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Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book 2)

Page 15

by Blade, Veronica

  † † †

  My deadline to figure out how Gina had framed me was fast approaching. The only way that I could think of getting information out of her was to make friends with her. Ick. I hoped she wouldn’t make me grovel.

  Since meeting Gina months ago, I’d learned a thing or two about the school food chain. There were two kinds of popular kids: the ones who ruled by intimidation and the ones who got to the top by treating others fairly. I was the latter.

  Because Gina bullied and manipulated to get her way, she needed someone like me around to make her appear more likable. If I forgave her flaws, then others might too. Not that she needed anyone’s forgiveness to inflict terror, but being friends with me gave her the benefit of the doubt in other’s eyes, which gave her more power for her dirty work. That was my theory anyway.

  The girl honestly didn’t know the first thing about real relationships or how to earn respect.

  I parked in the far corner of the school lot where my car wouldn’t be obvious. Grabbing my books, I hurried through the double doors. Instead of continuing, I waited inside, just beyond the entrance against the wall where I’d be easily missed. As students arrived, I eyed each as they passed. At last, I saw Gina and fell in step beside her.

  “So, how’s it going?” I asked as if there had never been a rift between us.

  Gina flinched and stopped in the middle of the corridor to stare at me. “What do you want?”

  “Well… Neither of us have boyfriends anymore. It’s just us again.” I shrugged, staring down at my feet, then drew my eyes back to her puzzled face. I sidestepped as someone nudged by me. “Never mind. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  I took off, not looking back, hoping I’d appeared sincere and praying like hell that my plan would work.

  Gina had been a complete bitch these past few weeks, but our relationship hadn’t always been that way. We’d hung out since my first day at Verdugo Hills Academy, I’d eaten dinner with her family and watched her interact with them. We’d been through bad times and good. I knew the real girl under the provocative clothes and platinum highlights. She may have been selfish and spoiled, but behind the snide remarks lay a lonely and very insecure girl. Just like me.

  Except I solved my problems differently. For one thing, if I liked a guy, I’d never resort to hijacking him, especially from my best friend.

  I’d planted a seed with Gina and if my gamble paid off, I wouldn’t have to wait long for it to take root. Until then I needed to give Maya the heads up.

  I arrived outside just in time to see Maya get out of Zack’s Jeep.

  Hello, beautiful. On the outside, Zack barely acknowledged me, his face void of any emotion for onlookers’ benefit.

  I tried not smiling, but failed. I did, however, successfully restrain myself from showering too much sunshine in his direction before sharing it with Maya and Trevor.

  “Hey, Autumn,” Trevor said.

  “Hey.” I switched to Maya. “Can I talk to you?”

  She looked inquiringly at Trevor before tipping her face up to receive his kiss.

  He smiled, his lips meeting hers. “See you at lunch.”

  I flinched, wishing I was doing that with Zack. But I couldn’t. The single life at school was already wearing on me. Waving to the boys, I led my friend away. Once in the bathroom, I checked the stalls to see if we had company. Empty. I couldn’t believe my luck.

  “Is this about Zack? Are you regretting breaking up with him?” she asked.

  “No.” I shook my head. “I don’t need a boyfriend like that. Anyway, listen. I need to talk to you alone, but I don’t want Zack knowing about this. You know how he is, coming to my rescue all the time. He’ll feel obligated to help me and I don’t want him getting dragged into this mess.” I took a deep breath and exhaled. “I got caught cheating in Mr. Collins’s class and—”

  Maya gasped. “You cheated?”

  “No.” I shot her an irritated look. “Why would I need to do that? The point is that Mr. Collins thinks I did. He was going to call my parents. That’s all I need, right?”

  “They’d be back to hover over you.” She grimaced. “I don’t think I could go through that again. It was painful to watch.”

  “Exactly. Anyway, I talked him into giving me a week to prove my innocence. Natalie’s in that class with me. I’m pretty sure Gina put her up to… whatever Natalie did.”

  She scowled. “Those bitches. Do you have a plan? I’d love to nail Gina. How can I help?”

  I leaned against the sink, listening for anyone who might be about join us. “I don’t know yet. But I think it might be a good idea to patch things up with her.”

  Maya’s jaw went slack and she took a step toward me. “You can’t make nice with Gina. Not after what she did.”

  Laying my hand on her arm, I nodded. “It’s just pretend. Maybe she’ll let down her guard, slip up and give me a clue to how she did it.”

  Maya visibly relaxed and grinned. “That’s brilliant. If she’ll make up with you. That’s a pretty big if.”

  “I’m still popular, even though she’s trying to ruin me, and she can’t stand it. If anything, she’ll want to pretend to be my friend so she can take me down.”

  “Be careful.” She bit her lip.

  The door swung open, ending our chat.

  † † †

  I purposely lingered around the food, hesitating by the yogurts in hopes that Gina would seize the opportunity to reconcile with me. I chose raspberry and placed it on my tray, keeping my head down while surreptitiously scanning the cafeteria for her.

  An arm snaked around my waist, a nose poking the back of my neck. Greg, the jock douche. I wiggled out of his reach.

  “Autumn. Damn, you look hot in those jeans.” He gave me a lopsided grin, his breath smelling of smoke.

  I’d become too familiar with cigarette smell from my parents. This wasn’t from that kind of smoking. Greg was high. Maybe he thought I might be more receptive to him hitting on me while he was in that condition. Because, yeah, guys were so much more attractive with a lower IQ.


  “Hi, Greg.” I didn’t smile, moving away to pick out a drink.

  “So… dumped the loser, huh?”

  “Ancient history, Greg. Daniel and I broke up weeks ago.” I pretended to study the selection of sodas, annoyed with him for wasting my time when I could be working Gina over.

  His brows flew up and he giggled, making a piggy noise, which made him laugh harder.

  I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him, making my way to the tables.

  He appeared at my side again, walking with me. “I meant your latest boy toy, Zack.”

  Stopping to face him, I put my innocent face on. “Zack and I are still friends. And, if they were both in a loser contest, Daniel would win.”

  “So if he wins in a loser contest, he’s the winner and biggest loser too?” He laughed, sounding a little like a hyena. “That’s funny, Autumn. I always liked your sense of humor. So when are we gonna go out? You know, hook up?”

  “Hook up?” My stomach lurched at the thought, but at this point, I didn’t want to alienate him. That would get back to Gina and I needed to convince her of my eagerness to be in her crowd again, which wouldn’t happen if I was rude to her friends.

  “Yeah.” He grinned, stroking under my chin with his finger.

  “Um…” I swiveled and continued walking, then stopped to scan the lunchroom again. I’d unconsciously walked to Zack’s table when I hadn’t intended to.

  Zack’s gaze burned through me. Tell him no.

  I turned around to face Greg. “The thing is… it’s too soon for me to date again. I went from Daniel to Zack and right now, I just need some space. I’m not looking for another relationship just yet.”

  “Who said anything about a relationship, babe?” Greg oozed, giving me his sleaziest grin. “Let me know when you’re ready for a real man. No strings attached.”

  Nodding, I command
ed my face not to scowl. “I’ll do that.” I didn’t give him a chance to reply, pivoting and taking a seat next to Maya. I risked a peek at Zack, but his expression gave away nothing as he chowed down his burger.

  I ate in silence, listening to Maya and Trevor carry on about what a jerk Greg was and the nerve he had for hitting on me with Zack just a few feet away. Zack barely looked at me during lunch, much less spoke to me. I sighed, loathing school and stupid jocks. Mostly, I hated the lies that had piled up and were working hard to tear Zack and me apart.

  Zack. Everything okay? You’re awfully quiet.

  Yeah. Everything’s just fine, he said, but he didn’t even glance my way.

  Why was he being weird? It wasn’t as if I’d invited Greg to hit on me.

  I wasn’t hungry anymore. Leaving the table, I went to put my tray away. I dumped the trash in the bin and jolted as something brushed my arm.

  “Hey, Autumn.”

  It was Cameron. He was a jock too, but nothing like Greg or Daniel. He was actually nice, even a little shy. I’d had a crush on him the first few days when I’d started school, but Gina had carefully explained school hierarchy and why he wasn’t good enough for girls like us.

  Cameron had never made a move anyway. Daniel had swept in and I’d barely thought of Cameron since. Then Zack came along and now, no guy could compare to him.

  “You gonna be around after school?” he asked.

  “I guess so.” I really hoped he wasn’t going to ask me out. It was kind of expected from a jerk like Greg, but I hoped Cameron had more sense than to hit on any girl so soon after a break up. It’d been less than two days.

  “Ashley’s having some people over after school today. You going?”

  I stifled a surprised laugh, my brows raised. “You mean her parents are allowing anyone to come over since that fiasco? It was what, less than two weeks ago?” Daniel had spiked the drinks and the partiers seized the moment. Chaos ensued. I was sure Ashley would be forbidden to have anyone over for a very long time.

  He shrugged. “She can have people over, so long as it’s not too many. And everyone has to be gone by dark. Bring your bathing suit. It should be fun.”

  He’d asked me if I was going, which was totally different than asking me out. Definitely not a date. And being with other people would take my mind off Zack while he was at work. “I’ll be there.”

  “Cool. See you then.”

  I smiled and waved as he turned and left. On my way back to our table, Zack got up and walked toward the back exit leading to a hallway and outside.

  Where are you going? I asked.

  He didn’t turn around. Just getting some air.

  Was he mad at me? If so, why? If I was fake-single, I couldn’t be expected to never talk to another guy. If I avoided interaction with other guys, it would look odd, especially when I sat at Zack’s table so often. I had to do something to show we weren’t still together, right?

  Besides, it’s not as if I’d flirted with Greg. The way Cameron informed me about the pool party was as harmless as an invite could get. And if Cameron was interested in me, he would’ve acted on it months ago.

  I held myself in check so I wouldn’t chase after Zack, my eyes glued to his back as he eventually disappeared beyond the doorway. I could reason away why Zack had no right to be mad, but my gut told me he was furious anyway.


  Chapter Nineteen

  Every muscle in my body screamed to chase after Zack, but that would undo all our hard work. Instead, I sat next to Maya until lunch was over, making small talk and twiddling my thumbs until the bell rang.

  Maya’s next class was close to mine, so we walked to fifth period together.

  “I saw the way you were looking at Zack when he left. You’re totally stuck on him.”

  Damn. I’d have to be more careful.

  I laughed once. “No, I’m not.”

  She stopped and turned to me, searching my face. “Yep. You still like him.”

  I looked away for an instant while I gathered my wits, then I focused on her. “Of course I still like him. He and I are friends, remember? Friends usually like each other. I was just trying to figure out why he left so suddenly. It’s strange for him.”

  She lifted one brow. “I think Zack wants you back.”

  He wanted me back? My heart soared. Then I remembered that he’d never lost me in the first place. “What makes you think that?”

  “You should’ve seen his face when that jerk was perving on you.”


  “Yeah,” Maya answered. “He didn’t take his eyes off you guys for an instant. He looked… dangerous. Trevor was all tense and everything in case he needed to pull Zack off the guy. Are you sure you don’t want to get back together with him?”

  “Positive.” I nodded toward the stretch of hallway ahead of us. “We should get to class.”

  “What did Cameron want?”

  “Ashley’s having a few people over for a swim after school today.”

  “And you’re going?”

  “I thought I might. It’d give me something to do”— I’d almost said while Zack was at work —“since my parents aren’t around.”

  She seemed to buy that and we went our separate ways. As I neared my English Lit class, Zack talked to Gina just beyond the doorway.

  “So we’re still on for tonight?” she asked.

  Zack nodded. “Yeah, around seven?”

  “See you then.” She gave him a flirtatious smile, then spun around and walked past me.

  By the time I switched to Zack, he was already seated. I stopped right in front of him. “Hey.”

  “Hi,” he said, then changed to silent communication. What did Cameron want?

  I took my seat and pretended to organize my materials, wondering why Zack was asking about Cameron when he’d heard every word of our conversation. Ashley’s having a mini pool party and wanted me to go.

  He eyed me intently. Ashley wanted you to go?


  But Cameron was the one who invited you.

  He didn’t exactly invite me. I risked a quick look at him. He informed me about it and asked if I was going.

  That’s just semantics. As the classroom slowly became more crowded, Zack sighed. In Cameron’s mind, it’s a date, Autumn. And you agreed to it.

  That is not a date! The bell couldn’t ring soon enough for me. It’s a few people swimming at her house.

  He made a funny little grunting noise. Whatever.

  Using your logic, the little get-together with Gina tonight is a date, too.

  That’s different.

  How so? I couldn’t wait to hear how he justified it.

  We’ll be studying, Autumn. He tapped on the surface of his desk, then flipped the cover of his book open. Besides, you knew about it yesterday and you didn’t say anything about it then.

  I cleared my throat, keeping my head down. You mean if I made plans to do something with Cameron tomorrow and you knew about it today, then it’s not a date?

  The bell rang and he growled. Just forget it.

  At the end of class, I gathered my materials, then turned around to grab my sweater off the back of the chair. By the time I turned around, Zack was gone.

  The school drama was getting old. Since my next class was with Mr. Collins and Natalie, it would likely get a little older.

  Science finally let out and I looked around for Gina who was nowhere in sight. How was I supposed to cozy up to her if she kept disappearing? After a couple minutes of searching, I gave up and headed to my car, hoping to spy Zack along the way. I immediately located his Jeep in the parking lot and waved to Trevor and Maya. Where was Zack?

  Intending to stow my books in my car until he appeared, I walked to the Mustang. And there was Zack, leaning against the hood of my car, surrounded by three giggling girls. He smiled charmingly, inviting each of them into his personal circle.

  Flirting with girls right at my car? Zack spotted me and each
of the girls shifted to follow his gaze. Two of them scowled like I’d just vomited on their new shoes. The third girl seemed surprised. I glared at the two less friendly girls and they backed away a smidgen. Though they were a nuisance, I reminded myself it wasn’t their fault. Zack probably didn’t put up a fight when they attached themselves to him.

  I fantasized about being alone with him for a weekend, just me and him. No girls chasing him, no vicious girls setting me up for cheating and no jerks like Greg hitting on me when they’re stoned. Even if Zack liked the idea, could we get away without anyone knowing we’d left town together?

  “Hey, I need to speak to Autumn. I’ll talk to you guys later, huh?”

  “I thought you two broke up.” The little brunette pouted.

  “We did. But I left a couple things at her house and I need to get them back. It’ll only take a minute if you want to wait.”

  “We’ll wait,” the blonde said huskily. “C’mon Emily.” She gave him one last seductive smile before sweeping her friends away to huddle a few cars down.

  “So are you coming over tonight?” Zack asked, keeping his voice low.

  “Are you sure you’ll have the energy after satisfying those girls, then doing your shift at work and seeing Gina?”

  He closed his eyes a moment as he inhaled and exhaled. “It’s all for show and you know it. Are you coming over or not?”

  “Yes,” I hissed.

  “Fine.” His jaw tightened just before he stalked off to reunite with the three girls.

  I got in my car and left, pretending I had blinders on so I couldn’t look at Zack laughing with them. What I really wanted to do was stomp over to the girls, stake my claim on Zack, then order them to stay the hell away from my boyfriend.

  But Renzo had told me to keep our relationship under wraps, that we never knew when we’d meet up with a werewolf who wasn’t on vacation. Even if no other werewolves showed up, Renzo was the last person I wanted to cross. Just thinking about being cornered by him again, made me tremor from my toes all the way up to my spine.

  † † †

  I slipped a pair of shorts over my bathing suit, so I wouldn’t have to worry about changing once I got to Ashley’s. Grabbing a towel, I dashed out of my house, looking forward to a few hours of stress-free swimming with friends.


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