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Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book 2)

Page 17

by Blade, Veronica

  It was killing me.

  Kissing Zack was the most exciting thing I’d ever done but this time was even better — the perfect balance of anticipation and bliss. All too soon, he drew back and looked over his shoulder at the clock.

  I got a glimpse of the time. It was later than I’d thought.

  It’ll be light soon. You should go. He left the bed and handed me a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Take these with you.

  I nodded, wondering how he could turn it off so easily while I stood there trembling. Even though he hadn’t wanted to talk, perhaps he was still angry with me from yesterday. Zack wasn’t exactly big on sharing his feelings and I refused to ask him. Vowing not to dwell on it, I stepped into his jeans and shrugged on the shirt.

  But he needed to know I was leaving this Friday — that was only two days from now. Um…

  He closed the distance and held me by my shoulders, studying me. What’s up?

  Remember when you suggested I snoop around, look for something on my parents? My gaze wandered to his chest.

  Uh-oh. What did you find?

  I came across a birth certificate with totally random people listed as my birth parents. I’m going to drive out to the hospital where I was born and see if I can dig up anything on them. Canvass the neighborhood maybe.

  Drive out where? he asked.

  Small town near Yosemite.

  That’s several hours away. You’re not driving out there alone. Hell no.

  It’s not like you can come with me, I said. How would it look if we went out of town together when we’re supposed to be broken up?

  Let me see what I can come up with. We’ll figure something out. But you’re not going alone, that’s for sure.

  I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then I headed out the window. I booked it home, going straight to the back door of my house.

  Finding my key, I raised it to the lock and froze. Renzo’s scent wafted up my nose and my heart thumped wildly against my ribs.


  Spinning around to face him, I looked into his eyes and saw tornados wreaking destruction. Why was he angry? Had he changed his mind and decided he was finished vacationing? Did Charles come back to life and tell Renzo what we’d done?

  “Where. Is. Charles?” he growled.

  Whew. He didn’t know and I needed to keep it that way. I wanted to bolt, but with him directly in front of me, there was no escape. That would only make me look guilty anyway.

  I backed up against the door and inhaled deeply to steady my pulse. “I told you I don’t know.”

  “You’re lying and that’s why you’re frightened right now.”

  “I’m not lying,” I said. “I’m afraid because you’re in my backyard, uninvited, and you’re a very scary dude.”

  “But Alura isn’t scary?” He raised one brow.

  I shook my head. “No. She doesn’t sneak around my house and block me so I can’t move.”

  “Meet me at the coffee house later. I’ll make sure Alura is there too.”

  Why would I meet with Renzo on purpose? “What if I say no?”

  He laughed softly, which was even more terrifying than the storm in his eyes. “Then I’ll find you.”

  “Fine. I’ll meet you guys tonight,” I said quickly, then got distracted by his skin. Despite the fear inside me, I found myself leaning forward almost imperceptibly to get a closer look.

  “Problem?” he growled, eyes narrowing.

  I’d never seen him up close during the day. “You have fine little scars all over your face. I thought werewolves and shifters both healed completely.”

  “We do. But some wounds are so deep, they take longer.”

  “How long ago was it?” I asked.

  “None of your business, little one.” His tone told me I’d asked enough questions.

  “What happened to you?” I pressed unthinkingly, too curious to resist.

  “Maybe, like you, I asked too many questions.” He didn’t say good-bye, disappearing as if he’d never been there.

  I shivered at his veiled threat, glad he was gone. Wait… Was Zack supposed to come with me to the coffee house? Renzo hadn’t specifically requested him. I’d go without Zack. No point in putting his head on the chopping block, too.

  I scurried through the door then locked it, my mind drifting back to Charles and how his wolf body had vanished. After scrambling up the stairs, I checked my computer for recent local news, even though I suspected it was a wasted effort. Twenty minutes later, my suspicions were confirmed. Not even a whisper about an oversized dead wolf.

  He had to have healed somehow. There was no other explanation.

  If he was alive, he’d come after us, and this time, he’d kill us for sure. Fingers of terror clawed at my heart.

  † † †

  With only three more school days to prove my innocence to Mr. Collins, I still had no idea how to squeeze the data from Gina. She seemed to believe I wanted to be her friend, but she hadn’t let anything useful slip yet.

  When I arrived at school Wednesday morning, I backed into the parking spot so I faced the lot, easily seeing any new arrivals. I slunk down in my seat, until Gina drove up in her black convertible Mercedes. I got out of my car, just as she exited hers — followed by Natalie. Damn. Natalie was a lost cause. My odds were better with Gina, but with Natalie there, forget it. I retreated to my car to wait for Maya.

  We have a couple ways we can approach this Yosemite trip, Zack’s words invaded my mind.

  And how is that?

  First, you’re not going alone. That’s out of the question.

  I had difficulty arguing with him since I was dying to get him all to myself anyway. Okay. What else?

  My mom knows the truth about us so we could enlist her help. Maybe if we bring it up over dinner, she can order me to go with you.

  Brilliant, I said, glancing around. The parking lot was filling quickly.

  Or, he continued, we make up in public—

  And throw away all our hard work? I loved the idea, but felt like I’d sacrificed a lot. Besides, Renzo had told me to keep our relationship under wraps. He wasn’t someone I wanted to cross. And I didn’t want to scrap our progress only to have to start all over again when the next new werewolf showed up.

  If Charles is alive, we’ll need to go back to spending every moment together again anyway. Safety in numbers.

  So you think he’s alive? I asked.

  Not really. But I think we should be prepared either way.

  Zack, always practical. Are you almost here?

  Yes. Think about our options and we’ll talk later.

  The red Jeep parked and Maya and Trevor climbed out. I was there before Zack locked up.

  “You have no makeup on,” Zack commented.

  “Didn’t have time.”

  “Really? What were you doing all morning?”

  Trevor and Maya eyed Zack curiously.

  “Do I look bad or something?” I asked him.

  “Not at all. You look… wholesome,” he answered.

  “Wholesome,” I repeated, grimacing.

  He chuckled. “It’s not necessarily bad. It’s just different. Sometimes change is good.”

  “I thought you liked the slutty look. I figured you’d have to, otherwise you wouldn’t have dated Gina.”

  Maya punched Zack in the shoulder, scowling. “Eeww! You dated Gina?”

  Sorry, I told him silently, biting my lip.

  “Hey!” Zack flinched, rubbing his shoulder. “It was ages ago, before I knew you guys.”

  “Whatever.” She switched targets, zeroing in on Trevor. “Did you know about this?”

  The boys needed saving, so I stepped in. “It was before he knew she’d slept with Daniel. It’s not their fault.”

  Maya sighed. “I’m sorry for hitting you, Zack. I guess I’m just mad at you for not fighting for Autumn and being such a wuss about everything.”

  “C’mon. Let’s get to class,” I said, hoping t
o save Zack from having to respond.

  Thank you, he told me silently.

  † † †

  I waited for Gina after my last class, but she was glued to Natalie. It made sense that Gina would drive Natalie home since she drove Natalie to school, but it still sucked. Trying to get Gina’s attention during lunch had been pointless since she sat with Jeff, Natalie and Greg. Another day wasted.

  Disappointment wedged itself in my throat like a ball of fire. How was I going to clear my name if I couldn’t get close to Gina?

  My only other idea was to force her to fix it. Blackmail? But with what?

  I dragged my gaze from Gina’s glossy, black convertible, but ended up eye-to-eye with Cameron. He turned away from me as he arrived at his truck. Crap. He’d been staring at me. I hoped that didn’t mean what I thought it did.

  “What’s up?” Zack studied me a beat, then glanced around. Thankfully, Cameron had already disappeared inside his truck.

  My shoulders slumped. “Gina and Natalie set me up in Mr. Collins class and now he thinks I cheated on a test. If I can’t prove my innocence by Monday, he’s calling my parents.”

  Zack’s jaw set in a hard line. “Are you sure it was Gina?”

  “Pretty sure.” I nodded. “I was going to try to suck up to her, hoping she’d slip. Epic fail so far.”

  Zack grinned. “Sounds like you need a pinch-hitter.”

  Huh? “Is that some kind of football term?”

  He laughed. “I mean, what if I’m the one sucking up?”

  “You’re my hero!” I squealed.

  “Why is Zack your hero?” Trevor asked.

  “Yeah, why?” Maya echoed.

  “He’s going to suck up to Gina, try to get her to confess to setting me up.”

  “But Gina won’t open up so long as you keep hanging around Autumn,” Trevor pointed out. “People already think your relationship is strange. I know I do.”

  Just when I thought the school situation with him couldn’t get any worse. If he had to work on Gina, I’d spend even less time with him.

  “What’s so weird about us? It’s not like no one’s ever broken up and stayed friends,” I said, hand on my hip.

  “Trevor’s right though. If I’m your friend, she won’t let me in,” Zack said.

  On the sly, I looked over at Gina and Natalie who were still hanging around Gina’s Mercedes. They weren’t facing us dead on, but if anything happened in our circle, they’d see. It was a perfect opportunity.

  “Well, I’m sorry in advance.” I slapped Zack’s face hard, the sound echoing off the pavement as I powered up my vocal cords. “Staring at other girls right in front of me? I was trying to stay friends with you, but forget it! Stay the hell away from me!”

  I stomped off toward my car, which allowed me to observe Gina and Natalie who stood rooted in place, their mouths wide open. They looked convinced. Good. Now I just had to wait for Zack to work his magic on them. If he was still talking to me after this. It was the first real hope I’d had since Mr. Collins had accused me of cheating.

  Getting in my car, I started up the car and peeled out. I’m so sorry. It didn’t hurt too much, did it?

  It was so strange to hear him laughing in my head. You were perfect. Remind me never to get you mad for real. By the way, I’m seeing Gina tonight to wrap up our project.

  I don’t want her anywhere near you. Just get what I need so you don’t have to see her again. I loathed being the voice of reason right then.

  Working on it. Coming over later?

  Of course.

  My cell phone rang and I pulled over to rummage through my purse. It was Maya. “Hey.”

  “I can’t believe you did that.” She snickered. “What a beautiful performance. You should have seen Gina’s face. Wait. That was an act, right? You weren’t really mad at him, were you?”

  “No. Zack and I are still friends.”

  “Okay, whew.” She exhaled audibly. “What are you doing the rest of the day?”

  “Homework, chores.” Meeting with a terrifying werewolf who knows I’m a shape-shifter and hooked up with a werewolf. Hoping I won’t die. “I have to check in with my parents and some other stuff.” But if Maya and Trevor went out for coffee and saw me with the werewolves, they’d catch me lying. “Oh, and Alura invited me for coffee. I said I’d pop in.”

  “Maybe we’ll stop by too,” Maya said.

  “That sounds great.” Having friends there would make a meeting with Renzo seem less like standing in front of a firing squad. Or maybe not.


  Chapter Twenty-one

  After finishing my homework, I grabbed the shape-shifter book I’d been reading and dropped onto the living room couch, unsure when Renzo and Alura expected me. I’d been too fear-stricken when Renzo had summoned me that I hadn’t even thought to ask what time he wanted me there.

  As the evening drew closer, I set the book aside and checked my e-mail, but became too antsy to concentrate on anything. What if Renzo got mad at me for being late? Getting to the coffee shop before them wasn’t an option either. The waiting would drive me crazy. What did he want anyway? To continue the interrogation, probably.

  Thankfully, Alura would be there to diffuse the worst of it. That is, if she were still acting like she was on my side.

  I wondered if I could talk to Alura or Renzo telepathically like I did with Zack. Concentrating on Alura and visualizing her in my head, I said, Hey, it’s Autumn.

  Hi, Autumn! Alura sang in her calming voice. I’m quite impressed you’re able to talk to me this way.

  I almost lied and blurted out that I’d learned about it from the SWAAST website, rather than involve Zack. Then it occurred to me the Shape-shifter Werewolf Alliance Against Slavery and Tyranny were the most hunted supernaturals ever. Having information on werewolf or shape-shifter rebels would give Renzo one more reason to eliminate me.

  I’d have to find new sites with the same information. And fast.

  What time are you guys going for coffee? I asked.

  Around seven.

  Thanks. I’ll see you then. I shut her out, suddenly panicked that she’d suspect I’d been lying about everything. I’d told them my parents were human and that Zack didn’t know about me. There weren’t any other shape-shifters around to mentor me and I hadn’t known I was a shape-shifter long. So how could I explain why I knew so much about our world?

  Contacting her that way had been a stupid move. I needed to be smarter. Refocusing on my laptop, I opened the browser to look for alternative websites to tell them about.

  Wait… Renzo had talked to me telepathically at the coffee shop the other day so they already knew I could hear them. I exhaled in relief, the heaviness in my shoulders dissipating as I forced my body to calm, limb by limb.

  But I knew the stress would return soon enough.

  I felt a little like those drivers you see on the news, barreling down the highway with cops chasing them and helicopters overhead. The driver knows he’s going to get caught, but so long as he has hope for freedom, he keeps driving.

  This weekend would be different though. I had some real hope for a break. Zack and I would get away, just the two of us with nothing to do but look for information on my birth parents. Once we figured out a way to leave without anyone following us, we’d have over forty-eight hours of freedom.

  Suddenly, I missed my mom and dad terribly. Finding my phone, I scrolled to my mom’s cell phone number, but then stopped. A live conversation wouldn’t do. I loved them just as much as ever, but no way could I keep the bitterness out of my voice after they’d lied to me. I couldn’t talk to them just yet and I hoped they wouldn’t show up out of the blue. Because I’d surely lose my temper.

  I settled for shooting off a quick text reminding them I loved them.

  Focusing on my computer screen again, I willed myself to concentrate and find some sites with usable information on shifters. The thought of arriving unprepared for my meeting with Renzo made my pu
lse quicken.

  † † †

  Hearing a knock at the door, I tore my eyes from the computer monitor and rubbed them. I hoped it wasn’t Renzo… or worse, Charles. I crept toward the peephole.

  “Autumn, are you in there?” Zack called from the other side.

  I swung the door open, a big smile waiting for him. “Hey!”

  He wasn’t smiling back. “I’m glad you’re okay. Where have you been? You were supposed to have dinner at my house, remember? I’ve already briefed my mom.”

  Right. I planned to talk about the trip so she would order Zack to go with me. “Sorry, I got caught up in something.”

  “Caught up in what? Everything all right?”

  “Alura wants to meet for coffee later.”

  “Alura?” His eyes snapped to mine. “What about Renzo?”

  “Him too, I guess. It seems like they’re always together.” I felt sleazy coloring the truth, but at least I’d told him about the birth certificate and getting caught cheating. Only one lie left. And it would stay that way so Zack wouldn’t take matters into his own hands and leave town. Or worse, get himself killed to protect me.

  In any case, it would be too dangerous having to keep track of Zack knowing that Renzo knew about me, but that Renzo didn’t know that Zack knew that he knew, and on and on. My head reeled with that garbage.

  I figured it wouldn’t be too difficult to handle Zack if he caught me in a lie, since he’d been guilty of it so many times himself, but I could barely handle Renzo as it was.

  Plus, I couldn’t allow Zack to be distracted by Renzo and the fact that I’d been discovered. I needed him focused on helping me expose Gina’s frame job.

  “Autumn, you need to stay away from them.”

  I didn’t want to have this conversation with him. The more I talked about it, the more chance I’d slip up. “After we’ve already hung out with her?” I asked. “I couldn’t think of a way out of it. And if I were really human, I’d probably accept her invitation. I didn’t want to raise suspicion.”

  Zack studied me a moment, then glanced over my shoulder into the living room. “Are you alone?”


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