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Fatal Temptations (Fatal Cross Live! Book 2)

Page 14

by Hissong, Theresa

  I used my time, waiting on answers, to close my eyes so that my mind wouldn’t stray to the drugs. What I did see? I saw Presley leaning over me, tears streaming down her face. I had pushed her away because I didn’t want her to see me being weak. I didn’t want her to see me when I was right on the edge of an injury that could put me back in the trenches of my addiction. She was too pure for me to taint with my personal hell.

  I should’ve stayed away from her. I should not have ever touched her.

  This injury could be the thing that destroyed my career. If I damaged it to where I was no longer able to perform, I wasn’t sure what I would do with myself. If my back was seriously hurt, how would I be able to live without pain relief? I wouldn’t want to live like that again. I couldn’t go back to those days.

  The days where I would break out in a cold sweat, knowing that I was getting low on pills, were the worst. The frantic search for someone who could supply me before I ran out was not something I cared to remember, either. If I did run out, there wasn’t another substance to dull the withdrawals. Yeah, the cocaine kept me going enough to get on that stage every night, but the Oxy was what I needed to keep my body lax enough to move from one side of the stage to the other without feeling any pain.

  I was taken back for a host of tests. The medicine they’d given me didn’t stop the pain, but it dulled it enough that I could move without excruciating pain. The nurse turned the lights down low and told me to try to rest until the doctor came back with the results.

  No matter how hard I tried to clear my head, my thoughts always went back to Presley. She was probably already on her way to the next stop. I was sure she hated me for pushing her away, but I did what I had to do. Her band mates would take care of her.

  “Mr. Ryker?” the doctor said, waking me from my thoughts.

  “Yes,” I replied, anxious to hear what he had to say.

  “I have good news and bad,” he started. “The good news is that you didn’t break anything. The bad news is that you took a really bad hit to your back. You are going to be in pain for at least a week, maybe ten days.”

  “Fuck,” I growled, covering my face with the back of my hand. I didn’t need this shit.

  “I understand you are a traveling musician, but I’d like for you to get into some form of physical therapy after a few days off your feet.” The doctor took a rolling chair and pulled it right up next to the bed. He lowered the height so that we were almost on the same level. “I can give you a prescription for a mild muscle relaxer if you’d like. Other than that, an over the counter pain reliever every four to six hours should help for the next few days, as long as you take it easy.”

  “I have several shows back to back that are contracted,” I said. “I’ll do my own therapy. I haven’t forgotten what I need to do. I don’t want the muscle relaxer either.”

  “Okay,” he sighed. “When is your next performance?”

  “Tomorrow night,” I answered, taking a deep breath. “I’ll be okay to walk around?”

  “Walking, yes,” he scowled. “Running and jumping, no. At least not for a few days.”

  “Can I get out of here?” I asked. Hospitals were too much of a temptation, I needed to get on the bus. It was well past time for us to leave.

  “Ibuprofen and ice,” he reminded me. “See a doctor on the road if it gets worse or you have any numbness in your arms or legs.”

  “I know the drill,” I nodded. “Thanks, doc.”

  “Anytime,” he replied, standing up from his seat. “The nurse will be in shortly to get you up and I want you to be able to walk around for a bit before I discharge you.”

  “I’ll get right on that,” I groaned, knowing this was going to be one of the hardest things I’d done in a long time.

  “Your friends are in the waiting room,” he said as he reached the doors. “Do you want them to come back?”

  “Can you send the big guy with tattoos and a permanent frown? His name is Braxton,” I asked.

  “Sure,” the doc smiled. “I’ll send him in.”

  My head flopped back on the bed, a slight twinge in my back reminded me of the fucked up mess I’d landed myself in. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her beautiful face. Her tears killed me. The dark pools that gathered in her deep blue eyes haunted me.

  “Ace?” Braxton’s deep voice pushed the pictures of Presley out of my head, but not far enough. All I had to do was think of her and she would reappear again.

  “Yeah,” I answered, turning my head toward the door. “Where is she?”

  “She left,” he said, pulling the rolling stool over to take a seat next to my bed. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the tops of his knees. “The doc came and talked to us. Said you’re going to be okay, but very sore.”

  “Thankfully, I didn’t break my back.” I cursed when I attempted to roll to one side, but I wasn’t going to do anything to reinjure myself. I’d wait until the nurse came in, because I’d learned my lesson about getting ahead of myself when I was injured. Jumping off that bed was not a good idea right after an injury. “God, I could’ve fucking hurt myself badly again, Brax.”

  “I know, bud,” he replied, looking down at his clasped hands. “They give you anything?”

  “Toradol and some type of muscle relaxer,” I replied. “But that’s it.”

  “Good, good,” he nodded. He paused, his features becoming serious. My heart raced in my chest when I heard what he had to say next. “She’s really upset. It was bad, Ace.”

  “I know,” I said sadly, closing my eyes. Guilt swamped me. I couldn’t let her see me like that…in pain… being weak. She needed someone strong, stronger than me. I was a shell of a man…a drug addict. I couldn’t even stand the smell of this place. It reminded me of the wreck and the injury that started my battle with addiction.

  “And you need to stop that train of thought right fucking now,” Braxton growled, leaning forward. The tattoos on his hands flexed as he made fists in front of his mouth. My friend was worried. Hell, I was worried.

  “My head is so fucked up right now,” I admitted, covering my eyes. I saw her again, naked in my bed, her smile was bright as she let me inside her world.

  “It’s the stress of the night,” he said, shaking his head.

  “What have I done?” I whispered, but Braxton’s growl told me that he’d heard what I said.

  “Get your ass straight and go to her,” he ordered, standing up to lean over the bed. “She needs you and you need her. Don’t let this set the two of you back.”

  “If she will let me,” I groaned.

  “Garrison said he’d meet us in Cheyenne.” I rolled my head so I could look into his eyes. Braxton had become one of my greatest friends and I knew he’d understand anything I told him. “She will wait for you.”

  “I love her,” I admitted, my anger surfacing. “I’m not man enough for her, but I fucking love that woman.”

  “You are man enough,” he sneered. “You’re in pain and I refuse to argue with you about this, Ace. You say you love her? Well, fight for her. Show her that you are strong enough not to go back in that rabbit hole, man. You know what you need to do.”

  “Can you hand me my phone?” I asked, knowing exactly what I needed to do.

  Braxton located my clothes and dug through my pockets until he found my phone, handing it over. I slid my finger across the screen, unlocking it and pulling up my messages. I ignored our last conversation and typed out the only thing I knew to say.

  I’m sorry.

  The reply was immediate.

  Are you okay?

  She didn’t say anything about accepting my apology, but I knew she had been worried.

  Nothing is broken. I’m more worried about you.

  There was a long pause before she replied.

  I’m fine as long as you’re going to be okay. I need you to be okay, Ace.

  “I need to get out of this fucking hospital,” I swore, wrapping my hand around the railing so I cou
ld pull myself into a sitting position. My back protested, almost sending me down to the mattress, but I gritted my teeth and fought through the stiffness.

  “Mr. Ryker,” a nurse scolded, walking into the room. She was older, maybe old enough to be my mother if I still had one. Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun and the scowl on her face told me she’d kick my ass if I didn’t listen.

  “I need to move,” I growled, shifting my legs so I could swing them over the side of the bed when she lowered the railing.

  “Let’s get you dressed and then see if you are up to walking around,” she said, motioning for Braxton to leave the room. “I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

  I used that time to reply to Presley.

  I’m going to be fine. Get some rest and I’ll see you in the morning.

  Braxton left with a promise to be out in the waiting room. I did as I was told, promising myself that I would get better. It took forever to get my jeans on, but I did it. I’d just pulled my shirt over my head when the nurse returned.

  For the next hour, I pushed my body to move. I walked the halls until the stiffness under my scars eased up. It was almost daybreak before I was discharged, then Braxton helped me out to an awaiting cab. My next goal was to get back on that stage in Cheyenne.

  But first, I had to go see my girl and apologize in person.

  Chapter 21


  My hands smoothed over his soapy skin, pushing the bubbles down his body. His manly groan reached my ears as I cupped his cock, feeling it jerk in my hand. His warmth surrounded my wet body as we touched each other gently inside the shower.

  “Tell me,” he whispered, taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Tell me that you are mine, Presley.”

  “I’m yours, Ace,” I breathed out, stretching up on my toes so that I could kiss his lips. I wanted to feel them on me. I needed his love…his touch.

  Sounds around us tried to penetrate the walls we’d constructed, but we paid them no mind. His hand slid from my waist, over my hip, and stopped at my sex.

  “Open for me,” he ordered. My knee fell to the side, allowing him to slide his fingers between my legs, dipping into my heated depths. I shivered as his hands became urgent, pumping inside me. His silent demand for my orgasm sent my body into an awareness I’d never felt before. Heat coiled low in my stomach as he pushed my body against the cool tile. I gasped, but the sound was cut off when he took my mouth, swiping at my lips with his tongue. I felt my body reach that assent…the release was teetering on the edge. I just needed him inside me…

  “Presley, wake up!” Drake barked through the small part in the curtain on my bunk, pulling me from the deepest part of my erotic dream. Light streamed in from the front of the bus, telling me that it was well into the next day. I looked at the clock and it was only mid-morning. I’d slept better than I’d expected.

  “What the hell, Drake!” I growled, pulling the covers over my body. Fuck! I was so close!

  “Ace is here,” he said, drawing my curtain back all the way so I could climb out. “He’s asking for you. More like demanding.”

  My erotic dream forgotten, I stumbled out of the bed, grabbing for any clothes I could find. A quick brush of my hair and teeth, and I was down the steps of my bus, rushing around the large silver one parked next to ours.

  My feet skidded in the loose gravel as my eyes landed on him. We both froze and I felt my insides ache with the need to be held by him. His face was pale, but he was moving, slow as it was.

  “I was coming for you,” he said, taking small steps. I didn’t know what to do. Did I run to him? I was afraid to touch him, worried I would hurt him.

  “Ace?” I choked, trying to swallow the large lump in my throat. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “I’m sorry.” He frowned, stopping just a few feet in front of me. His green eyes looked haunted, sad. “I didn’t mean…I didn’t mean to push you away.”

  “Ace,” I cried, slapping my hand over my mouth to keep from cracking. He hadn’t pushed me away.

  “Come here,” he ordered, opening his arms. I went willingly, absorbing his touch as I melted very carefully into his embrace. His lips pressed to my forehead and I sighed in relief. I inhaled deep, his unique scent relaxing me deeper into his chest.

  “Can we go somewhere?” he asked, looking around. “To talk?”

  “My bus is empty,” I said, taking a hesitant step backwards. He held out his hand and I took it without a second thought, grasping it tightly. “What can I do?”

  “Just be with me,” he replied. The statement sounded like it had more meaning, but I wasn’t about to look too far into it.

  He winced slightly as he took the steps on my bus one at a time. I stood behind him, hoping that he wouldn’t lose his balance. He looked awful, but at least he was here. That was all I could ask for at the moment.

  “Sit,” I demanded, pointing to the couch. I rushed back to my bunk and grabbed a few pillows, returning to place them behind his back. My heart broke as he slowly sank down into the cushions. A contented sigh left his lips as soon as he found a comfortable position.

  “Baby,” Ace cooed. That was all it took for my tears to come. I put my face in my hands, not wanting him to see me cry. “Come here.”

  Ace tugged on my hand, pulling my body against his chest. I protested, but he held me tighter. His calloused thumbs brushed away the wetness from my face. His smile was sad, but at least he was here…and somewhat okay.

  “I should’ve never pushed you away,” he began, shaking his head over some thought. “I didn’t want you to see me like that. I didn’t know what would happen to me if the injury was worse than it was. My worry wasn’t for you, but for myself, and I’m sorry.”

  “There’s nothing for you to be sorry for,” I gasped. “Ace! You were hurt. Why in the world are you apologizing for thinking of yourself?”

  “All I could think of was that they would tell me I reinjured my back,” he sighed, stroking the side of my face. “I had to tell them not to give me any painkillers.”

  “But,” I began, but he silenced me by putting his finger over my lips.

  “I can’t even be around them, Pres,” he told me. “One pill and I could be back in that addiction. I couldn’t let you see me like that. I didn’t want you to have to see me suffer, because if I ever found myself back in that dark place, I don’t think I would ever be able to climb back out. It would be the thing that took my life.”

  “I won’t let you ever go back,” I whispered, making a vow. “I’ll be beside you, Ace. I’ll help you.”

  “Thank you,” he said, capturing my face between his hands. His lips were delicate as he pressed them to mine. I felt his warmth and deepened the kiss, careful not to touch him, but he wasn’t having that. I yelped as he pulled me over so that I was straddling his lap, his hardness evident when I sank down gently into his embrace. “I’m going to get better. I’m going to make damn sure I am, because I miss being inside you. I need you, Presley.”

  “I need you too, Ace,” I said, letting him nibble at my bottom lip once again. “I need you more than you’ll ever know.”

  I wasn’t sure how long we had sat there, gazing into each other’s eyes, kissing… just existing, but when we finally separated, I knew it was nowhere near long enough.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, brushing a stray hair from my forehead.

  “I’m okay,” I sighed.

  “You don’t look okay,” he said. “Presley? You should be angry with me, but when I saw you coming for me, all I saw was relief in your eyes. Did you think I wasn’t going to come back for you?”

  “Ace, it’s nothing,” I lied, avoiding his questions. Everything was okay now and my stupid issues had made me believe this was worse than what it actually was.

  “It’s not nothing,” he continued. “Answer me.”

  Could I answer him honestly without making myself sound like a whiny little girl? Would my honesty scare him away?
My chest tightened and I had trouble pulling air into my lungs again when I remembered the way it felt the night before when he pushed me away. Years of abuse and self-doubt swirled around in my head.

  “Presley? Breathe,” Ace urged, cupping my face with both hands. As I struggled to calm down, he gently turned my face up so that he could look directly into my widened eyes. “Talk to me.”

  “I…I thought you were throwing me away,” I answered honestly, tears streaming down my face. My heart galloped in my chest so fast it felt like a million bees were swarming around inside, begging to be set free. “I’m sorry.”

  “I was never going to let you go,” he confessed. “You’re mine, always.”

  “I’m worried about you,” I said, drying my tears. I touched his arm softly. “How bad is it?” Ace paused for a moment, acting like he wanted to talk more about my insecurities, but he didn’t.

  “Braxton said that my back is bruised badly,” he sighed. “I haven’t even looked at it. I’m afraid to even see it.”

  “Do you want me to take a look?” I asked. On his nod, I stood up from the couch and winced when Ace leaned forward, cursing softly under his breath. I knew he was in pain and I couldn’t even imagine being able to move after a fall like he’d taken just the night before. He was a lot stronger than he gave himself credit for.

  I leaned over his shoulder and reached for the hem of his shirt at the back, slowly raising it inch by inch so that I didn’t cause him any more pain. A soft gasp escaped my lips as I saw the long black bruise that had formed where he’d landed on the metal riser.

  “Oh, Ace,” I whimpered, dropping to one knee in front of him. I released his shirt and let it fall back into place. “Are you sure you don’t need to take something?”

  “No,” he growled. “Doc said ice and over the counter pain relief.”

  “Then that is what we are going to do,” I said. “Stay here.”


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