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Sara's Child

Page 12

by Susan Elle

  “Well, now you’ll own a million and one,” Catherine smiles wickedly as she casts a wink at Selma.

  The tailors that Logan prefers is not more than a ten minute walk away, and so they enjoy a bit of window-shopping along the way.

  “You would look great in those,” Logan points to a manikin in one of the shops. “We have time if you’d like to try them on,” he offers.

  “They’re trousers,” Catherine exclaims, then looking at Logan she has to laugh. “Delaying tactics? You must be desperate if you’re willing to let me buy trousers.”

  “Not at all,” Logan protests and turns to enter the shop.

  However, before he even reaches the door Catherine has hold of his arm and turns him back around. “No’s my turn to watch you suffer,” she tells him enjoying his obvious reluctance. “You paid for the dress now you pay the piper.”

  It is obvious to Catherine that Logan is a prized customer. No sooner have they entered the shop than an attendant is at his side. “Mr Sayers,” the attendant greets Logan, “how nice to see you again so soon.”

  “You see,” he turns to Catherine, “I told you that I already have new suits.”

  She looks from him to the box on the seat next to her. “You know...I could always take this back,” she tells him, one eyebrow raised in question.

  With a resigned sigh, he turns back to the male attendant. “It appears I will be needing another suit, Jacob. If you wouldn’t mind showing me the sample book?” he asks.

  “If you wouldn’t mind showing us the sample book,” Catherine corrects decisively.

  Logan gives Jacob an assenting nod then makes his way over to Catherine. “You are determined to get your pound of flesh,” he observes, picking up the box and standing it next to the seat he then sits on.

  “Nothing of the sort,” she protests innocently. “I just want to help you choose – isn’t that what you do for me?” Her eyes twinkle with mischief and a subdued smile.

  He doesn’t get the chance to answer as Jacob comes back with the sample book and offers it to them. It is large, and when open spreads across both their knees. “I already have one in that,” Logan tells Catherine when she looks hopefully at a lovely charcoal coloured fabric.

  “Then show me what you haven’t got,” she frowns over at him.

  Logan does so and without much ado, Catherine decides on the one she likes best. “That would be perfect,” she enthuses, and is pleased to see that Logan is nodding his approval.

  “The depth of the pewter would compliment your gown,” he muses; then considers the fabric, feeling the quality and imagining its effect when worn next to the much paler pewter of Catherine’s gown. “You have quite an eye for colour,” he compliments her.

  Catherine scoffs loudly. “Well don’t sound so surprised, I’m not a complete moron.” Just because I know zilch about fashion and girl clothes.

  Giving the book back to Jacob, having indicated the fabric they have chosen, Logan turns back to Catherine and takes her by surprise. “There is nothing moronic about you,” he states before taking her face between his large gentle hands and kissing her firmly on the mouth.

  Catherine gives an embarrassed laugh, sure that her cheeks are flaming red. “Logan...we’re in a shop,” she admonishes giving his thigh a slap for good measure.

  She might have swatted a fly on him for all the notice he took. “Mmm, shame that,” his lips pucker up and his eyes regard her lustily.

  Catherine hastily holds a hand over her mouth and coughs loudly to mask his words and indicate that they are no longer alone. Flaming Nora!

  “We have that particular fabric in stock, sir,” Jacob tells Logan, then turns to include Catherine in the conversation. “Will you be requiring your first fitting today?”

  Catherine looks amazed, but Logan is obviously used to such a speedy service. “This afternoon, if you can fit me in,” he confirms. “We’re staying in town for a late lunch, how does a couple of hours from now sound?”

  “Perfect,” Jacob gives a small nod of his head, like a modified bow, and moves off to set the wheels in motion.

  Picking up the box with Catherine’s gown in it, Logan puts a guiding hand to her back and ushers Catherine out of the shop.

  “That is so not fair,” she states grumpily. “You didn’t even have to do anything. Why didn’t that man at least take your measurements?”

  “Because he has them already,” Logan sighs. “I keep trying to tell you, I already have a number of new suits. You could just pick out the one you want me to wear from them – suits are damnably expensive,” he warns, not at all happy at the prospect of Catherine footing such a hefty bill.

  “About as expensive as designer evening gowns I expect.” Catherine gives him a look that tells him not to waste his breath.

  Logan just smiles mischievously. “I’d try them all on for you in the privacy of our bedroom,” he offers with a wink.

  Her face tips up to regard him, a frown on her forehead and one eye closed as if giving his offer serious consideration. “Mmm...,” she murmurs mimicking him, “...good offer, but no can do. After all the torture you’ve put me through, buying girl clothes then making me wear the damn things all the time, I deserve some payback.” Her smile turns decidedly fiendish. “Does Jacob stick you often when he pins the suit on you?”

  They have a light lunch at a nearby hotel. Logan is known here too, Catherine observes on their arrival. The staff are all smiles and ready to do his every bidding. “Doesn’t it ever get on your nerves?” she asks over a glass of white wine they are enjoying after the meal. “I mean, don’t you find it a bit spooky everyone knowing who you are?” Gives me the chills and it’s not even me their all smiling at.

  Shaking his head, Logan says, “Not at all, but then I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about it.” He looks at his watch and grimaces. “We’d better make a move by the time we walk back Jacob will be ready for us.”

  “Do they always do the first fitting on the same day?” Catherine asks as they near the tailors. “It seems a bit of a quick turn-around considering they have to cut it out and basically put it together.”

  Logan looks uncomfortable. “It’s a service they offer but at considerable cost, I’m afraid I didn’t think of that.”

  “So,” she looks deliberately worried, “does that mean it’s going to cost me an arm and two legs instead of just an arm and a leg?” The look of deep concern on Logan’s face makes Catherine relent with a chuckle. “Will you stop worrying – I’m only teasing. According to Ben I have enough in the bank to go out and pay cash money for a brand new Mini Metro; which, like you, he keeps encouraging me to do.” Men! They reach the tailors shop and Logan still doesn’t look happy. “Ok, ok,” she laughs, “it wasn’t a Metro it was a Mercedes, or some such happy shit.”

  “We need to talk about your finances,” Logan tells her, still looking serious as he holds the door of the shop open for her.

  Jacob greets them with his usual dour face. “I have everything set up for you in fitting room number three,” he tells Logan. “There is a more comfortable seating area nearby, madam, if you would care for some tea or coffee?” he offers Catherine.

  But she is already shaking her head and nods it towards Logan. “I go where he goes.” No way am I missing all the fun.

  Jacob’s expression actually shows some signs of life when he turns questioning eyes to Logan. “Sir...?” is all he says.

  Back at Logan’s house, just a couple of hours later, Catherine still cannot stop smiling. “I find your enjoyment of my discomfort somewhat disturbing,” he tells her as he let them both in the front door.

  “Don’t give me that,” she laughs then reaches up to put her arms around his neck. “You just don’t like me paying the bill; chipped away at that masculine pride you wear like a suit of armour.” You and every other bloody man!

  Logan ducks his head to plant a silencing kiss on her triumphant lips then gets more than he bargained for. Ca
therine is hungry and food is definitely not on the menu, Logan is. She deepens the kiss so forcefully that he rocks on his heels but isn’t slow at catching on. His tongue begins to plunder as his hands find her breasts through the cotton dress and before long they are both breathing heavily.

  “Bed...?” Logan suggests.

  “Race you,” Catherine challenges and speeds off laughing.

  She is in the bedroom with her dress pulled off over her head when Logan walks in. He laughs at her mischievous grin, “Eager I see,” he walks slowly over to Catherine.

  “Maybe,” she teases, “or perhaps I’m just feeling the heat.”

  Pretending nonchalance, Logan veers off towards the bathroom. “In that case perhaps I have time to take a shower first?”

  Catherine isn’t having that. “Not on your life,” she laughs then instead of unbuttoning his shirt she grabbed two hands full and tears it open the buttons flying off everywhere. Her mouth and hands explore his expansive chest with glee. ”You’ll only need another one after I’ve finished with you.”

  He is delighted with the way Catherine has grown in confidence in the bedroom and is happy to oblige her in any way that pleases her. “Be gentle with me,” he protests as she drags him over to the bed and pushes him back onto it.

  “Not a chance big boy,” she grins pulling his trousers off after discarding his shoes, “you’re all mine until I’m finished with you.” With that, she releases him then strokes him slowly up and down without taking her eyes from his. She loves to watch his brown eyes soften as they darkened with pleasure, the power she has over him always intoxicating. “I’m going to do whatever I want to you and you will just have to lie there and take it.” Mmm.

  His breathing is already shallow and his heart rate raised, but when she dips her head to take him into her mouth both seem to stop for a mind numbing second. “Catherine you’re killing me,” he tells her, not sure that he isn’t speaking the truth. She is using her teeth, her tongue and her lips one minute then working him hard with her mouth the next.

  “Mine,” she tells him as she raises herself to straddle him, “all mine.” He reaches up to cup her breasts but she bats his hands away. “I’m taking not giving this time so keep your hands to yourself,” she orders then takes his mouth with hers and uses her tongue as she’s felt him do to her so many times. She is climbing as high as a druggie on heroin and the heat in her loins is reaching fever pitch. Only when she can stand it no more does she give in to her need to feel him inside her.

  He groans loudly when the heat of her surrounds him and fights not to lose control. “Catherine...,” he begs but cannot manage to utter another word. She takes him in slowly, deeply, enjoying the sensation of him filling her, and then just as slowly lifts herself almost releasing him and continues this rhythm until her control breaks. Pushing down hard Catherine rides him as if her life depends on it; her head flung back as she holds onto his wrists and he holds hers to give her leverage. Their unified cries as their bodies erupt are loud and unrestrained, the fall back to earth slow and wondrous.

  It takes several minutes for their minds and bodies to return to any semblance of normalcy. Logan’s arms hold her to him and his heart is full to bursting with a love he’s felt for no other woman. “Stay with me, Catherine,” he whispers into her hair. “Make this your home and live with me in it forever.” His large gentle hand continues to stroke her back then moves over her bottom and gives it a squeeze, “I’d be all yours to do with as you will whenever the fancy takes you.” He gives a soft chuckle but they both know he is not joking.

  Lifting her head up to look at him, Catherine’s eyes are troubled. “Can I have some time to think about it? I mean, you don’t want a yes or no right now, do you?” she rushes on nervously. Fuck. I don’t know anything about living with a man. How the bloody hell do I know if it’s a good idea!

  He is hurt that she needs to think about it, but he can see that if he pushes her on it the answer will be a reflexive no. Instead, he smiles and places a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Take as long as you need. I love you, Catherine, and I want you in my life for as long as I can – for all eternity if the god’s permit.” However, he can see the troubled soul that is Catherine, and knows it isn’t going to be as easy as that.

  Chapter Nine

  The night of Arthur Kingsley’s retirement party comes around all too soon. With Logan now almost permanently at her side, Catherine is growing in confidence, finding herself actually looking forward to the night out. At least it will be a break from the harrowing trawling of the internet. Reading about the kinds of brutal murders that have been committed in the last twenty-five years is gut wrenching work.

  Seated in Logan’s car Catherine asks what he has bought Arthur for his retirement. Turning a plain gold, square box, secured with a narrow ribbon in the same colour, over and around in her hands she says, “It doesn’t feel like it’s got anything in it,” then gives it a gentle shake. “Was I supposed to buy him something?” She asks, turning large worried eyes to look accusingly at Logan. “You didn’t say anything about presents.” Catherine swivels back around in her seat and huffs loudly. “I suppose this is more of that etiquette, shit. Just something else I should already know about.” Fuck me.

  Logan smiles and reaches over to take her hand, brings it to his lips and kisses each finger in turn. “I’ve known Arthur for almost all of my thirty-six years,” he explains quietly. “He and my father used to be good friends when they were both just starting out; the pair of them struggling to find their own niche in the business world."

  “Will your father be there tonight?” Catherine asks, delighted to think she might have an unexpected ally to hand.

  However, Logan soon put a damper on that. “No, no...” he answers quietly “...he hasn’t left Lakelands since my mother passed away.” Oh.

  Catherine turns their joined hands over and returns his kisses, one for each of his fingers. “Sorry,” she says simply, but does not let go of his hand until they arrive at Arthur’s house.

  Logan opens the car door for Catherine to step out, taking her hand to help her. When she turns and gets her first full view of the mansion and all the flowers and lights that stylishly bedeck anything that doesn’t move, her mouth falls open with a loud cry of “ Holy F...OUCH.” Jerking away from Logan, she turns on him with rounded, shocked eyes. “You just pinched my ar...” Moving quickly she jerks out of his way as he moves to pinch her again; and the son-of-a-bitch is actually smiling about it. “What is with you?” She growls between clenched teeth as she notices a group of people looking their way.

  Logan turns one of his brightest smiles on the group, nodding to acknowledge them. They return his smile readily enough then turn to walk into the entrance hall. “I was just stopping you from saying something you might regret,” he says smoothly, turning the full heat of his smile on her now.

  “You mean you want me on my best behaviour!” Waggling a long finger under his nose, she narrows her sparkling blue eyes at him. “You’re embarrassed by me, admit it,” she tells him, but all he does is catch her finger between his teeth to give it a gentle nip before releasing it.

  When she makes no move towards entering the house, Logan turns and shakes her shoulders then pulls her into a bear hug. “I could not be more proud of my little fire-cracker,” he laughs, then dips to place a kiss on the top of her head. “However, I must admit that I had hoped you might let Catherine come out to play tonight. Though if you would rather let Colson have her head I have absolutely no objection – just save the fireworks for when I’m around, and don’t drink too much alcohol, it doesn’t agree with you.”

  Stunned, she allows herself to be pulled along, muttering that anyone would think she was a petulant schoolgirl instead of a grown woman.

  They enter the entrance hall, which has a champagne reception ready to greet them. Before he can stop her, Catherine reaches out to take a crystal flute from the tray of a passing waiter. Logan eyes her cautiou
sly, and then laughs deciding to let the evening play out as it may.

  As it happens, Catherine doesn’t get the chance to finish even that first drink. Robert Kingsley spots her and whisks her onto the dance-floor before she can object. Logan goes to find Arthur, who he comes across in the orangery, surrounded by well-wishers and thoroughly enjoying all the attention.

  “Ah, Logan,” Arthur exclaims as he comes into view. “Glad you could make it, my boy. Did you bring that delightful young woman with you? A breath of fresh air, that one,” he continues not waiting for Logan to answer. “Doesn’t mince her words or put on any airs and graces. You’d never guess she is a millionaire to look at her, would you now?” He laughs heartily, enjoying the insider joke, and gives Logan a playful jab in the ribs with his elbow.

  At Logan’s incredulous, “Are you sure about that?” Arthur laughs again then says, “Of course I’m sure. She doesn’t charge peanuts for the privilege of tapping that incredible brain of hers.” He slaps Logan soundly on his back just before his wife dragged him off to ‘do the rounds’.

  Logan is staggered. Just how much more is there to learn about the wonderful woman that he has so completely given his heart to? His hesitant smile turns in to a full on grin. His already broad chest swells with pride as he acknowledges what he has been too blind to see. Catherine is not just dabbling in the computerised security industry; she and Ben are major players at the top of their game.

  So why does she live in the tiniest bedsit he can imagine, and a rented one at that? Moreover, why does she insist on shopping at the Oxfam shop? That revelation had astounded him when she had told him where she got all her baggy jumpers and trousers. Though she hadn’t been the least bit embarrassed about it; quite the opposite in fact. She had declared, somewhat vehemently, that she was supporting local charity work and wearing the clothes that she is most comfortable in at the same time. Then she’d asked him if he’d seen the prices the high street shops are charging and declared them to be a ‘bloody cheek’.


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