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Owned for Christmas

Page 10

by Willa Edwards

  “Now there’s no reason to,” Daniel interjected.

  She opened her heavy-lidded eyes a sliver to stare down into his warm gaze.

  “You have the two of us now, sweetheart.” Daniel scraped the hair back from her face. “There’s no reason to share you with anyone else.” He cradled her head in his hands, holding her close as he pressed a kiss to her cheeks and nose.

  They were like two sides of a coin. Soft and sweet, hard and dirty—and both exactly what she needed.

  Daniel cupped her breasts, kneading them in his hands. “You’ll never need anyone but us to satisfy you.” He pinched her nipples.

  Kate clenched down hard.

  “Damn, that feels good, pet,” Grant groaned.

  Grant’s hot breath wafted across her nape, sending tingles through her. He tightened his hands on her waist, moving his hips faster, pushing his cock deeper into her ass.

  “She’s clamping down on me so tight, I’m not going to last long.”

  “What do you want me to do about it?” Daniel chuckled back at his brother.

  Kate didn’t have to open her eyes to know Daniel was smiling. She could hear it in his voice.

  “Push her over, damn it. I’m too fucking close.”

  Daniel slid his fingers down her stomach, finding her clit and rubbing his thumb across the tight nub. Just the touch was enough to send her off like a bottle rocket.

  Heat washed over her, pleasure spinning her so high she couldn’t see anything else. Lights dazzled behind her eyelids, exploding across her vision. She bit down hard on the stocking in her mouth, screaming into the red and green knit.

  Her head spun, and the world around her turned hazy. The only sensations that mattered were Grant’s and Daniel’s fiery, slick bodies pressed up against hers, the scent of their sweat and sex filling the air.

  Daniel and Grant both grunted and groaned around her, finding their own release deep inside her body. They all collapsed together, falling into a pile of sweaty, entangled limbs. Sated. Happy.

  The first to break away from them, Grant pushed up on his arms, reaching around her to pull the sopping stocking from her mouth and tossing it aside. “I can’t wait to get her somewhere we can be as loud as we want.”

  A shiver raced through her already depleted body just at the thought. How could she still react to him so much with only a few choice words? Even after all he had just done to her?

  “Kate, in all her glory, screaming and coming for hours is a sight to behold.”

  Daniel tightened his arms around her, pushing his face into the crook of her neck. “I can’t wait.”

  Kate’s stomach quivered as they talked about her, the desire and admiration in their voices doing funny things to her insides.

  “But that will have to wait for another day.” Grant grasped her ass cheek in his tight grip, a tiny flare of pain racing across her sore skin.

  A coil of arousal settled in her pussy. Could she ever have enough of these men?

  “I think we’ve tired her out for the day.”

  Beneath her, Daniel nodded.

  “Untie her,” Grant spoke over her shoulder as he slid from behind her. “And massage her arms. They’ll be numb and stiff.”

  Daniel freed her arms from the neckties and gently drew them down to her sides. He massaged her shoulders, kneading her flesh. She moaned at the sensation, blood rushing back into her limbs, her body still quivering. She hadn’t completely come down from the high yet—a part of her wondered if she ever would—but she tried to use Daniel’s calm, confident touch to ground herself.

  The bed dipped as Grant moved back from her, pulling his softened cock from her ass. She whimpered, regretting the loss of his body. She vaguely heard his feet hit the floor and the soft pad of his steps as he left the room. Most likely he planned to wash the stocking free of her saliva and bite marks. But she was far too tired to look up and see for herself.

  “You were amazing, sweetheart.” Daniel curved his hands around her face, directing her gaze to him. He blinked up at her, his bright eyes wide.

  She smiled at the awe on his face. She leaned down, pressing her lips to his. He swept his mouth against hers so sweetly, making her heart skip a beat. He tasted the same beneath her, kissed her the same, touched her the same. Regardless of all they’d done, everything between them was the same.

  “I love you, sweetheart,” he whispered against her cheek.

  Her heart soared. “I love you too.” She rolled to the side next to him. Her head suddenly felt too heavy to keep up, her eyelids like two lead shields. Kate curled into him, leaning her head on Daniel’s strong chest.

  Behind her, Grant’s heat rejoined them, his naked skin pressed against her back. He brushed a warm washcloth along her ass and between her legs, cleaning her. The rough fabric tickled across her sensitive skin and a shudder flowed through her. Yet Grant continued cleansing her, taking care of her, in the best, most passionate way he could. After he was done, he cuddled into her back. He draped an arm around her waist, pulling her back tight against his front.

  A sense of rightness coiled deep inside her. All the pain of the last year made sense now. It had all been to bring them to this moment. To bring them here, all together.

  She opened her drowsy eyes. Her gaze fell on the clock. The blinking numbers changed before her to twelve. She smiled. “Hey, it’s Christmas.”

  Daniel grinned in return, brushing the hair back from her face. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” He kissed her forehead, tightening his arm a fraction around her shoulders.

  “Merry Christmas, pet,” Grant rumbled behind her, his deep breath breezing across her sweat-slicked shoulder.

  It is, indeed. A very merry Christmas.

  Chapter Eight

  Kate woke slowly, burying deeper into the bed. The sun hadn’t risen yet, the room still black like a warm, comfortable cave they could hide away from the world in.

  She still had trouble believing that last night had happened. She never would have thought it was possible to be with two men, to love two men. But she’d never been more grateful to be wrong. Not only was it possible, but it had been the most amazing night of her life. No longer did she have to choose between the gentle loving of Daniel and the fierce, hard fucking of Grant. She could have it all.

  Last night had made one more thing crystal clear. She loved both these men. She needed Daniel’s kindness, his love and support. But she couldn’t live without Grant either. His domination, his raw craving, his ability to push her past lines she had never thought she could cross. She wasn’t complete without both of them in her life.

  But how did they feel? They’d asked her to stay last night, but for how long. Forever? Were they really up to sharing her for life? To deal with the looks and prejudice of those around them, possibly their own mother? It was a lot to ask. Too much to ask, really.

  But she didn’t have any other choice. She couldn’t give them up. Not without a fight.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” Daniel tightened his arms around her, pulling her firmly into his chest. Kate opened her eyes, though she didn’t need her sight to know that only one man lay in the bed. It disappointed her to find that Grant wasn’t beside her, his hot body curled up next to her, but it was probably for the best. She needed to ensure that Daniel was okay with everything they’d done. That he wanted to continue with this amazing hare-brained idea they’d offered her.

  Besides, it was probably easier to start with one man at a time.

  Resting her chin on Daniel’s chest, she gazed into his eyes. “Good morning.” She slid her fingers along his throat, traveling down his pecs, savoring the touch. “How are you doing?”

  He smiled at her and her heart sped up. A part of her had wondered if she’d ever see that smile again. He’d been a complicit partner last night, but everything could look very different a few hours later.

  “I’m feeling pretty damn good.” He tipped forward, pressing his lips to hers.

  She lea
ned into the light, sweet kiss. She curved her hand around his neck, threading her fingers through the hairs at his nape, loving how his breathing picked up speed when she tugged lightly on the strands.

  When he pulled back she almost let out a murmur of regret. But she couldn’t put off asking the question any longer. She dropped her gaze to his chest, unable to meet his bright, loving stare.

  “So you’re okay…with what we did last night?”

  He paused. The wait almost killed her. The silence was so quiet she was almost sure he could hear her heart pounding in her chest. She froze, waiting for his response.

  “I never would have thought I’d enjoy something like that. But last night was…” He stared down at her, his Adam’s apple bobbing. His eyes darkened.

  She could almost see the memories of last night playing across his vision.

  “Amazing,” he finished. “I’ve never experienced anything like that before.”

  He swept his hand through her hair, pushing a lock behind her ear. She shivered at the slight brush.

  “I’d heard about my brother’s habits before.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows at her and if her heart hadn’t been on the edge of breaking in her chest, she would have laughed.

  “But I never thought it would be like that. I never knew it could be so…sexy.”

  Heat flamed in her face. For the rest of her life she’d never forget the sensation of being sandwiched between Grant and Daniel, loved and cared for as she’d never been before.

  “But I could never push you like that. Pleasure you like that. Not alone.” Embarrassed, he dropped his gaze to the floor.

  She’d known that from the second she’d met him—Daniel was no Master. He didn’t have the dominating edge that Grant did. It wasn’t in his nature. That had been half the reason she’d allowed herself to get close to Daniel, to fall in love with him. Because she knew he could never hurt her the way Grant had.

  It hadn’t occurred to her until later that he could hurt her in a whole different way by spurning her, rejecting what she desired. If he had given her just one disgusted look last night she would have been destroyed. But he hadn’t done that. He’d accepted her yearnings. He’d allowed her a way to fulfill them with his own brother. He’d even enjoyed it.

  It only made her love Daniel even more.

  She cupped his cheek, forcing his gaze up to hers. “I know that. And I love that about you. I love your kindness. I love the way you always make me feel safe and secure.”

  “But you also love Grant.” He spoke the words with an edge of hurt.

  He stared into her eyes, imploring her to deny it. But she couldn’t. He deserved the truth, to know it all. She hadn’t said the words to Grant, not last night, not ever, but it was true. With every fiber of her being, she knew she loved him too.

  “Yes. I love Grant. I don’t think I ever stopped. Even after he crushed my heart.” She cuddled in closer to Daniel, hoping he’d see the honesty and depth of her emotions. “But I love you too. I love you both.”

  “And you want to keep us both.” Again, he spoke her feelings, almost as if he could read her mind.

  She nodded. There was no point in denying it. Daniel would know the truth. He already did.

  “Do you think you can be okay with that?” Her voice wobbled, so close to breaking it hurt her own ears. “With sharing me for good?”

  Kate looked up at Daniel. His skin against hers comforted her, a sense of love she couldn’t do without. His eyes bright with concern, he stared into hers. Her heart almost stopped beating in her chest. She didn’t know what she’d do if he said he couldn’t handle this.

  Choosing between Daniel and Grant wasn’t something she’d ever thought she’d have to do. Until this weekend, she’d thought the choice had been made for her. But since coming here, seeing Grant again had opened a Pandora’s Box she’d never expected. Now she knew the choice was hers and it wasn’t one she wanted to make—ever. Either choice would leave her heart broken. The piece she’d given to either man vanishing with them.


  Her heart stopped beating for a second. All the air left her lungs in one whoosh. Did he just say maybe? He wasn’t dismissing her outright or throwing the idea in her face and jumping out of bed.

  “But how will we make this work with Grant here and us back in Dallas?”

  Kate sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “You’re right. That isn’t going to work.”

  He brushed his hand along her ribcage and down her hips. She almost whimpered at the touch, his fingers ending dangerously close to her tender ass. Her bottom still felt sore from last night’s beating, one of the most pleasant feelings she’d ever had. She couldn’t go another year without it.

  “What if we moved here?” she suggested.

  Only silence met her words.

  Panic filled her, setting her every hair on end. But she continued. She had to try everything possible to make this relationship work. To have both the men she loved.

  “Just yesterday you said you missed the ranch. That you haven’t found anywhere else in Dallas you love as much.”

  Daniel nodded. “I did say that…”

  The tension between them lengthened.

  “Do you know another way this could work?” Kate nibbled her bottom lip, hoping he agreed. If he didn’t, she didn’t know what they’d do.

  “Mom would love it if I came home. She’s been begging me to move back since I left for Dallas. And Grant said he could use the help.”

  Kate’s heart pounded faster in her chest. Could this really work? Could she have everything she wanted? The man she loved for his tenderness and the one who pushed her past boundaries she didn’t even know she had?

  “But can you be happy staying here? In this creaky old house? Far away from everything you know? With my mother hovering around all the time?”

  Kate smiled. “Your mom is great.” She was the warm, loving mother Kate had always wished for. “But I don’t know if I can stay quiet every time.”

  Daniel smiled, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “We’re going to have to work on that part. Though I rather like you gagged. It’s hot.”

  He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her to meet his lips, sending needy shivers through her entire body. How she could live without this? His semi-hard cock brushed against her hip, and her pussy dampened. A lifetime with Daniel sounded too good to be true.

  “I’d do anything for you. For both of you.” Even move from Dallas and give up all she knew. She twisted her fingers in the sheets nervously, her unsettled stomach rumbling. But Daniel and Grant were worth it. They were worth the nerves and the fear of moving a plane ride away from everything she knew. They were worth a whole lot more. “But do you think Grant will be okay with this?”

  Daniel ran his thumb across her bottom lip. He focused his intense eyes on her. There was no doubt from his gaze that he was all in on this arrangement. Even if Grant wasn’t, she’d still have one of the men she loved.

  “There’s only one way to find out.”

  “You’re right.” Kate nodded. The urge to see Grant, to know where he stood, stole over her. “Let’s go ask.”

  She threw back the sheets, the cold air hitting her like a wall. A male grumble echoed beside her, but she ignored it. She had to get to Grant now. She had to talk to him about this. The longer she lived with this hope, the harder it would be if she lost it.

  “Where do you think he would go?” Kate grabbed the closest pieces of clothing she could find, throwing on the silky light blue nightgown from the top of her suitcase. She sat on the bed, pulling on the closest shoes—her warm Uggs.

  Daniel drew on his jeans, sliding into them without underwear. For a moment, Kate forgot their urgency. She focused on Daniel’s cock, now flaccid, sliding beneath the denim. Her mouth watered just at the sight of it. Thankfully Daniel didn’t notice her attention on his anatomy.

  “There’s only one place I think he’d go.” Dan
iel zipped up his jeans, covering his cock and forcing her attention back to their current mission. He yanked a thin cotton T-shirt from the stack, shook it out then tugged it over his head. “The stables.”

  “Let’s go.” She didn’t care where he was. Trudging through the cold and snow was nothing compared to living without him for the last year. She’d walk across the Grand Canyon for Grant, as long as Daniel was following behind her.

  She almost ran from the room. Daniel easily kept pace behind her, moving with her down the hallway, toward the back door. They both pulled on their coats, slipping out the back as quietly as they could. Kate prayed they didn’t wake Gale.

  Her chest tightened as they walked through the cold, the snow crunching beneath her boots. She had no doubt that Grant would be the harder to convince of the two of them. If she couldn’t convince him to join them in a three-way relationship, she wasn’t sure what she’d do.

  * * * *

  Grant focused on the horse before him. The sound of the stable door opening filled the quiet barn. His girl and his brother and entered, their hands clasped together. The same girl he’d once dominated with such enjoyment, the one he’d fucked and spanked to orgasm only hours ago. He pushed the brush a little harder than he should have through the mare’s mane and the horse neighed. He patted the mare’s back, hoping to ease her tension. His gut churned. He pretended to ignore the two other people in the room with him. Not that he could ever not notice Kate. He didn’t want to look at them. He didn’t want to see their happy smiles, or the after-climax glow on Kate’s face. One he’d help put there.

  He might have been the one to suggest sharing yesterday, but when he woke this morning, it had all looked so different. Kate was curled up around Danny, her head on his chest, her arms around his waist. They looked happy together, complete. He could still hear their whispered words of love as they drifted off to sleep together, all soft and warm and sweet. She’d never said that to him. Not last night, and not when they were together in Dallas.

  If pushed, there was no way Kate would choose him. She loved his brother in a way she could never love him. Danny would always be the one she cared about. The one who mattered. She’d never felt that way toward him. She never would.


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