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Her Master's Kiss 2

Page 5

by Vivien Sparx

  Then Renee whimpered… and the small passionate sound seemed to slip the leash on all of Stefan’s tightly restrained hunger.

  The muscles in his chest and biceps tensed as he plunged deep. The feel of her body molded to his drove him forward. He filled her again and again. He heard Renee gasp, and felt her hitch her knees higher, begging him for more with her body.

  Renee’s heart pounded crazily. Another helpless whimper sounded deep in her throat. Her breasts were crushed against Stefan’s chest, their dusky pink nipples tightening and tingling. The breath gushed out of her and she sucked in another. She could feel every pulsing inch of him and it drove her to raptures.

  There would be other times for them to share the slow lingering delights of gentle lovemaking, but now his need was too sharp, too urgent to be denied. And Renee’s own burning hunger was ignited by the hardness of him. She cried out again – a fierce sound filled with joyous relief – burying her face in the taut muscles of his chest as he filled her completely and she sensed the last inhibitions of his restraint slip away.

  “Yes!” she encouraged him. “Take me. Use me, Master. I want all of you. All of you.”

  Stefan growled his hunger; the sound as primal as the instinct. The breath drummed from his chest. Renee arched underneath him as he thrust into her and his fingers hooked cruelly into her flesh.

  “Yes!” she hissed again.

  No longer able to be passive to his need, Renee ground her pelvis against Stefan, writhing her body in erotic undulations that drew him deeper into her and locked their bodies together. She was desperate for more. She needed more.

  The heat was too intense.

  Stefan’s need was too fierce to be contained.

  His release came with a mighty surge; an explosive combustion of energy that tore a ragged groan from his mouth and filled his vision with flashes of blinding light. Renee clung to him, and an instant later she felt her breath seize in her lungs as her body clenched and pulsed, sweeping her away on the same surging wave of blissful euphoria.


  With her arms full of clothes, Renee used the instep of her foot to tap at the bedroom door. A moment later Tink cracked the door open and frowned at her.

  “C’mon! Open up,” Renee said brightly. “Before I drop everything.”

  Still wary, Tink held the door open and Renee made a light-hearted display of staggering under the weight of everything she carried. She tossed the clothes onto the bed and then sagged onto the edge of the mattress.

  “What are you doing?” Tink asked quietly, her arms folded defensively.

  “Cleaning out some things I don’t wear anymore,” Renee said. “I thought you might like to look through these dresses and tops to see if there’s anything you liked.”

  Tink’s expression became bewildered. She stared wide-eyed at Renee, uncertain, distrusting; wary and unsure.

  “I… I… can’t…” she started and then stopped. Her eyes were drawn to the inviting pile of fabrics on the bed. There were more clothes here than she had ever seen in her life; glittering gowns, beautiful shimmering silks. She took a hesitant step towards the bed and then stopped again.

  “I… I can choose anything?” she asked, not really believing it.

  “You can have them all if they fit,” Renee smiled. “You would be doing me a favor. They all have to go… I’d rather they go to someone who might like them.”

  “All?” Tink’s eyes filled with tears. “All of them…. for me…?”

  “If you want them.”

  She reached out for the clothes, and then pulled her hand back as if it all might be a trap. She stared at Renee and Renee smiled warmly. “Please,” she said. “Have a look through them.”

  Tink went to the bed in a dreamlike daze, and brushed her hand over a turquoise blue blouse. She felt the silk fabric between her fingers and she shuddered.

  “Try it on!” Renee smiled. “That color would be perfect for you.”

  Tink bit her lip. For one last moment she resisted… and then the lure of such a luxury simply overwhelmed her and she set aside the last traces of her suspicion. She picked up the blouse and hugged it to her cheek, marveling at the cool soft feel against her skin.

  “It might be a bit tight around the chest,” Renee said. “You’re bigger in the bust than I am.”

  Tink slid her arm into the sleeve and Renee came around behind her to help. She pulled Tink’s hair free from the collar and then scooted around in front of her to start on the buttons. Tink was crying.

  “I’m sorry,” she sniffled. “I… I’m just overwhelmed.”

  Impulsively Renee hugged the girl and heard her inhale sharply and stiffen within her embrace.

  Renee dropped her arms and took a small pace back. “Sorry,” she said. “I guess you don’t like hugs.”

  Tink’s bottom lip was trembling and she gave Renee a brave little lop-sided smile. “I’ve never had one before,” she said softly.

  So Renee hugged her again.

  With the buttons on the blouse fastened, Tink ran her fingers over herself, caressing the fabric. The length was perfect, and although it was a little tight around the bust, it felt heavenly against her skin.

  Urged on by Renee she self-consciously twirled around and there was a girlish giggle in her throat and a uniquely feminine expression on her face as she waited for Renee’s opinion.

  “Stunning!” Renee clapped her hands. “It’s perfect on you.”

  Suddenly Tink was weeping. Smiling at Renee gratefully and weeping. She did not sob – the tears simply welled up from underneath her enormous eyes, broke from the lashes, and rolled gently down her cheeks.

  And still she smiled.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome,” Renee grinned. “Now…. let’s see if we can find a matching skirt!”

  The two women lost themselves in another hour of dressing up as Tink tried on skirts and more blouses. Some of the pieces did not fit, but even then there was the simple pleasure of each other’s company as Tink’s shyness melted away like a morning mist and she smiled more freely and giggled more often.

  Tink’s collection of new clothes grew steadily until they had tried on every piece. She sat back on the bed, her eyes glittering delightedly as she surveyed the most precious collection of treasures she had ever known in her life.

  “Thank you again,” she said and her hand tentatively sought out Renee’s.

  “You’re welcome, again,” Renee beamed, glowing with the knowledge that – for the moment at least – Tink had known that someone in the world cared.

  “Oh, wow!” she said suddenly. “Let me go and see if I can find some shoes for you!”


  Larry Madden came into the bedroom with an ugly scowl on his face – his mood dark as thunder.

  There was a beer bottle in his hand. He saw Tink, and his eyes narrowed to mean little slits. The girl, attuned to her Master’s tempers, backed away from him, sensing danger.

  “What have you been up to?” Larry snarled. “I’ve been calling you! I needed another ruckin’ beer.”

  Tink bobbed her head, eager to please. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I was with Master Stefan’s slave. She… she gave me some clothes.”

  Tink pointed to the clothes she had carefully folded – and Larry’s eyes misted over with sudden violent rage.

  “Clothes?” he spat. “You don’t need ruckin’ clothes!” He threw the beer bottle at the opposite wall, and Tink cowered away from him, seeking safety in the corner.

  Larry stalked to the bed and grabbed the first piece of clothing within reach. It was a turquoise blue women’s shirt. He bunched it up between his clenched fists and ripped the garment to pieces.

  Horrified, Tink took half a pace forward, a shocked, anguished pain in her face.

  “No!” she cried… and then realized her mistake.

  Larry turned on her, his eyes wide, his brows arched, and his face a mask of absolute horrified disb

  “What did you say?” he asked, and his voice was barely a whisper, laced with dreadful menace.

  Tink backed away. She was distraught and crying. Larry picked up another piece of clothing. It was a green dress. He held it up threateningly. “I asked you what you said…” he repeated.

  “No.” Tink said in a small voice.

  “That’s what I thought you said,” Larry’s lips curled up into a satanic sneer. He tore the dress to pieces, and then threw them onto the ground. Tink watched in horror – and then Larry’s hand lashed out and snatched her by the wrist.

  “You will not defy me!” he roared. “You will not. By God, I’ll beat that out of you right now!”

  He was a big man, and she was a slim child-woman. She was no match for him. With one hand locked around her throat, and the other pinning her arm painfully behind her back, he marched Tink along the hallway… and then down the dark gloomy stairs towards the punishment room.


  “Master! Stefan!” Renee’s face was twisted with her horror. “He’s doing it again!” Her eyes were filled with tears of outrage and frustration. “He’s got her downstairs in the punishment room, and he’s beating her this time, Stefan. He’s beating her!” Her hands were clenched into tight angry fists.

  Stefan dropped the book on the ground and lunged from the reading chair, getting to his feet in a single swift move that was filled with suppressed rage.

  He took Renee by the shoulders and held her at arm’s length.

  “Are you sure, Renee? Are you certain it’s not just punishment?”

  “I’m sure,” Renee sobbed. “Stefan she’s crying. She’s begging. He must have her tied or chained. And he’s beating her repeatedly.”

  “How do you know this? What were you doing downstairs?”

  “I was in our bedroom getting some shoes for Tink,” Renee said. “I thought I heard my name called. I thought it was you. I started down the stairs – and then I realized what was happening,” she said. “Stefan, I think I’m the cause of this! I think he’s angry about the clothes I gave her.”

  “Okay,” Stefan’s face went as hard as granite. “Come with me.”

  Stefan went down the stairs in a rush, with Renee two steps behind him. At the bottom of the stairs he didn’t stop; he simply used his momentum and threw his shoulder against the door of the punishment room. The door flew open, smashing backwards against its hinges and Stefan burst into the room.

  Tink was bent over the wooden saw-horse, with her wrists and ankles tied. Larry was standing over her, his shirt open, his body glistening with sweat and his breathing ragged from exertion. In his hand was a short leather riding crop. He froze in the act of raising the whip as Stefan’s broad-shouldered bulk filled the doorway.

  Stefan looked past him to the girl. She was naked, and her back was criss-crossed with dozens of angry red welts. She was sobbing uncontrollably, her tiny frame heaving, racked with pain.

  “What do you want?” Larry’s eyes blazed. “Get the ruck out of here!”

  Stefan bunched his fists and took two steps towards Larry.

  ‘The fact that you are this girl’s Master does not mean you can ever forget you are a man – and no man does this to a woman. This isn’t discipline or punishment. It’s abuse – and it’s cowardly.” Stefan kept his voice low and steady. He held Larry’s eyes for long seconds, and then Larry looked down and lowered the riding crop.

  “I don’t like bullies, Larry. And you’re a bully. You always were,” Stefan said. “I think it’s time you were taught a lesson.”

  Larry laughed but it came out hollow. He hesitated, wiped his lips nervously with the back of his hand.

  “Is this how you treat the man who saved your life?” he looked hurt. “Stefan, Jesus, she’s just a slave.”

  “She’s a woman!” Stefan hissed.

  Larry’s eyes darted around the room. He was looking for an escape that wasn’t there. He threw the crop down and bunched his fist. “You like to think you’re the big dangerous man, Stefan,” he growled. “But I’m dangerous too. I’m dangerous in ways you can’t imagine.”

  Stefan smiled. He drifted closer to Larry until the two men were standing toe to toe. They were a good match. Larry was a big strong man, and he had an inch of height on Stefan. But Stefan had momentum… and a burning rage.

  “I’m going to hurt you,” Stefan said. “Not as much as I should. Not as much as you hurt this girl. But enough that you will remember it.” His face was set and pale, his dark eyes merciless, but despite that he kept his voice quiet, making the threat all the more menacing.

  Larry started to smile… and at the same instant Stefan launched a right handed upper-cut that caught the big man flush on the jaw. Thrown from the level of his waist, the punch had all of Stefan’s weight and anger behind it. The impact sent Larry reeling backwards. His arms cartwheeled for a handhold and then his legs went from under him. He fell heavily to the ground.

  Stefan went up onto the balls of his feet, his fists bunched and cocked like hammers. “Get up, you filthy coward.”

  Larry stayed on his back. He opened his mouth wide and moved his jaw from side to side. The pain was huge and his ears were ringing. Gently he felt the side of his face. Already the skin was swelling into an ugly red lump.

  “Get up,” Stefan growled again.

  Larry groaned – and then laughed, but there was something very wrong with the sound of it. Stefan knew then that Larry wasn’t going to fight.

  “You are out of my house in the morning,” Stefan said. “And don’t ever come back.”


  “I can cancel this meeting if you would feel better?”

  “Yes,” Renee said. “Please cancel it. I’m scared.”

  Stefan turned sharply. “Of Larry?”

  Renee frowned at him. “No. Of this woman you’re going to meet. I’m scared you are going to fall in love with her.”

  “Be serious for a moment. Do you want me to cancel?”

  “It depends,” Renee said. “Is she pretty?”

  Stefan sighed. “Renee…”

  She held up her hands in surrender. “Stefan, go to dinner. Master Larry is semi-conscious. In fact I don’t know how he hasn’t passed out yet with all the beer he’s drunk.”

  Stefan frowned. “You should have let me kick him out this afternoon.”

  “We couldn’t. He’d kill someone driving in his condition. At least if he sleeps it off tonight he’ll be sober in the morning.”

  Stefan turned back to the mirror and Renee’s thoughts turned back to the real cause of her concern.

  “You’re a man of the world,” Renee sat mournfully on the edge of the bed. “You can probably tell if a woman is pretty just by the sound of her voice, right?”

  Stefan rolled his eyes. “We’re not back on this again are we?”

  “I think I have a genuine concern!” Renee pouted. “I don’t want to lose you to another woman.”

  He turned to her. “You’re being silly.”

  Renee sighed. She climbed off the bed gloomy-faced and stood close in front of Stefan. He was struggling with his tie, and with Renee now blocking his view he had to lean around her to see his reflection in the mirror.

  “Let me,” she said. She undid the tie and re-tied it, adjusting the knot until it sat neat and flat against the buttoned collar of his shirt. Stefan watched her as she worked, her face a beautiful child-like picture of concentration. Finally she put her hands gently against his chest. “Done,” she said.

  Stefan leaned to the side to inspect her efforts.

  “Hey,” he said lightly. “That’s pretty good.”

  Renee went back to the bed and threw herself down onto the mattress. “Why can’t I come with you?”

  “Because it’s a business meeting.”

  “Tell me again why this woman called you. What does she want to talk about – and why does it have to be at a restaurant?” She was jealous and she didn’t mind
that Stefan knew it.

  Stefan sighed. “Renee, she is a journalist. She wants background about the BDSM lifestyle. Now, you put that bracelet on ten minutes ago. Do you really want to spend our time going over this? Isn’t there something else you would rather talk about?”

  “You mean Master Larry, and how he treats Tink?”

  “No. Not that either. But how is she… and where is he?”

  Renee’s brow furrowed. “Tink is resting in their room,” Renee shrugged. “We had a brief talk, but I don’t know what she will do. I told her she could stay here for a while if she wanted – but I still think she’ll go with him. It’s the only life she knows.”

  Stefan nodded. He wasn’t surprised. “And where is Larry?”

  “On the sofa, still drinking,” Renee said. “I saw him when I came out of the bathroom. With any luck he’ll sleep through the night – if he’s not asleep already.”

  Stefan grunted.

  Renee rolled onto her side to watch Stefan as he tugged on his jacket. Her eyes roamed over him appreciatively, admiring, as she always did, his muscled broad-shouldered physique.

  She was wearing a bath-robe and her hair was still wet from her shower. She deliberately tugged the robe apart so the material gaped to expose her long brown legs. Stefan caught a glimpse of her reflected in the mirror and he turned to admire her.

  When she knew he was watching, Renee closed her eyes and rolled onto her back, spreading her legs and pulling at the cord that cinched around her waist. The robe fell wide open and Renee began to lightly caress herself, her fingers like feathers as they skimmed across her breasts and down the hollow of her abdomen.

  Stefan came closer to the bed, watching her hungrily. He felt his arousal clench sudden and urgent like a fist.

  “I’m very, very horny…” Renee announced in a sultry breath. She stole a peek at Stefan and recognized the lusty expression on his face as he stared down at her.

  “I just want to…to….” and then she groaned as her hand glided down and gently cupped the heat between her parted legs.

  Stefan watched mesmerized as Renee’s fingers began to massage and tease her sex. He was entranced, his eyes darting from the blissful expression on her face to the way her hand circled and moved with growing urgency.


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