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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 30

by Sansa Gold

  Adam would grab my thighs, adjusting my leg onto the table, as his cock would savagely take my tight pussy. I pushed the vibrator inside, making my hand push out and grab the sheets from the bed. It was a lot more intense than I anticipated, as I began to pant. The constant roll of vibrations pacing through my body was sending me into a fit, my legs shot out. I began to moan as I felt myself getting closer to my finish.


  What was that?

  I pulled the vibrator away from my pussy. I turned on the lamp, next to my bedside, and looked at the vibrator. Was something malfunctioning with it? Did it possibly shock my pussy just now? I mean I had bought it a couple of years ago when I got curious about experimenting with my body. I opened my legs and slowly worked my way down, feeling nothing at first. I played with my clit for a bit, nothing but warm sensations filled my body. I pushed aside my flaps and began to rub my fingers against it, still only a warm feeling consumed me. I pushed on until I reached the entrance to my cunt, a rubbed with my middle finger. Nothing.

  I pushed it inside. Ow. An intense pain came from the side of my vagina, like nothing I had ever felt before. I pulled my finger out, waited a few seconds. Then, I pushed it back inside. Ow ow. I was met with the same shooting pain inside. I pushed myself off the bed and ran to the bathroom. There had to be some reason that I was getting this irritation down there.

  I raised my leg until I could clearly see my pussy in the mirror. There was nothing that I could see that gave me any clear answer. Great, this is just what I needed. At least tomorrow was Saturday, maybe my mom could set up an appointment for doctor exam.

  "Jenna, you home?" I heard my mother shout from downstairs. I closed the lights and ran to my bedroom, getting dressed as quickly as possible.

  "Yea, Mom I'm upstairs I'll be right down," I shouted.

  I looked at myself in the mirror, 'Everything is going to be Ok Jenna. It's nothing bad." I repeated that a couple times to myself before I rushed down the steps, at least two at a time.

  "What were you doing up there?" She turned around, groceries laid all over the kitchen floor.

  "Just some studying for an upcoming test." I knelt and grabbed some boxes of cereal.

  "Oh, is that for the class with that cute Adam guy?" She teased. I shot her a look back she knew I didn't like it when she teased me about boys.

  "No! If you must know."

  "Ok. Ok. Don't shoot me." She raised her hands up in the air. I turned around and laughed.

  "So anything new at school?" She started setting the groceries in place.

  I reached up and set the cereal boxes on top of the refrigerator, "Nothing new at school that I can think of. But, there is something I have to talk to you about?"

  She turned around, a concern of look crossing her face, she knew that statement never meant anything good. "Don't worry it's nothing horrible. I'm not pregnant or anything." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

  "Oh Thank God," She hollered back, wiping the imaginary sweat off her forehead. "So what is it then?"

  I gathered my thoughts trying to find the best way to explain to her what happened, without letting her know I was just upstairs playing with myself. "Well, today when I got home from school I got a sharp pain in my stomach. Its happened several times in the last hour. I just want to get a check up to make sure it's nothing before I go to school." I grabbed another bag off the ground and started rummaging through it.

  "Is that it? I can make another appointment with your regular doctor to do some blood tests. Maybe that will sort everything out."

  She didn't understand what I was trying to say. I would have to choose my words more carefully then. I let the bag drop on the ground and made my way toward her, touching her elbow to get her attention. "I don't think it's that kind of problem, Mom. This sharp pain wasn't exactly in my stomach. It was a little more south than that." I pushed my eyes down.

  "Oh...OH. It's that kind of problem. Alright, honey I understand now. I'll have to set an appointment with Dr.Stephenson for tomorrow morning." Her arms wrapped around me, "It's going to be alright, I'm sure it's nothing of concern."

  "Well, I didn't think it was until you gave me this hug. You're making me worry now, Mom. Also, I don't want to go to your old gynecologist doctor. He's way too old and gross, plus I don't want him comparing our lady parts." I pushed away from her grabbing at the bag on the ground. There was no way I was going to let that old geezer put his hands on my private parts. I needed a more experienced doctor to look at me, one that wasn't born during the Great Depression.

  My mother grabbed my hand as I lifted the grocery bag off the ground. "Don't be silly, Jenna. I'm not going to send you to my Dr. Stephenson. I was going to schedule an appointment with his son, Brian Stephenson. He just finished medical school a couple months ago and has worked for his father."

  "Well, that's a load off my mind." I squeezed my mom tight before dropping the bag onto the counter.

  "Plus, I heard from some of the ladies in the neighborhood that his son is quite the looker." She laughed and turned around to set the groceries in the refrigerator.

  "Oh just stop!" I hollered back and turned my face away so that she wouldn't see it turn beet red.

  I wonder how good looking he actually was. I tried to remember what Dr. Stephenson looked like when he was younger, but nothing came to mind. I finished placing all the groceries when I rushed up the stairs to take a shower. If I was going to the doctor tomorrow there was no way I was going there with a full bush.

  I hopped into the shower and lathered the shaving cream on my legs and pussy. It had been so long since I shaved myself down there, I had never found a reason to before. Know that I was going to have some, supposedly, hot doctor all over my cooch I wanted it to be at its best appearance. I moved the blade across my legs and pelvic with little problem until I reached the flaps. I always managed to nick myself in the past when I got here, I didn't want that to happen tonight.

  I set the blade down and sprayed more shaving cream around the area, making sure to use an obscene amount. Grasping the blade, I moved it to my pussy and watched as the pubic hair slowly began to disappear. So far. So good. I crossed back on the other side, using the same patience and amount of cream as before. Done with the job I washed away the rest of the cream. I let out a sigh of relief as I stared at my uncut cunt. I moved my finger across the smooth skin and sent a shiver running up my spine. I should reward myself for my perfect display of work. There was no reason to let this fresh shave go to waste. I grabbed the shower head and settled down into the tub. I closed my eyes and pressed it against my cunt as my other hand grabbed at my breasts. The jet of the shower head pushed against my flaps, stronger than ever before. It probably had to do with there being less bush in the way.

  I was definitely going to enjoy this new look for me. I pushed the jet harder against pussy making my body shiver as I huddled closer to the tub. I felt the warmth grow in my body as the jet worked it magic on me, little moans escaping me. I moved my hand up from my breasts and pressed it against my mouth. I needed to keep myself quiet now that mom was home, there was no way I was going to let her interrupt this fun little session.

  The heat in my pelvic region intensified as my body began to writhe in pleasure. I dropped my hand from my mouth and began to circle my clit. I lightly pressed against it as the jet continued to hit the same spot, louder shrieks escaping my mouth. The shower head clattered to the floor as intense feelings surged through every part of my body. I grabbed the side of the tub as I tried to hold myself from falling into the water. After several seconds of shocks shooting through my body, it began to dissipate. That had to be the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced, I lowered myself into the water and began to daydream of my doctor visit tomorrow. I hoped that he was hot as everyone claimed he was.


  The Next Morning

  "Jenna!!! Wake up, you're going to be late for your doctor's appointment!"

  I brushed my eyes
, throwing the pillow over my eyes as my mom opened the blinds to my room. God, I hated getting up this early in the morning, there should be a rule where places don't open until at least 10 in the afternoon. At least all this would change once I hit college in the fall, I was looking forward to sleeping in as much as possible.

  "Oh, just stop it. Get your lazy ass out of bed." She grabbed the pillow and pulled, the sunlight hitting my face all at once.

  "Ahhhh! Come on mom you know I hate it when you do that."

  "Yea I know, but there's no other way to get you out of bed." She rushed out of the room,"You have five minutes to get into the car or I'm leaving." She shouted from the hallway.

  Great. I doubt that I would have any time to get anything to eat. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, my thoughts completely taken up by my shower fun last night. I was excited to come back from the doctor's and to give it an another whirl.

  I jumped out of the bed grabbing at whatever clothes were within my reach. I didn't know if there was any certain way that I was supposed to dress for my first gynecologist appointment. Something told me it didn't really matter since I would be undressing anyway.

  I rushed down the stairs and out the door, grabbing a banana off the counter.

  "I was just about to leave." She put the car into parked and sped down the driveway before I could even close the door.

  "Take it easy, Mom. We will get there on time." Hands frantically grabbing for the seatbelt while trying to juggle the banana in my mouth.

  "You know how much I hate being late Jenna." She hollered as her foot pressed down on the pedal and eyes glued to the road.

  After what seemed like seconds, we pulled into the parking lot of the building. Dr, Stephenson's office wasn't in a standard hospital. Instead, he rented out an office room in a local building in the middle of town.

  Mother grabbed my hand pulling me into the building, "We are not going to be late Jenna. Especially not because you want to stare off into space."

  "I wasn't staring off into space. I was just making sure we were at the right address." I whined back. I hated how my mother treated me like a baby. But, I understood why she acted this way. My father had abandoned her and me when I was a couple of months old leaving my mother to raise me all by herself. After so many years of being in control of every little aspect of my life, it was going to be hard for her to give it up.

  College was the only place that I could feel like an adult and get away from my mother. But that didn't stop my mom from reminding me how young I was in her eyes. She was always there to prepare my lunch or set up my schedule. She did everything for me. Well, that had changed as soon as I stepped into college, making sure she realized that college was my future, not hers. I wanted to experience everything by myself.

  She pulled me along by my wrist, my eyes darted around the building hoping to god I didn't run into someone from school. I knew how fast word traveled in this town. I didn't need anything following me into my freshman year of college.

  She stopped in front of a room, the sign outside reading 'Dr. Stephenson', she pushed down on her outfit trying to get the wrinkles out. She turned around and gave me a look down before she pushed through the door, I followed close behind. I was going to let her be in control one last time, kind of my going away present.

  "Good morning, Jenna Pickett here to see Dr. Brian Stephenson." She pointed my way, I waved back at the receptionist.

  "Good morning, Jenna." She waved me over, ignoring my mother. "I'm going to need you to fill out some information about yourself." She handed me some different files, that I gave to my mother. The receptionist's hand shot out, "Jenna, are you eighteen yet?" I nodded my head, "Then, I recommend you do this by yourself. All this information will be confidential and only shared between the doctor and yourself. You can choose later what you want to share with your mother." She smiled at her, before sitting back down "The doctor will see you in a few minutes."

  I took all papers and sat down in the chair closest to the table. The receptionist had no idea how much I wanted to thank her for that, but I kept my mouth shut. I stole a glance at my mom and could tell that she was trying to read the information over my shoulder. I hunched over a little more trying to block out as much as I could. This was the chance I needed to be independent of my mom. I wasn't going to drop the ball on it.

  I looked at the forms and began to fill out as much information as I could. I re-read everything and signed on the dotted line at the bottom.

  The door next to the receptionist area opened, "Jenna the doctor will see you now." The nurse held the doctor as both my mother and I got up. As I pushed the door the nurse turned to the mother, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Pickett this area is only for patients and their doctors. You can have a seat and your daughter will be back out in no time." I could see the fumes begin to shoot out of her head, but she turned around to sit down. I waved at her as the door closed, she didn't acknowledge it. She'll get over it with time, plus the sooner she used to it the better.

  The nurse ushered me the to the last examination room on the right, the sign read '5E'. "This is where you will be getting ready for your examination." She walked into the room and held the door open as I slowly walked in. I felt like some caged animal that was going to be experimented on. The objects in the room didn't make me feel any better.

  All over the room there were different posters of anatomically correct words for different body parts. The smell of iodine filled the room, almost as if they washed the floor with it. To either side of the room, there were a number of cabinets and counters, all containing medical equipment I had never seen before in my life. Some contained things that I was somewhat familiar with like cotton swabs and band aids. The rest was beyond my high school understanding.

  The nurse walked over to a closet in the back and grabbed a blue gown, "This is what you're going to be wearing during your examination. Make sure you strip of ALL your clothing and just set them to the side. The doctor will be with you shortly." She placed the gown in my hands and was out the door before I could ask any questions.

  I undressed as fast as I could while staring at the different diagrams around the room. I'll be honest that I never really paid much attention to sex ed. in high school. When any relevant information came up all the girls would cry out in disbelief in order to take away from the awkwardness of it. As a result, I was left with very little understanding of my body. The only thing that I had gotten from all that was how important it was to have protection when you have sex.

  I'll never forget having to ask my mom for a banana to bring to class so that I could practice putting a condom on it. Of course, the next day in class it turned into a competition, by the girls, to see who's banana was the biggest. Somehow, I got the privilege of winning that award.

  I packed my clothes into a tight little ball and threw them on the ground. I grabbed a hold of the table and jumped on, the cover paper crinkling under me. Although, I knew little about the procedure I did some research on a gynecology exam and how it was done. At least I was covered in that part.

  * Knock*

  "Can I come in?" A burly voice behind the door asked.

  I pressed down on my gown trying to make myself as presentable as possible, "I'm all ready." I blurted out, as I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

  An older man walked into the room with a manila folder and a doctor's gown that read 'Dr. Stephenson Jr'. His chestnut colored eyes shined in the light as he opened his mouth slightly to smile at me. That smile instantly turned me into a complete mess. I wasn't expecting my doctor to be this handsome. Of course, I had an idea from all the rumors but this was just beyond belief. It was going to be hard not to get turned on during my examination.

  "Hi, I'm Dr. Brian Stephenson." He held out his hand, "I'm going to be conducting your examination." I stared down at his enormous hands. Was he really going to use those things to look inside of me? His pinkie finger had to be as big as my middle and index finger combined. There was no way m
y pussy was going to be able to take a touch from him without being turned on.

  "H-Hi, I'm Jenna." I held out my hand. I was surprised to see how firm and yet gentle his grip was to mine. His soft skin gripped in my sweaty palm.

  I couldn't help it. I always got nervous when I was in the presence of someone I was sexually attracted too. It was one of the things that I was trying to get over.

  "Nice to finally meet you, Jenna. Have you come here before?" A quizative look crossed his face.

  "Not in a long time. I used to come here with my mom when I was younger and she couldn't get a babysitter."

  "A-AH... I remember you. You were the girl in the waiting room who would play with all the toy blocks." He let out a small laugh, as his eyes rolled up. I couldn't believe that he had remembered me, after all, this time because I could hardly remember him.

  "Yea, that was me." I threw my head against my shoulder and giggled. Get it together Jenna. Do not go all high school crush on him now. It would only make the examination more awkward.


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