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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

Page 4

by Selina Coffey

  “Let me go myself, sweetie, then I’ll let you out. You are such a good girl, baby, yes you are.” Damesha padded through the house after she sorted herself and then let the bouncing dog out into the yard. Annie ran around joyfully, loving the chance to sniff out who had come to visit the night before and where they might have wandered.

  Damesha watched the dog investigating the grass and trees for a moment, then went to the kitchen to take the French press from the cabinet to make some coffee. She needed to try on that bathing suit and maybe pack a lunch before Kane arrived. She felt a shiver go down her spine as she remembered her dreams about the man.

  “At least I’ll find out if dream Kane looks anything like real Kane today,” she said to the coffee press as she pushed down the plunger. “I hope he looks like dream Kane.”

  She laughed at herself then went through the house to the laundry room, sipping at her coffee. She spotted the bathing suit she’d had in mind, brand new with a tag still on it and read the sign over the washing machine.

  All items left on the premises may be used by other guests. If it’s hanging on the shelf marked “abandoned” you may take it. Fair warning, check for all of your belongings before leaving.

  Damesha thought the note was clear enough. She checked the size and looked it over. Pulling her nightgown over her head she pulled the strapless tube of a swimsuit up over her body and knew it fit. She headed to the nearest mirror to look.

  The brown material cupped her breasts alluringly, while the high cut of the thigh showed off her legs. With golden buckles at the waist, the suit looked expensive, elegant, and Damesha loved it. Declaring it hers, she went back to the bedroom and found some shorts and a loose top to put over it, and slipped on a pair of sandals. Going back to the kitchen, she prepared sandwiches and other snacks and put them in a hamper she found on a shelf.

  Damesha was prepared when Kane showed up. Annie was ready too with her travel bowls and her own blanket. They were both waiting on the porch when Kane pulled up. Damesha had to smile when he got out of the truck, light blue swim shorts came down to his knees and a white tank top covered his broad chest. She had never seen him in anything but jeans and a t-shirt. He looked good in shorts.

  The shirt revealed bronzed shoulders and arms with well-developed muscles Damesha wanted to squeeze. And his calves! The man had the most beautiful legs, just as bronzed as the rest of him, with a light covering of hair. He chuckled and Damesha looked up, wondering why he was laughing.

  “I’ll ask again since you seem to be fascinated with something near the ground, are you ready? Annie’s already in the truck.” His bright white smile distracted her again.

  “Hmm? Oh yes, I’m ready!” She felt heat rushing to her cheeks. “I, uh, I made us some lunch as well.”

  Carrying the basket with her, they went to the truck and Damesha reminded herself she was an intelligent, grown woman, not a horny teenager who’d never seen a hot guy before. She cast a glance to Kane, reversing the truck to head back to the road. Even his toes were beautiful and most men had horrendous feet!

  Looking away from Kane, she watched the scenery speeding by. They were heading to an area she’d not been to before. She thought about the time she’d spent with Kane so far. That first meeting and how they’d instantly clicked. Damesha wasn’t the type for holiday flings but maybe just this once. She snuck a look at him before turning back to the window once more.

  He was a beautiful man, but also funny, intelligent and kind. Maybe just this once she could let herself go, take some pleasure for herself. Then she’d get back to work, she’d throw herself into it and have Kane out of her system. Something told her it wouldn’t be that simple, though.

  Kane took a right turn to a secluded area of the reservoir where the grass ran out and turned to a small beach with a wide expanse of water. He got out the truck, leaving the windows down as Annie jumped out after him, running straight for the water.

  “Annie!” Damesha called but stopped to laugh as the dog took a flying leap and splashed into the water. She was now happily paddling around, her face happy and relaxed. “I guess she likes water.”

  “It would seem so. Let’s unload this under that grove of trees and then we can do our own diving in. The water is slightly saline so just keep that in mind. There’s a water hose over by that little outbuilding, we’ll have to rinse the salt water off of her. The salt will give her problems if she tries to get it off herself, but she should be fine to swim in it.” Kane carried a cooler, a bag, and an umbrella down to the trees and Damesha followed with her own bag and the basket.

  Kane showed her around the area, a clearing more than anything, and they set up a picnic area about ten feet from the water. Kane threw himself to the ground, looking up at her with his hand held out to help her down.

  “This patch seems fine for resting on, Damesha. And if you like ants, well, you’re one lucky lady because I think we might have put the blanket down on a nest or two.” Kane laughed as he brushed the several insects from his legs and they moved the blanket to another spot.

  Settled once more, the pair watched Annie running in and out of the water, chasing her own reflection, as they ate under the shade of the trees overhead.

  “Why isn’t there anybody else out here?” Damesha asked, putting her plate back in the basket after finishing her sandwich and potato salad.

  “It’s Thursday, most people are at work. There’s a new public pool in town with giant slides and waterfalls so all of the kids go out there now. It’s mainly young families that can’t afford the pool fees and older folks that come out here. Oh, and people like me, traditionalists that would rather swim in a little salt than chlorine.” Kane gave her a slow grin that made her knees wobble even though she was sitting down. One of his incisors was just a little bit crooked she saw now, an imperfection that made him even sexier somehow.

  Damesha looked away, her heart pounding frantically in her chest. She wanted to lean over and kiss him, but was afraid he’d reject her. She told herself that was stupid, he’d invited her out here, flirted with her mercilessly, and was giving off strong signals that told her he was interested. But something held her back.

  She suspected Kane had secrets, deep secrets that he didn’t share with anyone. He was still very quiet about the family that owned the place, about his own family, and about his past. She also sensed something in him that made her feel nervous, edgy. There was something raw, animalistic in him that he kept under guard. Damesha had seen it with that cop on her first day, a light in his eyes, an expectation of being obeyed, that had sent a shiver down her spine.

  Oddly for her, the quality intrigued her, rather than repulsing her. Damesha sat back, letting her hair tumble under her head as she came face to face with Kane.

  He looked into her eyes, his so dark they looked black, and hers a clear light blue. Both stopped breathing as their longing grew and Damesha’s hand came up to brush his smooth tanned cheek, his lips parting at her touch.

  “Damesha?” His word came out as a whisper and she put her finger over his lip.

  “Not yet.” She felt uncertain, still unsure about starting this but knowing that it was somehow inevitable, this time with Kane was meant to be. “You’re hot, let’s swim.”

  Kane gave her another one of his devastating grins, his black hair falling into his eyes, and sat up. He tugged the tank top over his head and threw it to the ground as he stood, running straight for the water with a whoop of joy.

  Damesha laughed and pulled off her own clothes, walking more sedately into the water. She loved to swim but it wasn’t something she often did in the city. Diving under the water once she’d reached a deeper depth, Damesha swam under the soothingly cool liquid, slicing through the water easily.

  She finally came up for air and found Kane looking around for her. “There you are!”

  Brushing her hair back from her face, she smiled and splashed water at him. “I’m like a fish when I get into water. I love it!”
  “That’s fine with me. I love that suit by the way. It does lovely things for you.” He gave her a dirty grin and stared down at her small but still pleasing chest.

  At five foot eight inches Damesha was pretty tall for a woman, so the water wasn’t too deep for her closer to shore but out in the middle, she couldn’t feel the bottom. Looking down at her chest she realized treading water was also doing “lovely things” for her as Kane had put it. Her skin glistened in the sunlight and her breasts moved up and down as her arms waved in the water.

  “Well, you’re not so bad yourself in those shorts of yours. What’s that tattoo by the way? I hadn’t noticed it before.” Damesha felt a cold wave roll over her as she swam closer to Kane, but the water was still and no current flowed to explain the cold. The coldness was inside of her. She’d seen that tattoo in her dreams about him. In the middle of his chest a circle decorated with black ivy encircling a stone door with round iron handles. It was an odd choice for anybody but Damesha was too shocked to worry about the oddity of the tattoo.

  “I…oh wow…uh…” Damesha’s words trailed off as she looked into Kane’s eyes and then swam away.

  She was out of breath by the time she got back to the blanket and plunked down, staring at Kane as he followed.

  “What’s wrong? Why did you go all weird on me?” He dropped down to sit beside her and examined her face.

  “Your, uh, your tattoo. I’ve dreamed about it.” She could feel the heat in her face and tilted it down towards her knees as she pulled them close to her chest. She hadn’t suspected the dreams had been a part of her abilities, just an example of erotic dreams people sometimes had.

  “What do you mean, dreamed about it? As a place or as a tattoo?” He didn’t seem shocked just curious to know what shape it had taken.

  Damesha knew the whole thing was weird and knew she should demand to be taken home and fly straight back to New York, but something kept her in place. Kane, he kept her there, he drew her and she just couldn’t resist his draw. How could she explain how she’d dreamed about the tattoo when she’d never even seen it?

  “It was on your chest, you were, ahem, naked. I touched it and it kind of, well, lit up.” She pushed a finger against his flesh now, the muscles beneath tensing and moving as her finger slid down the six-inch circle between his nipples. He had a very broad chest she noted. A very tempting chest.

  Unlike her dream, the tattoo didn’t light up as she touched it this time. It stayed the same black and white ink, a plain but complicated drawing of a door. The calmness of Kane’s presence soothed her and she closed her eyes. She could smell a faint scent, cologne maybe, and drew nearer to see if it was. She inhaled deeply before looking up into his eyes.

  Her lips parted slightly, revealing a trace of pink on the very edge of the inside of her lip. It was a tempting sight, though she didn’t know it. Kane moved towards her, his own lips parting, his own breath hitching as her hand flattened against his chest. He twitched when the nail of her pinky finger brushed his nipple accidentally.

  The world disappeared as their lips came together, as though a wall of darkness swooped in to make them the only being in existence. Damesha felt the soft give of his lips, the heat escaping from his mouth just before his wet tongue slid along her bottom lip. Damesha’s head fell back, but Kane followed, moving over her body, his chest pressing against her breasts, cold in the wet suit.

  Their skin quickly heated up as hands began to move, exploring curves and long stretches. Damesha’s hands slid down his strong back, learning every muscled inch. Kane’s slid down her long waist, memorizing the curves and dips of her torso before splaying over her hip.

  Damesha clung to him, a hunger building in her for more. The taste of his kisses had her sucking at his lips, pulling the tender flesh between her teeth as her legs parted, and he moved to settle between them. Her eyes opened and she felt as though there should be light pouring from them. Intense wasn’t even the word for it.

  Their eyes locked together before Kane gave her a devilish grin full of dirty promise. Oh, this was going to be one fun ride! Moving down her neck, Kane nipped at the spots he found that made her whimper. When he sucked on the place where her neck met her collarbone, her hips wiggled, pressing into him.

  Kane’s lips moved, his hips sliding as he moved down Damesha’s body, seeking out the dark mounds within the confines of the very beautiful bathing suit she wore. Damesha gasped as his smooth chin pushed down the material, brushing her nipple before his mouth closed over the bud. Her hands went straight to his black hair, holding his head in place as the wet heat of his mouth sucked at her, drawing deep on the tight flesh.

  Damesha couldn’t stop her legs from wrapping around his waist, the narrowed section between his hips and ribs the perfect place to grasp him. She ground against him, pushing her heated center into the ridge hidden by his shorts. But she knew it was there and she wanted more as he continued to draw on her nipple, sending pulses of pleasure straight to her core.

  Her eyes flew open as he suddenly disappeared, the warm air somehow cool against her superheated skin as he started gathering their things up. Damesha sat up, confusion creasing her brow, as he threw things into the basket and called for Annie.

  “Come on girl, let’s get you rinsed off, it’s time to take your Momma and introduce her to my house. We’re going to need far more privacy for this.”

  Damesha gave a low laugh of relief and started grabbing at things herself. A bed sounded nice. And if it got the rest of his clothes off then she was all for it.

  Chapter 5

  Kane drove quickly back towards the guest house, but pulled into a road Damesha didn’t remember seeing before they reached her house. She saw a forest of trees but not a house. Within minutes, a large log cabin came into view, two stories tall, and made from local wood. Nice, but not what she was interested in at the moment. They hadn’t even put all their clothes back on, just threw their things in the truck, loaded Annie up, and left.

  Kane stopped the truck and stared at the house. Had he changed his mind? She looked at him, worried that she was about to get a rejection speech. With a long expulsion of air, he turned to Damesha.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” He turned to Damesha, his eyes questioning her, probing her face for any sign of uncertainty. “Because we aren’t going in there to play poker and watch videos, we’re going in there for sex. Possibly a lot of it. No, I guarantee you, there’s going to be a lot of sex.”

  Instead of voicing her answer, Damesha opened her door and got out, letting Annie follow her. She walked up to the door and turned to look at Kane, still sitting in the truck. His eyes narrowed for a moment and then he was following her. Damesha waited patiently as Kane opened the door and Annie ran straight in, settling on a couch she found in a room off to the left.

  Kane shut the door and Damesha had time to notice that the house was well-appointed in dark masculine tones before he began stalking her, backing her up to the pine staircase that led to the upper floor. Damesha backed against it with a grin, bringing her arms out to embrace him. His lips found hers as they fell gently to the steps and pushed the remaining scraps of clothing they wore away.

  Damesha felt the heat of Kane’s silky body between her bare thighs and couldn’t stop what was happening if the house had caught on fire. A need unlike anything she’d ever experienced took over, driving her to suck at his tongue as his hips thrust into her crevice, his long hard flesh sliding between her damp folds. She moaned her delight as his movements tantalized her, fuelling the fire burning in her depths.

  They didn’t speak, couldn’t speak because their mouths were too busy tasting each other. Damesha’s hands stroked Kane’s back as his roamed over her body, to her hip to pull her close to his hard length. Damesha wanted him inside of her, she needed his hot hard length buried in her depths, but Kane had other plans. Moving down her body, Kane found her breasts and teased a dark nipple, his tongue flicking at the peak until Dam
esha pressed into his face, a light sound of pleading escaping her lips.

  Kane gave a low chuckle of satisfaction and encircled the nipple inside his hot mouth. Damesha moaned as the heat surrounding the tender bud sent shocks of pleasure throughout her body. A tension was building inside her core, and her senses were fading away.She wasn’t aware of the faint sunlight changing in the room, or that a bird was singing just outside of the window. All she knew was Kane. His smell, his touch, and the need to feel more of him.

  Her hands roamed, reaching for the long length of his cock but he brushed it away with a muffled sound of protest. He wanted to focus on her. She leaned back on her elbows, letting him have his way. If he wanted to pleasure her she wasn’t going to stop him.

  Kane’s fingers teased at her other nipple, and Damesha writhed beneath him, his cock so close but still too far away.

  “Kane.” His name was a plea, a demand, whatever he wanted it to be, she just needed him. But Kane wasn’t done playing. He obviously wasn’t in the mood for quick sex.

  “I’ve waited far too long to taste you, Damesha. Don’t make me rush,” he whispered to her before he slid down the steps, kneeling at the right height to throw her left calf over his shoulder and bury his face between her legs. His lips closed over her, sucking up her feminine taste.

  “OH!” It wasn’t expected but was certainly welcomed. She cried out again as his tongue replaced his lips. The hot tip plunged into her folds, splitting her open for his desire.

  Damesha’s hands went to his head, holding him in place as his mouth found the spot that made her cry out his name. She moved her hips with his movements, her hips writhing as she quickly approached the heights of pleasure.

  With a humming vibration, Kane voiced his own pleasure at her reaction before sliding his two middle fingers into her hidden pink flesh. A sudden tensing of her ass and Damesha was exploding around his fingers, her body quivering from the pleasure of his fingers and tongue in her folds.


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