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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 12

by Sansa Gold

  Amanda let her head rest on his chest. He was more tired than she had expected. As he eyes exhausted eyes closed, she felt a hot kiss on her forehead.

  It was then that she knew it would all be ok. As long as the doctor was here to take care of her, she had nothing to fear. She wrapped her arm around his forearm and hugged it.


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  Book 5: Doctor At my Door

  Chapter 1: The Appointment

  "You're going to let the doctor examine you." Her hands moved about scrubbing the various pots and pans. I hated when she didn't listen anymore and just shut down anything I say. This argument had been going on for the last two days, ever since she set up the damn appointment. She turned her head around and let the pot fall into the sink, bubbles flying wildly about. I scrunched up my face. "No more arguments."

  The sponge in her hand was held by her face, water dripping down her arm. She was the queen of the house and I guess that sponge was her scepter to rule, at least for now. Her reign over me was coming to end and she knew it.

  In a couple weeks I would be off to college and the mother who raised me all by herself would have no one to yell at. Her mouth opened for a second and closed, probably reconsidering continuing the fight. That was the problem between the two of us. We never knew when to back down and relent. We always argued until either of us got our way, never apologizing for our mistakes. Honestly, I was tired of it all. I didn't want to leave on such bad terms, at least not like this.

  I held the pamphlet in my hand, reading the same bullshit slogan. I tried to convince her that a professional doctor doesn't hand out pamphlets door to door. Any respectable doctor would list his practice in the paper, or have himself set up in a hospital. Doctors don't do home visits anymore, as far as I knew. It just seemed like something from the turn of the century or from a sketchy doctor.

  "Fine," I sighed, there wasn't any point in fighting any longer. She had won this fight, more because I didn't care anymore. Sometimes I wished that my father didn't walk out on us. Maybe, he would have convinced her how unorthodox all of this was. As of right now my mother was always in control, nobody else got a say.

  Her wrinkled hands dipped back into the dirty water. She scrubbed the pan with her yellow sponge. "It's not like I like doing this," her voice wavered as her wrinkled hands went toward her eyes. She rubbed her face," I wish I could afford the best doctor for you, but this is all I can give you." Her other hand went to her face and rubbed at the other eye.

  A pang of pain hit the inside of my stomach. The last couple of days I had been so consumed with anger that I didn't see how much this probably hurt her. It must have been hard for her to raise a single daughter always working to pay the late bills. She was working two jobs, well over 70 hours each week. This doctor was all that she afford for me before I went off to college. She was doing all this for me just so I could go off to the university I wanted. While she was working her butt off I was whining about the stupidest things.

  "So how does this gyno exam work exactly?" The change of topic would show her that I was on board with what she wanted. I didn't need her crying before the doctor came here, cause that would make me cry. If two women were crying before he even started his exam he would probably turn around and walk out, if was sane.

  "The lady I talked to on the phone said that the whole exam would be in your room." She wiped the tears from her red eyes. "Dr. Hard would bring all the equipment he needed and from there it would be a routine checkup. I hope." She forced a smile, scrunching her shoulders near her body.

  "And that's it?" It all seemed too simple. My conscious told me that it couldn't be that easy. I decided to shut off that part of me for now unless I wanted another pointless argument.

  "That's it," she rubbed her hands against the apron and hugged me tight.

  *Ring Ring*

  Shit! He was here already. Both looked at the clock. He was early.

  We both turned our head to look at the door. A dark silhouette was outside the door; he had to be at least six feet tell since his head almost out of view. There was no going back not unless we wanted to pay the cancellation fee, which was almost as expensive as the procedure. That was something else that always threw me off.

  We took a final breath and gave each other a close look down. She smiled at me and moved a strand of hair out of my eyes, tucking it behind my ears. "Are you ready?"

  Is anyone ever ready to see the doctor? I put on my best smile and nodded my head.

  She opened the door, and the doctor's hand shot right out, "Good morning Mrs. Wood." My mother grabbed her hand, and he shook it frantically, "Dr. Hard at your service." She moved to the side, and Dr. Hard moved inside, almost knocking my mother off balance. His gleaming eyes scoured the room, ultimately resting on me. "You must be Hanna." His rigid and firm hand shot out in front of me, just as before.

  I was in complete and utter shock. I was not expecting this man to be my doctor. In my head, I had pictured an old sixty man who should have probably retired long ago. Instead, in front of me stood the most mesmerizing doctor I had ever seen. Just like I assume he was well over six feet. His body was built like an Olympic power lifter with hulking shoulders and firm, broad arms. He was almost as wide as my refrigerator. His outstretched hand hovered just above my stomach; I was too overcome with raw emotion to reach out. I did take note of one thing there was no wedding ring that I could see.

  He must have sensed my uneasiness and grabbed my hand. It lightly wrapped around and delicately shook mine. His dark black eyes and perfect smile drew me in like I was gazing at the night sky. I began to relax as my gaze got lost in his welcoming and friendly demeanor. I reminded myself to thank my mother later; she had certainly picked the right doctor for me. A slew of dirty images filled my head, things that I had never experienced before with another man.

  "Nice to meet you," he turned around, setting his medical bag on the ground. My mom pulled out a chair as he hunched over and opened his bag. His mouth moved at what seemed like million words per minute, almost like an auctioneer shooting off prices to an uninterested crowd. I was too captivated by the way his muscles hugged onto his lab gown. The only words that rang inside my preoccupied mind were 'first time, standard procedure, in and out'. His body provided me with too many physical distraction. The way he ran his hands through his hazelnut hair as he flipped through a folder, pointing out different places for my mother to sign. I was lost in la land and there was no coming back. He held a pen and the paper in front of me, pointing at a part of the page. I signed it with no other interest than looking and sinking into the dark abyss of his eyes.

  "Does that sound all good to you?" His enthusiasm ran through my body like a shock of electricity. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I was already nodding my head before I knew it. Who was this man that could whisk me away with nothing more than his body.

  Everything about him read professionally. His iron pressed lab coat that outlined his every tasty feature. The name tag that rested just above his right pec perfectly angled with the pocket on the opposite end that held an assortment of pens and a doctor's pad. By his foot was a brown leather medical bag that had the standard red cross symbol almost looked like a gimmick. All of this was not what I was expecting from a door to door doctor at all.

  "Shall we get started?" he held out his hand for me. I cautiously took hold of it and led him.


  Chapter 2: Inside Her Room

  "Ummm, sure." I led him down the dark hallway to the furthest room in the apartment. I was still not sure how I felt about all of this going down in my bedroom. I turned the knob and pulled him inside. His eyes scanned the room. My mother and I exchanged anxious looks.

  "This will do just fine," he proclaimed as he dropped his bag on the ground. "Your mother can wait outside."

  With that, I hugged my mother. She
looked into my eyes for a couple seconds. The tears were slowly gathering in the corner of hers. She was turning into such a mess lately, every time we did anything together she would tear up. I'm guessing it had to do with the fact that I was leaving a couple weeks than she would no longer have anyone to boss around.

  She laid a kiss on my forehead, her lipstick sticking to my forehead. I could tell she wanted to say something, the way her chest fell, and her mouth opened and closed. I rubbed away the lipstick with my sleeve and pushed her outside. It's not like this was a goodbye. The exam would be over in an hour, at the most. I shut the door and turned to the doctor, who was patiently waiting.

  "That was very touching," he looked amused.

  "So how does this work?" I threw myself on the bed, it squeaked under me. This is the most action this bed has ever seen. Hell, this was the first time that I had someone in my bedroom that was of the opposite sex. My mother tried her hardest to make sure I didn't end up knocked up in high school like she did. Now that I was off to college I was planning on living a little. As far as I was concerned a little more fun meant a boyfriend or two.

  "First, I'm going to need you to change into this." He held out a flimsy blue gown in his outstretched hand. It was neatly wrapped in a small plastic package. I threw the plastic to the side and felt the fabric. It was thin, and I knew it would rip from the slightest pull. I made my way toward the door, hand already on the knob. "Where do you think you're going?" His voice was rigid and firm, gone was the cheerful doctor from before.

  "Outside to change?" I stammered.

  "You change in here, under my supervision." Extra emphasis was thrown onto 'my'. His hands moved wildly about as he pulled a medical tool from his bag. Was he being serious right now?

  "Why?" That was the only word that came to mind. It didn't make any sense.

  His back rose, and he turned toward me, his dark blue eyes no longer welcoming as before. "That's the procedure that your mother and you have signed." With my back against the door, I tried to recall what he had told my mother. Had we actually signed me up for this? No matter how hard I tried to think back, nothing was coming to me. I mentally beat myself up over not paying attention.

  "I don't remember," I mumbled out as I felt my cheeks turn rosy red.

  "You don't remember?" He touched his face and looked at me like a teacher deciding if he should send me to the principals office. "It doesn't matter if you don't remember. You both signed the paperwork. Now change into your gown, please." I could tell he was trying to be nice, but it was coming off rather badly.

  I let the words melt into my brain. I hoped that at least he would allow me to ask questions during the procedure, maybe make up for my mistakes. I made way back to the bed, his feet nipping at my heels. I could feel his eyes on my small body, as he loomed over me. There was nothing more that I wanted than to go in my bathroom to change, anywhere his gaze wasn't.

  He knelt and rummaged through his luggage as I undid my pants and pulled them down to the ground. I always struggled to keep myself in the tightest clothes, ones that were way too small for me. Anything to get the attention of the boys, who didn't seem to care for my curves. Boys in high school didn't seem to go for girls that were a little more curvaceous, only those as thin as a pole.

  I threw my pants to the side. I could see his wavering gaze travel up the side of my legs as he pulled papers out. He was trying his best not to stare, but he was heroically failing. I didn't blame him, but I assumed he would have grown tired of this by now since he worked on naked women all day.

  With one tug, my shirt was off, and I was in front of him in just my panties and bra. It took all my effort not to cover myself with my hands. To hide my precious body from this older man who was now in my bedroom, where no man had ever been before. I also giggled to myself at the idea of him conquering my forbidden jungle. I couldn't help and think this way since I never had a man or boy in here. Whenever I imagined a boy in my room it was only during my most intimate moments with myself.

  "Panties and bra too?" I bent over and neatly assorted my clothes into folds, setting them on a nearby chair.

  "Yes, those as well." His focus didn't change. I admired how hard he was working at not staring at my almost nude body. Let's see if he could do that when I was completely bare for him.

  I grabbed the lace of my panties and moved it down, a brisk wind running up my legs. It was a little colder since I was already drenched with excitement. What girl wouldn't be with a handsome man at her footsteps? He might have grown a little harsh in the last couple minutes, but overall he was still the clean-cut man from before. I touched the back of my bra and with a pop it came undone, falling to the ground. Beneath me stood my harden nipples swung from side to side as my breasts enjoyed their sudden freedom. They weren't confined to their jail the usual length and they basked in the air.

  I stood there for several seconds, trying to tempt him with a look. Nothing. Although he hid his gaze well his body gave him away. In the middle of his pants I could see a nice bulge had taken place, I wasn't the only one that was excited. I unfurled the gown and hugged it close to my body, dirty thoughts streaming through my mind. Dirty thoughts that weren't appropriate for a doctor and patient to have.

  "I'm ready," I said as I moved about the bed trying to get ready. How was this going to work? The last couple years flashed through my mind. The nights I stayed up late at night trying to study or watching TV. None of them were that naughty; that was until now.

  "Lay down on your back and open your legs for me." I thought that when I would hear this words it would be with someone I loved. Someone who gave me a little bit of foreplay before completely diving onto the goods. That didn't seem like it was going to happen today. All work and no play make a girl sad.

  I pushed down on the bed and opened my legs, inappropriate thoughts streaming. It would be so easy for him to take me right now. To throw away all of his doctor clothes and take me on my bed. I don't think I would even stop him, anything to give me the a new experience that I craved.

  "Your going to have to open your legs more than that." He pulled the chair next to my bed, his hands pushing my legs further apart. I wasn't the most flexible girl in high school, that needed to change if I wanted to have fun in college. With my legs spread to his the level he wanted, his hands moved down my shins onto my toes. There he pushed my legs up until they bent and my toes hung off the edge of the bed. With the new angle I had to stop my gown from moving up and over my legs, completely putting myself on display. I closed my eyes as his hands moved down the inside of my thighs. Shallow, deep breaths were all that left my body.

  His hands were surprisingly warm as he approached my forbidden land. I never did ask my mom about the procedure. Was I suppose to get this feeling from my doctor? Was it normal to get turned on by his touch? Was it appropriate that I wanted him to move faster and indulge in my body? I'm sure that most of those answers were no. I knew that it was wrong for me as the patient to want my doctor, but I couldn't deny my mind and body. I tried to focus on anything else, but my mind kept reminding me how close to my pussy he was.

  "How do you feel?" His hands crept at the edge of my mound that was writhing with heat. Just the build up of his touch had turned my pussy on with the idea of pleasure. I wanted his fingers to travel up my body and grab hold of my breasts. Taking my nipples between them and making me beg for his examination. Eventually, his fingers would travel back south and slide into my slick channel.

  His head crooked to the side of me. Shit! I hadn't answered his question yet. I tried to usher the words out. The words got caught in the back of my throat. Every sentence that I tried to form became lost in his touch. His hands were groping at my body and mixing with the juices that left. A look of concern crossed his face, his fingers still prodding away.

  "Hanna?" The concerns trailed through his voice.

  I wanted nothing more than to answer him. To let him know that his control over me wasn't so easily attainable
with just the stroke and flick of his fingers. I needed to be stronger than this. All of my attention went away from the ball that was forming in the pit of my stomach. The ball that sent shivers running up and down every part of my body. The ball that caused my mind to grow foggy with every touch of the doctor's fingers. I concentrated all my focus on moving my lips, of just letting him know that I was alright. Well, more than alright.

  "I'm all good," I stammered out as the tight ball took hold of me. That was all that my whole concentration could muster out. If he wanted a better and more articulate answer, his hand was going to have to leave my pussy alone, at least for a bit. Through the flickering of my eyelids, I could see him smile. Before long his attention was turning back to my pussy.

  "Have you ever been sexually active?" One of his fingers grabbed at my nub, and my mind burst into bliss.

  "I...Um...No.'" There was no way that I could fully answer his question. In my mind I had a bunch of excuses lined up; school, mother, no privacy, but all that was whisked away. I hoped that this wasn't the time he was going to pursue a record for 21 questions.

  "Do you actively masturbate or arouse yourself?" His fingers pinched at my clit sending me squirming up the bed. I tried to regain my composure as his question rung through my head. Each time I thought that I had the answer it seemed to drift away, replaced by the tightening ball in my stomach.

  I settled with a nod of the head since words weren't going to be my best friend today. I continually nodded my head hoping that his gaze would move away from my pussy, letting him know that I was a bit preoccupied with the moment. Frantically, my body rolled from side to side as the pleasure intensified beyond return. At any moment, I would lose control of myself. I clamped my palms onto my lips knowing full well what was just around the corner.

  I moaned. Moaned like I had never before. My toes curled at the edge of the bed as a shock of lightning traveled my body at an enormous speed. I tried my best to cover the screams and not alert my mother, who was probably outside the door. This feeling that he was giving me was unreal. Never had I been able to make myself finish like this. He was probably more adept with a women's pussy than I ever will be. With my throat parched from the onslaught of noises, I grabbed hold of the covers and gripped them until my knuckles turned white.


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