Owned for Christmas

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Owned for Christmas Page 2

by Willa Edwards

  “Thank you,” Kate said, touched by the little woman’s consideration. It didn’t seem the proper time to say that her normal Christmases were sterile and cold, thrown more for appearance than joy. She didn’t want anything similar to those. It was probably best to ease into that conversation.

  “I’d really like to find out more about Daniel. Maybe see some baby pictures.”

  Gale laughed. “I’m sure I can find a few photos for you. Although, I must warn you that Danny never did take a good picture. His hair was always sticking up and he had a lazy eye for most of elementary school that made him look cross-eyed.”

  Kate giggled at the idea. “Now I want to see them even more.” She couldn’t imagine it. Daniel usually looked so put together. She’d always assumed it was a side effect of his profession as an accountant.

  They turned the corner into the kitchen together. Kate liked Gale. But the second her feet landed on the kitchen tile, Kate glanced up and her entire world tilted.

  She sucked in a deep breath. He stood right in the kitchen, his cowboy boots crossed at the ankles as he leaned against the counter without a care in the world.

  Her former Master.

  The man who had hurt her, wounded her trust.

  He’d destroyed what confidence she’d had in the BDSM scene, forcing her to leave it behind. He had the same sandy blond, shoulder-length hair pulled back in a ponytail, the same self-assured stance. He even smelled similar, like leather, sweat and male musk. Although a new hay and earth aroma accompanied it.

  What is he doing here? When she’d known him in Texas, he’d worked at Terlingua Ranch, just outside Dallas, training racehorses. It was a long way from Brewster County to Colorado. What were the chances that the only man to ever break her heart had ended up working for her boyfriend’s family’s ranch? Could anyone have worse luck than she did?

  “Grant, what are you doing here?” Gale marched up to the man, slapping his hand back from the salad bowl, where he picked olives off the top.

  Kate remained frozen, standing just inside the kitchen threshold, unable to move any farther forward.

  “I thought you were out with the cows?” Gale retrieved a knife from the counter and started slicing a loaf of fresh bread. She continued with her dinner preparations as if Kate’s whole world wasn’t slipping away beneath her.

  “I was. I finished up early. I wanted to rush home and meet my little brother’s new girl.”

  Little brother. Kate’s stomach lurched at the words. It couldn’t be. This couldn’t be Daniel’s brother. Grant was nothing like the man she loved.

  He looked over at her. For a second, she almost thought he recognized her. The flicker of surprise filled his eyes. Then it vanished as though it had never been there at all. He grabbed a slice of bread from the pile Gale had cut then bit into the soft golden crust.

  “If you’re going to eat a piece, take a plate.” Gale handed him one from the stack to the side of the cutting board. “You don’t want Kate to think she’s come to have Christmas with a pack of animals.”

  His pewter gaze met Kate’s. A shiver ran through her. He didn’t smile but the smugness in his words prickled her nerves.

  “No, we wouldn’t want that.”

  “Oh, where are my manners? Kate, this is my older boy, Grant. Grant, this is Danny’s new girl, Kate.” She leaned closer to him as though whispering a secret but Kate heard every word. “Be nice to her. Your brother seems very smitten with her.”

  Grant smiled over at her. Kate’s insides twisted into even tighter knots.

  “I’m always nice.”

  Bullshit. Grant isn’t nice. It was what she had liked the most about him.

  He extended his hand to shake hers. She stared down at it. His palm and fingers were calloused, more calloused than before. But she could still remember how those fingers had felt wrapped around her wrists, holding her tightly while he’d spanked her ass with a paddle.

  She lifted her eyes to find his gaze focused on her, watching her like she was a bug in a jar. A surge of awareness ran through her body. How long had they been staring at each other? It seemed like forever. If I don’t take his hand soon, Gale might notice.

  This was far worse than any of the scenarios Kate had nervously run in her head on the airplane or during the drive to the ranch. Even in her worst nightmares, she never would have imagined bumping into Grant again, let alone here. She couldn’t describe her relationship with Grant to anyone—least of all his mother.

  She extended her hand. Her fingers shook as she slipped her hand into his palm. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Now you’ve officially met her.” Gale motioned with her knife, pointing out of the kitchen. “Go wash up. Dinner will be ready in a half hour.”

  “Yes, Mom.” He placed the plate and half-eaten bread slice on the counter. He offered Kate a wink as he walked out of the door.

  Her stomach sank. An aching, hollow feeling took root in her chest. How could he be so nonchalant about seeing her again? He had acted as though he didn’t know her. Like he hadn’t seen her naked, hadn’t flogged her to orgasm, hadn’t seen the most dark and twisted parts of her. The sections she didn’t show to anyone else—and certainly not to Daniel.

  His brother. How can this be? They are so different, almost polar opposites. Daniel was all light fun and easy-going sweetness. And Grant was dominant, wicked and dark in all the ways that made her toes curl. Grant was everything she wasn’t supposed to want anymore.

  Her mind raced. The walls seemed to close in on her, the air too thin. She couldn’t seem to fill her lungs. She had to get out of there. She had to escape Gale’s friendly presence and happy small talk. It was all too much.

  “I’m sorry, I’m suddenly feeling a little tired.” Kate rubbed her temples, an abrupt sting of pain beginning there. “I think I’m going to lie down for a little bit, if that’s okay?”

  “Sure, dear.” Gale gazed over at her with concern.

  Kate couldn’t worry about Gale’s reaction. Not right now. Not with the vision of Grant standing next to the sink still fresh in her mind.

  “Go rest for a bit. I’ll come get you and Danny once dinner is ready.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” Kate nodded, turning from the kitchen.

  Half an hour didn’t seem long enough to gather her muddled senses together. But it would have to do.

  Chapter Two

  “I can’t believe your parents were willing to let you go for the holiday.” Gale placed a spoonful of mashed potatoes in her mouth.

  So far, the family dinner had gone well. However, Kate had spent more time studying her plate than the people around her. As long as she didn’t look at Grant, sitting across the table from her, she was fine.

  It was only when she regarded Grant, saw his intense eyes, watched his hands holding his fork or cupping his glass, that her body heated and her heart pounded irregularly. Stupid hormones.

  Her gut clenched. The roast and potatoes sat like rocks in her stomach. She might be attracted to him, but her heart knew better. Her still-fragile heart remembered just how deeply Grant had shredded it when he’d left.

  “I can’t imagine not having my boys here for Christmas,” Gale mused.

  Kate tried to smile, though it wasn’t heartfelt. “My parents got a great deal on a cruise. They’re sailing around the Gulf of Mexico until New Year’s.” No doubt her mother was sat out on the deck right now, showing off the emerald her father had bought her for Christmas to any and all who would listen.

  “Doesn’t seem right.” She took a sip of her water, shaking her head a little. “Oh, well. Their loss will be our gain.”

  Maybe she’s right? Kate had always wanted a more affectionate family. She loved her parents, but family holidays and warm, fuzzy moments were not her parents’ specialty. But Gale seemed to pull it off easily. Her entire home overflowed with care and love.

  Except for the ominous force across the table from Kate.

  Without thinking, she
cast a glance over at Grant. She sucked in a deep breath. His dark eyes were fixed on her. Every time she looked up, his gaze was on her, staring down to the places deep inside her that he’d found a way to tap into—the parts of her she never wanted to share again.

  “You have a lovely home.” Kate dipped her gaze back to her food, focusing on the part of the dinner that didn’t have her wanting to jump out of her own skin.

  “Thank you, dear. It’s not a lot but we do what we can.”

  Unlike her mother, Kate didn’t see any regret on Gale’s face when she spoke of living without what others had. Instead, she seemed almost proud of what she’d done, how she’d managed to make do with what she had and be happy with it. Kate liked Gale more and more each minute.

  “No one ever became a rancher for the money.” Gale laughed.

  Her sons chuckled along with her, sharing in an old joke.

  “What do you grow on this ranch?” Kate popped a stewed carrot into her mouth, the homey taste comforting, although nothing like the meals she ate at home. The love and kindness this chef put into the food couldn’t be bought.

  “Cattle mostly. Cattle ranching is our bread and butter. We breed horses too. Not enough to build a reputation to impress the Richie Riches looking for racing animals. But it helps us make ends meet. And we raise a little corn. Mostly to feed our own animals, and a few neighbors.”

  “Wow.” Kate couldn’t help but be impressed.

  Gale beamed with pride. “My husband’s family built up quite an operation here. David—God rest his soul—loved this place, just like my boys do.” Gale tapped Grant’s arm.

  He nodded and continued eating his meal as if he were a death-row inmate.

  “And my grandchildren will too,” Gale lifted an eyebrow toward Daniel, as if in challenge.

  Kate focused on taking deep breaths. She’d only known this woman a few hours and Gale was already talking about grandchildren. Gale had no idea what kind of person Kate was. Gale didn’t know how dark and twisted Kate was underneath her innocent exterior, nor did she know the broken, shattered state of Kate’s core. Yet she’s already cast me in the role of future daughter-in-law and mother of her grandchildren.

  Maybe Grant wasn’t the only person she had to worry about at this dinner.

  Under the table, Daniel reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Mom, come on.”

  “Sorry, sorry.” Gale laughed. “Can’t blame me for planting a seed. We are ranchers after all.”

  Grant stared at the woman across the table from him who laughed politely with his mother and brother. God, she is beautiful. He’d always thought so. So sweet and caring. The kind of woman who would wear lily-white lace underwear and still have a teddy bear on her bed.

  Except for that mouth of hers. He almost groaned as he watched her spoon a mouthful of potatoes between her lips. Her delicate tongue licked the spoon. That mouth had been made for sucking a man’s cock. Her wicked tongue could drive him to the edge and he’d be grateful to be there.

  She was a goddamn kindergarten teacher. She was everything good and sweet in the world. I shouldn’t be having these thoughts about her. But she’d been the one to come searching for him. She’d shown up at the dungeon that night seeking out a Dom.

  She’d looked so scared sitting at the bar, her gaze roaming the room as if she was waiting for someone. Not that he’d cared at that moment. She could have been waiting for the Second Coming and he would have still gone up to talk to her.

  She’d worn a skimpy black dress, but from the way she pushed at the straps and hem, he knew she didn’t feel comfortable in it, which only interested him more. He enjoyed a woman who was willing to get a little uncomfortable, who was willing to push her boundaries for what she wanted.

  He’d never anticipated how much Kate liked pushing those boundaries.

  It was a rare combination to find—sweet and innocent on the outside, wild and crazy underneath. A combination he hadn’t found close to home. Not that he had much time to look—after a hard day on the ranch he was too exhausted to go trolling for women. The need to control burned in his gut, though. After going a year without anyone to take it out on, it threatened to eat him alive. What he wouldn’t give to have Kate bent over his lap right now, his hand on her ass, spanking her until she climaxed.

  “Come on, Mom, give Kate a break. She just got here.” Daniel’s whiny voice grated on his nerves like nails on a chalkboard. “You have all weekend to torture her about the future.”

  “Fine, fine,” his mother continued, after swallowing down a mouthful of mashed potatoes. “I’ll try to keep myself in check.”

  Kate’s dark hair fell around her face, protecting most of her expression from his view. A rosy pink highlighted the section of cheek he could see. She directed her jewel eyes downward. Grant fisted his hand against his thigh, forcing himself to swallow the envy roaring up his throat. He wanted to be the one his mother was poking fun at, the one who was sitting next to Kate, holding her hand. He wanted to be the one taking her to his room tonight, to his bed.

  But he’d left her with hardly a word. He didn’t deserve anything from her. Not that she would have left Dallas for him. He was just her Master, the man who had fed her needs. He wasn’t her boyfriend. They’d never had that kind of relationship.

  But with Daniel, the fucking golden boy, she’d given him everything. Everyone was willing to bend over backward for Danny.

  Anger boiled in him, hot and heavy, and he couldn’t stuff it down anymore. Not when Kate smiled at Danny as if he was her whole fucking world. Danny hardly knew her. He couldn’t know the part of her that Grant did.

  The anger spilled over and he couldn’t control it. He didn’t want to. It didn’t matter whom it burned. Only that it scalded someone else as deeply as it did him.

  “So, Kate, how was your flight?”

  She glared at him through her thick, dark lashes. He knew he was trying to provoke her—and so did she—but he couldn’t stop himself. She feared flying, though he didn’t know if she’d ever even been on a plane. And as a result, he’d had to leave her behind. She never would have come with him. She’d never leave Dallas. She’d never move a plane ride away from everything and everyone she loved. Not for anyone.

  At least, that’s what he’d thought. But she’d come here. She’d gotten on a plane for Danny.

  He knew he was hurting her but he couldn’t help it. Maybe if he were able to touch her, stroke his fingers up her milky thighs, hold her hand, stick his tongue in her pussy then he could control himself. But with all his pent-up demand, this barely controlled desire to make her bend to his will, he couldn’t stop himself from lashing out at her.

  “It was fine.” Her voice shook as she answered, but she still replied with dignity, her chin raised.

  Grant admired her response. It was one of the reasons she made such an excellent sub. She didn’t just take what he threw at her. She fought back, demanded for herself. And there was nothing he loved more than controlling an unruly submissive.

  His mother must have noticed the slight paling of Kate’s face at the mention of the plane or the way she gripped her fork so tightly Grant was surprised she didn’t snap it in half.

  “Are you afraid of flying, honey?” his mother asked, a forkful of pot roast halfway to her mouth.

  Kate nodded, staring down at her plate again.

  His stomach twisted. He really was an asshole. He had to go and integrate her. He had to push her. He had to force her to declare what she thought were her faults in front of his family.

  Neither his mother nor his brother noticed that he somehow knew this was Kate’s first time outside of Dallas. Probably for the best.

  “There’s nothing wrong with that,” Gale comforted, patting Kate’s hand. “We all have fears, dear, but you conquered yours. That’s quite impressive.”

  Even his mother’s quick touch against Kate’s hand made him jealous. He was really far gone. If he knew what was good for him, he’d go in
to town, have a whiskey at The Roaring Steer and pick some woman up for the night. It would at least extinguish a little of this need growling in his gut. It wouldn’t be as good as having Kate under him, and that was exactly why he wouldn’t do it. Mediocre sex had never been his thing.

  “But she did great. She just sat in her seat and breathed deeply the whole plane ride.”

  Danny’s voice rang with pride and Grant wanted to punch him even more, especially since Grant was proud of her too. Proud that she’d had the guts to face her fear and go after what she wanted. He would have loved to have been the one she’d gotten on that steel contraption with.

  “And your mother must love having you close by all the time.”

  Kate nodded, though the gesture didn’t appear heartfelt. He didn’t know much about her relationship with her mother. He only knew it was strained. Given her expression, it was probably worse than he’d realized. Maybe he should have asked her more about it before. Not that it mattered anymore. Now she was Danny’s problem. Now she was Danny’s to comfort and protect.

  “I know I miss my boys like crazy when they’re gone. I hate Danny being a plane ride away.”

  His mother smiled over at Danny, and Grant clenched his jaw, his muscles aching with the force. How could she look at him like that? Like she was so proud of him. Proud of him for leaving them. Proud of him for staying where he was comfortable. Where he didn’t have to get his hands dirty and had a warm bed to crawl into every night.

  “And how about you, little brother?” He couldn’t help asking without sneering. “How are you doing outside the city? Are you managing to survive without all the lights, computers and high-end salons?”

  “Grant, don’t start.” His mother glared.

  He wished he could stop himself, but the anger billowing up inside him demanded release. The only obvious outlet was his brother.

  “What, Ma? Clearly he can’t live without the conveniences of the city. That’s why he didn’t come back to work on the ranch after Dad died.”


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