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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 76

by Sansa Gold

  "I... I can explain. You see... It was just that I," I was stammering. Trying to come up with an explanation. Anything to cover up my tracks.

  He raises his hand in front of me like he was holding off a rampaging bull. "Listen, I know that you have a good explanation. But, let's pretend that it never happened and move on." I could see that he was chuckling underneath the folder in his hand.

  "That's fine. My name is Vicki White." I hold out my hand, and he grasps for it. I can feel my heart flutter as a wave of pure passion, emotion, and heat rushes up my body and between my legs.

  There's a spark there that I can't explain. A passion that I don't even feel with Mike. A feeling that really gets my pussy wet, slick, and ready for action.

  His shake his firm, solid, and rigid but also welcoming. "Good morning, Ms. white. I'm Dr. Hubbard, and I'll be your gynecologist today. Now my nurse has told me that you didn't want to discuss the actual problem with her and that you would prefer to discuss it with me. So before I begin, let me know what's ailing you."

  I tug harder on the string to my gown, making sure that it's secure. I jump onto the table while he takes his seat. He crosses his legs and sits back in the rolling chair.

  "Well, it's kind of embarrassing. But ever since Mike, my boyfriend, and I have been dating. He's never been able to... He's never been able to get me to finish. To make me orgasm We've tried everything I could think of and nothing works. So we think that it's possible something is wrong with one of us."

  Sweat coated the inside of my palms, dreading the answer that he might give me. I know that I could be the cause of all Mike's anguish the last couple months. Its been in the back of my mind, but hearing it from a professional would hurt the most.

  "Are you each others first?" He opens the folder that's clearly marked with my name and clicks his pen.

  I work out the wrinkles of the gown. I was never comfortable answering these kind of questions whenever I went to the doctor. I knew they were essential, but that never changed the way I felt about them. Some things a doctor shouldn't know.

  "Well, he's my first. He's been with several women. As far as I know he's never had any problems like this with any of them. Just with me."

  I look down at the ground, fighting back the tears that were on the verge of trailing down my cheek. None of this was fair. I didn't want to be the problem in this relationship, I always worked hard to make him happy.

  I hear the rolling of his chair before I see his hand on my knee. It trails up the side of my gown until it's underneath my chin. I can feel the power behind his body as he lifts my face up.

  I look into his deep green eyes and a grin emerges. "Look, I know that this is uncomfortable and that you don't want to be here. But, for all we know he could be the one at fault. Just relax, take a deep breath, and we'll figure this out together. Have you ever been able to bring yourself to orgasm?"

  "Well, I've never really played with myself. I've never found any time or been curious enough. And before I could even do it, Mike came into my life. Now here we are."

  He gets up from his chair and walks over to one of his cabinets, giving me a chance to check him out. He's got a set of nice, strong, broad shoulders that rival anything I've ever seen before. Also an ass that makes me want to go out there and wrap my hands around it until he squeals uncle.

  "Sometimes, you just need to open the floodgates yourself and from there it gets easier to get that feeling with your partner." He turns around, in his hand was a large purple phallic shaped item. Something that I've seen on the Internet, but never in real life. Something that my parents always condoned.

  "What you mean?" I inch up further up the table, crisscrossing my legs together. Just having something in front of me made me nervous, squeamish, almost made me want to faint.

  It was just too big. Something like that would never fit inside of me. It didn't compare to anything I've ever seen before.

  It was all too unorthodox.

  He arches over me and grabs hold of the bottom of my feet, a tingle of energy spreads through my legs. I find myself biting the bottom of my lip and closing my eyes.

  Clenching my hands together and wishing that he would go a little further up. A little between my legs and before we know it he'll be on top of me.

  He clasps my feet to the plastic ends of the table. There was nowhere to go now. I was under his control and for some reason that brought a tingling feeling my stomach. The feeling that I never felt with Mike before.

  "What I mean is that sometimes you just need to be stimulated. Get yourself going and know the spot for later on. That way you can communicate with your partner. From there you both can go and have some fun."

  He grabs a container from the side and spreads a white liquid all over the dildo. I want to object. To tell him that I can do this by myself, that he doesn't need to help me.

  But, I know that it's a lie. There's nothing more that I wanted him between my legs. With more than just a dildo.

  I watch him rub the lube all over the dildo. He alternates between looking at the dildo and me, tongue rolling over his lips in anticipation.

  Was this normal?

  Did the doctor always help his patients this way?

  "What are you going to do with that Doctor Hubbard?"

  He looks up at me before spreading my legs open, pulling up on my gown and letting the crumpled gown rest of my stomach. One of his hands rests on top of the gown while the other brings the dildo between my legs. I can feel the hardness of it at my entrance and the warmth of the lube.

  "You came here for my help right? I'm going to give you what you need. With my help your boyfriend will make you finish for the first time." He clears his throat, "The first time with him, at least."

  I bite the inside of my cheek, the dildo spreads m pussy. I grab the side of the table digging my nails, the green fabric ripping and getting lost inside my nails. A small moan escapes my mouth and I throw one hand on top, trying to hold back the rest of the sound. I don't want the nurses outside to hear me.

  There's no need for them to hear me calling out Dr.Hubbard's name. Telling him to give it to me harder. Crying when I finally orgasm, which at this rate would happen.

  The dildo is more than I can handle. I can hear the sounds coming from my pussy with each thrust he sends back inside. His hand presses down right below my stomach, just above my g-spot.

  I open my mouth and eyes, "What is this?" There's no time to answer. Instead, he just increases the pace. He says nothing, but concentrates on the look on my face.

  "You like it? Aren't you glad that you came to visit the best doctor in the region?" He licks the bottom of his lip. For some reason it turns me on even more. More than the dildo between my legs. More than Mike the night before.

  "Yes!!" I scream. There was no denying it. I can't keep it in any longer. I didn't care if everyone in the nurse's office heard me. I didn't even care if Mike heard me.

  But that was a lie. An image of Mike pops into my head. An immense amount of guilt comes over me. This should be something that I share with Mike. Not some strange doctor in his office.

  "Stop. This isn't right. Mike should be here for this. I can't do this without him." I force my legs close, Dr. Hubbard reels back.

  He doesn't say anything. He just watches me curiously, unsure of how to proceed. I can still feel the dildo between my legs.

  I bend over and inch it out of me, holding back the sensational moans riveting at my tongue. I didn't want him to stop. But, I couldn't live with myself if Mike wasn't here. I didn't want to orgasm like this.

  Not without Mike.

  "What's the matter?" Dr. Hubbard walks to my side, his hand on my shoulder. It was weird how concerned he seemed about all this. He didn't even know me that well, but he was treating me like we'd been dating for years.

  "It's not right. I can't orgasm with you. That's supposed to be the thing Mike gets." I bend over and try to undo the clasps on my feet. I pull on them, but can't get them
off. "Can you help me with these?'"

  His finger finds its way underneath my chin, bringing my face to his green eyes. "In a second."

  He holds my eyesight for a moment, before taking the dildo from my hand. He goes over to the sink and washes it, not looking at me. After he wipes it down, he turns his attention back to me.

  "Why did you come to me?" He sits down in his chair; legs criss-crossed like before. I felt like I was about to get a lecture. Something that hasn't happened since I was a young girl.

  "I came here for you to help me. To make me orgasm for Mike." There was no way that he could work around that. That was the truth.

  "And how long have you and Mike been having sex?" He interlocks his fingers and places them on his jet black hair, leaning his head against them. "Have you not been trying for months? Are you not tired of not being satisfied?"


  "Is it fair that he gets to finish while you sit there in bed in silence? All this time he's been thinking just about himself. Just about getting his orgasm and never yours. Isn't it your turn to be a little selfish?" He inches his chair between my legs, hands clasping at my ankles.

  I had to look away. I couldn't look at him any longer. The guilt was becoming too much. I didn't know who to trust anymore.

  "But, he wanted to see me finish," I mumble out. That's the only thing that I can think of right now. I want Mike to see me when I orgasm for the first time.

  "And he will. But, you can't go home to him without opening up those gates. If you go home now, it will just end the same way it always has. In disappointment. Do you want that for him?"

  He had a point. Every single night Mike gives me his sad face after he finds out I hadn't orgasmed. I don't want to do that to him again. Not after the doctor's appointment cause then it would mean the end of us.

  "No, that's not what I want. But..."

  His index finger touches my lips.

  "Look, we can sit here and discuss this all day. Or we can use what I know. The only way that you'll orgasm is if you let me perform my procedure. It's guaranteed to have you finishing tonight with your boyfriend. Does that sound like a plan?"

  By tonight? Could he guarantee something like that? It couldn't be possible.

  Especially, after Mike and I had been trying for months. It didn't seem possible. But, then again he was the expert on this matter. What did I have to lose at this point?

  "Ok." I was reluctant to do this at all. On one hand, I was letting another man bring me to fruition. While on the other, I couldn't go home and face Mike's sulky face anymore. This will be my present to him.

  "Great.Let's get to work." He began to rub his hands together, launching the seat against the door behind him with his foot. "I'll have you orgasming like never before. Literally," he laughs at his joke before diving back into his drawers.

  I ease up the table, trying to get myself as comfortable as possible. I didn't know what to expect. What other contraptions would he pull out of those drawers of his?

  My curiosity is quenched within seconds. In his hands was a large, metal rod with a clasp at the end. I'd seen something like that before, but I couldn't place it.

  "What's the for?"

  "This is called a speculum. It helps me get a better view of the inside of your vagina. It might help me figure out what's blocking you from orgasming."

  He checks that the clasps on my feet are secured, before spreading my legs open. For a second, I feel like a cheerleader attempting to do the splits. My legs are completely open in either direction, visible to anyone who walks through the door.

  "Can you shut the door?" That's the last thing I needed. I didn't need this turning into some weird porn. I laughed at the idea. Like that would ever happen.

  "Not a problem."

  With the door shut, he puts the speculum between my legs. The cold icy still scares me for a second, making me move up the middle of the table. It pushes between the middle my folds and lays still. I hear the clanking as he turns the dial, opening my pussy up for him.

  "How much longer?" I turn my head to the side and concentrate on the wall. I couldn't bring to see him between my legs. Not when Mike was the only one before.

  "Interesting. I've never seen this before." He raises his head from between my legs; his warm breath leaving my pussy. "How many times would you say that you've had sex with Mike?"

  I hadn't been keeping count. There was no reason too. Not when I would be spending the rest of my life with him.

  "Over a hundred times, at least. Probably much more."

  "And he's penetrated you every single time?" His head crooks to the side like he's confused by something. I could feel the knot in my stomach growing. I'm the one at fault; his face told me it all.

  "Yes, every time. We have sex almost every night." I can feel the sweat gathering on my forehead. I didn't want to hear the bad news. I don't think that I could take it right now. Not with how this was going.

  "This might be a strange question, but I need to ask it. Is Mike large in that department?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Does he have a normal sized penis or is it smaller than what you've seen?"

  I felt the grasp on my stomach take hold. I felt like I was going to throw up any second now. There wasn't much more that I could take. This was too personal. This question went beyond anything that my doctor needs to know.

  "What does this have to do with anything? I'm not here to answer any questions about my boyfriend's cock. I'm here for you to fix me," I shout.

  "That's what I'm trying to do. I can't do that until I now the basics." He slicks his hair back, before getting up and walking around the room. He looks around the room, before finally grabbing hold of the dildo. "Is this as big or bigger than your boyfriend's cock?"

  He wasn't going to stop. Was he?

  I look up at the dildo. I might as well answer his question. Maybe, he'll move along if I do.

  "That dildo is much larger."

  Dr. Hubbard shakes his head before placing the dildo back on the counter. "I was afraid of that."

  "What? What's the matter?"

  I press my elbows into the foam and sit myself up. I couldn't take it anymore. My head was starting to spin. Everything seemed out of control.

  "That dildo is a normal sized cock. It's around four to five inches. That's the size of a normal male's penis. There are much larger ones, but that one is standard. That goes the same for the girth."

  Before, I couldn't stop myself my mouth drops open. He can't be serious right now. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

  "That can't be the truth. That has to be an enormous cock. It can't be true." I cover my mouth, letting my sobs fall on my hand. This meant that all of his was because Mike.

  I was a bit relieved to find out it wasn't me. To know that I wasn't the problem in our relationship. On the other hand, I felt bad for Mike. I didn't want to be the one to tell him the news.

  "It can be fixed. I can help you get passed it. If you want?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, even if his cock is small if I still open the flood gates, with the right stimulation from him, you can still orgasm by him. Many women have reported that once you orgasm for the first time, it's easier for their man to hit their spot."

  I hear Dr. Hubbard sit back in his chair, his hands already behind his head. He probably knows that this won't be an easy decision for me. But, I can't go back to how it was.

  "How are we going to do that? I want it as quick and painless as possible."

  He rubs his forehead and saunters over to me. "That won't be a problem. I have plenty of tools that will bring you to a quick, easy, painless orgasm. We can start off easy."

  He puts the speculum off to the side and digs back into his counters of mystery. I can feel the knot in my stomach growing in a different way. It's growing with anticipation and excitement. The possibility of orgasming for the first time was becoming too much.

  "Here it is," he says.
In his hand is a long purple dildo, only it's different from the one before. "This is called the Rabbit. Many women have been brought to a finish with this." His finger flicks a switch at the bottom, and it comes to life.

  The dildo starts to shake and shiver in his head, making his whole body shake. Just watching it made me gulp. That would make me finish in seconds; there was no doubt about that.

  "Are you sure about this?" My legs were already opening up for him; I didn't care about the answer. The rhythmic buzz of the vibrator filling the air. I move my fingers between my legs, touching at my clit and getting myself ready.

  "Without a doubt in my mind." He inches toward me, hand shaking feverishly, tongue licking at his lips. He could probably feel the heat between my legs, seeing him this way was driving me insane.

  "Let's just get this over with. Put it in me already," I moan.

  He moves the vibrator up the side of my inner thigh, letting me feel its curiosity. With each inch that it closed in, I could feel my breath growing hotter. The teasing was becoming too much. I was going to faint before I would even feel it.

  If only there were an easier way to do this. I've never learned how to make myself finish, but Dr. Hubbard would teach me. I had no doubt about any of that.

  "Are you ready?"

  I nod my head. The wetness between my legs was enough to affirm that for me. I couldn't wait any longer.

  He inched it between my legs, the vibrations making my eyes close and letting out a slight moan. He rubs it along my clit, letting the rhythm soak into my skin. I grab the pillow behind my head and place it in my mouth, I couldn't be too loud, or the nurses would come and break up my fun.

  "Give me more." He pushes in the first inch of me and my body shivers along with the vibrator. My hands go out and grab hold of his lab coat, beyond my control, and pull him near me. I lay my lips on him, and it causes him to thrust the rest of the vibrator inside of me.


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