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My Savior

Page 15

by Alanea Alder

  "Is there anything else that you need?" he asked, smoothing her hair away from her face.

  "Chocolate, please. For when I feel better" She peeled her eyes open and smiled at him.

  "Of course. I have heard about the magic of human chocolate. I will return with a selection for you," he promised.

  "Hurry back."


  When the door shut behind him, Amelia closed her eyes and stopped fighting to stay awake. She was too tired to face their new reality with Darian gone.


  Darian and the men sat in the SUV for a few minutes letting the new information sink in. After a few minutes, Aiden started the car and pulled out of their driveway.

  "What's a migraine?" Colton asked, turning to him.

  "It has to be bad, Amelia rated it a thirty on a pain scale of one to ten," Darian replied. He hated leaving her when she was in so much pain, but the only place that had her medicine was the human store.

  "Keelan," Aiden barked.

  Keelan sighed and pulled out his phone. He tapped his screen several times. "It says here that exact causes are unknown, but migraine headaches can cause severe pain, sensitivity to light and sound, eye pain, nausea, and vomiting." Keelan swallowed. "They sound awful. Amelia may be half witch, but she's also half human and susceptible to these things. It says here stress is a contributing factor."

  Darian felt ill. His poor mate! How could she survive such a thing?


  Aiden nodded and looked at him in the rear view mirror. "We'll be there soon. I know you're anxious to get back. I felt the same way when I knew Meryn was having her cycle. It killed me knowing she was lying at home alone with her womb turning inside out, but like before, we have to get what Amelia needs to overcome this."

  Colton shook his head. "I can't believe your mate is a psychologist. I thought she was a bubbly, air-headed version of Meryn. I don't think I could do what she did. She's kinda amazing."

  Pride for his mate welled up in him. "She is, isn't she?" Darian found himself once again realizing that his mate deserved so much more than what he had to offer. Nevertheless, he would keep his promise to her and try to stay in the light for as long as he could. It was the least he could do for such a selfless creature.

  None too soon they were pulling into the parking lot of the Duck In.

  "Weapons?" Keelan asked.

  Aiden nodded. "But keep them small. Bart told me that we make the other humans nervous when we're visibly armed."

  Gavriel smiled. "It makes sense, we are already much larger than the average human. Even without weapons, I believe we are intimidating."

  They got out of the car and checked their sidearms before heading into the store.

  "Aiden m'boy! What has you gentlemen out today?" Bart called from behind he counter.

  They walked up to the older man. Darian stepped forward. "I have need of your medical counter. My mate is having migraines and our doctor gave me this to get her medicine." He held up the prescription that Rheia had given him.

  Bart lowered his glasses onto his nose and took the piece of paper. "Real sorry to hear about your woman. Come with me boys. I'll show you where the pharmacy is." Bart stepped out from behind his counter and slowly made his way to the back of the store.

  "Bill! Bill! I got a pre-scrip-shun for ya." Bart yelled over the high counter.

  A man not much younger than Bart peered out over the counter. "Well, give it here!" Bill reached out his hand and Bart gave him the piece of paper.

  Bill looked it over. "Hmmm. Hmmm. Sumatriptan huh? Someone must have a migraine." He looked out over the men. "Who's this for?"

  Darian stepped closer. "My mate."

  "Hmmm. Give me fifteen minutes," Bill said shortly, before disappearing behind his tall counter.

  "You boys behave. No shenanigans like last time," Bart warned shaking a finger at them.

  "No, sir," Aiden affirmed, nodding at the older man.

  "Good." Bart walked back up to the front.

  The men stood in front of the counter for a few minutes before they began to wander around. Colton made Keelan squirm by showing him different condom boxes, and Gavriel discovered the aisle that had imported chocolate. Feeling like they had discovered lost treasure, they loaded up with the brightly colored paper wrapped bars and made their way to the front. They placed the assortment of chocolate and the bag of jalapeño Cheetos for Meryn on the counter, smiling at each other triumphantly. Bart looked at their selections and shook his head. Once they were checked out they headed back to the pharmacy.

  "I wonder what this is?" Colton asked, pointing to a strange looking chair.

  They all gathered around it. Gavriel stepped closer to read the text on the machine. "It says here you place your arm through this cuff and it will tell you what your blood pressure is."

  Everyone looked at each other before turning to stare at Keelan. Keelan started to back away slowly. "No way!"

  Darian and Colton looked at each other and each grabbed an arm. "Don't be like that, Kee. Let's see what happens," Colton said with a devilish grin.

  They manhandled him into the chair and slid his arm into the cuff before stepping back.

  Aiden frowned. "Nothing is happening."

  "Prescription for Amelia Ironwood," Bill announced.

  Reluctantly, Darian walked back over to the counter.

  Bill handed him a small paper bag with multiple pieces of paper stapled to it.

  "You can pay back here," Bill said.

  Darian got his wallet out and handed him the credit card. While he was waiting for the slip to sign, he started to read the paper attached to the medicine.

  Be careful when using if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, are breast-feeding, or post menopausal.

  May cause mental or mood changes, hallucinations, fast heartbeat, fever, loss of coordination, muscle spasms, increased sweating, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

  What the fuck!

  "Sir! Sir! This package says that no woman who is pregnant, planning to become pregnant should be taking this medication." Darian waved the bag at him.

  "Is she pregnant?"

  Darian shook his head. "No."

  "Then you don't have to worry. Sign here." Bill passed him the slip. Grinding his teeth, Darian scrawled his name.

  "Ha! You have to push the button," he heard Colton say.

  "I don't like this," Keelan said in a small voice.

  "Have a nice night." Bill gave a stiff smile and disappeared behind his counter.

  Darian pulled out his phone and called Rheia. She answered on the second ring.


  "Rheia, I'm concerned. The instructions on this medicine state that it could cause certain side effects."

  "She'll be fine, Darian. Just bring it home. If you're that worried, I'll check on her throughout the night," she promised.

  "Rheia, it said it could cause hallucinations!" Darian clutched the bag in his hand.

  "I know, I know. Just bring it home, Darian. It's fine, I promise." Rheia hung up and Darian frowned at his phone.

  Human medicine could kill you!

  "Guys, my arm hurts." Keelan said, wiggling in the seat.

  Darian walked over to see Keelan's hand was starting to turn a dark, purply-red color.

  "Is it supposed to do that?" Darian asked Aiden who shrugged.

  "Okay guys, this shit hurts, get it off!" Keelan said pulling on his arm trying to extricate it from the cuff.

  "Just press the release button," Bill called out.

  Colton looked around and pressed the button. He looked down at Keelan. "Well?"

  "It's still squeezing!" Keelan yelled.

  "I will go get Bart." Gavriel volunteered and headed to the front.

  "Get it off me!" Keelan screamed hysterically.

  "What do we have here?" Bart asked.

  "We can't get his arm out of this contraption." Aiden pointed to Keelan.

  "Did y
a press the button?"

  "Yes," Colton said pressing the button again.

  Bart rubbed his chin. "Well, ain't this a pickle." He turned toward the pharmacy. "I told you this darn thing was broke," he yelled.

  "I can't feel my fingers," Keelan whimpered.

  Gavriel turned to Aiden. "We have a sword in the car."

  Keelan's eyes widened and he began to struggle even harder to get free.

  Bart turned to Gavriel. "A real sword?" His eyes were bright with curiosity making him seem more like a little boy than a grizzled old man.

  Gavriel winked.

  "You don't really need two arms, do you Kee?" Colton joked.

  "Yes I do!" Keelan yelled back.

  "We could try cutting the cuff off," Aiden suggested.

  Keelan shook his head. "You'll cut my arm off!"

  "Don't be silly Keelan. If we cut your arm off, blood will get everywhere." Aiden chastised.

  Keelan had just started to hyperventilate when Darian had an idea. He stepped forward and leaned in close to his friend. "You're a witch who has mastered air; can you deflate the cuff," he asked.

  Seconds later, Keelan yanked his arm out of the blue cuff and slid off the small bench to sit on the floor.

  "I hate going to the store. I hate going to the store. I hate going to the store..." Keelan repeated over and over.

  "Hey, blondie!" A cantankerous voice called. Darian turned to see Bill waving him over. "Give this to him. It will calm him down. If you tell anyone I gave it to you, I'll deny it. I normally wouldn't do this, but it is my fault for not getting that thing fixed." Bill dropped a small pill in his hand.

  "Will this cause hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, fever...?"

  Bill rolled his eyes. "Just give it to him." He turned and disappeared again.

  Darian looked around. He spotted a display of bottled water and grabbed one. He walked over to Keelan and knelt down. "Here you go Keelan. This will help." He handed him the small pill and the opened bottle of water. Keelan didn't even question what it was; he just downed it.

  "How's the arm?" Aiden asked.

  Keelan looked up, his eyes a little less wild. "I can move it." He extended his arm and rotated it.

  Aiden turned to Darian. "Did you get Amelia's medicine?"

  "Yes, though I have concerns about giving it to her." Darian frowned.

  "Trust Rheia, she wouldn't give her anything that would be harmful," Colton said.

  "I say, is the boy all right?" Bart said pointing to Keelan who had slumped over on one side, mouth open and drooling.

  "Keelan!" Colton knelt down and checked for a pulse.

  Bart turned to the pharmacy counter. "What'd ya give the boy?" he demanded.

  "Just a little something to calm his nerves, though it shouldn't have kicked in so soon, it usually takes between thirty and forty minutes to get that sort of reaction." Bill said peering over the counter.

  "Pick up him, Colton. Let's get him home," Aiden said.

  Colton pulled Keelan into a sitting position and wrapped the witch's arm around his neck. "Come on kiddo, let's go home."

  "I try so hard, but nothing changes," Keelan murmured incoherently before passing out again.

  "I know, I know." Colton nodded and stood. "We'll get you home and then you can go beddy-bye."

  "He is out cold." Gavriel observed.

  "The only thing that could contribute to this type of reaction is possible sleep deprivation. Has he been sleeping?" Bill asked.

  Or it could be that it affects witches quicker than humans. Darian shook his head. Trust Keelan to find out the hard way.

  The men looked at each other. "He did say at breakfast that he was having a hard time sleeping lately," Gavriel said.

  "Then I'm glad he's getting some sleep now," Aiden said before turning to Bill. "You have my thanks."

  Bill waved off Aiden's thanks. "He should be fine by morning."

  Aiden nodded and they walked to the front of the store.

  Colton lifted Keelan into the back of the SUV and shut the hatch.

  "Colton, you couldn't put him in a seat?" Aiden asked frowning.

  "He'll be fine, just drive carefully," Colton said hopping into the back.

  Once they were on their way, silence filled the cab.

  "You know he'll never go to the store with us again after this, right?" Darian asked.

  That was all it took, first Gavriel then Aiden started laughing. Colton put his hands behind his head and chortled.

  Darian shook his head and smiled.

  There were worse ways to spend an evening.


  Amelia opened her eyes when she heard Darian return. She had been dozing off and on since he left.

  "Did I wake you?" he asked stopping in his tracks.

  "No, I've been awake for a little while. Any problems picking up the prescription? I didn't give you any of my ID."

  He shook his head. "No, I was able to get it with no issues." He set a bottle of water on the nightstand, opened the paper bag, and pulled out a small bottle. He broke the tamper proof seal and gently tapped out a pill for her. He handed her the medicine. She placed the pill under her tongue gratefully, willing it to dissolve and kick in as soon as possible. Prying one eye open she looked longingly at the water but knew it would have to wait until the nausea subsided to take a sip.

  "I'll sleep in the guest room." He turned to leave.

  "Please stay." All she could think about was Darian wrapping his arms around her and never leaving. She wanted the problems of the world to stop at their bedroom door and leave them alone.

  Quietly, he stripped off his clothes and climbed in behind her. On any other occasion, she would have done anything she could to seduce her mate. Their one night of lovemaking had left her with a taste for more, but she could barely keep her eyes open.

  "Sleep, my love. Tomorrow is a new day." He kissed her shoulder and pulled her close to his body.

  When the medicine started to kick in, taking the edge off her migraine, she let out a sigh of relief; sleep wasn't far behind.


  "How in the hell did you drug Keelan?" Rheia demanded checking Keelan's pupils the next morning at breakfast.

  "I slept great," he said, yawning.

  "You were completely non responsive, I thought you quit breathing at one point last night." Rheia glared at her mate who chuckled. Colton swallowed his laughter and turned his attention back to his omelette.

  Amelia stretched. "I feel great, too. No trace of a headache now."

  Rheia finished with Keelan by taking his pulse. "No more Valium for you."

  "Yes ma'am." He grinned shyly.

  Rheia sat down and pulled her medical bag into her lap and put her penlight away. "I need to get with Adam later and create a list of medicines and how different paranormals react to them."

  Gavriel leaned forward. "Not to ruin anyone's good mood," he turned to Aiden, "what do we do now?" Everyone got quiet.

  Aiden leaned back in his chair. "The council has reclaimed the remaining necklace from Adam and has it under guard. Now that they know what they are dealing with they are starting a new barrage of tests."

  "You're kidding me, right?" Amelia said, feeling her blood pressure rising.

  Aiden winced. "I wish I were."

  "Aiden, it's no longer just a necklace. Those beads are people! They are trapped in a moment of pure terror, we have to destroy the necklace and set them free!"

  Aiden turned to her sorrow on his face. "If it was up to me, it would have been done yesterday. But the council has taken over the investigation; it's out of my hands."

  "So what do we do?" Meryn asked quietly.

  "We do what we always do. You and Beth will take over my office to do your computer magic. Penny will go to school. Rheia will head to the clinic, and the men will begin our morning drills." He looked at Amelia. "You are to rest. I'm exhausted today just from watching you yesterday."

  Rheia nodded. "I agree, Amelia. Y
ou stay put today."

  Amelia snuck a glance at her mate. While getting ready this morning, she had noticed that he was even more withdrawn than normal. He felt emptier now than before they had made love.

  "I'd like to watch you all train if that's okay? I'm comfortable on the training field. I grew up on one." She gave Aiden her ten thousand megawatt smile.

  He smiled back at her. "Of course, but no joining in. I heard you hold several speed records in Storm Keep."

  "I'll just watch," she promised.

  Aiden stood. "Okay people, let's start our day."

  Amelia turned to Darian and grabbed his hand. When he looked down, his eyes were devoid of emotion. "I'll cheer you on, okay?"

  He nodded and extricated his hand from hers making his way toward the foyer. She had to do something. She was losing him! But she had no idea what to do or who to turn to. She debated going to Aiden when the conversation with Caiden popped into her mind. Darian had a brother! Maybe Oron could help. Taking a deep breath, she went to the hallway and grabbed her coat out of the closet. If Oron couldn't help, she didn't know what she'd do.

  She went outside and searched the faces of the men. What if he wasn't here today? She took a chance and walked up to the first fae warrior she saw. "Oron?"

  The warrior looked down at her and smiled. "No, I'm Larik Li'Milerlen of the Beta Unit. Oron is the one working the ropes." He pointed to the shirtless warrior doing battle rope exercises.



  She crossed the training field to the brother of her mate.

  "Hello," she said.

  "Hello, little one. I was wondering how long it would take before you sought me out. Did Darian tell you about me?" Oron asked, setting the thick ropes down.

  She shook her head. "No, I heard about your relationship from my brother, Caiden."

  "Brothers are funny things, aren't they? The only people in the entire world you would gladly die for, but they are also the only ones in this world who can drive you crazy." He grinned at her, his brown eyes full of life and light.

  She couldn't help her reaction. She felt her face crumple as tears sprang to her eyes.


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