Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 53

by Selina Coffey

  Slowly she became aware that Anton was chanting, that the group was chanting with him, but she dismissed the thought, almost there. Need to just get there, she thought. As the voices seemed to rise with her pleasure, an almost shouting now, Anton touched one of her nipples with his other hand. Emily opened her eyes behind the blindfold, though she could not see.

  Her orgasm was breaking and her mouth opened wide in a silent scream. Anton was moving beneath her now, driving into her, going over the edge with her. And then everything turned the same electric blue as the light she’d seen earlier. Her entire body seemed to fling itself inside out, going into space. Through the blindfold, Emily could see that the entire room had turned electric blue and though she couldn’t see it she knew energy had exploded out of the top of her, that the light was coming from her.

  Then a white hot light joined hers, turning the light an even paler shade of blue. She wasn’t cumming now but she was floating in space. She had no thoughts or sense of self; only aware of the light. Then the light just collapsed, dropping her from way up high, falling like a meteor back into her body. As she landed, yanking the blindfold off, she saw that she and Anton were both glowing. She smiled at him, knowing she loved him, but feeling no different. Something had gone wrong.

  Anton looked up at her expectantly, a smile of hope on his face. Slowly the smile faltered and grief took the smile away. He pulled her down to him, speaking more words, and then releasing her.

  “It’ll happen my little dove, I know it will.” Speaking more words she didn’t understand he pulled her from the circle, took her to bed, and lay with her. They were silent as both tried to figure out what had happened. Emily fell asleep with tears on her cheek, wondering what she’d done wrong.

  Chapter 4

  Emily awoke the next morning sore, confused, and alone. Getting dressed for class, she wondered where Anton was. Maybe he had been so disappointed he’d left? Depressed and feeling like a failure, she went through the motions, driving herself to school, walking into the building. She wanted to sink into the floor when she saw Jenny Williams standing in the doorway.

  “I can’t deal with her today” she thought. Feeling her anger, years of abuse and torment rising inside of her, Emily was really building up a head of steam to scream at Jenny. Then something strange happened. Her finger started to tingle, then itch and it felt like electricity was flowing out of it. She looked down and there, under her nail, she could almost see a blue light peeking through.

  Remembering what Anton had done, Emily started towards Jenny. If Jenny had been anyone else the icy smile on Emily’s face would have frightened her. As it happened, Jenny was too confident, or just too stupid to take the warning for what it was, a clear and open threat.

  “So, freak, you fucking your brother yet? I would totally fuck him if he ever came back, and he’d be here by my side, telling you what a piece of shit you are with me. You’re not worth something like, that so I doubt he’s fucking you but I bet you finger yourself thinking about him don’t you?” Jenny spoke with a smirk on her face but her smirk turned to confusion as she looked into Emily’s eyes; something was different there.

  Emily stopped in front of Jenny and ran her finger down the other woman’s jaw. Leaning in, she whispered into the other woman’s ear. Not a threat, but instructions. Jenny turned away from Emily, walked into the classroom, went to the front, and waited for the class to fill. When it was full she started speaking, telling the entire room in a loud clear voice why she’d tormented Emily for so long.

  “I’ve wanted Emily Chambers since we were 15 years old. I’m secretly a lesbian but Daddy won’t pay for my car and clothes and stuff if I don’t act straight. I’ve turned my inner turmoil to her, tormenting her for years, abusing the one person I wanted above everyone else. I’m nothing but a dirty whore now, fucking anything that’ll stick a dick in me and I hate every moment of it.” As Jenny spoke you could see the shock on her own face, she had no control over what she was saying. Emily almost felt sorry for Jenny, as she finally spoke the truth, but she repressed her pity. She noticed that several people were recording Jenny with their phones. She knew Jenny wasn’t ever going to be a problem again and left the room at peace with herself. She was finally over this part of her life, at least.

  As Emily walked to her car, drove home, and walked into the house she knew something was different. She could feel that electricity flowing through her again. It built the closer she got to the house. Walking into her room she saw Anton stretched out on her bed and shut the door. Not knowing what else to do she began to remove her clothes.

  “Do you know your light is shining out of your eyes and it gets my dick seriously hard?” Moving from the bed, Anton stripped his own clothes off. Stopping in front of Emily he pushed his fingers into her hair, pulling her head back hard.

  “Does it match the white light coming out of yours? Because I’m standing here dripping looking into your eyes.” She opened her mouth to continue to speak but Anton smashed his mouth into hers, dragging her body against him. One of Emily’s legs stretched over his until she jumped, sliding both of her legs around his waist, her breasts settling against his chest.

  “Fuck me, Anton, please, I need you. I need to know you still love me, that you still want me.” She spoke with desperation, her hands grasping at him, pulling at him.

  Settling her back against the door Anton moved his hips, placing his cock at her entrance. Without a word he slid into her, then out. She wasn’t even afraid of the mirror shattering, of their parents hearing them. She just wanted him deeper inside of her. Spreading her legs as wide as she could she bit down into his right shoulder, the urge quickly overpowering her. She broke the skin, a little of his blood mixing with her saliva in her mouth.

  It tasted so good, she thought, wondering if she’d lost her mind, as Anton drove into her pussy even harder with her abuse of his skin.

  “More” he gasped out to her, begging for more than she knew how to give.

  Moving to his neck she bit just below his ear, and felt his cock jerk inside of her. His movements stopped then and he moaned. He wasn’t cumming though, not yet, but the light was starting to spread out from his body. Grunting he shifted her away from the door, dropping her on the bed.

  “Bend over it, spread your legs wide”.

  A greedy little slut now, Emily eagerly moved over the bed, bending down at the foot of it, her ass high, back bowed.

  “Now that’s an inviting scene little dove, very inviting. I have to have more of that, more than one lifetime of that pussy, because even a lifetime won’t be enough.” Shivering at his words Emily shuddered and twisted her hips, wanting him to hurry up and fuck her.

  She jumped as he shoved his face into her pussy, his tongue cramming into her hole there, licking her from the inside out. He moved higher then, rimming that other secret hole she had, the one she avoided unless she had to. When he shoved two fingers into her pussy she squealed, then lost her mind as he combined both movements. He built her up, growling as the blue light spread around her, encircling them both; mixing with his white light. When sparks started coming out of the top of her head, when she was mewling beneath him he finally took pity on her and slammed himself home inside her walls of luscious, clenching heat.

  Anton let her stay leaning over the bed but as the sparks built he pulled her up, cupping the very breasts that had been the cause of her torment for so long.

  “These are beautiful,” he growled into her ear, watching the sparks turn into tendrils of light, “you are beautiful and you are mine”. He never stopped thrusting as he spoke, Emily moving her own hips to match each of his thrusts. He could feel her trembling begin as the light started to explode from her head.

  Wanting to join her, wanting to blend with her again, Anton increased his thrusts, rushing after her, hoping he could catch her this time. His own orgasm broke, the light from his own head merging with Emily’s. He groaned, she wailed, and then they both were in space ag
ain. He was with her this time, she wasn’t alone.

  She couldn’t see him, but she knew he was there and she reached for him. As he took her hand they started to glide back to their bodies. This time, their lights settled, surrounded them, merged until they collapsed on the bed. They both watched, amazed as the lights danced against each other, entwining but not joining. Last time Anton’s light had subsumed Emily’s become part of it but this time it simply danced.

  As Emily watched engrossed, her head twitched. Anton let out a surprised noise as she collapsed, her entire body going limp, and her eyes wide open. She wasn’t dead, as Anton feared; she was reliving millennia in minutes. Memories, sounds, tastes, smell, images flooded her mind, surrounding and distorting her own idea of who she was. She struggled against the memories, losing her own identity as hundreds of her former self merged into one. Finally she stopped struggling, somehow knowing that she would not win, and allowed the memories in, to not replace her own but nestle beside the ones that already filled her head. Then she spoke to Anton. Only she didn’t use her mouth.

  “Tell me more about this Roman bath you took me to once upon a time, the one where the orgy was taking place.” She looked over at Anton, a cheeky smile on her face.

  “Emily” he sent out through his mind. Reaching out he tried to touch her mind with his own. He felt it then, all of the memories, all of the earlier versions of his Emily, and knew that they’d finally succeeded. He finally had his Emily, and she had him. Hugging her close he whispered his timeless endless love to her, hoping that their future was as bright as the image he had shown her.


  One year later

  Walking along the streets of Paris, her husband on one side, their three month old baby girl cradled against her chest, Emily walked happily with her family. Feeling the baby start to root against her chest, Emily suggested they stop at a café so that she could feed little Amelia. Hiding the baby under a blanket, Emily contentedly fed her baby as she watched her husband ordering himself a cup of coffee and fruit juice for her. Knowing she may be hungry as she fed the baby he brought her some confectionaries as well.

  “Are you happy now, little dove?” he asked, brushing her cheek. “I know we wanted to wait to have babies but Amelia is so delightful. I never thought I could love anyone more than you but she’s simply stolen my heart.”

  “Oh, I doubt there’s a more content woman on earth darling. You found a scared, timid little girl. A truly tortured soul and for all of your badness you showed me only good. You healed me like nobody else ever could have.” She replied, love shining from her eyes.

  “You did a lot of that yourself, Emily. I think that’s why it didn’t work that first time. You were cleansed by the oil but you still carried that pain in your heart. You had to get past that before the ritual would finally work. That and maybe, just maybe, you needed to do a little badness of your own.” He grinned at her, cheeky and sexy at the same time.

  “I found this article this morning. Not to bring anything bad up but I thought you might be interested in it.” He pulled some papers from his jacket and slid them over to Emily, who read them, first with sadness, then with a gleam of vengeance in her eye.

  The papers were printouts from an online news source, breaking news this morning in her hometown. Jenny’s father had been caught in a seedy motel with a male prostitute. Drugs had been involved. The other papers revealed that Jenny herself had been arrested for providing the drugs to her father and apparently quite a few other people.

  Emily had kept tabs on Jenny for a while but stopped as her life progressed, being pregnant with Amelia, marriage, being happy had taken the place of even caring about her old tormentor. Looking up at Anton, Emily knew she had to do one more thing when the family vacation ended tomorrow. She had to see Jenny and end this last part of her former life.

  Anton heard her, in his head, and knew she had to make this final step. Holding her hand, letting her hear the support in his mind, he knew that Emily needed to do this one last thing, for her own peace of mind.

  Walking into the county lockup, dressed well with an expensive bag hanging from her hand, Emily knew she looked good. She looked intimidating even. Anton had prepared her and he knew just how to dress her to make the right impression on Jenny. He’d used the tactic himself in the past.

  Flicking her right hand, the hand holding the bag, Emily ensured the guard at the desk looked away as she walked by. He didn’t hear her heels against the carpet as she all but floated by. He also didn’t see the blue spark that came from her finger as she flicked it. Walking into the area where the prisoners were, Emily flicked her hand harder, putting everyone but her target to sleep.

  Walking down the aisle until she found Jenny’s cell, Emily stopped at the front of the bars, staring in at the slovenly heap before her. Jenny’s roots were showing, she’d gained weight, and she wore some kind of atrocious, stained track suit. Her makeup had smeared down her face to reveal pockmarked skin that was red and angry. Simply put, Jenny looked like shit.

  “Wake up, bitch, this could be your lucky day.” Emily spoke crudely, not something she did often, but felt Jenny deserved it. It was what she responded to.

  “Whoever you are, fuck off. I don’t care who you are, just fuck right off away from me.” Looking up bleary eyed Jenny gasped and turning her own words into a lie, she sat up. “Emily, what are you doing here?” Scrounging around as if she was trying to make herself presentable, Jenny stared up at Emily, something almost like regret in her eye.

  “Well, Jenny, I’m not going to fuck right off, I am going to offer you a reprieve, if I feel you deserve it. I just want to know one thing.”

  “Fuck off, what can you do? So you married some rich guy and have a happy life now. So the fuck what? That should be my life, not yours.”

  “Now, Jenny that isn’t the attitude you should be taking, is it? I can end your pain, turn your life around and make it all better, if you’ll just tell me one thing.” As Emily spoke she lifted her right index finger. Sparks played along the tip of it. “Or I can make it ten times worse, the choice is yours.”

  Staring at Emily’s finger, Jenny moved over to the bars, her hands clenching around the steel. “What do you want to know Emily?” she asked.

  “Are you sorry? That’s all I want to know. Do you wish you’d behaved differently all those years through high school and university and not tormented me? We could have been friends, you know.”

  Jenny stared at Emily a long time, her brown eyes turning misty with tears. “My Daddy caught me one day, doing stuff, in my bedroom, with a picture of you I’d taken with my cellphone. Um, you know. What he called sinful stuff. He beat me until I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t leave the house for three weeks. Then, for the next few years, he just spied on me all of the time. He’d come in and beat me around once a month, to make sure I’d understood my lesson. I wasn’t to go near you unless it was to torment you. He always said it was your fault I felt those feelings, that you’d done some whore trick on me. After all those years I kind of started to believe him. He didn’t beat me so bad if I told him how much I’d hurt you, so I just kept going deeper and deeper. Yes, I am sorry. After that day you did whatever you did to make me open my mouth, my life has fallen apart. I’ve come to see that wasn’t your fault, but mine. I’d take it all back if I could, and take the beatings you didn’t deserve. I really, truly am sorry.”

  Not sure she could trust Jenny’s words, Emily probed her mind, saw the pain, the torment that Jenny herself had borne. Emily didn’t really think it excused Jenny’s behaviour but understanding where the torment had come from helped Emily to find peace. And though Anton had taught her some “bad things” in the bedroom she didn’t want to be a cruel, evil person. Flicking her finger one more time, blue light shot from her finger and into Jenny’s head, right between her eyes.

  “I didn’t do anything to make your life fall apart, Jenny, other than make you speak the truth finally. But I giv
e you a gift now. A new life, your freedom, and a chance to get ahead are yours now. Make the most of it because I will be there, knowing what you do. And I, for one, won’t let you fail.”


  Part XI

  My Missing Stepbrother

  Fantasy Romance

  About the Book

  Angela loved her family, which included the stepfather she had gotten when she was ten years old. There was only one thing missing in her family however, and that was her stepbrother Justin. Justin had disappeared when he was twelve, and nobody knew what had happened. The police never found him and they suspected kidnapping, but nobody ever asked for ransom.

  Over the years they didn’t forget about Justin, but they started believing he wouldn’t come back. When Angela goes to college on the opposite side of the country, she loves the freedom it gives her and realizes she understands why Justin might not have returned. After a night at the bar with her best friend Susie, they run into a biker gang just outside the bar. It is clear they have been drinking and are just trying to stir up trouble.

  Her eye immediately falls on the youngest of the group, who is also incredibly sexy, and when the other men get a little rough he comes to her rescue. Angela has always had a thing for bad boys, especially sexy white bad boys. When Justin comes closer, he recognizes her as his step sister and Angela is happy to have found him and to know he’s alive.

  They start to get to know each other better, only to realize they are more than just family, they are attracted to one another. When things start to go further in their relationship, Justin has to decide whether to keep things platonic or tell her what really happened to him: he was kidnapped by Aliens and he is now one of them.


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