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Mad Love: Madison

Page 11

by Boone, Lisa

  “I don’t think it’s cold enough to stick,” Madison said.

  Sarah tilted her head to the side. “Do you want to argue with Grandpa?”

  “No, I do not,” Madison said.

  “I’ve already collected our things and put them in the trunk.” She looked apologetically at Ethan for interrupting. “So we’re ready to go as soon as you two are.”

  “We were just talking about leaving when you walked in,” Ethan said coming to a stand. He held out his hand and helped Madison up.

  “I’ll go get Grandpa,” Sarah said before spinning around and going back into the hallway.

  Madison looked at Ethan curiously, as she knelt next to the fireplace and picked up a brass shovel. “What sort of appointment do you have on Christmas?” she asked as she put out the fire.

  “Quincy’s neighbor said that he stored some of Quincy’s things at his grandparent’s place in Frankfort. He promised to meet me there tonight and let me look over the stuff.”

  “Oh, I hope you find something,” she said watching him pick up his coat. Finished with the fire, she followed him out of the sitting room, turning off the lights as she went. “Call me if you do.”

  “I will,” he said as his hand drifted to the small of her back and stayed there as they walked toward the front door.

  He started to turn the knob, but stopped and faced her. “If you would like, I could stay with you and your family tonight after I take a look at the rest of Quincy’s things.”

  Madison bit her lip, giving the offer some considerable thought. Deciding against it, she shook her head. Like he said, they didn’t have much time and he needed to find who was doing this to her. “Thanks, but I’ll be okay. I have Grandpa, Sarah and Rory for protection.”

  “Your grandfather’s over eighty and Rory’s about five pounds. I don’t think they’re much protection.”

  “Sarah and I have been taking self-defense classes.”

  “Good. How long?”

  “About a month,” she said taking her coat out of the coat closet. “We’ve already had three half hour classes.”

  “Oh,” he said hiding a small smile as he helped her into her coat, “still I would feel better if I could spend the night.” He lifted his hands. “On the couch.”

  “Hmm, it might be a little crowded since that’s where Grandpa was planning on sleeping.” She pulled his hands down. “I’d feel better if you were able to prove Paul is the one doing this. At least then maybe the police can lock him up for a while.”

  “So would I. I don’t think he’s going to try anything tonight, but make sure to lock your doors and windows tonight. Put something in front of them if you have to.”

  “Don’t worry; I can take care of myself. Besides, if Paul kidnapped Quincy and is making him countdown to New Year’s, then that must mean he’s not going to try anything until then.” She looked at him with a hopeful expression. “Right?”

  His eyes clouded over a bit as he stared down at her. “Right.” He slipped his arms around her waist. “Try not to worry. I’ll follow you as far as the city. Call me as soon as you get home so I know you made it back safely.”

  She touched his chest. “Thank you, Ethan.”

  He cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing along her face. “Thank me when I figure out what’s going on.” His head started to bend down towards her and she eagerly rose to her tiptoes to meet him. His lips barely grazed hers when they heard the sound of Sarah and Lee Love coming down the stairs.

  Ethan pulled his head back with a regretful sigh.

  “I know snow,” Lee grumbled. “We’re going to get over a foot tonight.”

  “The meteorologist said half an inch at the most,” Sarah said.

  He shook his head stubbornly. “I know I’m going to miss my flight tomorrow morning.” His eyes lit up when he saw Ethan standing by the door. “I’d bet he’d agree with me.”

  “Absolutely, Sir,” Ethan said affably, “definitely over a foot.”

  Lee’s face broke out in a grin. “See,” he said to his granddaughter.

  Sarah rolled her eyes as she passed Ethan and Madison. “I’ll make sure to call the news station and let them know they’re wrong.”

  “Good,” Lee said with a nod. “Ask to speak to Bob. He’s the guy I usually complain to.” He winked at Madison as he followed Sarah out the door. “And don’t forget to tell them what I think about their sports coverage.”

  Ethan and Madison stepped out onto the porch and watched as Lee locked the front door before turning and walking to her car.

  Ethan opened Madison’s car door and helped her into the driver’s seat. He crouched down next to the car. “Call me if you need me.”

  She nodded with a smile as snowflakes clung to his thick dark hair. “I will,” she said playfully running her fingers over his hair. “Just hurry home.” She snapped her mouth shut as heat flooded her face. “I mean, your home, of course. Not mine.”

  He grinned. “I know what you meant.” He stood up and walked toward Madison’s grandfather as Sarah and Rory slid into the passenger seat.

  Madison lightly touched her sister’s arm. “Thanks, by the way.”

  Sarah’s face broke out into a broad grin. “Did you like that?”

  “I was very impressed. I didn’t think you’d be able to distract him for that long.”

  “I decided to talk to him like I would talk to you. Given facts and figures. Logic and reason.”

  Madison rolled her eyes. “Uh huh.”

  “I started off by asking him if he liked Ethan.”

  “And what did he say?”

  “Loved him, and then I asked him if he would like to see him as a grandson-in-law someday.”

  Madison laughed as she checked her messages. “For goodness sake, you just met him and you already have us getting married.”

  “I saw the way you two were looking at each other.”

  “And what did Grandpa say?”

  “He said that would be just fine by him.” She paused as her grandfather slipped into the backseat. Once he was settled, she raised her voice. “And then I asked the old coot what would be the likelihood of you and Ethan getting married if he monopolized all of the pretty man’s time.”

  Madison glanced at the rearview mirror to see her grandfather’s expression. “And?”

  Lee grinned. “And I said that if anything, I helped you. He probably can’t wait to join this family now.”

  Sarah turned part way in her seat so she could scowl at her grandfather. “At which point I threatened him with bodily harm if he left the living room.”

  Smiling, Madison backed out and started down the long driveway towards the road.

  “Evil grandchild,” he said with a playful scowl. “I almost escaped a few times. Poor Ethan would have probably been bored to tears without me to entertain him.”

  Madison chuckled. “I assure you, Grandpa,” she said lightly, “Ethan was not bored.”

  Sarah’s eyes lit up as she clucked her tongue in mock disapproval. She lowered her voice. “I am shocked and appalled and in Grandpa’s house, no less.”

  “Get your mind out of the gutter,” Madison said lowering her own voice. “It was strictly PG. Well,” she amended, “maybe PG-13.” She scrunched up her nose a bit. “Perhaps a little R for a few seconds but only a few seconds.”



  “Terribly.” Noticing the charm bracelet for the first time, Sarah let out a small gasp as she tugged at Madison’s arm. “Where did you get that?”

  Madison held up her wrist. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful,” she said turning checking out each charm.

  A movement to her right caught Madison’s attention. She slowed down as she turned her attention to the woods. “Did you see something move?”

  “Hmm?” Sarah glanced up.

  “I thought I saw something just behind that tree over there,” she said pointing.

  “Oh, I
saw a deer out there earlier,” Sarah said dismissively.

  Madison glanced in her rearview mirror wondering if Ethan had seen anything crouching by the trees as they passed. She was positive it wasn’t a deer, but didn’t correct her sister.

  They lapsed into silence as they continued down the darken road towards the interstate. Throughout the long drive, she found herself continually glancing at the rearview mirror. She could only see Ethan’s headlights but it was enough to make her feel safer knowing he was so close.

  She returned her attention to the road as their grandpa turned on the interior light before leaning over and picking something off the floor. “Santa doesn’t like naughty girls,” he said, speaking up suddenly after several minutes of silence.

  Sarah and Madison exchanged amused looks.

  Sarah was the first to respond. “Who’s been naughty, Grandpa? Surely, not us.”

  Madison turned onto the interstate. She glanced back into the rearview mirror as Ethan turned in the opposite direction.

  Lee held up a crumpled up piece of paper. “Got me. This was on the floor back here.”

  Madison’s eyes widened as she glanced at the red piece of paper she had mistaken for a flyer the night before.

  Lee grunted as he reached for something else. “So is this.” He held up a shiny rectangular black wrapped box with a black bow. “Kind of ugly wrapping for Christmas. Where did you get this from?”

  Madison stiffened. “I-I don’t know. I’ve never seen it before in my life.”

  Sarah looked at her sister worriedly. “Neither have I.”

  They both flinched as Madison’s cell phone began to ring.

  “Who is it?” Sarah asked as Madison glanced down at her phone. The name Quincy Sullivan appeared on the screen. She lifted the phone to her ear. “Hello, Quincy. How are you?”

  As usual, Quincy didn’t say anything. The only sound was a harsh intake of breath followed by a groan of pain.

  Her voice softened. “Where are you?”

  She winced as he finally said, “Seven,” before disconnecting the line.




  10:48 A.M.

  “A doll?” Keith’s eyes narrowed. “What kind of doll?”

  Madison sat down at the conference table next to Keith. “Just your normal, average, everyday baby doll. She had long black hair, blue eyes, a red-stained white dress and a small pocketknife stuck in her chest. The knife and the red stain were my secret admirer’s own special enhancements. According to the mall toy store the doll was on sale for fifteen ninety-nine.”

  “Cheapskate,” Becca snorted as she glanced down at the file laying in front of her.

  Derek leaned across the desk and picked up a jelly donut out of the box of donuts Keith had brought in that morning. He turned away quickly and let out a series of sneezes.

  Keith scowled. “Go home.”

  “I’m fine,” Derek said.

  “You are not fine,” Keith said. “You are sick. Go home.”

  “It’s allergies,” Derek insisted before biting into his donut. “You said the doll’s dress was stained red.” He pulled the donut back a bit and stared into the strawberry center. “Blood?”

  “No,” Madison said with a shudder. “Thankfully, it was just fingernail polish. I figure the doll was bought in the mall that day and placed in my car while Sarah and I were shopping.”

  “My money’s on the creepy Santa. He was the one following you.” Derek pushed the box toward Becca, who shook her head a tad too quickly as she scooted her chair away from him. “I’m not sick,” he said testily. He turned back to Madison. “Did the store clerk remember who bought it?”

  “I have no idea,” Madison said as she glanced down at the box. Feeling nauseous, she closed the box and set it to the side. “I called the police as soon as I came home. I gave them Quincy and Paul’s pictures, so hopefully they’re checking the surveillance cameras now. I kind of doubt it though. They didn’t seem the slightest bit worried.”

  Becca made a notation on the folder before snapping it shut and leaning back in her chair. “If either one was wearing that Santa suit, they’re not going to be able to identify him.”

  “No,” Madison agreed, “but maybe they’ll recognize that girl he was with. She called him Alex but she might have only done that to hide his identity.” Madison frowned. “I know I’ve seen her before.”

  “Where?” Keith asked.

  Madison pushed back her hair with a sigh. “I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it all night but I haven’t been able to come up with anything. I keep trying but my memory just won’t cooperate.”

  “Then stop trying,” Keith said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Relax and then it’ll probably come to you when you least expect it.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “Of course I am,” Keith said confidently. “Don’t worry. You don’t even need her. Paul is the one who is obviously doing these things. Quincy’s probably just playing with you.”

  “He’s right, Madison,” Becca said. “I bet you anything that Quincy is going to surprise you at the New Year’s party. This is just some weird joke of his.”

  “Ethan thinks something may have happened to him,” she said with a sad shake of her head.

  Keith snorted. “If Ethan thinks that, he’s a…” Catching Madison’s expression, he bit off whatever he was about to say. “He doesn’t even know Quincy. Quincy’s just being annoying. Paul is clearly the one messing with you.”

  Derek reached into his pocket and unwrapped a cough drop. “Are you sure?” he said popping the medicine in his mouth.

  Keith’s scowl deepened but whether from the cough drop or Derek’s question, Madison wasn’t sure. “Oh, you don’t think so?” he said in a mocking tone. “I’m sure you’re absolutely right. Paul’s completely innocent. She doesn’t need to worry about him. Naw, better to worry about some old guy whose idea of a joke consists of slipping a whoopee cushion under you right before you sit down in a conference meeting in front of the managing partner.”

  Becca lightly slapped her hand on the table as she laughed. “I remember that. Your face got so red.”

  “No, I’m not saying Paul’s innocent,” Derek said over Becca’s laughter. “It’s just that Paul Harris isn’t the one calling her. Quincy is, and from what Madison’s saying, it doesn’t sound like he’s playing a simple practical joke. It sounds like he’s trying to scare her.”

  “So, what are you going to do about it, Madison?” Becca asked.

  “What can she do about it?” Derek asked before Madison could answer.

  “Well, number one, I’m no longer answering my phone or anyone else’s. If he wants to get in touch with me, he’ll have to figure out another way to do it. And number two, I’ve asked Ethan to investigate,” Madison said. “I’m sure he’ll figure out what’s going on soon.”

  Keith gave her an annoyed look. “How did Ethan get involved?”

  “He was there when I ran into Paul the other night.” She lightly ran her fingers over her mouth. “And he’s taken it upon himself to be my protector.”

  Becca’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that’s right. I forgot all about your date the other day. How did it turn out?”

  “Wonderful,” she said with a dreamy tone. “Well, right until Paul crashed it.”

  “Which proves my point,” Keith said, “that it’s Paul who’s behind all of this. Honestly, what is there to investigate? If you ask me, Ethan’s just wasting time. He should be out there building evidence that Paul’s a wacko so when he does finally try to hurt you, they’ll have more than enough evidence to put him behind bars.” Keith made a face at his empty coffee cup. He shook his head as he stood up. “I’ve got a hearing to prepare for. I’ll see you all later.”

  Madison turned in her seat as Keith walked out. “What was that?”

  Derek dropped his voice to a whisper. “He hates Ethan.”

  Madison raised her eyebrows. “No kidding. I’m kind of getting that impression, but why on earth would he hate him?”

  Derek’s lips turned up as he exchanged a glance with Becca.

  “I don’t think he hates him necessarily,” Becca said slowly. “He might be a bit jealous though. Did you see his face when you told us that Ethan spent Christmas with you?”

  “He went five shades of green right in front of us,” Derek confirmed.

  “Oh, nonsense,” Madison said dismissively.

  Derek plucked another jelly donut out of the box. “I personally think Ethan’s kind of cool. Have you seen his medals?” When they shook their heads, he added, “He keeps them hidden in a cabinet behind his desk. I saw them the last time I was in there. You should ask him about it.”

  Becca patted Madison’s hand. “You couldn’t ask for a better bodyguard.”

  “Oh, is Ethan going to be your bodyguard?” Derek raised his hand. “Because if Sarah needs a bodyguard, I’d be more than happy to volunteer.”

  Becca laughed. “I’m sure you would, Romeo.”

  Madison’s lips quirked up. “We’ll keep you in mind.”

  “Thanks,” Derek said pressing his hand to his heart. He looked thoughtfully at Madison. “I’m serious about Quincy. I don’t think he’s playing around.” He looked thoughtful. “I’m actually surprised Keith didn’t take my side on that.”

  “Since when does Keith take anyone’s side,” Becca said.

  “Yeah, but Keith hated Quincy,” Derek whispered across the table. “He didn’t think Quincy was funny at all. In fact, he thought Quincy was seriously weird.” Derek made a face. “I think Keith’s seriously weird.”

  “Why on Earth would he not like Quincy?” Becca asked. “He barely knew him. He had only worked here for a month before Quincy left.”

  “That was apparently enough,” Derek said. “Keith was the one who gave me a tour of the building when I started work. He introduced me to everyone, including Quincy. Talk about awkward. Quincy was trying to be funny and polite and Keith was cold as ice to him. Personally, I thought Quincy was pretty funny. I only met him a couple of times but he certainly made an impression. I remember him sitting there with his slicked back black hair, twirling this pocket watch of his and just staring at me with this wide eyed crazed expression.” He laughed. “He kept trying to get me to give him legal advice. I told him a dozen times I was just a paralegal and that I couldn’t do that, but he’d ignore me and just twirl that watch, then he would ask me another legal question.”


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