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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 64

by Sansa Gold

  "You didn't have to do that," he mumbles as he buckles his pants. I rub my legs together feeling the wetness between my legs. He always makes it seem like going down on him is some kind of chore. I've told him a million times already that I can't live without it. I need a dose of his cock inside of my mouth at least once a day since we aren't at the point of putting it between my legs.

  "Don't worry about it," I answer. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his heart. It's pumping blood at a ferocious rate, thumping left and right. At least I know that I did a good job.

  He brushes his head against mine, his lips at the edge of my ears, "So are you going to make that appointment? We can't take the next step until we know you're ok down there." His hand rests on the outside of my jeans, sending shivers rolling through my body.

  I wished that he would just fill me up right now with his cock, I was more than ready to take him. But, I know he would never do it. Not until he was sure that I was ready for him. I was his little prize, one that he wanted to treasure, and he wasn't going to ruin in me. He thinks that's what's best for me. I tell him that it is, but that's a lie.

  What I want is for him to take me. To let his primal side take over and fuck me until my body withers away. I want him to fuck me until the only thing I can do is repeat his name. I want him to pound me until I'm left a blubbering mess on the ground, used and abused. But, that's not who Justin is and that makes me sad. I'll never tell him that, I can't tell him that it would break him.

  "I'll go in the morning," I promise him. Maybe, if I do that, he will fuck me when I get home. Take me against the door inside our home. Use me until I feel satisfied. A girl can dream.

  He lays a kiss on my forehead, his hands strumming through my hair. I close my eyes and let the sounds of the forest take me away to another place. A place where his cock is inside of me and screaming in pleasure.

  In the morning, he kisses me on the cheek as I make my way to the doctor. There are no words of encouragement, only a nod before he dives back into his paper, the breakfast fork clicking against the dishes.

  In the car, I can't focus at all. I couldn't sleep during the night, I was tossing and turning constantly. No matter how much I played with myself, I couldn't be satisfied. There was an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, it wouldn't go away no matter how much I flicked at my clit.

  I might as well ask the doctor when I get to the office. I just want to go in there and get it over with. Get my prescription for the pill and go home to fuck my boyfriend. Something deep inside of me told that it would satisfy the hunger inside of me.

  I push my way inside of the little office. I'd never been to this doctor before but it a friend recommended it, and so far it looks like a normal doctor's office. All around the edges of the room are black plastic chairs with an oak table in the middle, a couple of the newest gossip magazine lying on top.

  "Can I help you?"

  "Yes, I'm here to see Dr. Raw for my check up," I answer, my hands clinging to the purse at my waist. I was a little nervous. I hadn't been to the doctors in ages, and this was my first gyno exam.

  A clipboard slams onto the desk in front of me as the receptionist smiles, "Since this is your first time here, you'll have to fill out these forms." Her hand moves about the pages, as she places several X's on the page where I have to put my signature and initials. You would think I was signing my will by the amount of paperwork I was forced to complete. "Any questions?"

  Everything she just said was a blur inside my head. None of it made sense, but I would never tell her that. I don't need the receptionist to judge me for something as simple as filling out forms. "No questions," I smile and take a seat in the chair furthest away from everyone else.

  Waiting a the doctor's was always the worst part. Not knowing when they would take you inside. Trying to kill as much time looking through the newest gossip. There was nothing more that I despise.

  I skim through the pages of questionnaires. I can feel a migraine coming on as I read the questions, many of which I have no idea how to answer. Of course, I'm not an idiot, I don't want to attract any attention to myself. So I did the next best thing, I call my mom. She helps run me through all the forms, giving me the best information she had off the top of her head.

  After what seems like an eternity, aching wrists to back it up, I lay the clipboard on the nurses desk. She smiles at me, "Just have a seat the doctor will be with you in a moment."

  There was no way I could take her word with that. A moment could mean anything inside a waiting room, there was no time requirement for how long they kept a person here. I preoccupy myself with the latest gossip in the Hollywood world. I learn that everyone is fucking each other, everyone but me.

  "Cassy Anderson?" A nurse pushes open the door next to the receptionist, her eyes gazing around the room. I raise my hand, and she gestures me over. "Hiding in the back of the room, huh?" she chuckles as she leads me through a small narrow hallway all the way to the end.

  I'll never get used to the small inside a medical office. The smell of disinfecting fumes welling up inside my nostrils, it makes me want to vomit.

  "This is your room." She flicks on the lights as we walk inside, her eager hands already moving around the room. I stand at the entrance as she rearranges the room and placing a medical gown in my hands. "You'll need to strip off your clothes and get into that. You can leave everything over there. Do you have any questions?"

  A stream of questions runs through my mind. I have no idea which one to pick and choose from; I never got a chance to ask anyone about the routine for these exams. "So how does this usually last?"

  She smiles, her hand rubs the side of my forearm sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't believe how turned on I was right now, just the basic touch of a female nurse was putting me over the edge. "Is this your first time?"

  "That obvious." I could feel my face warming up.

  "A little," she laughs, her body guiding me toward the table. She opens my file, "Well it looks like your just here for a standard check up, so it shouldn't take more than an hour. It really depends on how the doctor and you want to handle it." She nudges her elbow into my side like she had some hidden meaning behind her words. I had no idea what she could mean, but I toss it to the side. Maybe, I was just reading into it too much.

  When the door finally closes, I run the gown through my fingers. How was this suppose to be suitable for this exam? I run the fabric through my hand as I hold it in front of my face. There wasn't much to look at.

  The front is covered, running all the way up to my neck. In the back, down the middle, there is a large cut that gives to my ass. There wasn't anything that I could do to cover it up, even with the small piece of string they gave me to close it up. I lay my clothes off to the side and hop onto the table. This is where the waiting game takes another toll.

  Unfortunately, there aren't any magazines to keep me busy until the doctor arrives. On the walls are anatomical posters and I spend my time trying to pronounce the accurate name of each body part. Boredom starts to creep up my body, the hunger from last night gnawing at my insides.

  My hand creeps inside my gown. I might as well have a little fun while I wait for the doctor, I smile to myself. I pinch the inside of my thigh as I try to imagine Justin moving up my body. But, no matter how hard I try I can't think of him like that. It's just not like him to take me in the heat of the moment. Instead, I start to focus on the mysterious Dr. Ram. Inside my head, a muscular young doctor takes form.

  A doctor who knows what his patients what, one is particularly in touch with my yearnings. His hands would force my legs open, his fingers walking up the side of my inner thigh. I moan out as his hot breath would bathe my naked pussy, as he would press down on my clit. I moan out into the empty room as my imaginary doctor takes me inside his office, his name on my lips.

  "Mrs. Anderson?"

  Oh, shit. I throw the gown over my naked body, trying my best not to make it seem like I was just whi
spering his name. I brush aside pieces of my hair that block my vision. There was no way that I could get away with this. I could only hope that he wouldn't bring it up. I could die from embarrassment later when I was out of the office. I clear my throat, aware of how flushed my face is, "Yes?"

  My heart almost stops. My friend never mentioned how drop dead gorgeous Dr. Raw was. I assumed with a name like Dr. Raw it would be some old geezer that was close to retirement; I was dead wrong. In front of me stood a man no older than 35, but well over six feet. He must be at least a foot over Justin. His chiseled chin gave way to a gleaming smile that made my insides whimper. His jade eyes stream across my body as he sits down next to me.

  "Is everything alright?" He rests the outside of his hand against my forehead. My breath catches inside my throat as his eyes stare me down, the smile still on his face. "Are you sick?" He presses his hand hard against my skin; I could feel the pulse in his veins. Or maybe it was just the beat of my little heart.

  "No, doctor," I mumble out. I was in a state of shock that I couldn't seem to recover from. Even the deep sexual hunger chimes in for me to attack him. I push it, aside; I have to behave for my boyfriend.

  "So you're here for your first check-up?" He staggers to the side of the room, my folder in his coarse hands. I can't help but lock onto his fingers. Now those were the hands of a man. A man who most likely knew his way around a woman. Dr. Raw's hands would dwarf Justin's if they put them side by side.

  "Yes, my boyfriend wanted me to get a check up before we do anything." My face grows warm as I look down at the floor. I move my legs side to side, unwilling to look up at him. I couldn't bring myself to do it.

  "So, you've never had sex before?" I can hear the pages flip as he looks through my folder, the hungry monster wanting to steal another look at this man. I tilt my head up and stop at the seam of his pants. My body aches as I catch the outline of his hardness against his pants, just another way that he dwarfed Justin.

  "No, I haven't had sex. My boyfriend wants me to get on the pill before we do anything. He also wants to make sure I'm all good down there." I motion between my legs, still not brave enough to look at him. I still wasn't over the embarrassment of getting caught playing with myself.

  "Well, I can help you with that," he answers, the clicking of his pen echoing. I can see, out of the corner of my eye, as he drops the folder onto the counter. His suede shoes squeaking against the tile floor as he makes his way toward me. "But, it's going to be hard if you don't look at me."

  His hand comes into vision as he touches the bottom of my chin, a shiver runs through my body. I stop myself from sticking my tongue out and moving it alongside his hand. I want him to take me right here, and now, something tells me that he is more of a freak than Justin.

  "Sorry," I mumble as his green eyes look at me. The wetness between my legs is stronger than yesterday, there was no doubt of that in my mind. My pussy is aching for him to get inside of me. Was this because I never got myself to finish yesterday or was there more behind my yearning for his cock?

  "There are those beautiful blue eyes." He smiles, and I can feel my heart ache. I want to brush his lips against mine. I want to force his head between my thighs, forcing him to eat me out. I want my eyes to roll to the back of my head as he fucks me. I probably shouldn't tell him that cause it might freak him out. Maybe, just a little.

  "Thanks," I murmur.

  "I'm sure a gorgeous girl like you has had some sexual experiences." He grabs a notepad from his pocket, his pen clicking open. I want to feel those fingers of his against my pussy, is the only thought that runs through my mind.

  "Well, I give a lot of blow jobs." As the words leave my mouth, I regret them.

  "Oh, do you now?" he chuckles at me. "Do you give them to anyone?" He winks at me, his legs closing in on the side of my body. A shiver runs up my leg as I feel his slacks against my bare skin. I was inches away from his cock; I could see the outline.

  "No, just my boyfriend." There wasn't enough air in this room. I felt myself gulping down every bit that I could as my body grew warm. I want to leave the room before I do something I regret.

  "Well, he is a lucky man." He grabs the ends of the stethoscope and puts them in his ears, "I want you to take a deep breathe for me."

  He lifts my gown to the side, his hand moving around the inside. I feel it brush against my breasts, my pussy aching for his touch. The cold searing end meets my chest, and he nods. I take in a breath, my eyes on his belt buckle. There would be no need to reach out, it was only inches away from my fingertips. Would he even stop me if I try?

  "Everything sounds good. Lay your head on that pillow." He points behind me, and I do as commands. I'm careful to make sure that my gown stays close to my body. "I'm going to do a check of your breasts right now."

  Before I can answer, I feel his hands grip my round globes. I let out a breath of relief as his hands wash over me. There was no hesitation in his movements, not like Justin. No, Dr. Raw seems to move on his accord, not waiting for an answer from me.

  I let out a exhale as his hand tugs at my nipples. Was this part of the exam? I didn't know, but I didn't care. I rub my thighs together as his eyes look down on me. I can feel the wetness grow between my legs. I want him inside of me right now. I move my head up the inside of his pants, lightly touching his rod. I bite the bottom of my lip, as his cock jerks to life.

  Was that him giving me the go ahead? I let the outside of my hand move up the side of his shaft, his body shaking at my touch. I clutch his zipper and undo it, letting my hand sink inside his slack. There's a nice surprise for me; he isn't wearing any briefs. There is nothing stopping me now; I can feel the pre-cum on the tip of my fingers.

  He coughs and lets go of my breasts, "Well, everything seems to be in order." He pulls away, my hand leaving the dark fortress of his pants. He turns around, and I can hear the faint zip of his pants. Was he just going to ignore what happened between us? I can play dumb as well

  "What's next, Dr. Raw?" I put extra emphasis on his name. He squints his eyebrows, again clearing his throat

  "Well, the next part is pretty standard. I need to put your feet in these." He pulls pieces of metal from the bottom of the table.

  "What are those?" I ask as I run my hands inside my gown. If I play with myself in front of him, there would be no way he could deny himself. I was going to toss my embarrassment to the side to get what I wanted. To get what Justin could never give me.

  His Adam's apple moves as I began to flick at my clit, my hand frantically moving. I maintain every contact with him as my tongue traces my lips. I'm not entirely sure what has come over me, but I can't stop. I have made it a mission to take his cock. There is something about Dr. Raw that sends me into a tizzy.

  "Mrs. Anderson?" he asks as he grabs hold of my leg. He places each one into the stirrups as he eyes me. I can tell he wants to say something, but he is unsure of how to break the barrier. The bump in his pants tells me that I'm turning him on at least.

  "Yes, Doctor," I purr. The monster inside of me seems to laugh with approval.

  He clicks my feet into the contraptions, his eyes still on my moving hands. There is nowhere for him to run, he has an obligation to give me my examination. He shakes his head before setting himself between my legs, his eyes looking straight at my cunt. There was no escaping it now, he might have had a suspicion before but now he had a front view of the show.

  He can take me right now if he wants. I wasn't going to stop him. I was actually inviting him to the show; it was getting a little lonely without his help.

  He clears his throat, his hand already on the inside of my thighs. He grabs my hand and places it on the side, our eyes meeting. He nods at me, "I can take over from here."

  I bit the bottom of my lip as his touch wakes me up. I can feel his thumb against my clit, and I let out a low moan, making sure to hide my approval. He looks at the door behind him before he continues. There are no locks to keep people out, any nurse
or doctor can walk inside and see him playing with his patient. It adds a new avenue that begins to send me over the edge.

  "I can't...I can't hold it in," I moan as he eyes me. My hips begin to move on their own accord, as his unrelenting fingers dig at my clit. I close my eyes and moan out his name, unsure of what else to say. It's never felt this good before, but Dr. Raw's fingers on my clit makes my orgasm twice as strong. There is no hesitation in his movement, there is no constant need of approval from him like there is from Justin.

  "You like that don't you?" He smiles as his face disappears between my legs. I feel his warm breath against my cunt as his other hand works my folds. I let out a whine as he enters me, there was no doubt in his actions. His finger dove deep inside of me, like no man ever had.

  "That feels amazing," I pull up the side of my gown. I want to see how he works his way around my body. I want something to remember this day by.

  "Does your boyfriend work you like this?" He grins as tongue lashes my clit. He grabs the nub between his teeth, as he whips his tongue along, his fingers still pressing inside of me.

  "No. No! Jesus Christ."

  Dr. Raw makes a rough sound, somewhere between a grunt and a chuckle. He quickens his thrusts, swinging full force with his fingers. I can hear my pussy gushing as it ripples through the room.

  I run my fingers through his hair forcing him onto my clit, my thighs wrapping around the side of his head. I'm not letting go until he finishes the job. And right now I wasn't anywhere near letting him go.

  His hands leave my pussy as it pushes my thighs apart, a gleaming smile spread across his face, his tongue leaving no part of me. He kisses down the side of my legs, stopping just below my ankles. I wonder if this is the first time he's done this? But, the thought leaves as quickly as it enters. There was too much going on for me to care.


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