Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 54

by Selina Coffey

  Chapter 1

  Growing up Angela had everything she could have ever wanted, but no matter how hard her parents tried, life was always overshadowed by the fact the fourth person of their little family was missing. The other thing that also overshadowed the perfect little family was the fact that Angela was black. Her mother and stepfather were both white, and Angela wished she had a penny for every time someone asked if she was adopted.

  Her biological father had died of a heart attack when she was barely old enough to know what was going on, and he had been black. Angela wasn’t ashamed of it, but she wished the questions and the assumptions would stop and people would look past the color of her skin. She was tired of the stares and the questions, and as much as she loved her parents, she was ready to move away for college. She wanted to go somewhere where nobody knew about Justin and nobody knew her parents were white, and where she could be herself.

  That college ended up being UCLA which so happened to be on the exact opposite side of the country from their little Connecticut town, and Angela could not have been more excited. Because it was so far away her parents weren’t going to come with her, which is how she found herself promising her parents to call regularly while waiting for her flight in Connecticut. None of her friends had understood why she was going so far away when there were excellent schools on the East coast, but that didn’t bother Angela and she simply promised to email them.

  Los Angeles was much bigger than she ever thought, and when she got to the airport she was momentarily lost. She knew there was a shuttle to take students to UCLA but how in the world was she supposed to find it?

  “Lost?” a girl next to her asked.

  “Yes. I have to find the shuttle to UCLA but I don’t see any signs.”

  “I’m going there as well. My brother is a junior, he said the shuttle is over by the hotel shuttles so to follow those signs. Want to go find it together?”

  “Sure. I’m Angela. Why isn’t your brother here?”

  “He is a Resident Assistant in one of the dorms so he had to come a week earlier. I’m Susie.”

  “How do we know where to go once we get to UCLA?”

  “They’ll drop us off at registration, where they’ll give us a map and schedule of welcome orientation events, and they’ll tell us what dorm we are in.”

  Angela loved the drive to UCLA as she got her first glimpse of the city, and when she found out her dorm room was in the same hallway as Susie’s, she was happy for it as Susie seemed fun to hang out with. They had immediately decided to get unpacked before meeting up to go to the dining hall together, with or without their roommates depending on who they were.

  Angela immediately took a dislike to her roommate, who gave her a disdainful look when she walked in. “This is my side of the room, that is yours. Don’t touch anything on my side. I left a shelf empty in the fridge and above the sink. Try not to leave a mess.”

  She had merely raised an eyebrow at the girl who hadn’t even bothered to introduce herself, before she started unpacking her suitcase and finding a place for everything. It didn’t take nearly as long as she thought it would, and soon she was on her way to Susie’s room, hoping that her roommate was better.

  As it turned out, Susie didn’t have a roommate. “Some kind of mix-up they said. How is yours?”

  “Awful. I don’t even know her name.”

  “Want to move in here? I’m a bit of a slob but at least I introduced myself. I was kind of looking forward to having a roommate.”

  “A slob is better than a snob. Let’s go ask someone.”

  Apparently Angela’s roommate had already complained about the ‘black girl’ she was forced to share with, so when they came to request the room change the Resident Assistant easily agreed. She even went so far as to help the girls move all of Angela’s belongings, claiming she shouldn’t have to live with someone who clearly thought she was better than everyone else and she was glad they saved her from having to listen to the girl complain all year. The least she could do in return was help her move.

  Once Angela was unpacked again, this time not having to worry about stepping into the wrong side of the room, Susie sat down on Angela’s bed with a smile. “This will be fun. We should sign up for the same classes first thing in the morning, and after that we should find someone who can make fake ID’s.”

  “Fake ID’s?”

  “Yes, to get into bars and clubs and such. You do plan to have some fun, right?”

  “Definitely,” Angela grinned. She liked Susie, and she was glad she wouldn’t have to hide things from her as she was clearly there to have as much fun as she was. “I’m from a small town so I was never able to do anything, especially since I was the only black person there so it was kind of obvious it was me if something happened. You don’t think your brother will tell on you?”

  “He told me as long as I don’t break the law he won’t say anything, but he will keep an eye out. Do you have siblings?”

  “No. I had an older brother but he disappeared when I was nine, nobody knows what happened. He was only twelve so they assumed the worst.”

  “That’s awful. I’ll share my brother if you ever need brotherly advice. Come on, let’s go see about food, I’m starving.”

  It was the start of a good friendship, especially with the way Susie had so easily moved on from the news about her brother, and had started commenting on how cute all the boys around UCLA were. They managed to get into all the same classes, and because it took nearly a month before they got their fake ID’s, they had attended every social function that was offered for freshmen. They both decided quickly that most of the freshmen boys were immature and they needed to look for someone older, which would be easier once they were able to go places.

  When they got their fake ID’s, it was delivered by Susie’s brother Eric who immediately gave them a long lecture on safe drinking and safe sex. Angela thought her ears were going to burn off, while Susie had clearly heard this lecture before and simply grinned at her brother. Finally he had thrown condoms at both of them and told them to be safe and to come to him if they ran into any problems.

  “My mother’s sex talk consisted of telling me to wait until marriage, and once I was engaged she would tell me birth control methods since I wouldn’t need them until then,” Angela said, staring at the door he had just disappeared through. “That was embarrassing.”

  “Eric is not naive enough to think we won’t try to do anything, at least he’s wanting us to stay safe. I told him you’re from a more conservative family so I think that’s why he did the whole lecture again. I’ve heard it before, this was clearly meant for you. He takes his job as big brother seriously, and he knows you’re my best friend.”

  “I’m glad he did because I had no idea about any of that stuff, but it was still embarrassing. So, Friday?”

  “Yes, Friday. I’ve heard about this really cool bar not that far from here where you can get a decent drink for a decent price, and it usually has plenty of hot guys. You have money, right?”

  Angela had convinced her parents to give her a generous allowance, claiming that Los Angeles was expensive and what if something happened? She nodded that she did before getting up and opening her closet door. “What am I supposed to wear?”

  “Do you have a pair of jeans that show off your butt? If you pair that with a cute top with just enough cleavage to leave the men wondering you won’t be able to stop them.”

  “You think?”

  “Absolutely. I don’t have a butt to show off but I’m going for the cleavage.”

  “Heels or boots?”

  “Heels. Don’t you have a red shirt with red stiletto's you could wear?”

  Angela thought for a minute before pulling out the shirt she thought Susie was talking about and she had to admit it would look good with her jeans. “Is it just going to be the two of us?”

  “Yes, but we’ll probably see people we know there. It’s in one of the safer neighborhoods so we should b
e fine.”

  “If you say so. I’ll just blame you if something goes wrong,” Angela said as she threw one of her other shirts at Susie. “That one would look good on you.”

  “Thanks, I’ll try it on. Hey, did you do that English paper yet?”

  “You have been with me every second of the day since it was assigned, you know perfectly well I haven’t. We should get started on that though. One of the stipulations for getting to come all the way out here for college is that I keep my grades up.”

  “Let’s do it. Eric threatened to set me a study schedule if he finds out my grades are slipping, and I’m not sure what I’d do without you here. It’s crazy how we met and get along so well.”

  “Two lost souls meet at crowded airport and become friends for life,” Angela replied with a dreamy voice while her hands moved up and to the side as if she was reading a title. “That would work for my paper, don’t you think?”

  “Well we are supposed to write a fictional story based on a real life event so I’d say it would.”

  It didn’t take long for both of them to start writing, forgetting about going out the next day for the moment. That didn’t last long however because as soon as classes were over the next day, they rushed back to their dorm room to start getting ready. They knew it was ridiculous as nobody would be at the bar for many more hours, but they were excited for their first time out and they couldn’t quite resist. They managed to take a break for dinner, before returning to their dorm. Once dressed Angela looked in their full length mirror and she had to admit she looked good, which Susie easily agreed with when she turned around to look at Angela. “Nobody will doubt we are of age,” she said with satisfaction, looking at the both of them through the mirror.

  Since they had at least another hour before they should leave, they decided to use that time to see if there was anyone to hang out with in the common area. The only people there, much to their disappointment, were a couple freshmen whole simply gaped at them as they walked in. One quick look at one another and they decided they could find something better to do, so they continued on their way out the building. Because they were both in high heels they didn’t want to walk all that far, but it was a nice evening so they ended up sitting on a bench, watching students on their way to what looked like fun evenings. They laughed at the three guys who were clearly pledging some fraternity as they were walking around in bunny suits, while quite a few girls walked by in incredibly short skirts and halter tops.

  They both felt underdressed, but the moment they walked into the bar they realized that they were dressed perfectly fine for the place. Everyone was dressed casually in jeans and tops, with a few girls wearing skirts and dresses that were definitely covering more than the outfits they’d seen on campus. They were served their drinks without any problems, before they both turned around and leaned against the bar, surveying the crowd. They had their drinks for maybe two minutes when several guys approached them, clearly looking for a good time.

  “Hi, I’m Adam. I haven’t seen you around here before.”

  “I’m Angela. That’s really your pickup line?”

  Adam looked surprised at first, before a big grin took over and he took a closer look at Angela. “I suppose it does need work. I like a girl who says what she thinks. So are you new to the area or new to this bar?”

  “New to the area. Transfer student at UCLA. How about yourself, are you from around here?”

  “Senior at UCLA. Most UCLA students end up at some of the clubs around campus, but not really in here. What brought you here?”

  “It was recommended to us when we were looking for a decent bar to go to. I’m not big on going to a club, I’ll take a good bar any day. There is something to be said for a good old fashioned conversation as opposed to grinding against each other to music nobody really likes.”

  “Exactly. How about I buy you another drink?”

  “I’d like that,” Angela answered with a smile. Susie was talking to one of Adam’s friends and she knew she’d be fine. Adam wasn’t bad to look at, but she wasn’t really attracted to him either. Maybe she should warn him that she wasn’t going to sleep with him, but after a moment’s deliberation she decided to tell him after a few more drinks. For now she was having a good time and she did not want it to end just yet.

  Chapter 2

  The evening had to come to an end eventually though, and Adam didn’t seem upset that she wasn’t going home with him. If anything he seemed pleased that she wasn’t easy and that she had standards for herself, so after exchanging phone numbers the guys left the bar. Angela turned to Susie, whom she hadn’t talked to all night. “I’d say that was a good evening.”

  “Agreed. Come on, it’s two in the morning, we really should get back. I can barely stand on my feet anymore.”

  After paying their tab, which only had one drink each because the guys had bought all subsequent drinks, they left the bar. The bartender had warned them to be careful and offered to call a cab, but they declined since they didn’t have all that far to go. As soon as they turned the corner however, they both wished they had accepted the offer because right there in front of another bar were over a dozen motorcycles with over a dozen men standing in clusters. They tried to turn around and go the other way but they had already been spotted so they pretended to know where they were going and pretended they weren’t scared by continuing to walk.

  Angela made the mistake of looking up at the few bikers who were standing close to them, and when looking into the eyes of the youngest one of the group she stopped. There was something about those eyes that had her wanting to find out more, and the guy was hot as hell. She estimated him close to their age, and he was well built. Angela had always been attracted by white guys, and most especially the ones who flirted with the law and didn’t care about the rules. Susie pulled her sleeve to get her to move, but she was mesmerized by those eyes, at least until he started speaking. Suddenly she was aware that the other bikers had almost surrounded them and they should have kept walking.

  “Angela?” the guy asked.

  “Yes? Do I know you?”

  “Oh my God. I never thought I’d see you again, and here you are clear across the country. It’s me, Justin.”

  Angela’s eyes grew wide and Susie looked at them in confusion, clearly not understanding what was going on. “Angela? What is going on? We need to get out of here.”

  “Nobody touch them!” Justin ordered firmly. “This is my sister and her friend. You touch either of them, you will answer to Mark.”

  “Your brother? Angela, I thought you told me he disappeared almost ten years ago.”

  “He did. I don’t understand. Who is Mark?”

  “He’s the leader of this group of misfits. He’s been like a mentor to me after I got into some trouble with the law, and you really don’t want to get on his bad side. What are you doing in LA Angela?”

  “I’m a student at UCLA.”

  “You’re what, a freshman? You smell like alcohol.”

  “Don’t start that brotherly crap now. Where have you been all these years?”

  “It’s a long, complicated story that I don’t want to get into right now, but can you please promise not to tell our family?”

  “How do I know it’s really you?”

  “I know you used to sleep with snuffles, the hippo. I know you had pajamas with little purple hearts all over them. I know you miss your dad and while you care about my dad, he never could quite replace yours.”

  “It’s really you. Susie, I’d like you to meet Justin, my stepbrother. Justin, this is Susie. My best friend and roommate.”

  “Look, it’s not safe for two young women to walk these streets by themselves this late at night. Several of us will escort you back to the dorms. I’ll give you my numbers, let’s have coffee and we can talk. You grew up into a beautiful woman Angela, you really did. I’d ask you out if you weren’t my stepsister.”

  “Don’t let that stop you. I think you’re sexy a
s hell, and quite frankly you were only my brother for a few months before you disappeared. Don’t let it stop you.”

  “In that case, I will pick you up for coffee at eleven, does that work?”

  “Perfectly. This is our building, I’ll meet you right here. Thank you Justin, and it was really good to see you.”

  “Definitely good. Goodnight Angela, goodnight Susie.”

  As soon as the girls were inside their room, Angela sank down on her bed while Susie sat down on hers. “I’m not sure if that really just happened or I’m drunker than I realized,” Angela finally said.

  “Angela, your stepbrother is hot and so are some of his friends. Make sure to introduce me to one at some point? Please? That’s crazy you found him like that, what are the odds?”

  “I know. I can’t think straight, I need to sleep.”

  Angela quickly got ready for bed before lying down on the sheets, pretending to sleep. She had to think, which seemed to be a bit difficult at the moment, about what happened that evening. She knew they had gotten lucky because Justin had stopped the other guys from advancing on them, but was her brother really a part of that group? It made him even more attractive in her eyes, but at the same time she had no clue if she was even allowed to find him attractive. He was her stepbrother! Granted, he had left when she still thought boys had cooties and she hadn’t seen him since, so really he was only a stepbrother on paper, but that had to count for something, right? And why wasn’t she allowed to tell their parents? Why did she have to hide that she found him and why had he not returned home? What did he mean he had gotten into some trouble with the law, wouldn’t they have returned him home since he was a missing child? Unless he got into that trouble after he turned eighteen, but even then. There were so many questions that her head was spinning and it was a long time before sleep came. By the time it did, Susie had long started snoring in the other bed and morning light started to come in through the curtains.

  Susie woke Angela up an hour before she was to meet Justin, and Angela couldn’t help but glare at her. She was tired and didn’t want to get out of bed, but she knew she had to if she wanted to get a shower in and not smell like an ashtray. She got out of bed with a groan and stumbled towards the bathroom, sighing in relief when the warm water cascaded over her and she felt the grime from the bar wash off her. Knowing she couldn’t stay under the water forever she quickly washed and dried and rushed back to her room to finish getting ready. She had about fifteen minutes left and she knew she was pushing it. Then again she was known for being habitually late so he might as well get used to it.


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