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My Savior

Page 7

by Alanea Alder

  When her mate suddenly flipped off the rope and walked over to Sascha, she wondered what he was up to until Sascha pointed in her direction. With the binoculars still at her eyes, she raised her hand and waved. With a face like a thundercloud, he stalked over. When she could no longer look through the binoculars to see him, she lowered them to find he was standing right in front of her.

  Grabbing her chest, she took deep breaths. How fast had he been walking? "You scared the crap outta me!"

  He frowned down at her. "You are an odd little half human."

  "My brother says I'm a 'limited edition', thank you very much."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Stalking you."

  His mouth dropped. "Out in the open?"

  She shrugged. "Why hide?"

  He stared at her, clearly at a loss for words.

  "Miss me this morning?" she asked brightly.

  "No, in fact I was wondering when you were leaving."

  "I'm not."

  "I can make you go," he threatened.

  Growling, Amelia stood up on the crate in front of him. "Here are your choices, princess." She poked him in the chest. "One: You mate with me, and we live happily ever after." She poked him again. "Two: You kill me. Which one will it be?" She folded her arms across her chest.

  "Those choices are unacceptable."

  "Too bad."

  "If you won't leave, I will." When he turned to walk away, she felt a moment of panic. He was right; he could leave the city, and she would never see him again. He could lose his soul and become feral, or he could simply wait for her to die. Since she wasn't a full-blooded witch, she only had another forty to sixty years to live, tops. To him, that would be the blink of an eye. Desperate to stop him, she reached out to grab him. Unfortunately, she had not accounted for the loose slate in the crate she was standing on. She twisted her ankle and started to fall; she braced for the impact that never came.


  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her reaching for him. On instinct, he turned toward her. When she lost her footing, his body moved without conscious thought. He lifted his arms and caught her easily, bringing her to rest snugly against his chest. Everything in him was screaming that this is where she belonged.

  Taking a deep ragged breath, he placed her on her feet. "Are you okay?"

  "I think my leg is broken," she said, pointing to her right leg.

  Panic took over. "What!" he bellowed. "We need to get you to the clinic!" The men began to gather around to help.

  "Just kidding." She stood and did an abbreviated tap dance before lifting an imaginary top hat in his direction. "I'm fine."

  Darian dropped his head back and began to mentally count to ten.

  One, two, three...

  "Four, five, six..." Amelia continued.

  Shocked, he opened his eyes. "Can you read minds?"

  She shook her head. "No, but I was raised by three brothers; I know that look well."

  "This can't be baby Amelia that Caiden is always talking about, can it?" Quinn asked.

  "That would be me, and you are...?"

  "Quinn Foxglove, and this monster is Graham Armstrong," he said, pointing to the extremely large warrior beside him. Graham smiled at his mate. Darian mentally corrected himself; she was not his mate. She was a random strange woman.

  Amelia squealed and launched herself into Graham's arms. Graham laughed until he looked in his direction. Grinding his teeth, Darian forced himself to breathe slowly. Graham gently extricated himself from Amelia's enthusiastic hug.

  Darian fought back waves of jealously. Why should he care what this random woman did? Wait, wasn't Graham holding her just a bit too long?

  "Not that I don't appreciate the hug, but what was that for?" Graham asked.

  "Your mother taught me growing up. I heard about you all the time." She bounced up and down while holding his hand.

  Graham's mouth dropped open before he broke out in a huge grin. He laughed out loud and swept her up in another bear hug. "You're Amy!" Still grinning like an idiot, he put her down. "There wasn't a single time that my mother called when she didn't tell me about your latest exploits. My brother, Hunter, serves under Caiden in the Nu Unit. Is it true you hold the speed record for the Storm Keep obstacle course?"

  Amelia nodded and let go of his hand to blow on her fingers before rubbing them on her chest. "No one has broken it yet."

  "Are you two quite finished?" Darian asked coldly. At least she had stopped touching him.

  Graham stepped back. "Now that we know she's okay, we'll get back to drills. Nice meeting you, Amy."

  Amelia shook her head. "The only person on this planet who can call me Amy is your mother, and we both know you don't tell her no."

  Graham nodded. "That's the Gods' honest truth. Welcome to Lycaonia!" He and Quinn waved goodbye and went back to their exercises.

  "Maybe you and Amelia should walk around the property, just to make sure she's okay." Keelan suggested.

  "Good idea, Keelan," Aiden agreed.

  "Subtle," Darian said, eyeing the two men.

  Aiden shrugged. "It's either us, or Meryn gets involved, and you know subtle is her middle name," Aiden joked. Darian remembered Aiden's hard lesson about ignoring his mate and shuddered. Would Amelia set his car on fire? He looked over to see her smiling up at him. He wouldn't put anything past her.

  Darian realized there was no way to ignore the suggestion and, without saying a word, began walking toward the front of the house. Amelia jogged to catch up.

  "Wait for me, princess."

  "Stop calling me that."

  "You can only order me to do that as your mate; otherwise, it's just a request, and one I will continue to ignore."

  When they reached the back of the house, he slowed down then stopped. He turned around to face her. "Why are you trying to hard?"

  She looked surprised at his question. "Because you're my mate. As much as your instincts are telling you to stay away to keep me safe, mine are just as loud--and probably more obnoxious--and they are telling me to save you."

  Darian felt his mouth twitch. Something about her got to him. He turned and began walking again, slower this time. "If I knew for certain that I wouldn't drag you down with me..." He shook his head; he might not risk it even then.

  "Maybe that is my destined future. Maybe we're meant to fall together."

  He stopped suddenly. His head snapped back to face her. "That is unacceptable."

  She scrunched up her nose. "You say that a lot."

  He resumed walking. "Only around you."

  He felt her grab the back of his shirt. When he turned around, he saw tears in her eyes. "Please," she whispered.

  Unable to stop himself, he leaned down toward her. When their lips touched, he felt as if he had finally come home. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his body, enjoying the feel of her soft curves pressed against him. When he felt the tiny flicker that was the remainder of his soul trying to merge with hers, he broke off their kiss and stepped away. His breathing was ragged and labored. There was no way he could deny that she was his mate now. She had to have felt the merge begin.

  He walked over to the large oak tree at the edge of the property and placed a hand on the trunk. He felt a modicum of control return.

  "Damn that spell," he whispered.

  "I dreamt of you before the spell remember? We were always meant to be. Almost from the moment of my birth, I belonged to you," she said softly.

  He took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. He turned to face her. He owed her that at least. "I'll walk you back."

  They walked in silence until they stood at the front door.

  "I'll see you at dinner," he said, stepping off the porch.

  "Is that a date?"

  He felt himself smile and dared not turn around. "Don't read anything into it."

  "I'm wearing you down, princess."

  "You need to find someone from your own planet," he cal
led after her. She laughed and reached for the doorknob.

  He waited until her heard the door open and shut before he walked back over to the men.

  "I take it she's okay?" Aiden asked.

  "Yes, she's fine." Darian stretched, looking around the workout yard.

  Keelan walked up beside him. "She's getting to you."

  "I can't afford to let her get any closer. If you were my friend, you would help me save her."

  Keelan looked away. Pain shined behind his eyes. "It's because I am your friend that I am trying to save you. Did you ever stop to think that maybe it's not up to you? Trust that Fate knows what she is doing."

  "If I..." Darian hesitated looking around.

  Keelan stepped close. "I will protect her with my life, Darian. I'd take care of you myself," he promised.

  Darian ruffled his young friend's hair. He hadn't felt brotherly affection for his friend in nearly forty years. "As if you could take me," he joked, enjoying the ability to do so. Every time he was around Amelia, it was as if his emotions were restored with her smile.

  Keelan's eyes danced with relief at his playful attitude. "My kung-fu is strong."

  "Come on, princess, we don't have all day!" Sascha yelled across the training grounds sending the men into peals of laughter.

  Darian heard Keelan whispering under his breath and smiled. Crossing his arms over his chest, he waited.

  Seconds later, Sascha's curses rang out over the men's laugher.

  "Dammit, Keelan, undo the spell right now!" he ordered, banging on an invisible wall. Keelan had hardened the air all around the Gamma Unit leader.

  Colton was pointing and laughing, which fueled Sascha's anger to new heights.

  "Poor tiger wiger!" Colton teased.

  "Leave him there, Keelan. We have actual work to do," Darian said, walking back over to the ropes where he had been working out. "I want to see the progress you made increasing the strength in your upper body."

  "Sure thing," Keelan said, joining him at the ropes.

  "Bastards! Let me out of here!"

  Everyone went back to their workout.

  "Guys?" Sascha called.

  Darian held the rope while Keelan climbed.

  "Guys, come on, I have to piss!" Sascha yelled.

  "Go ahead, Sascha, I mean it's not like the women are watching," Colton cajoled.

  "Although, Amelia did get those binoculars from somewhere," Gavriel interjected, sending Colton into fresh fits of laughter.

  All around him, the men laughed and teased the Gamma Unit leader until Aiden couldn't stand seeing Sascha squirm anymore and ordered Keelan to take down the wall. Darian felt lighter than he had in years.

  Maybe I have a chance after all.


  Amelia walked into the house and shut the door. Darian's kiss had changed something in her. In her mind, she had always known he was her mate, but after his kiss, she suddenly felt empty without him. She keenly felt the separation from him, and it scared her. Desperately needing a distraction to take her mind off her still tingling body, she headed toward the kitchen.

  When she entered, Ryuu looked up from the stove. "Is there something I can do for you, itoko-sama?" he asked.

  She frowned. "What does that mean anyway?"

  He gave a noncommittal shrug. "It is a mode of address in my language. I find that the English language lacks proper terms to covey certain meanings," he said, not explaining anything at all.

  "It sounds pretty."

  Ryuu smiled and gave a half bow.

  "Could you show me where Aiden's office is? Keelan brought my makeup case down last night so I could do makeovers for Beth and Meryn."

  "Of course, one moment." Ryuu untied the starched, white apron and set it to one side. He walked her out of the kitchen to the foyer and down a second hallway on the other side of the staircase. He paused at a closed door before knocking.

  "Come in!" she heard Meryn yell.

  Smiling, Ryuu opened the door for her, and she walked in.

  "Thank you, Ryuu."

  "You're very welcome." He bowed again and left.

  "Are you here to do makeovers?" Meryn squealed.

  "Yup, my case should be around here somewhere." She looked around.

  "If you mean the silver, toolbox-looking thing, it's against the wall," Jaxon said, pointing it out.

  "That would be it." She wheeled the case to the small seating area where Beth and Meryn now sat.

  "Is it okay if I join in, too?" Noah asked shyly.

  "Of course!" Amelia pointed to the empty seat next to Meryn on the small love seat.

  Meryn turned to Noah. "I'm going to get sexy."

  Noah blushed furiously. "I want to look pretty."

  Beth laughed. "Noah, you are pretty."

  "I wish I had your eyelashes," Amelia sighed. "Women pay a lot money for false mink lashes to look half as good."

  Meryn's eyes lit up. "I want to try those."

  Amelia started pulling different palettes and brushes from her case. "So, will the order be Beth, then Meryn, then Noah?" she asked.

  Meryn and Noah looked at each other. "Can we try it ourselves?" Meryn asked.

  Amelia looked between the two of them. "You know what? Let's use my laptop. I'll fire up a makeup tutorial on YouTube, and you two can try it out. How's that?"

  "Perfect! I can't wait to shock Aiden." Meryn grinned evilly.

  Amelia pulled out her laptop from the back of the case and logged in. "What type of look did you want?"

  Meryn pulled the laptop between her and Noah. "We got this, you do Beth."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Absolutely." Meryn started typing. "We just have to find a video we want."

  "Okay, if you have any questions or need help, let me know." Amelia slid a tray of assorted makeup and beauty supplies over to them and turned to Beth. "So what's your normal look?"

  "Pretty natural, I tend to go for neutral colors like cream, pink, and light brown."

  She assessed Beth's gorgeous blonde hair and blue eyes. "How do you feel about bold colors?"

  Beth flinched. "How bold?"

  "Trust me." Amelia grinned and started pulling out the makeup she knew she wanted for Beth's new look.

  "So, Amelia, do you know The Doctor?" Meryn asked, her eyes still glued to the laptop. Noah pointed to one video and she nodded.

  "Doctor Who?" Amelia winked at Beth.

  Meryn laughed. "Exactly!" Then she paused. "Wait, did you actually mean to ask doctor who, as in the question?"

  Amelia just raised an eyebrow at her, and Meryn rolled her eyes.

  "What are the odds that most of the mates watch Doctor Who?" Beth asked, lining up the pencils by length.

  Amelia shrugged. "Maybe the Doctor is gathering all of his supporters into one place so that, when the time comes, we can help him save the Earth?"

  Meryn looked up, her eyes wide and her face filled with wonder.

  Beth groaned. "Don't encourage her nutty conspiracy theories."

  Meryn glared at Beth. "Some of my theories are true, thank you very much."

  Beth shook her head. "It worries me that you even think of those crazy ideas to begin with."

  Meryn shrugged. "Aiden snores; it's what I think of when I'm trying to get to sleep."

  "Ahh, sleep deprivation. I knew there had to be an explanation."

  Amelia pulled out her pack of makeup remover wipes. "Before we get started, is anyone wearing makeup?" All three shook their heads. "Ideally, I would have you exfoliate and moisturize before we get started, but I think we can skip it today. Remind me to establish skin care programs for you later." She put the wipes on the table.

  "This one?" Meryn pointed to the screen. Noah nodded. Meryn started their video as Amelia picked up a tube of primer. As she was smoothing it over Beth's skin, she heard a masculine voice from her laptop. "And you if don't like it, don't fucking watch it; you know the drill."

  Amelia and Beth turned to Meryn and Noah at
the same time. "What are you watching?" Beth asked.

  "Manny Mua. So far, he rocks!" Meryn's eyes were glued to the monitor.

  "Mua?" Amelia laughed. "Meryn, that's Manny M-U-A, as in makeup artist, not his last name."

  "That makes more sense," Meryn said.

  "He's gorgeous," Noah sighed, watching the video with a dreamy expression on his face.

  "He must be pretty," Jaxon quipped, without looking up from his work.

  "He is," Meryn and Noah replied in unison.

  Amelia turned back to Beth. "I'll have to check him out later." She held up one bottle of foundation then another. Beth was so fair she knew she would probably have to mix foundations to get the correct shade. She chose two of the lightest shades she had and ran test strips down her neck. While they were drying, she lightly filled in her brows with a brow pencil. Since she was blonde, she didn't want to go too dark.

  "No, he said a two-twenty-four brush, where is that one?" Meryn asked.

  "Found it." Noah held up the black handled brush.

  Amelia lucked out in that Beth was a match with a foundation she had. With a flat-topped brush, she buffed the foundation into Beth's skin. She used her favorite concealer not only to highlight under her eyes but to prime her eyelids as well. Next, she set the foundation and concealer with a translucent powder.

  "My fucking eye is twitching," Manny complained from her laptop. Meryn giggled at the video. "I love him!"

  Beth chuckled at Meryn's giggles. "She would find a kindred spirit via YouTube somehow."

  "Meryn, I don't think that's right," Noah commented nervously.

  Amelia dug through her case, looking for her palest pink blush. She wanted just a hint of color in Beth's cheeks. "Found it!" She opened the compact and picked up her fluffiest brush.


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