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Soul Bound

Page 7

by K. G. Reuss

  “Eric?” I rounded on my friend.

  “I’m here because I believe in duty. It’s also my heritage. A birthright. And because you’re one of my best friends. I’ll be at your side until the day I no longer can be. That doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything you do. This is one of those times where I have to back away because I don’t understand why the hell you did it. You’re going to get her killed!”

  “Good thing I can bring her back,” I snarled. “At least here, under my watchful eye, she’ll be safe.”

  “For how long, though?” Damien ventured. “Man, I get where you’re coming from. But Raiden, I don’t think you’ve thought this through—”

  “I have,” I stated. “I’ve been thinking it through for weeks.”

  “What about us?” Amara spoke up softly. “How will that work? I can’t live under the same roof as her.”

  “Then maybe you transfer out of here, Mara. Believe me, I’ll draft the letter myself,” I shouted at her. “You’re part of the reason for all of this!”

  “Do you think I want this?” she demanded, taking a step toward me. “Our whole lives were planned out and perfect until she came into the picture! How do you think I feel knowing the man I’m marrying is in love with someone else and he cheated on me with her?”

  “I never cheated. To cheat would mean you and I had something together and actually were together. Other than a few wild nights with me between your legs, Mara, the only other thing we had was a rocky relationship with an expiration date on it.”

  Her eyes welled with tears, and she backed away.

  “Raiden…” Eric cleared his throat. “You’re out of line—”

  “All of you are hereby forbidden to send any communication to the Order or anyone you normally communicate with. We’re going on blackout until after the induction. I won’t have my father bursting in here and creating problems. Because I will fight back. For her, I would die.” I glared at Amara as her bottom lip trembled. “Do you understand?” I looked around at everyone in the room.

  They all nodded.

  “Good. Now get to work. Sloane, I want Ever’s room next to mine. Take care of anything she’ll need.”

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  “Brandon. Amanda. You have an assignment to complete. The rest of you find something to do.” I stormed upstairs to my room and flopped down onto my bed and stared up at my ceiling.

  I hated to be the guy I was downstairs. They needed to understand the importance of what needed to happen though.

  The image of Ever on her knees begging me to rethink my decision made my chest clench. I hated I’d brought her to her knees. It killed me inside. But she needed to know who I was and what I was willing to do to keep her safe. The truth needed to come out. She needed—no, deserved—to know who I really was.

  She needed to know I was Shadow. Her Shadow. Always.



  “We can hide you,” Harper proclaimed as we sat in The Place later that night.

  My lust for Nev had completely worn off so at least I wasn’t shoving the warm fuzzies away.

  “Where?” I scoffed. “Here?”

  “Maybe,” Marcus sighed. “But most likely not. I think what’s going to happen is you’re going to be a Conexus member.”

  “It’s bullshit,” Jason snapped.

  Cam nodded, and Sky gave me a sympathetic look.

  “Why does Hawthorne think he can just ruin the lives of people around him?”

  “It’s because she’s the Mancer. The Order needs her under their wing,” Sky said weakly.

  “We needed someone on the inside. Ever’s about to make it happen.” Nev looked over at me. “Sorry, doll face, it’s the truth.”

  “So now I’m a double agent?” I let out a bark of laughter.

  “Yeah. We need you. Consider this your first assignment.”

  “Not to be a dick here, but she’s also the enemy. How do we know she won’t let out our secrets?” Cam gave me an uneasy look. “Sorry, Ever. I’m only saying what the rest of us are thinking.”

  I nodded glumly. I understood.

  “Ever isn’t like that. Her first loyalty will always reside with us. Right, Ever?” Nev locked eyes with me.

  I saw the plea in them. Despite being pissed off at him for the whole lust and making out thing, he was my friend.

  “You’re my general, Nevron. Being part of Conexus doesn’t change that,” I whispered, thinking of my grandparents out there somewhere fighting off the terror the Order was pushing out of its gates.

  Nev gave a satisfied nod. “I’m not worried. I believe her.”

  “I do too,” Harper proclaimed, wiping at her eyes.

  “Me too,” Abby said.

  “I do as well,” Marcus added. “But things are what they are. I want to cast a spell in the event shit goes south. No offense, Ever. I absolutely do trust you. It’s my distrust of the Order that dictates this spell. It’ll keep us all safe should something happen to you where you’re forced to talk.”

  “Like what?” Jason asked, casting me an uneasy look as Sky squeezed his hand.

  “Like if they find out about Claudia,” Nev murmured. “Ever would automatically be brought in for interrogation, considering she’d have Cipher ties, and she’ll be in deep with all Conexus secrets. They’ll want to make sure she’s loyal to them, not the bad guys.”

  Marcus nodded. “Exactly. I think the opresi mortum charm is the best way to keep her quiet. In fact—” Marcus drew in a deep breath. “—I think all members should be put under it tonight.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Harper demanded, her face twisted in anger.

  “Do you have a better idea?” Marcus challenged. “It keeps the talker quiet.”

  “Yeah, indefinitely!”

  “That’s how we know it’ll work. I agree. Can you do it?” Nev asked, leaning forward and leveling his gaze on Marcus.

  I looked between Harper and Marcus. Harper’s hands were balled into fists as she glared at him. I had no idea what an opresi mortum spell was, but it didn’t matter. My trust in Marcus’s abilities outweighed my fear of an unknown spell.

  “Absolutely. It’ll require some blood and a few words.”

  “I’m not letting Nev bite me again,” I snapped.

  “Aw, baby, come on.” Nev grinned. “I’ll make it even better this time around.”

  I flushed beneath his stare, tingles rocketing through me. OK. So my body wanted to feel that good again, but my brain and heart screamed no way, José.

  “No. No biting me.”

  “Fine. Back to the finger prick.” Nev sighed.

  “How are we going to be able to talk to Ever after she’s inducted?” Abby ventured.

  “Better yet, how will she be able to attend the meetings and do missions?” Cam pressed. “Is she just going to be a mole?”

  I grimaced, my anxiety kicking up.

  “It’s definitely going to be hard to communicate with her after tomorrow night,” Marcus agreed, his gaze flitting over me. “We’ll have to come up with something so she can do so undetected.”

  “I’m a step ahead of you guys there. I just need to work out a few kinks.,” Nev said. “I’d like some time alone with Ever right now though.”

  “She’s not lusted anymore, you creep,” Sky shot out.

  “I know,” Nev answered witheringly. “Thanks for reminding me.”

  “Let’s do the charm first.” Marcus rose to his feet and pulled out a dagger. He held his hand out for me.

  Sighing, I let him prick my finger, anticipation threading through me at the prospect of Nev drinking from the small wound.

  Nev scooted over and took my hand and peered at the pearl of crimson on the tip of my finger.

  “Bottoms up?” He gave me a wink right before he sucked my finger into his mouth.

  The euphoria immediately hammered into me, causing my eyes to roll back and a whimper of pleasure to fall from my lips.

>   “Bindorius alús temo se mano ta thanos. Opresi mortum,” Marcus threaded together a spell that created a sweeping heat through my body.

  “Damn, Blackburn, why don’t you make the rest of us do that?” Cam called out.

  Nev broke off the suction, leaving me to crash down to Earth.

  Marcus frowned as his gaze volleyed between me and Nev. “Yeah, what’s up with that anyway?”

  Nev shrugged, his eyebrows furrowed. “I guess I try harder to impress her,” he joked weakly.

  I wiped at my brow and sat up, a shiver racing through me. Something told me that while Nev may have wanted it to feel good, it wasn’t all him. Writing it off as maybe it was just my mancer abilities at work, I got to my feet.

  Nev stood and nodded for me to follow him after telling everyone he’d finish the charms later. I followed, falling in step with him. He led me out of The Place and out to the grounds.

  “I want you to know I’m worried, Ever,” Nev started. “I get you and Hawthorne have a history, but something isn’t right. There’s more going on than he’s letting on. You’re going to have a hell of a road ahead of you.”

  “I know,” I mumbled. “He promised me this wouldn’t happen.”

  “You already knew he was a liar after that whole Amara deal.”

  “I know,” I repeated with a sigh. “I just… I don’t know. He knew I didn’t want this, and he did it anyway. You’re right. There has to be something else happening.”

  “Look at it this way,” Nev said as we stopped outside my dorm. “You might find out who Shadow is. That’s a vital bit of information.”

  I nodded, my heart rate kicking up in my chest. Was I ready to learn who Shadow is?

  “Shadow said he was coming for me. Do you think he’ll come tonight?” I asked fearfully.

  “I thought you were head over heels for the guy.” Nev cocked his head at me.

  “I-I am. I just… I don’t know. I’m scared. This feels like it’s happening so fast. This isn’t what I signed on for. Broken promises. Lies. I don’t know anymore. What if Shadow is a bad guy?”

  Nev nodded. “Ever, no offense, but you’re the bad guy too in someone’s story. We all are. It’s all a matter of perspective. We need to know who he is. You need to know because you deserve to know. The rest of us need to know so we can save our asses. It’s all on you. You need to be brave because I think shit is about to get real.”

  I nodded glumly and opened my door.



  “Will-will you stay here tonight? I don’t want Shadow showing up.” My mind raced back to the time Shadow showed up when I was with Dylan. Being with someone else hadn’t stopped him then. But maybe having a vampire around this time would.

  “Are we going to finally knock boots?” He cocked an eyebrow at me, a smirk on his lips.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “You’re lucky I didn’t stake your heart when the lust completely wore off this afternoon. So no, I’m not going to screw you.”

  “Ah, too bad. It could be the very last time you’ll ever get the chance, baby.”

  “I guess that’s a perk of being in Conexus. I’ll never get the chance to experience Nevron Blackburn. How will I ever go on in life?” I snipped back.

  He grinned at me. “I’ll stay. If he shows up, I’ll be the first to unmask him. And, if you decide to change your mind, I’ll help you undress.”

  I moved aside and let Nev in. The moment he stepped inside, I punched him in the ribs. He let out a loud burst of laughter before kicking the door closed.



  “You look like shit,” Damien said as I rubbed my eyes at the kitchen island the following day.

  “I feel like it.”

  “Couldn’t sleep?” Eric asked, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.


  “Want to talk about it?” He glanced at me. “I think you should.”

  I shrugged. “I did what I needed to do. I didn’t tell anyone because I knew you’d try to talk me out of it. What’s done is done.”

  “I hope you didn’t really screw this up. You and her connecting…” Damien gave a low whistle. “I’m wondering what the hell abilities we’re going to gain from her. With Mason, I’m assuming we’ll get more strength and his ability to do math.”

  Eric rolled his eyes at Damien’s joke. Word on the street was Mason was a math whiz.

  “Have you thought about what it’s going to be like to be married in a few weeks and living under the same roof as your wife and the girl you’re in love with?” Eric asked.

  I looked down at my hands. I couldn’t tell them about Votum Aeturnum.

  “Gen?” Amanda poked her head in. “Headmaster Brighton is here to see you. He’s at the door.”

  I wondered when he’d pay me a visit. I nodded to the guys before I strolled to the door and pulled it open to find Brighton standing there with Ceres.

  “General, do you have a moment?”

  “I have several,” I answered, gesturing for him to come inside.

  He shook his head slightly and stepped off the stone steps. “Come. Let’s walk.”

  Sighing, I reached to the coat rack, grabbed my cloak, and slung it around my shoulders before following Brighton outside. Ceres whined at me, and I scratched her head quickly.

  “General, may I ask what the hell you were thinking? I was under the impression you weren’t going to connect with the Mancer.”

  “I wasn’t. But things changed.”

  “What things?”

  “Her safety. My father sent a rotwraith after her, and she nearly died. She needs to be inducted into Conexus. Then to act on her without reason is treason and punishable by our laws. She’ll be safe within our ranks.”

  “You don’t even know what will happen by connecting with her, Raiden,” Brighton hissed. “I want our world’s safety—I want her safety as well as yours—but please think this through. I’ve spent many nights thinking this over. I thought it was a grand idea at first. Now? I think it’s the worst.”

  “I understand your concern, Headmaster. Please understand mine.”

  “In less than twelve hours’ time, you’ll stand on the dais and let your blood decide. What do you expect to happen when it does? You do realize the secret of who you are will be out then, right?”

  “I know,” I whispered. “But she deserves to know.”

  “It’s not just her, Raiden. Our world will find out. I fear for her still. Your father—or whoever has gone nuts in the Order—won’t stand for her being so close to their control, for both of you being close to their control, without taking action.”

  “Let them,” I hissed. “I want to know who the rat is within our ranks. I’ll destroy him.”

  “I pray it’s that easy.” Brighton sighed. “This could be the beginning of the end, Raiden.”

  We’d stopped walking. Ceres’s head bumped against my leg. I peered down at her. She stared up at me with bright eyes. There was something in the way she looked at me that sent shivers down my spine.

  “I honestly hope it is,” I murmured.

  All of Conexus house walked to the edge of the campus. Our casters opened the hidden circle to the dais, the raised platform where we did our inductions beneath a full moon. Jared stayed outside the magical line to escort Ever and Mason across.

  We wore black cloaks, white masks over our faces, and black leather gloves over our hands so our identities would remain hidden. It was part of the ceremony. To be faceless. Nameless. To be a nobody so we connected as a whole.

  “We have dinner with my parents tomorrow night,” Amara huffed as she paused at my side. “This changes nothing.”

  I remained quiet. She stalked past me and went to her spot. I settled into my place and waved my gloved hand. The dais was a massive, raised circle with intricate ruins from the Old Words carved deeply into its golden metal. In the center, each member would take a turn. They’d cut themselves with th
e ceremonial dagger and offer their blood to the podium. If a match stood at the bottom around the edge, that was the person they bonded with. To finish creating the bond, the match would join the member in the center and the two would exchange blood and say the words of bonding. If no member connected, we moved to the next one until everyone had a turn in the center.

  My heart raced at the thought of me and Ever. Either she’d smile and kiss me when she found out I was Shadow, or she’d cut me with the dagger we used for the ceremony. I was pretty sure I knew which reaction to expect.

  “They’re here,” Damien murmured.

  We’d arranged ourselves around the dais. No one moved as Ever and Mason were led inside. Jared silently gestured for Ever to take the spot next to Sloane. Mason took the empty spot next to Brandon.

  We shifted into our shadow selves, hidden beneath our cloaks and masks, our hoods pulled low over our faces. The midnight moon hung like an open red sore in the sky.

  Amanda was first to stand in the center. She removed her glove and cut her palm. Her blood ran red and dropped at her feet. It shuddered for a moment before traveling the runes to Brandon. They’d been connected already and remained each other’s best connection. He made his way up to her, still completely cloaked, and proceeded to cut himself. They combined their blood in the black goblet which stood in the center and drank from it.

  It wasn’t my favorite part of the ceremony. I hated we had to drink blood like common vampires. But it was a millennia old tradition and how things were done. I glanced at Ever out of the corner of my eye and watched as her gaze locked on what was happening, her lips parted. She and Mason were in their black cloaks but no masks or gloves. All new members came open and ready to offer themselves.

  Eric was next. He stood in the center and did as Amanda had done before him. When his blood didn’t connect to a single person, we waited for the dais to absorb it. When it did, Eric moved back to his place. Sloane took her turn and cut her hand.

  Surprise caught in my chest when her blood shuddered at her feet before traveling the line to Damien. I nearly whooped with joy at the two of them finally connecting. Damien took his place at her side, and they did their blood exchange. He squeezed her hand before he made his way back to his spot.


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