Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 52

by Selina Coffey

Anton would always smother those giggles with a kiss as he bent over her, his own clothes disappearing as he moved. He would crawl between her legs and thrust himself against her, not entering her but rubbing against parts only she had ever touched.

  His hands would caress her body as her breathing quickened, anticipating each touch before it happened. She watched as his hands brought her nipples to life, flicking and pinching them to tightness. His mouth followed wherever his hands touched, always down, down to the parts that she never even thought about anymore. Past her ribs, down her flat belly, into the cleft between her legs. Each stroke of his fingers sent a jolt of electricity through her, awareness and arousal building as she watched him slowly work his way down. She would always tense in anticipation, knowing what it was going to feel like, even if she’d only experienced it in her dreams.

  Then his mouth would be on her clit, sucking it hard, making her writhe on the altar, moaning as his tongue flicked her passion higher and higher. She didn’t even remember there were people in the room anymore. She just wanted his tongue to keep moving on her until the pleasure finally filled her enough to fly apart with ecstasy.

  Then his fingers would enter her, opening up, preparing her for his entry. At least this is what she hoped for each time she’d had the dream. But he never did, he’d only thrust two fingers in, delicately manipulating her, urging her to cum on his fingers. She wanted to touch him but she knew by now that he wouldn’t allow her to so she sucked on the knuckle of her middle finger on her right hand, needing something in her mouth.

  Remembering the dream, Emily began to touch herself the same way Anton had, her body naked and hot. That was a habit she’d picked up in the last few nights, just going to bed naked. Her fingers travelled the same path his hands had, down to her pussy, into the folds there. She felt naughty even thinking the word. It thrilled her, adding to her excitement as she moved her fingers over her clit, going back to the dream. Losing herself in the sensations Emily didn’t realize her door had opened or that anyone was stood over her, but just as Anton’s tongue made her cum in her dream she suddenly became aware. She could really smell his cologne, she felt like she was being watched.

  Pushing up onto her elbows Emily was shocked to see him really standing there, beside her bed.

  “I’m dreaming again, aren’t I?” She asked him. Thinking she was dreaming, embarrassment hadn’t quite settled in yet. She had to be dreaming, right? This wasn’t real, at all, and she didn’t feel any kind of qualms about wrapping her arms around his neck as he silently picked her up and carried her out of the room. She snuggled her head into his neck, breathing in his scent. She was completely losing herself in this new dream.

  “So you’re going to take me to the basement now right? And do naughty things to me? I do love how you do those things to me.” No shame tinged her words because her dreams had felt just this real, why should she think she was truly awake now?

  “Oh, we’re going to my mother’s office first, and then we may go down to the basement.”

  “But we’re not allowed in there, it’s always locked. She asked me very nicely not to go in there so I haven’t.” Emily told him with a shake of her head. She’d never been intoxicated before, either, but she was sure this is what it felt like. This dreamy, floaty feeling that was ever so lovely had to be what being drunk felt like. She could almost understand why people indulged in drugs and alcohol now, if this was the feeling they produced.

  Walking up to the door Anton shifted Emily and asked her to open the door.

  “I told you, it’s locked. It won’t…” but it did open. Inside was a large room with a desk filling one side and a book on a podium, filling the opposite side. The moonlight streamed through the window in just the right way to shine directly onto the book. Walking over to the podium, Anton set Emily down in front of him and started speaking to her.

  “Now Emily, I don’t want you to interrupt. Just let me speak, okay?”

  Reality started to settle in, and Emily started to feel a growing sense of what she could only think of as continuous “oh my gods”, and not in a good way. It couldn’t be true.

  She opened her mouth to speak, turning to face Anton, but he shushed her and turned her back around.

  “Look, this page here, this is what we’re going to be doing tonight if you wish.” With a flick of his finger, light appeared out of nowhere to illuminate the book even more. On the page a couple were having sex in a circle surrounded by candles, people on the outside, with their backs turned away from the couple. Just like in her dreams!

  Looking closer at the picture it looked like the woman was her and the man was Anton! The book looked very old, however, it couldn’t be them.

  “My mother and I are witches, Emily. And no, before you ask I haven’t put a spell on you to draw you to me, only a protection spell from Jenny and her friends. Tonight, if you agree to an initiation, and you wish to join my mother and I in our world, then I will remove that spell. But you will then have the power to make Jenny stop all by yourself. You won’t need me for that anymore. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  “He’s lost his mind”, she thought, but then remembered the light thing he’d done. And she hadn’t seen Jenny in the last two weeks at all either.

  “Um, yeah, well…” Emily stuttered, not quite sure what to say. Anton turned her to face him, waving his hand in a circle away from both of them. Within that circle images appeared. Starting with some very primitive looking people, the images progressed, the clothes and styles changing through the ages. Emily was stunned because the images were of her and Anton. She saw them in ancient Samaria, in Rome, in what she thought may have been Byzantium, through the middle ages, after the Renaissance, through the Enlightenment period, during World War II, and finally, the image settled to a picture of now. The two of them were sitting in a brightly lit room, he standing behind her, both well dressed, love shining from both of their faces.

  “This can be our life Emily; this final image can be our life. We’ve found each other, throughout the ages. Our love has transcended time and space. We always find each other. Sometimes we don’t last, sometimes we do. It’s always our choices that govern what happens. We can make it this time too, if you give it a try.”

  “I really don’t understand”, she choked out. “How do you know all of this, what about all of those women you spent all of that time with?”

  “I found out after your father married my mother. She found you first, and she sent a picture of you to me. We’ve been waiting for a while now, hoping you’ll remember, but you haven’t. I remembered all of it at my initiation ceremony, you’ll remember at yours, we hope. As for the women, I’m not an old man, I occupied my time until I could have you. I won’t apologise for those if that’s what you expect.” Anton spoke with a very serious look on his face.

  “No, no, I wasn’t expecting an apology; I just can’t believe you’d want me, when you can have women like those. Experienced, worldly, beautiful women and I’m just plain old me.” Looking down at her fingers Emily waited for Anton to change his mind once she’d spoken her words.

  “No, my little dove, they aren’t what I want. Looking at you now, pure, fresh, innocent, you make me hard as a steel pipe, but look at that picture of you. Look at how utterly gorgeous you are.”

  And it was true. Emily looked at the picture and could not believe the well put together, styled, beautiful woman with long black hair, wearing a sexy black silk dress was her. She thought she resembled a famous music star from the 1970s but wasn’t sure. Emily reached out to touch the image but it disappeared before her finger could come near it.

  “I find this very hard to believe Anton. I still think you could be playing with me but I want to believe you, I want to trust you. Just tell me one thing please?” She turned back to him, her hand out to him.

  Taking her hand Anton asked her what she wanted.

  “Were those dreams or were they real?” she asked, defiance, a dare to
lie gleaming from her eyes.

  Taking a deep breath Anton tightened his grip on her hand, as if she might run away. “They were real. We were hoping you’d remember on your own, without having to take part in the initiation. That’s why I always stop before it goes too far. Once we are joined you should remember everything. Our past lives, what we’ve done, even the languages we spoke to each other. It’s a lot of information to take in and can be emotionally shattering. We didn’t want to put you through it, but it’s worth it in the end. You’ll be one of us, just like us; a witch and my bride.”

  “But we can’t get married, Anton, you’re my brother! Well, my stepbrother, what would the world say? I’m bullied enough already! I don’t know, I have to think about this.” Jerking her hand from his Emily pulled away, turning away from him. She needed room to think!

  “Emily, once you’re one of us no one will dare to mistreat you, say a bad word against you. The world will love you! And if they don’t, fuck them, who cares what they think anyway?” Anton spoke with heat in his voice, sounding almost angry.

  Emily shivered and turned back to him. “What about if we have children, Anton, you don’t think other kids will tease them, even if we are only related by marriage? I won’t have what I have been through done to my children! I simply won’t!” Tears stood out in her eyes, threatening to spill over. Angrily she wiped them away, not wanting him to see her cry. “Can you promise me our children will not be tormented as I have been?” Emily shivered once again, her sentence ending in a sob.

  Taking her in his arms, Anton tried to comfort Emily. “I can’t promise you they won’t have heartbreak or pain, my love, but I can promise I will do my best to protect them. We will protect them.”

  Emily thought about what he’d said and knew it was the best he could do, witch or not. Curiosity was also winning her over. Who couldn’t be told a story like this, see what she’d seen, and not want to play it out? Coming to a decision she pulled away from him, smiled up at him, and told him she was ready.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. Who is in this coven? Is this something old or new? How come nobody knows about it?”

  Unlike in her dream Emily and Anton walked to the basement, side by side. He told her that the coven had been in existence throughout eternity, that it was one of those things that always had been. He said that their parents were a part of the group, and that others were also members; powerful people that she would never have guessed at. Politicians, musicians, even a movie star. Oh, this was a strange world she was walking into!

  “So what do I have to do next?” She asked, worried about sacrificing children and small animals. She was not going to do any of that, she thought.

  “Just let the women guide you, little dove, you’ll do fine. If you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask, either. We’ll get you through this.”

  They entered the basement room and it was as Emily remembered; although this time the candles were around the circle and there was no altar. Just the people, the circle and the candles were in the room. There were chalk drawings on the floor where the altar used to be. Emily could not make out what they were yet, they looked like symbols.

  Six of the group in the circle broke rank and walked towards Emily. One of them took her hand and guiding her to a table on one side of the room. As she walked closer she could see the designs were symbols, but she didn’t know what they meant. The person urged Emily to lie down; judging by the hand it was a woman. Looking around at the group she thought that the ones around her must be the women. Their hands all looked delicate and feminine, most with manicured and painted nails. The jewellery on their hands was also feminine.

  Settling into her place, Emily looked up at the ceiling where she could see more symbols were drawn and waited for the next phase of the initiation. The other group of people around the circle broke rank, bringing wooden and clay bowls filled with oils. The women began to rub it into Emily’s skin, soothing her and easing tense muscles as they worked.

  The oil began to warm Emily’s skin, making her tingle from head to toe. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations. Her head started to feel like it was floating again, a renewed sense of euphoria filling her senses. As the women moved away the sensation on her skin changed, it almost felt like fingers touching her, probing every inch of skin, arousing her. Opening her eyes she saw that only Anton was there, naked and incredible.

  “But you aren’t touching me yet.” Emily looked around and could see that all of the others had moved away, their backs turned as they were in the dreams. Only one stood at a break in the circle, hand held out.

  “No, it’s the oils little dove, the memory of my past touches coming to you.” Smiling down at her Anton ran his fingers over her oiled skin, causing her breath to hitch in her chest and her eyes to close. It felt so good to have him touching her, knowing he was actually doing it. That didn’t stop the sensation, however, from what he called the memory of past touches. She felt like all of the people in the room were touching her!

  “Not now my darling, maybe later, but for now it’s only us.” Her eyes flew open as he spoke.

  “I didn’t say that out loud!”

  “No, it comes with the territory, Emily. You’ll get used to it. Once you get your memories back you’ll be able to do it too. Now, shall we start?”

  “Yes please.” Looking at the one holding her hand out Emily walked over to her, taking the offered hand.

  “Do you wish to enter this circle of your own free will, with honesty and hope in your heart Emily? Your past has been cleansed from you and you enter the circle pure. Is it your wish to continue?” Emily recognised Angela’s voice, Anton’s mother.

  “Why does the sound of Angela’s voice make me nervous?” Emily thought. Gulping Emily looked back at Anton, clasping her other hand in his.

  “I enter of my own free will, with only honesty and hope in my heart. I wish to continue.” She spoke the words as if in a dream. The oils must be working their magic again, she thought.

  Walking into the circle with Anton and Angela guiding her, Emily knelt when Angela prodded her. Angela, standing behind her, placed a blindfold over Emily’s eyes, then she walked backwards out of the circle, speaking words Emily didn’t understand as she passed.

  Reaching out she felt Anton’s hip. Kneeling in front of him she thought she knew what he wanted and opened her mouth, not really sure of what else to do. She jumped as something silky and smooth touched her lips. A finger, his cock, she wasn’t sure but felt the same thrill she’d felt when she thought the word pussy earlier. She was even more thrilled when he stepped closer, putting her hand around him, guiding himself into her mouth.

  Emily breathed in, feeling him glide past her teeth, into her throat. Closing her mouth she sucked him, tasting him for the first time. Moving her hand she felt his cock jerk and heard him grunt. She must be doing this right, she thought. Moving her head off him, she sucked as she moved her mouth back down, finding a rhythm he seemed to like.

  His cock grew harder, slipperier in her mouth, her saliva mixing with his pre-cum in a way that allowed her hands and mouth to glide easily over him. Anton’s fingers tangled in her hair and she hummed, happy that he was showing his pleasure. Her humming made his fingers clench and he pulled his cock out of her greedy, grasping mouth.

  Making a noise of disappointment Emily looked up, though she couldn’t see him. Wiping her mouth she started to ask him why he’d stopped. He touched her face instead, moving down to lie beside her on the floor.

  “Not yet, little dove, not yet. We have more to do.” Anton spoke quietly as he guided her to kneel over him.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked.

  “Sit here on me, don’t let me inside you yet, just sit on me. That’s good. Now, concentrate on what you are feeling.” As Anton talked, Emily moved over him, nestling him comfortably between her legs. Anton began to move her hips, showing her how to do it, then moved his hands to her nipples.

bsp; Feeling her legs and pussy clenching at the same time, Emily took over the pace of the movement, feeling something building inside of her. Anton began speaking but she didn’t know the words he spoke, only that they sounded like words.

  As the feeling between her legs grew a pressure started to build in her head, the two joining until it felt like energy was flowing up and back down her spine. She kept moving, grinding her hips into Anton, wanting more, for anything to ease the feeling building in her.

  Emily told herself to be brave, to ride it out: to ride him. She knew what she wanted and took it. Reaching between them, listening to Anton speak those unintelligible words, blind but somehow seeing it all in her mind, Emily guided the tip of his cock between the lips of soaking wet pussy, feeling how swollen and slippery she was. She hoped this didn’t hurt!

  Slowly, so slowly, she eased down onto Anton’s cock, feeling her inner walls expand to take him in. He felt huge inside her tight pussy, but the feeling of him stretching her was incredible. She came to a spot where it felt like he couldn’t go any higher and Emily stopped.

  Anton grabbed her hips, never missing a beat with his speaking and thrust up into her. She cried out, more surprised than in pain, and stopped moving, telling herself to relax. Surprisingly, the feeling of energy flowing up her spine didn’t stop, it increased.

  Still, speaking, only louder now, a little breathless, Anton slid his fingers down where the bodies met, sliding a finger in to touch her clit. Emily let out a short shout of surprise and began to ride his cock, and now his finger. Losing herself to sensation she just rode the pleasure, not caring what noises she made, lost in her own darkness, striving to reach for an electric blue light that appeared, somehow, in the back of her mind.

  Grinding herself into him, Emily wasn’t aware of anything else but the sensations. Pleasure built, almost a pain, an urge to reach something, something she was familiar with but had only thought she’d dreamed of. She wanted to tip over that edge and pressed herself harder into Anton, needing just a little more friction.


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