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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 67

by Sansa Gold

  As if my mind was read, he thrust inside of me. His balls clacked against the bottom of my ass, his hardness stretched me out. I struggled to breathe, as a torrent of shrieks left my body.

  He held his finger to his mouth. I knew that I needed to be quiet, I didn't need the nurse or Stacey to know how well the exam was going. I cupped my mouth, letting the screams fall on deaf ears. I nibbled on my skin as a cascade of pleasure washed over me.

  A stream of blue and red lights burst beneath my eyes. "I'm cumming," I roared as he thrust inside of me. He increased his pace, his cock tearing my wetness apart.

  "I'm right there with you," he grunted as his hardness seemed to inflate. He grunted and growled as a stream of hot liquid shot inside of me. The white covers of the table ripped under the force of my hands.

  My body shivered as Dr. Lambert shot his seed inside of me, his body shuddering with each stroke. After several seconds had passed, he pulled out of me, his instrument hitting against the inside of my thighs.

  His cum dripped down the side of my legs, creating a small pool on the covers. I couldn't take my eyes off. "Am I going to get pregnant?"

  Dr. Lambert lifted his slacks, his hand already on his belt. He watched me with intent eyes, "When was your last cycle?" He staggered over to me, his hand resting on my clit.

  "It just ended the other day," I answered.

  He leans forward, planting a kiss on the outside of my hip, " Then you should be fine. If you are pregnant, I'll come take care of you." He smiled before grabbing the folder on the counter.

  "Should I make another appointment?"

  He signed a piece of paper and handed it to me. It was the approval form I needed to be allowed inside of my classes.

  "Make one for a month from now."

  I nodded my head. This whole day had been turned completely around. I had been so scared to come inside of the building. Now I was here resting on the exam table, my doctor's juices leaving my body. There was nothing that I regretted about today. Nothing at all.


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  Book 40: Doctor in my Dorm


  "Oh, don't worry about me right now. I haven't stopped thinking about your pussy since the last time." His fingers worked diligently to take off my jeans. I screamed in surprise as he swooped them off with one pull. "Fuck," he mumbled as he pulled my panties to the side. I moaned as his thumb pressed against my clit. There was no else who could bring turn me into putty as he could. His hand caressed my tits as the other circled my clit.

  "Just fuck me already," I cried. I closed my legs around his hand, the fire inside of me taking hold. I couldn't keep it inside of me. This time I didn't have to be quiet, no one would hear my moans over the thumping music from Dillon's party. This was the one time that I didn't mind how obnoxiously loud he played the music.

  I stretched out my hands above my head, looking for anything to grab hold of. I opened my mouth, my tongue tracing the bottom of my lip in excitement. My voice had gone up at least an octave as the muscles around my pussy convulsed. My body shook uncontrollably as his hands continued to play with my body.

  "I can't wait another more," he dove his head between my legs, his warm breath bathing my pussy. "You smell so good," he held my panties to the side as his tongue lapped over my cunt, his body shivered with frenzy.

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  Chapter 1

  "So, you never told me how the exam went?" Stacey lowered her Criminal Justice book, a pen stuck between her lips.

  "It went better than I expected," I whispered, my pen pressing hard on the notebook paper. I had purposely avoided talking about my gyno exam. It's not like I could come right out and tell Stacey that I had fucked the campus on-call doctor. That I seduced him into going down on me and letting put my lips around his fat cock. It just wasn't that I could share with her, at least not for now.

  "See, I knew you had nothing to worry about." She smiled at me before turning back to her textbook. If she only knew how fun it had been to take Dr. Lambert's cock into my mouth.

  It's been almost two weeks since my appointment at the Health Building. During that time I ran into Dr. Lambert a few times on campus, never openly talking to him, just a few stolen glances at each other between passing periods. As much as I tried I couldn't get Dr. Lambert out of my head. Every dirty thought that seeped into my mind, during class or late at night, was about him taking me. Taking me in his office, in my bedroom, or even out on the quad, I was down for anything as long as it involved him.

  Many of the freshmen boys in my class attempted to hit on me. The keyword was attempted. I was never look past their facade of fake questions about my major, my name, or interests. Everything they said or did reeked of immaturity that it practically brought me to tears. Why would I go for an young inexperienced boy when an experienced man was blocks away? I just hadn't come up with a reason to see him yet.

  "So are we going to Dillon's party tonight?" Stacey asked, the cap of the pen bending underneath the grip of her teeth. I had noticed that when ever she was nervous she had a habit of biting objects around our room. It didn't matter what it was; a remote, pencil, or even the plastic end of the hairbrush, it always ended up between her teeth when things weren't going her way. I tried not to think about what happened if she got frustrated when there was something more delicate in her mouth.

  "I don't know. I have a test tomorrow for Calculus. I doubt I could risk it for a lame party at Dillon's." Besides, Dillon Harper had a party at his apartment almost every night. He was the classic case of party freshman. The kind of guy who was going to waste his freshman year constantly partying and not going to classes, cause it was cool not to get an education in school.

  "Well, he specifically asked about you so I thought I would ask." She winked at me, as she spit the pen cap into the trash can. Victim one of the day.

  "Well, I could care less about a little boy like Dillon," I stuttered out, as I dove my face back into the Calculus book.

  "You know he's the same age as you right?" Stacey dropped her books on the bed with a huff, grabbing a new pen from the table. Victim Two was about to get capped.

  "Maybe, physically he is, but mentally we are on a whole different level." I wanted to change the subject. Otherwise, Stacey might start prodding around.

  She stood by her desk, her fingers wrapped around the cap of her black pen, "So who is he?"

  Too late. "Excuse me?" I pretended not to hear. Maybe, she could drop it, and we could go back to studying in silence.

  "You heard me, who is he?" She slumped onto my bed, the cap between her teeth. She leaned on her palm, her eyes beckoning me for an answer.

  "It's no one," I muttered out. I dropped the Calculus tome onto the bed; there wasn't going to be any studying happening anytime soon. Not with Nosy Stacey all up in my business.

  "Oh, fuck off. When I met you on the first day, you were so excited about meeting boys and partying. Now, two weeks later, you've gotten all high and mighty like your too good for them. You've met someone." I held out my hand to silence her, "Don't give me any bullshit excuse," she said.

  Could I trust her to keep this secret? Could I tell her that the campus doctor had taken my virginity away? That I enjoyed every sexual minute as his tongue licked my wetness? I scrambled to find a cover up. Some information I could give her that would keep her at bay for a little while longer.

  "He's no one," I said. A host of names ran through my mind. I had to choose someone that she had met at some point during our two weeks. Someone that she knew of, but didn't really know much about. Fuck, this was harder than I thought. I should have come up with a game plan a long time ago.

  "Have I met him at some point?" Stacey's finger ran up the side of my leg, reminding me of Dr. Lambert's moves.

  "Well, kind of." She was
in the same building as him. I don't know if she met him while I was in his exam room. But, she didn't need to figure it out.

  "Is he older or a freshman like us?" Her voice grew louder with excitement. This could be some juicy information, so she had a reason to be excited.

  "He's older than us. He's a majoring in medicine," I answered. I hoped that I didn't give too much away.

  "Oh, you snagged a good one then." I could tell that she was working on a host of guys in the back of her head. Guys that we had run across over the last two weeks. "I'm going to need you to give me a little more to satisfy me," she stuck her tongue out and giggled.

  "Well, he has dark black hair with piercing green eyes that remind me of emeralds," I said.

  Stacey closed her eyes; her fingers rubbed the sides of her temple. She was going all hardcore on me right now. I laughed as her face scrunched up. She opened her eyes and looked at me, her eyes chin trembling. "I can't think of anyone matching that description." She moved up near me, her head resting on my shoulder. "Tell me who it is, Mel. Pretty please."

  Mel was the nickname she had given me at some point during the last two weeks. I didn't mind it cause it showed how much our relationship had grown in such short time. It was kind of cute, although I hadn't come up with anything for her yet. "No can do." I let my head rest on hers. I wanted to tell her. I really did, but this wasn't the time or place for that.

  *Knock Knock*

  Stacey moved her head to the side, "Are you expecting someone?"

  Nope, I never expected anyone to come to the apartment, at least not looking for me. I hadn't made any real close friends besides Stacey. "Nope," I answered, as I bit the bottom of my lip. My heart began to race; something didn't feel right.

  She jumped out of bed, her breasts bouncing underneath her shirt, "You stay there and study, I got this." Like I could study with some mysterious person at our door. The alarm clock across the room read "9:00 pm". Maybe, Dillon was here to convince us to come to his dumb little party down the hallway. I could hear the blaring EDM music pumping through the paper-thin drywall.

  I heard Stacey open the door, an exchange of whispers between her and the mystery person. Had it been Dillon I would have heard his loud, obnoxious voice from my room, without a doubt. "Hey, Mel someone's at the door for you," Stacey shouted from around the corner.

  Now my interest was piqued. No one ever visited me, not as long as I had been here. When someone came to the door it usually was for Stacey, she was the fun and exciting one, I just happened to tag along most of the time with her. "Who is it?" I hoisted myself out of bed, feet gliding across the tile floor.

  The door was only slightly opened as I walked toward Stacey, who shot me a big smile. "Black jet hair and green eyes like emerald, huh?" she whispered. I scratched my head, unsure of what she meant by that. I pushed her to the side, trying to get my body outside the door. My heart froze as I looked up.

  I was greeted by his warm, glistening, lustrous smile and my heart melted. It had been so long since I had been so close to him, the smell of his aftershave wafted up my nose. I was instantly wet between my legs. Stacey giggled as she hopped away, her eyes shooting me a 'I knew it' sign.

  "I hope I'm not disturbing something?" Dr. Lambert asked.

  "Not at all," Stacey shouted from inside. "I was just about to go to this awesome party. I probably won't be back until at least two in the morning." She winked at me as she headed out the door.

  I wanted to tell her to stop, that it wasn't necessary for her to leave. That she had gotten it wrong and that Dr. Lambert wasn't the guy I had fallen for. But, I didn't say anything. I watched as she skipped down the hallway, a smile spread across her cheeks.

  "She seems happy," Dr. Lambert watched as she flew down the hallway. A pang of jealousy took over me, I grabbed his lab coat and pulled him inside.

  His mouth parted and his eyes grew wide, my lips were pressed against his. I couldn't hold it any longer. I had spent the last two weeks thinking about this moment. Every boring second in class was spent thinking about my next appointment with Dr. Lambert. Now he was here at my door, in my room, just a couple feet from my bed.

  When I couldn't hold myself down for any longer, I came up for breath. I dragged my hand across his stubby face, "What are you doing here?" I bit at the bottom of my lip as I watched his lips move.

  "I couldn't take it anymore. I had to see you," He walked inside of my room, his hands parting his hair. He paced around the room before he faced me, "I've wanted to talk to you since you left. I've seen you around campus but never had the balls to come up to say something to you." He walked toward me, placing his hand on my cheek, "The truth is that I couldn't take another moment without you. I couldn't get the taste of you out of my mouth." He traced the side of my body down until he grabbed my ass. "I wanted to feel you again."

  I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss for words. My daydreams never worked out this well. "Did anyone see you on your way here?" We still had to keep this secret; that was the promise we made each other in the office two weeks ago. I couldn't afford to be kicked out of school, and I doubt he would like to lose his job.

  "The only person who saw me was your roommate, as long as she keeps quiet we should have no problem." He clutched onto my ass, his lips sinking into mine. Every worry that I had seemed to drift away. Dr. Lambert was here in my room, giving me a second procedure.

  "Is it time for my check up," I giggled as his hands drifted up my back.

  "Is it that obvious?" He mumbled as mouth moved down the side of my neck.

  "I doubt you came here for just a kick peck on the cheek," I said as his warm lips kissed around my collarbone.

  "I can always leave if you want," He pulled away feigning like he was going head home after sneaking up to my room.

  "If that's what you want," I teased as I jumped on the bed. There was no way that he was heading home. I could tell from his eyes that he wanted this. I bet the last two weeks had been just as bad for him. "See any other freshmen girls in the last two weeks," I asked. It was a thought that had drifted at some point. I knew that he could easily pull any other girl if he really want, just how he had snagged me.

  "Nah, after our examination I asked to be pulled off gyno exams. I'm working in physical rehab right now helping the athletes get ready for the season." He crawled over me, his body looming on top of me. He hadn't even bothered to change. He still wore his white lab coat, the tag that read "Dr. Lambert" still on his right side. A white notepad drifted out of his pocket, tethering on the edge.

  I tucked it back into his pocket, grabbing hold of one of the pens. The pen had his name on it, "Dr. Lambert M.D." I couldn't help but smile. I had been so lucky so score a man like him on my first day here. I just hoped that he would never leave me.

  "What's the matter?" His lips brushed up my neck, sending shivers rolling down me. I had almost forgotten how good it felt to have his body against mine. His hardness pressed between my legs; I could feel him through my tight jeans.

  I turned my head, " Can we really keep sneaking around like this? Don't get me wrong, this is fun. But, what if the school finds out? I could be expelled, and you could lose your job." I didn't want him to lose his career over me. He had worked hard to get where he is; I could easily find another school to attend. I hesitated to think what would happen to him.

  His verdant eyes peered at me; a lump got caught in my throat. He gave me a peck on the lips, "Don't you worry about that. I'm looking through some stuff right now. I might have found a possible workaround."

  He tasted so sweet as his lips pressed hard against mine. At least he had a little bit of good news, but there was still something grabbing at the pit of my stomach. I wanted to be in the open with him, to show him off to the rest of my friends. I've never had a lover or boyfriend as hot as Dr. Lambert.

  "Does that mean I can show you off to the world soon?" My hands moved the side of his back, feeling the taut muscles that gave way. I wanted to dig
my nails into that back his cock drilled inside of me.

  "I was thinking I could show you off to all my nerdy friends," he breathed, his hands grabbed the bottom of my shirt lifting it over my head. I hadn't expected any company, so I was wearing a comfortable bra. One that might not have really accented my figure.

  He took one look at me before he said, "God, you are so damn perfect." I closed my eyes and felt the burning sensation that ran through my body. Every peck or suckle he gave made it feel like a firework burst inside of me. My breath grew hot, heavy, lustful as the brim of his mouth worked around my bra.

  "You're not so bad yourself," I said, my hands drifted to the hardness between his legs. I let out a heavy exhale as I felt it press against my palm. I wanted him inside of me whether it was inside my mouth or between my legs, I didn't care. I just wanted him know.


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