” I agreed.

  “Chloe.....uh.....I don’t know the right way to ask this and I certainly don’t want to ruin the moment, but are you the kind of girl that likes to talk about feelings and such after.....”Jack trailed off.

  “No, I’m certainly not.” I said trying as hard as I could not to laugh.

  Jack breathed a sigh of relief and I thought I heard him mutter “Oh thank god,” as he turned on his side and draped an arm around my waist. He pulled me close to him and within seconds I was sound asleep in his arms.


  I felt like my eyes had just closed when Jacks alarm clock went off. Jack reached over and smacked it until it stopped making noise. I groaned and draped an arm over my face. I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t want to leave and I really didn’t want to go in to work today. The perfectly sculpted naked man lying beside me wasn’t making it any easier to get up either. I’d rather stay in bed with him all day. Clothed, naked, it didn’t matter. Staying in this bed with him would be a million times better than getting up and going in to work and dealing with Julissa and her array of crap.

  “Don’t go.” Jack said, squeezing me closer to him.

  “Mmmm.....I have to.” I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to wake up.

  I had to get out of that bed. If I didn’t do it then, I didn’t think I would do it at all. I went to climb out of bed but somehow during the night, I managed to become tangled up in the sheets. In my struggle to get up, I ended up rolling off of the bed and onto the floor.

  Jack peered over the side of the bed and shook his head. His blue eyes sparkled with laughter and he was obviously, and smartly, doing everything he could to keep his lips in a straight line. It didn’t last though. I shot him a faux dirty look and he burst out laughing.

  “Don’t say a word.” I warned him.

  “Wasn’t gonna.” He said with a big goofy grin on his face. Jack climbed out of bed, pulled on a pair of plaid pajama pants and walked over to my side to help me up.

  I searched the room for my clothes that had been strewn about in the midst of our passionate frenzy the night before. My pants were by the window, my shirt on his dresser, my panties were halfway under the bed and, after spending far too long searching
, Jack found my bra that had somehow been launched into the hallway. I dressed as quickly as I could and grabbed my purse and heels. I felt like I was doing the walk of shame only I wasn’t anywhere close to feeling ashamed by what happened between Jack and I and I was only walking across the hall, so even if I was, no one would have noticed anyway.

  “Are you going out tonight?” He asked as he walked me to the door.

  “Don’t have any plans, are you?”

  “Nah, we’re gonna be in the recording studio the majority of the day. I’ll come over if I don’t get in too late.”

  I paused at the door to give him a hug.

  “Bye beautiful.” He said leaning down to kiss my lips.

  Two hours later, I was showered, dressed and at work. As soon as I sat down, I wished I would have stayed with Jack when he asked me to. It was only nine o’clock and I already had 3 messages and an email from Julissa wanting to know what time Jack would be picking her up and would he be in a limo and what would he be wearing. Is there a classy way to respond and say Me, Julissa, he will be wearing me?

  After debating for a few minutes over whether or not I should call her back, I decided I didn’t feel like dealing with her and I tossed her messages aside. I was sure she’d call another dozen times today. I’ll deal with her then. Normally I would never even consider putting my work or my clients off like that but she was just I’ve never met anyone before that made me want to hurl my body off the roof and into oncoming traffic the way that she did and I mean that in the nicest possible way.

  Instead, I decided to look up different things to do while my sister was in town. Not exactly work but other than the diva, I was pretty much caught up and amazingly I haven’t had a call yet today regarding the daily antics of the members of a certain rock band, specifically anyone with a blue mohawk. I was in the middle of checking out the nightlife section of the local newspapers website, when my cell phone rang.

  “Hey Chloe, what’s up?” My brother’s voice came drifting through my phone.

  “Nick.....what’s going on?” I asked as I continued my fun things to do search.

  “Nothing really, you know, just wanted to see what you were up to.”

  “What I’m up to? I’m at work. You obviously want something, so how bout you just get to it.” Hmmm.....pottery painting, Abby’s artsy she might like that.....

  “Have you talked to Noelle?”

  “Not since she told me about you two doing the dirty.....why? You guys didn’ know.....again did you?”

  Night club glow paint party.....what the heck is that?

  “No it’s just.....well I haven’t heard from her.”

  Now he was starting to annoy me. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “Well yeah or at least I thought so.”

  I shook my head. “So call her.”

  “Well I was thinking maybe you could talk to her first.” Nick said hopefully.

  “Or maybe you could get out of high school and call her yourself.” I hung up the phone wondering how I could move to a completely different country and still find myself wrapped up in all this drama.

  “Hello Chloe, What’s going on?” Jonathan asked, suddenly appearing in front of my desk.

  “ much. Just, you know, work, work, work!” I frantically tried to hit the back button on my computer, but it was frozen on the glow paint night club page. As Jonathan sat down in front of me, I reached over to my monitor and turned it off. I figured if I couldn’t get rid of the page, the least I could do was make it so Jonathan couldn’t see what I was looking at.

  “So how are things going? You’re settling in just fine here right?” Jonathan face showed the tiniest hint of worry on it.

  “Yeah things have been going great. Works great, life’s great,” I said studying Jonathan’s face, “Why do you ask?”

  “Well I know you’re going home in a couple weeks. I wasn’t sure if being in the states again would make you want to move back.” An apprehensive look came across Jonathan’s face and I figured there was more to this than his wondering about my vacation.

  “Is that it?” I asked cautiously.

  “Well no.....there are some rumors going around that Alexis is going to try to persuade you to go back to New York and I was just wondering what you would say if she asked you.”

  Now I have to admit, I was completely flattered! I’ve never had anyone fight over me before, especially bosses! Now if I was egotistical, I would drag this on, let them think I was torn over what to do and let them fight for me. Too bad I’m not like that.....or maybe I am and I just haven’t realized it yet. Oh who am I kidding? I glanced at Jonathan and realized he was staring at me with a confused look on his face waiting for me to respond.

  “Jonathan, it really doesn’t matter what she would say to me. I have a life here. I like it here. I’m just going to New York to celebrate Christmas with my family and then I’ll be back. I promise.” I told him.

  “Alright, glad to hear it.” Jonathan said with a satisfied look. He went to stand up, and just as he did, my computer decided to unfreeze itself. Loud club music began to fill my office. Jonathan reached over my desk and turned my monitor on, showing the both of us video of half-naked guys and girls, drenched in glow paint and jumping up and down. Jonathan glanced at me and raised an eyebrow.

  I pressed my lips together and my eyes opened up wide. I wanted to die. “Ummm.....research?” I said timidly.

  “Ok.....well..... I’ll let you get back to it then.” Jonathan quickly walked out of my office.

  I covered my face with my hands and shook my head. That was so embarrassing! How does this stuff always happen to me?


  Around midnight my cell phone rang, jolting me awake.

  “Hello?” I asked sleepily.

  “Hey Chloe.....Did I wake you?” Jack’s velvety smooth voice filled my ears.


  “Yeah, sorry, I shouldn’t have called you so late. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  “It’s okay......Where are you?”

  “Outside. I just got out of my truck.”

  “Come over.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, get up here.”

  We disconnected and I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and make sure that my hair looked somewhat decent. I spritzed with two squirts of jasmine vanilla body spray just as I heard Jack knock on my door. My heart skipped a beat as I opened the door and saw Jack standing there with a crooked smile on his face.

  “I wasn’t gonna call because it was so late, but I sorta missed you today.”

  “Just sorta?” I asked sticking out my lower lip.

  “Yeah just sorta.” Jack teased as he leaned down to brush a sweet kiss across my lips.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked, “I specialize in soup, sandwiches, cereal and anything that heats up in the microwave.”

  “Sounds like a tasty variety but I already ate. I’m actually pretty tired. I just wanted to see you real quick before I go to bed.” Jack said.

  “You could stay here with me.” I said.

  Jack smiled. “I was actually kind of hoping you would say that.”

  We settle into bed, underneath my thick purple comforter, cuddled up close and immediately fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, Jack was gone. I stumbled into the kitchen and on my counter was a note that read.....

  Didn’t want to wake you. Had to go back to the studio. Call you later.


  I sat down the couch feeling disappointed. Then it hit me that my sister was coming in four days and I had a lot of stuff to do yet. It was probably better he had left. I don’t seem to get much done when he’s around.....not that I’m complaining. It’s just hard to focus and get anything done when I have those sapphire blue eyes staring at me and he’s saying things to me in his sexy British accent and his perfectly full lips are.....anyway, you get the point.

  My first stop was
to go to this home store by where I work. It’s one of those amazing stores that literally have everything you could ever possibly want for your house. I walked in with every intention of only buying a coffee pot and a crock pot. As a matter of fact, I kept telling myself that those were the only two things I was getting as I walked through the store.

  I quickly selected the crock pot and coffee pot that I had seen online and was on my way up to the cashier when I saw them. Christmas decorations. Seeing them made me realize I didn’t have a single decoration at my condo. Not one. I’m not going to be there for Christmas but I didn’t think that really mattered. How was I supposed to get into the Christmas spirit if I had nothing up to arouse my inner elf? Well, this was something I needed to remedy ASAP.

  I walked up to the front of the store, dumped the crock pot and coffee pot into a cart and headed back to the decorations. I found dishes that had the cutest little gingerbread on them. Everyone should have at least one nice set of Christmas dishes right? It would be like a Christmas injustice if I didn’t buy these, so I put them in my cart. Then, of course, I had to get the matching bowls, glasses and salt and pepper shakers. I tossed four nutcrackers, a reindeer, three silver snowflakes, a thing of lighted garland, a peppermint bark candle, a candle holder that looked like a snowman, a 3ft Santa and a nativity set in the cart. I was about to head up to the cashier when I decided to grab four red and four green oversized Christmas balls, even though I had no clue what I was going to do with them.

  As I lugged everything around the subway, I started to regret the 3ft Santa. It was hard to carry him and my bags at the same time. I wanted to kick him down the street but there were kids outside. I certainly didn’t want to taint their innocence by becoming the Grinch who assaulted Santa all the way home. By the time I got home, I hated the damn thing. It took everything I had to not hang him from my balcony with the garland. Again, though, I restrained myself.....for the kids. I tossed everything into a corner inside my front door and ventured back out. This time, I was off to the grocery store.


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