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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 24

by Sansa Gold

  I sniffed and wiped away more tears and pointed to a group of girls in the corner. His grip tightened on my shoulder, and he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "I'll be right back," he murmured.

  I watched his helmet clatter against the wall, his pads shaking from side to side. He broke through their tight circle and all the girls stared at him. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but his arms moved about, his face growing redder with each second. Several times he pointed at me, and I turned my head away. I could still see out of the corner of my eye, all the girls shook their heads and walked away. He stood there for a bit before he turned and came my way.

  "That should take care of that." He gave me another kiss on the forehead and sprinted to his practice.

  "What did you say?" I shouted.

  Mid run he turned around and began to jog backwards, "Don't worry about it." He stuck his tongue out and like that he was gone.

  Ever since that I never got teased in high school. Lucas had saved me from so much hurt. In that broken heart of mine a new passion took hold. I became hopelessly in love with my brother. He became the perfect man for me. The man who was also my brother. The taboo relationship kept me from chasing him and fulfilling that passion of mine. At least it did until this upcoming week arrived.

  I peered over to him and smiled at his disheveled look. He must have just woken up as well cause his hair was pointing in different directions. He rubbed at his eyes and stretched his arms out which lifted his shirt a bit. I caught myself as I stared at his mid-drift and followed his happy trail down to his pajama pants. I bit my lip as I imagined the package underneath that lay sheathed.

  "What are you looking at dork?" He smiled.

  "Nothing..." I mumbled under my breath. I turned around and skipped back to my room before my parents saw me dressed like this.


  Chapter two


  Why did she have to sleep in those clothes? I watched as she smiled and skipped away, her ass bouncing with every step. I loved the way her ass jiggled whenever she walked. I looked down and saw that my cock was sticking out against my pajama pants. I gripped him and adjusted until he was no longer showing. I ran my hands through my head, her ass jiggling in my mind.

  You can't do this Lucas that's your sister for god sakes.

  Well, step-sister to be exact but that didn't mean I could think of her that way. But, I just couldn't help it no matter how hard I tried.

  It didn't help that she started to wear less clothes around the house. Every time I saw her in the skimpy clothing it made me want to rip it off of her and take her right there. She told me that she was trying clothing that she wanted to wear in college; I felt like there was another motive. Whenever she went out in public with her friends, her clothes were conservative at best. At home, that seemed to take an 180, and she dressed with almost nothing at all, forcing me to lock myself in my bedroom before I did anything I would regret.

  "Lucas, give me a hand over here?" I shook my head and snapped out of it. My stepfather stood in front of the door, his arms at his side looking at me with a peculiar look. "You ok there?" He began to make his way across the room toward me.

  "Y-Yea I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind right now." I hurried to his side and grabbed a piece of luggage.

  "You? A lot on your mind?" He snorted and laughed at his joke.

  "I really do," I chuckled back, giving him a quick tap on the side.

  I always liked Stan, Heather's father, even when he was dating my mother. He was a nice older guy who lost his wife due to a tragic accident, unlike my real father who left my mother and I. I always appreciated the things that Stan did for us and I tried to show him by being a good older brother to his daughter. I wanted to be there for Heather and just have a normal brother sister relationship with her, and for the most part it was normal.

  There were moments that made me want to ravage her. Like when she decides to lean her breasts against my back when she hugs me or gets out of the shower with only a wet towel wrapped around her tight little body. I knew that Stan would never approve me having any relations with his daughter; we were a family after all. Families didn't sleep with each other, especially not a brother and sister.

  "I'm coming to say goodbye!" Heather yelled from down the hallway. I grabbed a suitcase in each hand and practically ran out the door. I couldn't see her right now, not because I didn't want to either. I was scared I wouldn't be able to control myself.

  "Lucas, let me help you." Stan hollered his fingers touching my shoulders as I pulled away.

  "Nah, it's alright Stan I've got this." I ran down the porch toward the yellow taxi and threw the suitcases into the back.

  "My what a strong young man I have," Mom cried out as she clapped her hands all excited.

  "Mom, please stop one of the neighbors might hear you," I yelped. She always had a talent for embarrassing me every time I did anything nice for her.

  She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight against her chest, "I'm sorry that I'm so proud of my young baby." She puckered her lips together and gave me a kiss on the cheek while one of her hands ruffled my hair.

  "Its ok to be proud, but stop treating me like I'm eight." I pulled away from her lips as she tried to lay another kiss on the other. I was almost 22 for god's sake. My eyes looked up and down the street for anyone I might know. It was probably too early for anyone my age to be up this early in the morning anyway.

  "Oh, did I miss it?" Heather complained as she puckered her lips together imitating my mom.

  "Ha! Ha! Very funny," I mocked as I gave my mom a quick hug and walked inside the house as fast as I could. On my way to the porch, Stan and I exchanged a handshake and a pat on the back. That's what I needed. My mom would always make me feel like a child, but Stan always knew how to make me feel like a man. A man is what I was. A man that wanted his daughter.


  Chapter 3


  I gave Julia, Lucas' mother, a hug and she kissed my cheeks. Her red lipstick indenting my face with marks. I loved the way she made me feel all young like my mother did before she died. My dad was a very lucky man, able to marry two wonderful women in his lifetime.

  "Take care, Julia. Enjoy your vacation," I whispered into her ear.

  "You know I will darling." She pulled me back and looked me up and down, "Make sure Lucas doesn't throw any crazy parties while I'm away, Ok?"

  I brought my hand to the side of my head and saluted her, "Yes, Ma'am." I held that pose for several seconds, Julia's smile breaking through the night. Her chest started to heave and pull as her cackle laughter came out. I dropped my hand down and joined her. I gave her another hug.

  "Alright alright cut it out you too. We need to get to the airport, or we're going to be late." Dad grabbed Julia's wrist and pulled her toward the taxi. Julia blew kisses my way the entire time, they were only going to be gone for a week, but it would feel forever.

  With Julia stuffed inside the taxi, Dad stepped out and opened his arms, "Be good, kiddo." He hugged me tight against his chest and held me there for a second. This would be the longest time that we would be away from each other since mom died. I knew it would be hard for me, but probably harder on him.

  I wrapped my arms tight against his back, "I will, Dad." I could feel myself getting choked up as the seconds passed. He probably sensed it as well, so he let go and made his way toward the car. He got inside, and the taxi began to pull away, he stuck his hand out the window and waved as they pulled away.

  I watched as the red back lights from the taxi sunk into the night. And with that I was alone. We were alone. Lucas and I would be by ourselves for almost one week. I smiled to myself at the prospect of what might happen.

  I trotted back up the porch and closed the front door behind me. I leaned against it with my back and listened to the stillness of the house. It was never this quiet in the house especially at this time when Dad would be getting ready for work. I walked down the ha
llway and looked for Lucas. Nowhere to be found. I made my way upstairs and saw that his bedroom door was ajar. A white bluish light glowed on the wooden floor. This was my chance to scare the shit out of him.


  Chapter 4


  I raised myself on my tip toes and made way toward his room. I could hear the clicking of his mouse and creak of his computer chair as he swiveled. I felt myself start to giggle at the thought of him screaming. Hold it together, Heather. You've got this.

  As I got closer, and closer another sound was more apparent. It was something that I've heard before I just couldn't put my finger on it. It was low and droning that repeated for several seconds and then stopped. I lost concentration with my plan as I devoted myself to figuring out what that sound was. It started once more.

  I brought my body against the wall of the hallway as I crept my head toward the crack in his door. I was going all commando on this in order to scare him. I peeked around into his arm, and a hand shot up to my mouth. I shouldn't see this, but I couldn't pull myself away. This isn't something that a sister should be seeing her brother doing.

  I knew it was wrong and yet I still stared. I watched as his arm moved up and down, the muscles in his forearm tightening and relaxing. He leaned forward in his chair his eyes glued to the computer screen. Even if I screamed, he wouldn't have heard me with the headphones stuck to his head. I could hear his panting as his arm shook feverishly. The female on screen yelled in pleasure as some guy suck his hard cock inside her. My brother was masturbating, and I knew that this was supposed to be private, but I couldn't turn my head away.

  With my eyes affixed on Lucas, my hand let go of the door frame and traveled down my body. I bit my bottom lip as I grasped at my breasts. With my thumb and index finger, I rubbed the outside of my bra, nipples already hard. A small sob rolled through my body as I pushed my hand down. Lucky for me I had only put on pajama pants on and just panties underneath. The outside of my panties were completely soaked.

  I teased at my folds and clit as I pushed myself against the wall. Lucas pushed against his chair, and his cock came into view. I could only see the part that was illuminated by the computer screen. I closed my mouth and nibbled the inside my cheek as a passion passed through me. I pulled my panties to the side as I stared as his large cock. I wished for more than anything that he would put that hard cock inside of me. It would fit so nicely inside my tight pussy.

  It had to be at several inches tall, at least six. The dome of his cock shined as the pre-cum trickled down. I pressured my clit and began to circle it, lightly pressing down and around. Every time Lucas' hand came up to the head of his cock it went to the side to follow the small bend. The turn in his cock would probably hit places that my fingers could never touch. I wanted to burst inside his room and throw myself against the chair. I would grab at his cock and force it inside my cunt, the look of surprise on his face would be amazing.

  I eyed his hardness as he stroked, and I teased at my entrance. I pushed my fingers inside of my tight tense cunt and lowered my head against my shirt. I grabbed at it with my teeth as I curled my finger and pushed my special spot. Lucas leaned back in his seat as the video came to its end. The woman moaned so loud that I could hear, even with his headphones on.

  "Ye-Yes Heather...just like that," Lucas grunted and his hand grabbed for a tissue, a small spew of cum shooting into the air.

  I hesitated as I watched him convulse and shake, the tissue catching all of his sperm. Did I hear him right? Did I just hear him call out my name as he finished?

  "Heather?" I looked up and saw that he was staring at me, his eyes wide. "Heather, what are you doing?" He groaned out as he tried to stuff his cock into his pajamas.

  "I-I..I'm sorry." I grabbed the doorknob and slammed the door shut. I stood there momentarily before running across the hallway to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and let the water heat up as I took off my clothes. I needed to get away from him, and this was the first place I thought of. The warm sanctuary of my shower, Lucas would never come in here with me naked.

  A panic rushed through my body; there was no way everything would be ok between the both of us. I had just watched my brother masturbate. Not only that I played with myself as I imagined him stuffing me with his cock. An image of his hard pre-cumming cock flashed inside my head; I gripped at my hair in frustration. I had to stop doing this to myself. I could never have Lucas, no matter how much I wanted him. He was my brother, and I was his sister. People who had that kind of relationship did not belong together; it was too taboo.

  I pushed aside the shower door and put my hand out. I welcomed the warm touch of the shower as I stepped inside. Showers always helped when I wanted to have some time alone. Something to do in order to get my mind off the whole ordeal. I pushed my head against the pressure and let it drip down my body.

  I rubbed my breasts and body as I stood there thinking. I replayed Lucas' reaction several times in my head trying to gauge how mad he was. I could clearly see his face inside my mind; I couldn't entirely make out his reaction. I'm sure he was surprised by me being outside his door. Should I have broken the silence? Would that have made him call me over? We were alone in the house, and anything was possible. Anything is possible, just not this I reminded myself.

  The steam began to crawl off my body and all around the tiny bathroom. It clung to the glass shower doors and all around the titles. Everything became warm to the touch as I grabbed a bottle of shampoo. I squeezed at it and spread it up and down my body. As I lathered it all over I started to think of the pre-cum on the helm of Lucas' cock. I moaned out at the idea of him spreading his cum all over my body.

  I grasped at my breasts and rubbed the water against my nipples. As one hand twisted at my nipple the other grabbed at the shower head. I detached it and brought it to my shoulder and back, letting the water drip down to my ass. I brought it to the top of my head, and calmly lowered it chest. I listened as the water fell into the tub with small pits and pats. As it approached my abdomen, I hesitated for a moment. This is wrong I should stop myself.

  Then, I thought of the bend in Lucas' cock and how good it would feel if he drove it inside of me. The shower head drifted down, and the pressure hit my pussy. I wailed out in pleasure as I closed my eyes. I brought it closer, the pressure intensifying with every inch that it closed in. I imagined his cock slowly rubbing against my leg as he brought it against my body. I wondered how much he would tease me before he thrust inside. My hand left my breast and gripped at the wall as I tried to hold myself up. The pressure grew, and a knot in my abdomen took hold of me. I cried out, and my eyes flickered with joy as I came, the image of Lucas' dick inside my mind.

  "Need any help in there?" The grip on the shower head loosened and it crashed to the floor. The water shot around wildly, and I stomped on it with my foot holding it in place. I turned my head and saw a muscular silhouette behind all the steam.

  "Lucas?" I called out, too scared to open the door.

  "Who else silly?" He chuckled as his hand reached out and grabbed the handle. I found myself holding my breath as he pulled the door aside.

  I saw his ripped bare arm first as he pulled back the door. With each inch that the door went toward the middle of the frame a new detail emerged. His toned forearms and right shoulder came into view. His barrel-chested body and nipples almost touched the window of the door as it slide to the side. His forest green eyes locked with my own. He smirked and licked at his lips as he lowered his head. I instinctively brought up my hands, trying to shield myself from his gaze. He frowned.

  "Is this not what you want?" He asked, after a moment of hesitation passed and he held the door halfway way open. Although, I could only see half his face I knew that he was sad. He was starting to doubt his decision, I could see it in his eyes.

  I dropped my arms and pushed the door to the side, giving a full view of our bodies. I, just like he had done, lowered my gaze calmly and collectively. I starte
d with his rock hard chest that stuck out further than any other part of his body, well almost any other part. I smiled at I followed his happy trail down to his bush and his cock that sprung out. I was off about my estimation; he was well over six inches long.

  I reached out with my hand and grabbed at it, his body shook. I began to pull his foreskin back and forth as his eyes watched me. I knelt down beside his cock, eyeing it seductively. It took all of my willpower to not completely plunge myself onto it. My hand left his cock and went to cradle his balls as I worked my tongue down the side of his rod. I felt him gasp out, and he rose on his toes, I liked the control I had. I gently caressed his balls in my palm as I tongued my way up and down of his shaft, collecting the pre-cum that oozed out of his helm. When I thought that he could take no more, I brought my mouth to his cock and blew my hot breath on it.

  "Fuck," he mumbled out, both of his hands crept behind my head.

  They gripped at the sides of my head urging my forward down his cock. I fought it for a moment only giving attention to the head. He pushed me harder down, and I relented and sent his hardness into my open mouth. I toyed with his balls as I pushed his cock in every direction inside my mouth. I wanted to taste every bit of him.


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