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Changing of the Glads

Page 28

by Joy Spraycar

  One thing at a time.

  Platy’s face swam before Zalphia’s eyes. Her trainer, the one person she had for years considered her friend, now would be her opponent in a fight to the death.

  Zalphia pictured shoving the wicked two-sided blade into her trainer. She saw Platy jerking on the ground, the victim of one bolt from the lightning stick. Or would Zalphia have the pleasure of strangling her trainer in hand to hand combat? Something she had so often pictured in her mind in the months after being recaptured. No matter how it ended, Platy would be ill prepared for this. And fighting in the arena would be a rude awakening for the trainer.

  Vitus considered Platy a traitor, and Mantus considered her an acceptable loss. Platy had no idea what the arena held in store for her this day.

  A gong sounded and everyone rushed to be seated.

  Vitus’s throne stood within Zalphia’s view. She almost laughed as he ceremoniously waved while walking down the steps. Cheers echoed through the air.

  Then the realization of what his haughtiness would cost him rolled full-force over her. She turned away. “This isn’t the boy I raised.” A tear slipped down her cheek, and her chin quivered. How did Mantus manage to change him from a decent, kind man to the evil dictator that appeared before her now?

  The cold fact that Vitus must die to save the millions of lives on this planet weighed heavy on Zalphia’s shoulders.

  She gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and willed her intended choices to solidify within her. “Come on. I have to do this.”

  The child she carried sent sustaining pictures to her mind.

  Confidence and determination flooded over Zalphia. She opened her eyes, lifted her chin, and turned to face the arena.

  Max’s mind slid into hers.

  I am here, my love. You are not alone.

  No, Max. I’m not. Do you sense our child?

  If felt like years since their minds had first connected, not a mere eight months. The sharing of tender things slipped into her memory. The brook, the wispy tree, and the peace Max promised.

  Oh, how she longed for the times they had spent beneath the stars. The soft touches and tender kisses all seemed like a dream. A wonderful dream.

  I know you feel you must help. But when the time comes, promise me you will go.

  I cannot leave you. I will not leave you.

  How could she convince him to flee? As much as she wished he could stay, she knew he must go. Mantus had to believe she would stand by his side when this was all over. And if Max was still here, that would ruin everything.

  The child intervened, sending pictures depicting the plan along the pathway to Max so fast that he seemed lost. But as quickly as the pictures had begun, they stopped.

  Zalphia could feel Max’s astonishment. She felt his longing to remain by her side.

  The time for us to be together will come, Max. I will be waiting when you return.

  Is there no other way?

  The pain he felt washed over her, shaking her confidence and pooling moisture on her lashes. How she wished the things he had promised those first days they had spent together could come true. That they could stand side by side and defeat the evil on this planet. But the combining he mentioned was not to fight. It had never been for them to fight. It had always been the plan for them to produce a child. Their child. Their salvation. The salvation of this planet and many others.

  How could he deny that something good had come from the time they had spent together? He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. She felt his virtual embrace one last time before she pushed him away.

  Promise that when the time comes, you will go. I’m counting on you and Karaticus to give me the time I need.

  Max’s voice echoed between the walls of her cell. “I will do whatever you wish. But know this. I will never be far away.”

  Zalphia nodded. Tears slipped down her cheeks. She felt his heart breaking as if it were her own. His love would sustain her, and she would count on him to delay Mantus long enough for her plan to work. Max knew his part. He would play it.

  The cell door into the arena shuddered open, and Zalphia stepped out.

  An Armor stood next to the weapons table off to her left.

  Zalphia held her left hand out, fingers pointed toward the sky, and waited. Newly sharpened claws were placed on each finger.

  How she hated this. Those claws had become who she was, an instrument of death.

  Raising her right hand, Zalphia waited for her weapon, but the Armor shook his head.

  “Of course not,” she muttered.

  Zalphia dipped her head, affirming the fact she was meant to fight unarmed. Turning slowly, she gazed at the crowd. Did they gather to watch knowing full well of the unfairness of the terms? Of course they did. That’s why they were here. To watch two people die for the pleasure of their Emperor. When her gaze reached Vitus, she nodded.

  Platy stood across the way. Her left hand sported her gleaming claws, and in her right, she held a blade.

  Panic widened the trainer’s eyes as Zalphia strode to the middle of the arena.

  If it hadn’t been this match, this conflict, Zalphia would have laughed out loud. How many times over the last several months had she dreamed of this? But the look on Platy’s face showed just how unprepared the trainer was. She might know how to make a fight turn to a Glads advantage, but she had never actually fought herself.

  How did Vitus expect Platy to win? As scared as the trainer looked, she probably wouldn’t even fight.

  A second gong sounded.

  Zalphia crouched and waited.

  Platy’s eyes flitted around the arena.

  “Come on, Platy.” Zalphia whispered as she took a couple steps forward. “You have to at least try.”

  Another step forward, and Platy took one back. Each advance Zalphia made was met with one of Platy’s in retreat.

  Zalphia paused. All the ways she had envisioned this ending, now slipped away. She couldn’t do this. Couldn’t just kill Platy when she was so scared she couldn’t even try to defend herself. The trainer looked ready to run, but had no idea which way to go.

  Zalphia considered her options. Platy wasn’t going to meet her and grapple for her life.

  Suddenly, a trap door opened just to Zalphia’s left, and two tigers sprang onto the arena floor.

  Platy screamed, drawing the tigers’ attention.

  They would attack the most obvious target, and right now that was Platy. They turned toward the trainer.

  Her eyes grew rounder.

  It would be easy to watch as the big cats did the dirty work. A single bite to the throat and it would all be over. But that seldom happened in the arena. The tigers preferred to play with their victim, using their claws to rip hunks out. Zalphia had seen Glads last for up to an hour before the cat finally went in for the kill

  All the anger and hurt from the last months vanished. Zalphia could save one person, right here, right now. Platy. Maybe not for long, but at least from the tigers. No one deserved an end so painful.

  In two swift bounds, Zalphia stood beside her trainer. “Stick with me, and we’ll kill these cats.”

  Zalphia crouched then looked up at Platy still standing frozen, her eyes glued to the tigers.

  “Get down. You’re too big a target standing there.”

  The trainer glanced down but didn’t move. Zalphia grabbed Platy’s arm and jerked her into the dirt.

  The tigers circled the two women. Zalphia glanced at Platy’s hands, but the knife was no longer there.

  “Where’s the knife,” Zalphia whispered.

  The trainer turned big eyes Zalphia’s direction but didn’t say anything. The knife lay several feet behind, and without it, the women stood no chance. Moving would cause the tiger to attack. But Zalphia had to get that blade.

  She shoved Platy to the left and dove for the knife. Her fingers closed around the hilt, and she rolled onto her back as one tiger pounced. The blade caught the noonday sun as Zalphia raised it. T
he light blinded her, so she threw her hand, heavy with claws, over her face.

  A sickening slurp indicated the knife had met its mark. The tiger went limp, but the momentum shot the lifeless body across Platy.

  Frightened screams deafened Zalphia.

  She rolled back into a crouched position, elbowed her trainer in the ribs, and positioned the knife in front of her.

  “Be quiet.”

  The second tiger circled, eyeing its companion and Zalphia.

  Any more movement would cause it to attack.

  When the tiger circled to the far side of Platy and the corpse of the first cat dispatched, Zalphia stood.

  The movement drew the tiger’s attention. A moment later, it sprang.

  Zalphia jumped to the left and raked the razor end of her claws across the side of the tiger’s face.

  It roared and rolled onto the ground, buying Zalphia a few moments. She hefted the first tiger from Platy and pulled her trainer to her feet.

  “Stay behind me.” Zalphia crouched again, and Platy crouched behind her.

  “He wants me dead.”

  “I know.” Zalphia glared at the tiger. “Now, shut up.”

  The tiger shook its head and began circling again. Zalphia shuffled, remaining between it and her trainer.

  “I’m dead. I’m dead,” Platy mumbled.

  The tiger crouched, eyed the women, and then sprang.

  Zalphia reached back for Platy, but the trainer wasn’t there. Distracted for a moment, she glanced back and saw Platy running for her Glad cell. The full brunt of the tiger’s body rolled Zalphia backward. She grabbed it by the throat with her claws, shoving the tips into the sagging skin.

  Claws dug into both her shoulders, and the searing pain drove reason away.

  Regaining her concentration, Zalphia rolled to the side and released the knife, which had been pinned beneath her.

  The tiger roared in pain as Zalphia plunged it clear to the hilt in the tiger’s side.

  It retracted its claws. Zalphia jerked the knife back, and it came out with a whoosh of air.

  Zalphia smirked and regained her feet.

  The tiger now spied Platy, standing at the gate of her Glad cell and screaming to be let in.

  “Oh no you don’t.”

  Zalphia leapt at the beast, rolling it over as she grappled for an advantage. The tiger slipped from her grasp, and she continued to roll across the arena dirt.

  The big cat lunged as she stopped. Instinct shot her blade toward the sky and right into the tiger’s throat.

  Blood splattered across Zalphia. This part of the match was over.

  She rolled the tiger to the side and stood once more.

  Platy’s Armor swung her around, shoved a lightning stick into her hand, and pushed her back into the arena.

  Zalphia nodded to Platy as the Armor retreated back to his position.

  Platy looked at the stick. Her eyes widened, and she looked back at Zalphia.

  “Come on, Platy.” Zalphia whispered. “You have to try.”

  Platy tossed her weapon to the ground.

  Zalphia took four steps then stopped well within range of the weapon. “Do it, Platy. Take up your weapon. You didn’t come all this way to stand there.”

  The trainer shook her head. “I can’t beat you.”

  Zalphia couldn’t help but laugh. “You have a weapon. So, go ahead, shoot.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You don’t even want to try?”

  “I’m here to be killed.” Platy pointed to the tigers. “I don’t know why you saved me. You should have let them do it.”

  Zalphia turned toward Vitus. “You want her dead?” she shouted.

  Vitus didn’t answer.

  The crowd began their shout. “No Mercy Zalph.”

  “Do it,” Platy screeched. “I know you want to. Hell, you tried the other day. Now’s your chance. Go ahead, Zalphia. Pay me back for the torture you endured at my hands. Pay me back for taking you from your mother and making you fight. You owe me this. Just do it.”

  Zalphia studied the anger and betrayal on her trainer’s face. Platy had been used. Just like her. Just like Max. And even Vitus. Everyone had come with their own agenda and combined to produce the circumstances in which Mantus would be defeated.

  Vitus stood, and the crowd fell silent.

  “You are both guilty of treason against the Empire.” Vitus paused and turned so the crowd could see him. “Do they deserve to die for opposing me, the one true God?”

  The crowd remained still for a moment.

  One voice rose. “Die.”

  Others joined in until the chorus echoed through the arena. “Die. Die. Die.”

  Vitus dropped his hand.

  Several more tigers and lions were released into the arena.

  Platy rushed to Zalphia’s side. “No matter what, we’re not leaving here alive.”

  Zalphia shoved the blade into Platy’s hand. “Slash anything that comes near,” she said as she dove for the lightning stick.


  Max stood just below Vitus’s throne. The tigers and lions circled each other. Max pushed his mind out to Zalphia, but she blocked him.

  Why was she trying to save that good-for-nothing Platy?

  Max felt the benevolent woman that he knew on Selestia in this Glad before him. He couldn’t have been prouder if he had decided this course of action himself. All the bad feelings for Platy had vanished. She was a pawn, just like the rest of the people packing the arena.

  Zalphia had made him promise to leave. And Karaticus had begged him to go with them. But Max ignored them all. He would never leave. Never again would he desert Zalphia. He wouldn’t leave her to her own devices. He would never leave her side. Not even for a moment.

  Damn their plan. Damn what everyone else wanted him to do. He would…

  Max would be there to lend support. Be there to keep Vitus from killing the one person Max had stood before Selestia and the great God above and promised to protect. He would stay until this was over. Until this match was over. Until Zalphia no longer needed him. And when Mantus came for his wife, Max would destroy the traitor. The way he should have all those years ago on Selestia.

  Platy and Zalphia now stood back to back as the huge cats circled.

  Max had never reached into an animal’s mind before, but it was easy enough to confuse two or three of the cats at the same time.

  In the middle of the arena, Platy managed to incapacitate one tiger while Zalphia killed another one, plus two lions. Now, only two of the big cats remained.

  Max felt Vitus’s mind sweep out, grabbing Platy’s. While Zalphia was posturing with the remaining tigers, the trainer attacked from behind.

  As the knife sank into Zalphia’s shoulder, her mind block disappeared and Max’s slid in. Her pain shot through him. Unprepared for the sudden onslaught, Max fell to one knee.

  Zalphia remained on her feet. She reached back, grabbed Platy’s arm and swung her trainer to the ground. The quick movement caught one tiger’s attention, and seeing a vulnerable target, it leapt.

  Zalphia pulled the blade from her shoulder as the second tiger pounced. Its claws caught her in the chest and rolled her backward. She used the momentum to roll the animal over onto its back. With the knife now clutched in her hand, she plunged it into the tiger’s chest. Its last roar reverberated off the arena walls.

  Zalphia slammed the wall in her mind back up. Max lost his hold, but the pain in his shoulder remained.

  How could he still feel pain when Zalphia’s mind was closed off?

  Vitus reached out again. Max jumped into the virtual pathway and struggled to keep Vitus’s mind from Platy’s, but his eldest was too strong.

  Zalphia stood, arms shaking and blood pouring from the wound on her shoulder.

  Platy’s lifeless eyes stared at Max as the tiger continued to chew on her body.

  Screaming, Zalphia leapt to the aid of the person who had just tried to kill her. The tige
r took a hit just behind the head and rolled to the side.

  Zalphia slowly backed away as the animal whirled and faced its new attacker.

  Max fought the pain lingering in his shoulder and tried to slow the tiger’s thoughts at the same time. He needed to help Zalphia. He suddenly realized she was inching closer to a trap.

  No! Let me in.

  He fought for a way around her defenses. A second mind added another wall to be penetrated.

  Vitus! Max glanced behind and glared at his son, who sat on his throne a sick smile plastered across his face.

  Zalphia, look out!

  She couldn’t hear him. He couldn’t get through to her. Three more steps. She would hit the trap.

  The spikes. Oh, Selestia, the wicked spikes!

  One step.

  Frantic, Max wrestled against Vitus.

  Two steps.

  He clawed his way through Vitus, but Zalphia’s wall stood strong.

  Can’t get in. Can’t reach her mind.

  He screamed, “Zalphia!”

  She glanced his direction.


  “Nooooo!” Max flew to his feet, all pain forgotten.


  That scream! Max? He was supposed to be gone.

  Zalphia’s heel settled in the dirt. A metal spike shot from the ground, entering her leg just above the ankle and coming out through her thigh. Pain severed her concentration, and she felt the blood drain from her face.

  She scanned the arena but didn’t see her beloved. One guard stood frozen just below Vitus’s throne box. Could it be?


  Max had promised to go. Maybe someone else actually wanted her to succeed.

  The roar of the tiger brought Zalphia back to the moment. The orange and black of its coat barely registered before the full-force of the animal’s body hit her. The spike ripped and tore muscle and skin but didn’t release its hold. Zalphia’s body rebounded, sending the tiger hurling back to the ground. The big cat bounced, regained its feet, and shook its head.

  Realizing she still held the knife, Zalphia flipped it over so the blade sat between her fingers. Pain dulled her senses and moisture pooled, dimming her vision. She ran the back of her wrist across her eyes, then focused, and flung the knife at the stunned cat.


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