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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 62

by Sansa Gold

  He looks at me, his tit still in his mouth before he lets it go with a pop, "Are you still sure about this?"

  I wasn't sure about any of this, but we were too far in to give up now. With my panties to the side I could feel the wet, slick, liquid oozing out of my pussy. My mind not be made up, but my body knows what it wants. It wants his hardness inside of me, as quickly as possible.

  "Yea, I'm sure. Now lay it on me."

  Without any hesitation, his fingers attack at my clit. I watch as he places three fingers onto it, before beginning to circle around it, diving between my flaps in one swift motion. I don't know what to say, his actions leave me speechless, so I close my eyes.

  The world around me shrinks as all my attention goes between my legs. I claw at his back, driving my pink nails into it and leaving broad strokes like a mad painter throwing red paint against a white canvass.

  I don't know how else to calm myself down. I want to shout, to let everyone know that I was on the edge. That in a couple more twists and pulls, my body would shake without any of my control.

  "You like that?" Adam growls, twisting my hair in his hand, pushing me onto his hand as a finger dives inside of me. "It's all for you. Every fucking finger is for you. All you have to do is ask."

  I don't know where the dirty talk was coming from, but I didn't mind any of it. It was sending shivers rolling down my body in a steady stream, his finger hitting the small spot inside of my pussy that made me squirm. There was no turning back now. I wanted his big, fat, cock inside of me. My body was beginning for me.

  Just then, my chest lifts off the bed, the inside of my stomach exploding at once. I've never felt anything like this in my life. The orgasm rolls through me, fireworks erupting from every part of my being. Nothing else was inside my little mind, I could only stare at Adam with a blank look on my face as everything else inside of me went overboard. My body is on the edge of oblivion, nothing I did would make it react how I want.

  "Fuck me already," I moan, pulling down on his pants. I want to see what all the talk was about. The bulge in his pants could only satisfy me enough.

  He pulls on his pants, giving way to the boxers underneath. My hands don't stop like he does, instead they dive onto his briefs pulling them down. His cock flies out, shaking in every direction, the only thing missing was the distinct bong noise from the cartoons.

  "Abby, are you awake?"


  Everything from my mind drops. I hop onto the floor, putting everything on in one motion. Adam is struggling. He is hopping on one leg trying to put on his jeans, his boxers only on one leg, his cock slapping against his thigh. If this wasn't so serious, I would be laughing my ass off, but with dad outside the door there was little time for that.

  "Be right there." Adam's shirt flies across the room hitting him in the face.

  "Is someone inside the room with you?" His hand bangs against the wooden door. That door means nothing to him, he could demolish it with just a push of his shoulder. My father is a big man, the kind of man everyone in town knows. I could see the fear in Adam's eyes creeping out.

  "Abby, don't let him catch me. He'll kill me. I can't have that before I go off to college," he stutters. I can't have that either, it would kill any chances of me meeting anyone in college, especially if my last fling was killed by my father.

  "Abby! Open this door this instance or I'm gong to break it down." I push Adam into my closet, throwing clothes onto him.

  "Sorry, I was sleeping naked." I open the door to the room.

  My father's face is beet red. He moves me aside like I was nothing but a porcelain doll, as his eyes scan the room. It was going to take a lot of convincing to get him out of the room.

  "Where is he?" His intense eyes lock onto me.

  "Who are you looking for daddy?" I try to play it off with my puppy do eyes, the one that got me out of trouble when I was younger. "Let's go have a seat in the kitchen and talk about this." Placing my hand on his arm, guiding him into the kitchen, hoping Adam is smart enough to get the hint.

  We're half way out the door, when something in the closet falls. FUCK. It's all over my face. My dad looks at me before he rips open the closet, almost ripping them off the wall. The back of his neck is just as red as the rest of his body, he wasn't going to be able to sleep for the rest of the night. Not with his heart condition, this was too much for him.

  "Where the fuck are you?" He moves aside the hangers, clothes cluttering onto the floor. This house would be turned upside down before my dad will go to sleep. Once he was certain someone was here, he wasn't going to stop.

  "Don't hurt me," Adam squeaks behind the pile of clothes. His hands pop out first, before his scared face comes out. A trail of tears streaming down the side of his cheeks. Not exactly as tough as I thought he was.

  "Adam?" Dad hoists him out of the closet with one pull of Adam's wrist. He flies across the room, landing onto the bed. Dad had that old man strength that people talk about, the kind that comes from working on the farm since he was little. "What are you doing here at this hour?"

  Adam falls over his words trying to explain, failing miserably. He was on the edge of telling him the truth when I pipe up.

  "I was worried about college and I wanted to talk to Adam about it since he has brothers in college," I lie. I move the hair out of my eyes, letting them do all the work. He needs to believe my words if we're going to get out of this.

  He looks at me then at Adam, who is nodding his head along with my words. We can both sell this lie. We need to sell this lie.

  "Well, ok then," Dad says as he walks over, his arms bracing against my back pulling me into a hug. I nestle my head against his big, barreled chest before I signal for Adam to leave. He pulls me back and looks into my eyes. He's mad that there's a boy in my room, but he knows who Adam is, so he'll probably let it slide this one time. "Wait a minute," he screams as he moves my neck to the side.

  "What's the matter, Daddy?" I remember what's running down the side of my neck. I hope that Adam is smart enough to run out of the house. Run until his lungs hurt and he wants to quit.

  "Get the fuck back here," he hollers his hands on the rails as his feet stamp down the stairs. He wasn't going to catch Adam, there was no doubt about that.

  Ten minutes later, covered in sweat and shivering, he shuts the front door, his eyes on me. My mom is standing next to me, unsure of what's going to happen next. We've never been here at this stage. I've never disobeyed the rules of the house this badly. It was new territory for all of us.

  "I'm sorry, Daddy." I try to wrap around him. Something has to hold back the fury in his eyes. He brushes me aside, going straight to my bed where he sits.

  "Come here, Abby." There is a coldness in his voice. I'm afraid, Mom pushes me forward. "What did you do here? Did you have sex with him?" He throws the word "him" out in disgust like he forgot Adam's name.

  "No, Daddy we were talking. Things got out of hand, but we didn't have sex."

  "Lies. How can I trust you when you have that trail down the side your neck?" He moves my hair to the side, his fingers strumming at the outside of my hickies. If only I had resisted Adam's lips on my bodies. Maybe, we could have gotten away with all of this.

  "We didn't have sex. I promise." Tears stream down the side of my face. I couldn't hold them back anymore. He was devastated by what I'd done, the hurt in his eyes told me that.

  He runs his hand through his hair before facing me, "Tomorrow, a doctor is going to come here and give you a check up. If you're cleared this will be forgotten, but if you're not a virgin anymore..." He struggles with his words for a moment before clearing his throat, " If you're not a virgin, your not going out of state for college. You'll be staying right here where I can keep an eye on you."

  My stomach sinks. That's the worst possible scenario. College was supposed to be my four years of freedom. Of letting go and finding out about the world. That wasn't going to happen with him watching my every move.

; "And if I say no?"

  "That's not an option, Abby." He pats me on the head, his hand on the knob. "For your sake I hope that you didn't fuck him. I need you to be my little princess." He slams the door shut.

  The last thing I see is Mom shaking her head, his hands on her shoulders guiding her toward the room.

  I don't want to become the family slut. That wasn't going to happen. I knew how easily rumors could fly through this town. My image wasn't going to be messed up because of one night of fun.

  I was going to make sure of that one way or another.

  Chapter 2

  I rub my eyes fighting off the sleepiness. All night was spent researching about the upcoming gyno exam. I needed to know everything about it, before I could take it. After all the research it seems like a basic, routine exam.

  I move the fork along the plate, my parents looking out the window eagerly. I didn't get a say in seeing the doctor, that was made clear last night. What I did get a say in was telling my parents that they couldn't be in the room during the exam. They would have to take the doctor's word that I was still a virgin. Luckily, they agreed with that much. I can't imagine how awkward it would have been if they were sitting there in the room, while my legs were being spread open by the doctor.

  "He's here," Mom chirps up, her hands clapping together at lightening speed. Her been so happy about the doctor coming to the house sent a chill up my spine. It was all too weird. But, she always loved to be the hostess, for anyone who walked through the door. Part of me was glad that side of her didn't go away just cause of this whole fiasco.

  "Get up, Abby." Dad takes my plate. I wasn't even done with that. Awkward exam on an empty stomach.

  Dad opens the door. The doctor's hands hangs in the air, clenched into a fist, ready to slam it against the door.

  "Good Morning, Dr. Jones." Dad puts out his hand, making Dr. Jones' body shake with force. To say that Dad was a little nervous was an understatement. I had never seen him be so skittish before, it left me with a bad feeling. Usually, he was confident and in control of everything. Today, that was not the case.

  He probably didn't want the image of his little princess ruined by some high school boy. He never was the kind of guy who could get down and tell me about the birds and the bees. No his kind of style.

  "Good morning." His eyes wandered around the room, head nodding to each of us. "I see the whole family is up and early. You must be Abby."

  He holds out his hand. I'm hesitant to take it. I don't know what to do, my body is frozen. Adam doesn't compare to the man standing in front of me. Adam was a boy, but Dr. Jones was a real man.

  His rigid, calloused hand is twice the size of m own. My hand sinks into his and disappears, engulfed in his. A chill showers me, as I look into his hazelnut eyes. I can feel the fire inside of me take hold, stronger and more fierce than last night. He leans forward, planting a peck near my knuckles. Thank god for Southern hospitality.

  "Dr. Jones is the name. I'll be the one conducting your exam today." He licks the top of his lip slightly, his back to my parents. There's a slight twinkle in his eye and I can feel myself growing cold. I notice that I'd been holding my breathe during the whole interaction.

  Almost like an old Southern flick I begin to wave my hand by the side of my face. Fanning off the heat that came from our connection. The connection that sent invisible sparks and fireworks bursting above our head.

  My parents hadn't seen anything, they were still smiling behind him. Clueless was that way I wanted them. The way I preferred they had been last night with Adam in my room.

  "Nice to meet your, Dr. Jones. I'm Abby Summers." I almost want to curtsy for him to complete the interaction, but stop myself short. That would take it a bit too far, possibly even throw my parents off.

  He smiles, before twisting around to face my father. "Before, I begin the examination there is some paperwork that needs to be signed." He lifts his suitcase into the air and sets it on the table, peeling its clasps away. "Its just standard information. It basically gives me permission to conduct this examination in this house, instead of a hospital. The locale will need to be signed off by you guys while Abby signs off on giving me permission to examine her, since she is 18."

  "That's right. I'm completely legal and in charge of myself," I stutter. Both my parents throw me a weird look, but Dr. Jones smiles before handing off the forms to all of us. He understood where I was going with that. The connection between the two of us was strong. He could feel it.

  "Great, well that concludes that administrative part. Now I'll need you to show me to your room Abby." The papers crumple inside of his suitcase as he tosses them inside, his hand already guiding me down the hallway. He takes one look at my room and shake his head. "This won't do. The room is too small for all of my equipment. How about your bedroom?" He turns to my parents.

  "That won't be a problem at all, Dr. Jones," Dad answers, taking the Doctor by the hand. "It's much bigger than her room. You should be able to do what you need in here."

  I've hardly been inside of my parent's room. I was never allowed. It was something that they made very clear when I grew up. Their bedroom was the "grown-ups room" as they put it.

  He pushes the door the side, giving me a glimpse for the first time. Everything was covered in red. The paint on the walls, the fabric covering the bed, the frame was an off dark red. It all seemed very romantic and an unorthodox place for a doctor exam. There was no way that the doctor was going to agree with this, I might even get out of the exam.

  "Perfect," Dr. Jones pipes up, his hands rubbing together in excitement. "You can close the door behind you when you leave."

  "Well, be right outside the door if you need us. We will hear everything that happens so let me know if either of you need something." With that the door closes. I'm left in the room with the doctor. A male doctor. The first time my parents have approved of me being alone with anyone in a room. There was a strange, taboo feeling running through me.

  "So what's next, Dr. Jones?" My hands behind my back while Dr. Jones was looking through his bag.

  "Well, I'm going to need to take off all your clothes and get dressed with this." He holds out a flimsy green uniform.

  He couldn't really expect me to get dressed in this. Did he? It was too revealing. I might as well have been naked for him.

  "In this?" I hold it out in front of the window, the sunlight pouring through it. "You can see through it."

  "Well, it's more for formality. You're not required to wear it if you want, either way I'm going between your legs."

  My heart skips a beat at his forwardness and confidence, almost like he was implying more than just a simple exam.

  "I'll wear the gown. Are you going to turn around at least?" My cheeks warming at the question, this all felt different. Undressing for Adam was natural, but for a man I've never met before, it was out of my comfort zone.

  "I can't do it. But, I'll look at my paperwork while you undress, if that helps." He grabs the crumpled papers from his case, his eyes locked on the words as if he had found the meaning of life in them. At least, he was trying to be nice. It was kind of cute.

  With a deep breathe, I unbuckle my jeans, the belt clattering on the floor. It was weird getting undressed for a man in my parents room. The thought of having someone in my parent's room never crossed my mind during all the years. The room was always off limits.

  As my bra hits the floor, making me temporarily bare to him, my tits waving in the air. I rush into my gown, for a moment I swear that his eyes drift up and look at me, but I push it aside. I'll take it as a compliment, that a older man finds me young body adequate for him.

  "I'm done," I mumble, although he knows that. I tighten the string behind my back, getting myself mentally ready for his probing fingers. If this was suppose to be a romantic night I wouldn't mind. The idea of him touching me with his fingers while a light shines between my legs, a metal speculum in hand, sends strong chills through me.

Well, lay on the bed for me." He pats on it as his case shuts with a thud. He pulls up on the sleeves of his lab gown, folding them until they rest just above his elbows. With one glove in each hand, he blows into each before sinking his fingers into them, almost like he will do to me in a few minutes.

  I look at the bed, the red lining all neat and pressed against the mattress, a tight feeling taking hold of me. This is where my parents spent every night together, getting intimate or sleeping. The idea makes me sick to my stomach that this is where I'll be having my first exam.

  "It doesn't bite. I guarantee that." He sits on the bed gesturing for me to lay down next to him. When I do, his fingers work up the side of my leg, urging my body toward the top of the bed. "Put your head on a pillow and leave your toes at the edge of the bed."

  The soft pillow melds against my head, popping over my ears and blocking my peripheral vision with nothing but red. His latex hands grab hold of my ankles as he drags me against the bed, until my toes suspend in the air. The gown moving up the side of my legs, until it nearly gives way to my bare pussy.

  "What are you doing?" I whisper, my breathe getting caught inside. Head feels light as his hands drift up my legs to the inside of my thighs, his warm breathe drifting up me.

  "I need your legs open for me if I'm going to do this right." He opens up my legs, the gown falling down to my stomach, revealing my nakedness to him. I bit the bottom of my tongue, his eyes beaming as he looks at me. I can see the thirst in his face, the spark that connected us in the kitchen before, he wants what I have.

  "How does it look?" I blush, face blending with the red pillow, as I tilt my vision to the side. I can't look at him. There's too much embarrassment being laid on display to some unknown man. This is how arrange marriages must feel on the night after the wedding, awkward and innocent. Both parties unsure of what step to take.


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