Owned for Christmas

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Owned for Christmas Page 3

by Willa Edwards

  “I send money every month,” Danny fired back. “My job in the city helps keep this place afloat.”

  Grant slammed his hand on the tabletop. Everyone jumped and the silverware rattled. “Money isn’t everything we need. It certainly wasn’t what mattered when Dad was sick.” When Grant had come racing home to take care of him, leaving Kate behind with barely a note.

  “What more do you want from me, Grant?” Danny sneered.

  All the anger that had been boiling up in him for the last year exploded. All his rage over giving up his life in Dallas, when his brother didn’t have to, surged up from inside him. He couldn’t keep it in. Even if he had wanted to, which he didn’t.

  “I’d like you to show the fuck up when we need you.” Grant banged his fists on the table, sending the silverware dancing again. “Like I did. Or do you not give a damn about your family? Or this ranch?”

  “Boys, stop it. We have a guest.”

  His mother shot daggers at both of them, the hardened, stony stare of a rancher’s wife. The kind that said ‘Don’t cross me, I know where the branding irons are kept’. His mother might be all sweet on the outside, but on the inside she was hard as nails. Even Grant knew better than to cross her without a good reason.

  “I don’t want to hear one more word about this for the week. It’s Christmas, for goodness’ sake. Let’s act like it.”

  Grant and Daniel both nodded, though Grant doubted either of them truly agreed. Now wasn’t the time and place to get into it. Although there would be a right time and place this weekend, if Grant had anything to say about it.

  “So what do you do in Dallas, Kate?” Gale switched the conversation to a safer topic.

  Grant and Daniel continued to glare at each other.

  “I’m a kindergarten teacher.” Kate’s voice shook as she responded.

  “That’s nice.” Gale nodded between bites, focusing on Kate.

  Grant had always found it hard not to concentrate completely on Kate. Even in a room full of people, a dungeon full of other subs screaming and crying their pleasure, their Masters groaning with them, Kate was the only person he’d see.

  “You should see her, Ma. The kids just love her.” Danny wrapped an arm around Kate’s shoulders.

  Grant tightened his grip on his fork. The sudden urge to fling the utensil across the room at his brother shook along his fingers.

  “I’m sure they do. Children can always sense a good soul.”

  Kate’s soft pink lips turned up in a smile.

  She is a good person. Grant relented. A good soul. Far too good for an asshole like me.

  Grant slumped into his seat, shoveling food into his mouth. He needed to get away, fast. Away from Danny. Away from Kate. And away from everything he could never have.

  Chapter Three

  “You were quiet at dinner tonight.”

  “Was I?” Kate looked up at Daniel from where she sat in the middle of the bed, her legs crossed beneath her. She pulled a thick bristled brush through her hair, still wet from the shower. She’d hoped he wouldn’t notice, but she should’ve known that was too much to expect. Daniel always noticed her. It was one of the many reasons she loved him. One of the reasons he was so much better for her than Grant.

  “You don’t have to worry, sweetheart.” Daniel folded his shirt then placed it in the dresser drawer before he turned to her. He walked over to Kate and her heart nearly broke. He looked at her with so much love, so much devotion. He deserved much better than her—a woman who wasn’t shattered and scarred. Someone without these needs she couldn’t rid herself of.

  He kneeled on the mattress beside her. “My mother loves you.”

  What about your brother? She hated herself for thinking it, but the words came to her mind instantly.

  Daniel slung his arm around her, drawing her into his side. She almost purred as his clean scent, fresh from the shower, filled her nose. She leaned her head against his shoulder, feeding off his strength. His body almost burned against hers, offering her warmth she desperately required.

  “You can be yourself. My mother will love you even more for it.”

  She wished that pleasing his mother were all she worried about. It had seemed like her biggest concern before she’d walked into Grant in the kitchen. Before she’d figured out that the man who had broken her heart was the brother of the man who’d helped put her back together.

  “Sorry. I guess I’m out of practice with parents.”

  Even Grant hadn’t seen fit to bring her home to meet his family. But maybe that had been a blessing in disguise. She never would have gotten involved with Daniel if she’d known Grant was his brother.

  Sensing her continued discomfort, Daniel tugged her closer then pressed his lips to hers. He tasted like mint from his toothpaste and his own deep masculine flavor. He brushed her lips with his firm, smooth ones and she melted into his touch. He’d always had that effect on her.

  “You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart.”

  He gazed into her eyes. The warm honey-brown color she loved so much sparkled with life.

  “No matter what they think…” He ran his thumb across her chin. “I love you.”

  She wished she believed that. She had no evidence that they didn’t like her, or vice versa. She could barely remember the dinner. All she had seen, all she had felt throughout the entire meal was Grant’s intense gaze on her, his stare peering through her, deep inside her to a place she wasn’t willing to share. A place she’d never revealed to Daniel and that Grant knew far too well.

  The need inside her flared to life. The greedy monster that craved to be owned screamed to the surface and she couldn’t tamp it down. No matter how hard she tried.

  She dragged him to her. He instantly found her mouth, his kiss soft, sweet and nowhere near enough. She threaded her fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. She licked his lips, seeking entrance, craving his touch, his taste on her tongue. Just the thought of Grant outside the room, separated by only a few planks of wood, had her shaking.

  “My mom’s in the kitchen.” Daniel kept his voice hushed but the need reflected from his eyes told another story.

  Holding his head close to hers, her hand shook in his hair. Her stomach twisted with nerves and desire. Cold permeated her whole body. She needed his heat, she needed Daniel. “We’ll be quiet.” She drew him closer, molding her mouth to his. She slid her tongue between his lips and he opened for her. The way he held her with such reverence, such affection, urged her whole body to liquefy beneath his touch. She tightened her arms around him, holding him close as she lay back, enticing him down with her.

  “I need you.” She wrapped her legs around his hips. She craved the pressure of his body against hers, the weight of him crowding her into the bed. Without that, her mind might wander. Her thoughts might drift to the man somewhere else in the house, the one whose hands had once created such pleasure in her body. The man who had hurt her so profoundly she’d never thought she’d recover. And without Daniel, she wouldn’t have.

  Daniel slipped a thigh between her legs, pressing his thick muscled leg onto the lace of her underwear. The friction against her clit sent her whole body shaking. The pleasure drove every other thought from her head but Daniel. She couldn’t worry about being in the same house as Grant or whether Gale thought she was a good match for her boy. Just Daniel’s body crushed against hers, and all her sensitive places rubbing along his, mattered.

  She clawed at his back, desperate, deprived. She yanked the shirt from his shoulders and tossed it to the floor. He slipped his hands under the edge of her nightgown. Pushing the cotton aside, he skimmed his fingers along her inner thighs. She shivered beneath the soft touch. Her skin tingled where it met Daniel’s. He continued to move his hands up her body, over the lacy fabric of her underwear, along her stomach, pulling the nightie along with him. The cool air brushed along her exposed skin, her nipples tightening against the cotton.

  “I’ve never had sex in my pa
rents’ house before.” He looked so sweet and innocent she almost laughed aloud. Could he really be Grant’s brother, the darkest, most wicked man she knew? Daniel pushed the fabric the rest of the way up her chest, exposing her damp skin to the air. Her nipples beaded in the cool room. He shoved the nightgown entirely off her body and threw it aside.

  “It’s pretty hot.” He curled his left hand around her breast then plucked at her nipple. Each tug on the tight bud sent little zaps of pleasure racing through her body.

  She giggled softly. Maybe she was having a stronger impact on him than she’d thought.

  Daniel leaned down, kissing her deeply as he continued to toy with her nipples. She tightened her legs around his waist, rubbing against him, almost moaning at the feel of all that hard, male flesh. He stroked his broad chest across her breasts and brushed his firm thigh against her pussy. His heavy weight pinned her to the bed.

  He might not be a horse wrangler like his brother, he might spend more time with his computer than at the gym, but his body didn’t show it. Everywhere she touched she discovered muscle. His firm body always set her pulse to pounding.

  “God, you’re so beautiful.” Daniel slid his lips along her throat, licking across her collarbone and placing quick kisses on her sternum. He found her breasts and sucked her nipples. She gasped. He nipped at the engorged peaks and she released a little sigh.

  “I wish we were back at my place so I could really enjoy you.” He looked up at her with a cocky grin. Heat filled his gaze. Her heart sped up with the thought and her pussy dampened. How she wanted that too.

  She moaned as he swept his hands over her body then glided them across her stomach and over her hip bones. He touched her so sweetly, but underneath, she could feel the desperation in his fingers, the longing. Somehow, Daniel always made her feel wanted, desired, safe. He’d never toss her away without a second thought. He’d never leave her without a word. He caught the lacey edge of her underwear and pulled them off her hips, then her legs, leaving her gloriously naked.

  He continued to move down her body, sliding his tongue around her belly button and along the flesh between her hip bones. Her muscles jumped. Her pussy clenched. He settled further into the juncture of her thighs, spreading her legs wider and she let out a little throaty whimper.

  “I like that,” he breathed against her cunt, sending shivers out to the rest of her body. “I love to hear the sounds you make.”

  He slid his tongue between her pussy lips, gently grazing her clit and the entrance to her body. The slight touches drove her crazy. Daniel was amazing at that—at the soft, the teasing, the tempting. He could spend hours licking her, playing with her, until she was almost crazy with desire. And he’d love every minute of it.

  “Daniel,” she cried, clamping her fingers in his hair. She held onto the delicate strands. Fire billowed through her body. Her legs shook around him, pleasure radiating through every cell. She raised her hips, moving closer to his mouth.

  “I love to hear my name from your lips too.” He skimmed his tongue along her entrance, flicking it into her, quick and fast, setting her heart bounding. “But I want to hear you scream it, like you do at home.”

  He sucked her clit into his mouth and Kate fought back a cry. She focused on breathing. The air around her seemed thinner, her head lighter, heat pulsing through her. She was close. What he did between her legs was so amazing and if he didn’t stop soon, she’d be doing exactly what he said—screaming out his name for his mother and Grant to hear.

  “We will be home soon enough.” But for right now, she needed more. She wanted his dick inside her.

  She glided her hands over his muscled back, twisted her fingers in his hair, tugging him up her body until they were once more face-to-face.

  She kissed his chin and jaw as she found the edge of his pajama pants and pushed them down his ass along with his underwear. “But right now, I just need you.”

  He groaned at her words, his breathing picking up speed as he kicked the pajamas and boxers from his ankles. She reveled in the effect she had on him. She reached between them, finding his cock, hot and hard to the touch, and stroked her fingers up and down its length. Using her thumb, she rubbed along the slick head and the sensitive underside before she skimmed back up again.

  He closed his eyes and threw his head back, shuddering against her. He moved his hips in time with her caresses, pushing his cock further into her palm. A low, achy sound reverberated from his throat. He muffled the sound in her neck, and heat swept over her.

  She loved how she could make him moan, cry and scream. She’d do anything for him, anything to make him happy. Hell, she’d come to bed wrapped in apple pie if that excited him.

  And she knew he’d do the same for her—what they shared was love. What she’d had with Grant was something…different.

  This is what she craved. Not to be spanked or whipped.

  Daniel pushed her hand away, startling her from her thoughts. “If you keep doing that, I won’t make it inside you.”

  She stuck her bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout. “We can’t have that.”

  Daniel shook his head, settling himself deeper between her legs. “No, we can’t.”

  He held onto his cock, finding her entrance with its blunt tip. She gripped his shoulders, her entire body going up in flames as he found his mark and pushed inside. He thrust into her, agonizingly slowly at first until she almost screamed with frustration. He worked his way inside her, now moving in short, torturous drives. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, holding on tightly. Her body vibrated, wanting more but unable to express it.

  When he was all the way inside her, seated deep in her cunt, he opened his eyes with affection and admiration blazing in them and looked down at her with a big smile on his face.

  This is what I should want to see. This is the kind of man I should want. One who loves me. Who wants to take care of me and make me feel good.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he thrust in and out of her in long, slow plunges.

  She sighed softly, still partially aware of his family wandering around the house not far away. She thrust her hips up in time with his, pushing him deeper.

  She tangled her fingers through his hair, pulling his lips down to hers. “I love you too.” She breathed into his mouth, running her tongue along his bottom lip. He groaned and she took the opportunity to pull him closer, kissing him harder. She slid her tongue into his mouth and dueled with his.

  And she did love him. More than she had any other man she’d ever known. The intimacy he showed her took her breath away. If only that could be enough. Love might cage the need inside her, keep it at bay for some time, but it never vanquished it. Not even heartbreak could do that.

  Daniel kissed down her throat, licking across her shoulders, brushing his mouth over every inch of skin he could touch, his lips gentle and smooth, his touch pleasing and intimate. This is all she should want, all she should require. Any other woman would be happy with just Daniel’s sweet, soft lovemaking. A normal woman would be content with that for the rest of her life.

  He thrust into her, brushing up against a place hidden inside her that set her whole body flaming. The head of his cock caressed the spot, sending zings of electricity through her and the demon of need in her stomach flared to life.

  She moaned as Daniel continued to move inside her, close but not nearly enough. Her breath escaped in pants, her body shaking. Sweat beaded across her forehead, and her need threatened to claw its way out.

  She yearned for more, the monster within her threatening to rip her apart if she didn’t get it.

  “Harder,” she whimpered, thrusting her hips up to Daniel’s. She craved the stretch of his cock pushing into her, the power of his body forcing her to do as he pleased.

  “Are you sure, baby? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He continued his unbearably slow rhythm and she fought the urge to scream. Thankfully, the thought of his mother somewhere in the small hous
e had her holding onto more control than she usually possessed.

  “You won’t.” She pushed against his groin, shoving his cock farther into her. “I need…more.” She needed so much more than that. Cravings she couldn’t say, desires she couldn’t declare aloud. But this, Daniel could never give her.

  “If that’s what my baby wants.” He gripped her hips and pounded into her faster, harder. There was ambivalence in his eyes, indecision on his face, but he pushed through it, for her.

  Daniel could never be a Dom like Grant. Grant wouldn’t think twice about fucking her hard, making her scream and cry. But Daniel didn’t have it in him. It wasn’t who he was.

  She shook her head. She shouldn’t be thinking about Grant. She should focus on Daniel. The man she was with. The one who deserved her affection. Not the one who had broken her heart without a care.

  Daniel was the man she wanted to be with. The man she loved. And that mattered a hell of a lot more than amazing sex. Daniel was the type of man she could build a future with. Even now, he was trying to give her what she wanted. He’d do almost anything to make her happy.

  She fisted her hands in the covers, the darkness within her boiling to the surface. She didn’t want to have these hungers, to have these desires deep inside her, but she couldn’t find a way to silence them. They were beyond her control.

  She bit down on her lip, preventing the moan of frustration from escaping. If only he’d hold her hands down, pull her hair, show her just a little dominance, she’d probably come so hard the horses in the barn would hear her. If he gave her a little more, took a little of the control away from her, she’d be satisfied.

  But she didn’t bother asking. She knew Daniel would never do it.

  Daniel slid his hand down her stomach. Her muscles fluttered beneath his touch. He reached between her legs, finding her clit with the pad of his thumb, and stroked. Electric sparks radiated out from the spot, surging out to the tips of her toes and fingers, sizzling to her brain. She whimpered. The choice taken from her as his insistent rubbing pushed her to her limit.


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