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Summer Obsession (The Townsends Book 1)

Page 13

by Angie Campbell

  He sat the dishes down on the counter, and started to turn back to the door. Before he knew what was happening, she had grabbed him. He let her spin him back around without trying to resist. She was kissing him like she was drowning, and he was the only way to get air.

  He pushed her back gently. “Mindi, stop. As much as I enjoy kissing you, you are dating someone else. I’m not going to be the other guy no matter who it is I’m kissing.” And this pushing you away is killing me.

  “I thought you said you weren’t going to back off. You were going to fight and win.”

  “I know, but you said you wanted to get things in the right order. So, I’m letting you decide.” I wish you would hurry up and decide. Before I lose my mind.

  He turned and started to walk out of the room. He had reached the door, and was starting to push through it. She knew she had to tell him the truth. The time had come, and if she didn’t tell him now, she feared she never would.

  “I’m not dating anyone,” she just blurted out, trying to get it over with quickly.

  He stopped with his hand still on the swinging door, and spoke without turning. “You mean, you’ve broken up with him?”

  She thought seriously for a moment about just letting him believe that was what had happened. It would be a whole lot easier, but she knew she had to go all the way. Phillip is right. It is very important I tell him the truth. The whole truth, even if he does get angry with me. Or laughs at me. I’m more afraid he’s going to laugh at me. After all, I’m used to him being angry at me.

  So, she took a deep breath, and once again, she blurted out the truth. “I lied.” He just stood there with his back to her. “I never was dating anyone. Jeff is a friend. But he’s only thirteen. He really is a medical student. He’s a genius, and no one else ever talks to him.” Her voice was starting to shake. Her nerves were really starting to show. “We are really close, but he’s like one of my brothers. He just needed a friend really bad, and he’s a great kid.”

  He hadn’t turned around yet. He had frozen in place. She watched as his shoulders tensed, and then relaxed. It was like he was going through a lot of different emotions all at once. She was feeling very uncertain, not knowing what she would get when he turned around.

  “I haven’t dated anyone since I first went away to college,” she said, her voice visibly shaking.

  “What? There wasn’t anyone smart enough to ask you out?” he asked with obvious surprise.

  “No. I had plenty of opportunities. They just weren’t any of them you.” She felt like her face was on fire, and he still wasn’t looking at her. She had ended up saying way more than she had meant to.

  He stuck his hands in his pockets, and slowly turned around, propping himself against the door frame. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to keep from kissing her, or strangling her. When he finally found the voice to speak, he simply asked, “Why did you lie?” I should be angry, but I’m really wanting to just kiss her silly.

  “Well, I didn’t really know at first myself. I never made a conscience decision to lie to you. It just came out. I kind of panicked,” she said hesitantly. “You’re no playboy, but it’s no secret you’ve dated a lot. You’re just having fun. I felt I was safer not letting you get too close.”

  “I was feeling guilty about not being able to keep my hands off you, because of a fictional boyfriend.”

  “Yeah. That was part of the reason I lied as well.” She scoffed at herself.

  “So, I’d keep my hands off you? The way I remember it, I was doing pretty good until you started kissing me,” he said with a smirk.

  “No,” she said with a snort. “I was hoping it would help me keep mine off you.”

  “Well, that didn’t work, did it?” Yeah, I’m going to kiss her.

  “Not even close.”

  His eyes had dropped to the floor, but she could see the grin on his face. “You shouldn’t have lied. How am I going to know I can trust you?”

  “I could have let you believe we had just broken up. I didn’t have to tell you the whole truth.” Her voice was shaking more than ever. All she wanted was for him to look up at her, but he didn’t seem ready to do so.

  “I panicked. I was afraid you were going to kiss me.”

  He was still grinning at the floor. “I was thinking about it, but as I remember, you kissed me first. Not too long after telling me you were dating this guy. What was his name?” he asked, struggling to remember.

  “Jeff. I know. I’m truly sorry,” she said a little shyly.

  “You’re sorry you kissed me?” he asked with a grin, knowing she meant she was sorry for lying, but needing to hear her say it.

  Yeah, like you didn’t know what I meant. “No,” she said a little irritated. “I’ll never be sorry for that. I’m sorry I lied.”

  Mindi had been so intent on telling the truth, she had, once again, said more than she had meant to. She felt more vulnerable than she ever had in her life. He picked that moment to finally look up at her. He was grinning at her with true humor in his eyes.

  There was something else there too. Something that made her insides tighten up. She felt her whole body start to overheat, but she couldn’t turn away. “I haven’t taken my dating life seriously in the past because I wasn’t serious about those women.” He had been staring into her eyes the whole time he was talking, and by the time she realized he had walked across the room, it was too late.

  He trapped her between his body and the counter, with his arms on either side of her. “I should be angry with you, and part of me wants to be. But truthfully, I’m just relieved that I don’t have to keep my hands off you anymore.”

  He reached up and brushed his hand across her cheek. “It was getting very difficult to leave you with just a small kiss goodbye. And when you looked at me like you were in pain too, it made it that much harder.” He cupped her chin with his hands and looked her straight in the eyes, “But if I ever catch you lying to me again, I’m going to turn you over my knee like a five-year-old, and spank your bottom. Agreed?”

  “Agreed. I’ll take what I can get, as long as you’re not mad at me. Or worse, through with me completely.”

  “Oh, that would never happen. That would be worse than cutting off my right arm. I need you way too much.”

  When he leaned in and kissed her he meant for the kiss to be sweet. But her lips were so soft and warm, and he hadn’t thought about how long he had loved her and wanted her. Or how long it had been since he had kissed her like this. All that pent-up passion came rushing at him from every side. He lost the battle with his will power from the start.

  When they started to get carried away this time, she wasn’t worried about who could walk in on them. She was too far gone to care. She let him wrap his arms around her and pull her in closer. She put her arms around his waist and kissed him back like she was starving for him.

  He grabbed the back of her hair and gave a gentle tug. Her head dropped back, and she gasped. He was slowly nibbling kisses across her cheek to her ear, and then he started kissing down her exposed neck. She was starting to pant. She couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen to her brain. Everything around her was starting to blur. She knew if he kept this up she was going to pass out on him. Her body was experiencing sensory overload.

  She struggled to get his mouth back up to hers. It took a few seconds, but he realized what she was trying to ask for, and he kissed his way back up to her waiting mouth. He ran his tongue over her sensitive bottom lip, and then gave in to her demands.

  That’s how Zane and her father found them a minute later.

  “Wow! When’s the wedding?” Zane asked with his usual glee. It’s about time.

  His dad elbowed him in the gut, but it was too late. They sprang apart and Mindi ran out of the room. The three could hear her running up the stairs.

  Luke was glowing red when Carl spoke. “She did it again?” To Zane’s amazement and delight Luke got even redder. Not only did Jamie know, but Carl knew as well. Luk
e took comfort in the fact that neither one of them seemed upset.

  Zane had a look of confusion on his face when he looked at his father, then back to Luke, and asked, “Did it again?” How long’s this been going on?

  Carl spoke up first. “She keeps kissing him.”

  “Well, she’s been in a hurry since she was born,” Zane said, once again, the humor back in his voice. “She couldn’t wait for you to get Mom to the hospital. She had to be born in the back seat of the car.” Zane walked out of the room shaking his head. That had to be about the greatest thing he had ever heard.

  “Well, truth be told, I started it this time,” Luke said, turning red all over again. Why did I just tell him that?

  “I thought you weren’t going to openly pursue her until she...” He dropped off, unable to finish his thought.

  “I’m guessing everybody else knew she wasn’t really dating this Jeff kid,” he said, grinning at Carl.

  “Yes. But it had to be her that told you the truth,” Carl said, breathing a sigh of relief. “I’m just glad she finally has.”

  Luke just grinned and shook his head. “I get that. I’m not mad at anyone. Not even at her. I’m just relieved I don’t have to feel guilty for trying to steal someone’s girlfriend while they have their back turned.”

  “Yeah. Well, that’s one problem taken care of,” Carl said, concern in his voice.

  “What do you mean, one problem?” Luke asked, sounding puzzled.

  “Luke, you two can’t relax. You’re in danger.”

  “Tracy,” Luke answered back, the frustration ringing in his voice. “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.”

  “You will make it through this, but you can’t let your guard down. She’s not going to take to kindly to you two finally getting together.”

  “Yeah. I know. I wish I had listened to Mindi when she told me not to date Tracy,” he said shaking his head. “It’s just at the time, I was being an idiot, and wanted to make her jealous.”

  “Luke, you know we love you like a son already. If you married our daughter, it would just be icing on the cake.” Carl wasn’t a mushy kind of guy, but he truly loved his family, and what he said really meant a lot.

  “I’d love to marry her. I just don’t know if that’s where she’s going with this.”

  “I don’t think she knows yet. But she’ll get there.”

  “I hope so. And soon,” Luke said, frustration ringing in his voice. I’m going completely crazy. And knowing she doesn’t have a boyfriend is going to make my control issues so much worse. I’d like to at least be engaged first, before I completely give in and make love to her.

  Chapter 11 - Thursday July 5

  Tracy jumped off the scooter where she had hidden it behind a tree. She made it the rest of the way on foot, stopping at the Townsend’s property line. She knew Luke would be here soon. He ate dinner with them every Thursday evening. She always waited till they were all there, and then she would go through the side gate to the backyard and watch them while they ate dinner. She had timed it perfect. Luke drove up just seconds after she reached her tree that she always hid behind.

  After yesterday, I really need to know what is going on in there. I need to know how far they have gotten in their campaign to get Luke and Mindi together. The little whore is really getting on my nerves. I might end up needing to off her after all. I’m kind of looking forward to that possibility. I might do it just for kicks.

  The Townsend’s were all sitting down for dinner unaware they were being watched through the window. Tracy had come up on the back porch and was standing in the shadows. It was the closest she had ever come while watching them in the kitchen eating dinner. But she was really getting desperate to know how far out of hand things had gotten. She was going to have to do something soon. She couldn’t let things continue like this.


  “I want to sit by Luke,” Zoe yelled at the top of her lungs. “Ever since Mindi got here, he’s been ignoring me. It’s not fair.”

  “Zoe, that’s enough.” Jamie picked the four-year-old up and sat her back in her regular chair at the dinner table. “Keep this up, and you won’t get any dessert.”

  “I don’t mind Jamie. She can sit by me,” Luke said, trying to bring peace between mother and daughter.

  “No. If she had asked politely, she could have. But she’s been throwing a fit for the last five minutes. I’m not going to reward her for fit throwing.”

  Luke looked down at the screaming four-year-old. “She’s right, Zoe. You should have just asked. I would have been happy to let you sit by me.”

  One word from Luke and she fell silent and hung her head, hiding her face. Luke could hear her sniffling. He laid his hand on the top of her hand. “Hey, next time just ask. Don’t scream.”

  Jamie looked at Luke with a look crossed between irritation and awe. “How do you do that? I get on to her and she just gets mad,” she said, the irritation coming out in her voice. “You say the simplest thing to her, and she hangs her head in shame.”

  She has a crush on me,” Luke whispered, trying to make sure Zoe didn’t hear. He didn’t want to embarrass the little girl.

  “Well, now that you bring it up, it is kind of obvious,” Jamie said, looking even more irritated at herself. I think I’m starting to slow down. I’m not that old, am I?

  Just then Mindi brought the meatloaf over and sat it down on the table. “That’s everything. Time to eat.”

  Jamie stuck her head through the door to the living room and hollered for everyone to come and eat. A few seconds later they could hear everyone coming down the hallway from the game room.

  Luke pulled Mindi’s chair out for her and waited for her to sit down. Before taking her seat, she brushed her hand over his on the back of the chair and looked him in the eyes. Unable to help herself, she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth. When she looked back up at him she could see the fire in his eyes. That was the first time she had kissed him with witnesses. It did something to his insides. Like she had finally decided what she was looking for. It made him feel like they were finally on the same page.

  After she was seated, he took his seat beside her and waited for everyone else to sit down, and for Carl to say grace over their meal.

  Dinner passed with the normal shenanigans. Zane was trying to rile his sister, but she wasn’t biting. She was just in too good a mood. She was starting to gain confidence in her relationship with Luke and she just didn’t care if Zane wanted to aggravate her. He could try.

  Everyone was finishing up with dinner and waiting for dessert. When Mindi got up to go get the cheesecake out of the fridge, Phillip followed her over to the kitchen. “Hey, Sis. Please tell me you told him the truth, and you’re not just trying to ignore it,” he said, raising an eyebrow at her. She might have gotten angry with him, if it hadn’t been for the obvious look of concern on his face.

  “That’s funny. I do something wrong, Dad tells you. I do something right to correct it, and he doesn’t.” She laid her hand on his cheek and looked him right in the eyes. “Yes, I told him. Everything.” She stepped back, and went around to the fridge to get the cheesecakes out. “I even told him a few things the rest of you don’t know. Like the fact that I haven’t dated anyone since leaving for college, and why.”

  “Good. Now your acting like a grown woman.” Phillip got the dessert plates down out of the cabinet. “And you don’t have to tell me why you didn’t date anyone while you were away. There’s only one Luke.”

  “Am I that obvious?” she asked, laughing.

  “Yes.” Phillip sat the plates down on the counter, and cupped his sister’s chin in his big hands. “Things are a lot better now, aren’t they? You seem happy.”

  “I am very happy.” Happier than I have ever been in my whole life.

  They made their way back over to the table and took their seats once again. They were all busy passing the cheesecake around the table and talking. They were all startled
when they heard something crash outside. Zane was the first one up and heading for the door. He was closely followed by Luke, Phillip and Carl.

  By the time the other three had made it outside, Zane was on the phone with the police station. Someone had knocked one of the barbecue grills off the porch, and it now had a dent in the front of it. Whoever it had been, obviously had kicked it over out of anger.

  It was a good thing it was a charcoal grill. If it had been a propane grill, it might have caused a small explosion.

  “There was someone out here. They kicked the grill over. I don’t know for sure who it was, but I can give you a good guess.”

  “Okay. Thanks,” he said, sounding grim.

  He turned back to look at the three waiting on the porch. “They said they’d send someone out to look in the woods to see if they can find anything. They’ll be here in five minutes.” He stuck his cell phone back in his pocket and turned toward the gate. “Go on back in and try to enjoy dessert. I’m going to get started.”

  The other three turned and went back in the house. They were met with concerned looks from the others. “What’s going on?” Jamie asked, looking at Carl with an almost scared look before she looked at Luke and then Mindi. She knew with absolute certainty who had been out there.

  Mindi’s face went white from shock when she finally accepted what everyone else already had. Luke noticed she was shaking and walked over and wrapped his arms around her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hid her face in his chest.

  “Luke, I don’t want you to go home alone tonight,” Jamie said with that mother knows best tone in her voice. “You need to stay here for the night. You’ve got clothes here and you can use Carl’s shower stuff.” She didn’t sound like she intended to give him a choice. “First, she broke into your apartment, and now this. I just don’t think it’s safe.”

  He was okay with that. He didn’t want to leave Mindi in the state she was in. He was afraid she might really go into shock. “Hey, she’s not going to get you. Everything is going to be fine.”


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