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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

Page 56

by Selina Coffey

  “Afraid of the belt?”

  “That bothered you, didn’t it? Look, he took that belt to my behind when he bailed me out of jail and I deserved every bit of it. He never has again because I’ve never been arrested again. I talked to him a bit this morning, and he said I should tell you everything because you have a right to know. That my disappearance affected you as much as it affected me and I should tell you so you can decide whether you want to keep seeing me or not. I just ask that you don’t tell anyone, and that you’ll hear me out before making a decision. Can you do that?”

  “I can, I promise. I just have so many questions that I think will be answered, one of them being why you’d let a complete stranger belt you?”

  “Because he cared. He lectured me first, then told me what my new life was going to be like, and then told me if I accepted that to bend over the couch to face the consequences of getting arrested. That if I accepted his guidance in life, this is what would happen each time I got arrested. I know you were probably never spanked growing up, but my childhood was different. The people who took me took several other children my age, and spanking was a normal punishment in that house. I need to start at the beginning so you’ll understand, but please be open minded.”

  “I will be. I promise.”

  “I’m not sure how much you remember about the day I disappeared, but I was walking home from school when I was suddenly pulled into this van. There weren’t any windows, just three large men holding me still and making me stay silent. I was face down on the seat because that’s how they’d pulled me in, and each time I’d try to make a noise around the gag they’d put in my mouth one of them would smack my butt. I knew I was being kidnapped, I was old enough to know I was in deep trouble. I expected them to take me somewhere disgusting and call my father for ransom. What actually happened was we drove for almost six hours before they pulled me out of the van. In front of me was this beautiful ranch house with fields all around and a playground to the side. They walked me into the house where the ties around my wrists were undone and the gag was taken out. A middle aged couple was sitting on the couch in the living room and they made me sit across from them as if we were about to have tea. They started talking and basically informed me that they were unable to have children but that they wanted to continue their lineage, so they were building a family. They told me I had a brother who was a year older and a sister who was a year younger. They would raise me until I was eighteen, at which point I would be allowed to go into the world and live my life according to what they’d taught me. I didn’t understand how they could continue their lineage if we weren’t legally or biologically their children, but soon I understood. At first they showed me my room, which I shared with the other boy, and they told me the house rules. Basically I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone outside the house, I would be home schooled and I would have chores. I had to obey them and if I didn’t there’d be consequences. Like I already said, usually those consequences were spankings and they could have cared less about privacy or who else was in the room. We never left the property in all those years there. Yes, they made sure we were fed and clothed, but otherwise we worked the ranch all day and did some basic school work at night. We had all been there almost two months, and it had been a hard two months because I just wanted to go home, when they suddenly called what they said was a family meeting. They took us to the basement, where we hadn’t been allowed to go until then, and told us that the day had come that we would all become a true family. I had no idea what was going on because they blindfolded me, but suddenly a stinging pain went all through my body and I heard the others scream overtop my own screams. When they took the blindfold off, we realized we were no longer human. They started explaining, but the short of it is that they weren’t from this planet. They were Aliens who were able to mask as humans. Because we were born humans, we would have all the human functions as well as the Alien functions. They told us we could live normal human lives if we wanted, but they wanted us to continue the lineage after we left there so from that day on our normal schooling stopped and they started teaching us about their planet and their lives. Five years of that before they let me go, five years of being told all these things has an effect on a child. I know the other two are likely doing what these people said to do, but I fought it every step of the way. I went as far as I could go, which is how I ended up here, and tried to forget about it. All I remembered was that I could live a normal human life if I wanted, but I know that’s not entirely true. Yes, I can pretend to be human but underneath I’m an Alien, I’m not human. I started drinking quite a bit, and started getting into a lot of trouble with the law. When Mark found me, he recognized that I was simply fighting with myself. I couldn’t go home, I was afraid of what you all would say and thought you’d be better off without me. Mark set me straight, and the past three years with him have been a blessing. He’s strict because he wants me to succeed, but he gives me enough freedom to live life and to make mistakes to learn from. He had a hard life and he knows it’s not all sunshine and roses, but I don’t think he has any idea what he’s done for me.”

  “Can I see?” Angela asked softly after several minutes of silence. She found it incredibly hard to believe, but it would explain his attachment to Mark. It would explain his rebel side where he fought against society’s constraints, and it explained why Mark was so adamant about the alcohol.

  “See what?”

  “Your Alien form.”

  Justin gave her a long, searching look, probably to determine if she was being serious or not, but when he saw nothing but honesty on her face he stood up and closed his eyes. Angela watched, as what seemed like a barrier being dropped came down over his body and suddenly there was this beautiful, but strange, green creature in front of her. It had a mouth, but it looked slightly slimy. It had three arms which flailed slightly, while there were still two legs. A very obvious male organ was prominent and Angela couldn’t help but flush red at seeing it, and while she couldn’t be entirely positive she thought he smirked at seeing her flush. The eyes weren’t exactly hollow but they were sunk in so far it almost appeared as if they weren’t there at all. One of the arms reached out to touch her and she observed that while he looked slimy he really wasn’t. A shiver went up her arm where he touched here, and the shiver went straight down. This, if possible, made her flush even more and suddenly the arm was gone and Justin was back. “If I penetrate you while in that form, you’d get pregnant with an Alien baby. If I penetrate you while in human form, it would be a human baby. Obviously in human form we could use contraception, in Alien form I can’t. I saw you looking, and I can assure you I’m just as large this way.”

  “This doesn’t change you. I mean it does, but it doesn’t. That is awful they did that to you, truly awful. No wonder they never could find you, I don’t know if they searched that far. I’m glad you found Mark, and I’m glad I found you. Now if you’re just as large this way I want to see.”

  “You know, the way you looked at me was a huge turn on. You didn’t flinch or back away, you didn’t run screaming. You truly are the perfect woman aren’t you. Come here.”

  Angela went to him without fear, knowing that he was still her stepbrother and he hadn’t changed on the outside. The thought of him being an Alien on the inside actually turned her on even more and when he started kissing her she immediately kissed back. Kissing she knew how to do, sex she’d never done before. Justin’s hand slid underneath her shirt and up her back, undoing her bra clasps with almost practiced ease. She didn’t want to think about that and started undoing the buttons on his shirt instead.

  When Justin stepped backwards she almost glared at him for the sudden loss of contact, but instead she smiled when he simply shrugged off his shirt and showed off his muscular arms and six pack abs. He reached forward and with a single movement her shirt was pulled over her head, her bra going with it since it was already undone. She tried to cover up her breasts, self-conscious about them without a bra
to lift them up, but he swatted away her hands. “You’re beautiful, don’t cover it up.”

  Justin slipped his hands into her jeans and slid them forward to undo her button and zipper. She just stood there, enjoying his touch while he kissed her neck and started to trail kisses down her collarbone. His hands cupped her backside and pushed her closer to him, and she could feel his hardness through both their jeans. “That’s what you do to me.”

  It took Justin less than a minute to have her out of her jeans and he quickly took off his own, which revealed to Angela that he wasn’t wearing underwear of any kind. Her mouth dropped slightly at seeing him naked in front of her, and she had to swallow to remember how to breathe. “Lie back on the bed. First time?” Justin asked gently.

  All she could do was nod so Justin guided her to the bed until she was on top of it and he was kneeling in front of her. Reaching up Justin started to slide down her panties until they were off as well and he kept her hands pinned to the side. “You are beautiful, I want to look at you.”

  Justin quickly returned to kissing her while his hand trailed her stomach and slowly went further south. She had touched herself before but nobody else ever had and it was sending shivers down her spine. When his finger brushed over her clit she arched up into it in pleasure, knowing she had to be soaking wet. Justin never stopped kissing her or touching her, and when he slid two fingers into her she moaned loudly into his mouth. She felt a slight sting when he added a third finger, but she knew it would likely hurt since it was the first time, and considering how large he was she knew three fingers was nothing.

  “This will hurt but I’ll try to be gentle, alright?”

  Angela nodded and watched as he slipped a condom on before positioning himself. She knew she was tensing up, but she couldn’t help it. “Turn around,” Justin suddenly said, clearly sensing her hesitation at the pain as well. She had read somewhere that doggy style would cause her to tense less, so she quickly turned around while Justin lifted her hips until she was on her knees with her face squished into the pillow.

  She tried to blink back tears when he started to push into her, but she didn’t say a word. She wanted this and she knew it would only be at first, the pleasure would come after. Once he was fully inside he stopped, allowing her to adjust around him. She could hear him breathing heavily and knew he was probably holding back to give her time. The second the pain subsided to a manageable level, she moved to indicate she was ready. The next second he pulled back and pushed back in, continuing at a steady pace that had her on the brink of orgasm within two minutes. Justin’s hand reached around to grab one of her breasts, and the sensation of his fingers on her nipple sent her over the edge as she almost collapsed in pleasure.

  She was fairly certain it was only Justin’s strength that kept her upright as he continued moving before suddenly stiffening with a deep grunt which she knew indicated that he was reaching completion almost at the same time. She felt a sense of loss at not being able to see his face, and as soon as he pulled out she rolled over while he laid down next to her. “Next time I want to see your face,” she whispered softly as she looked up into his eyes. Those same eyes that had captured her the first time she’d seen him.

  “So there will be a next time?”

  “I hope there will be many next times.”

  “Good. I’m glad we agree on that. Angela, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”

  Angela couldn’t help but giggle at the formal question, especially seeing the mirth in his eyes as he said it and the fact that his hand was trailing circles around her breasts. “It would be my pleasure.”

  “Oh, your pleasure it certainly will be. Should we get dressed or is Susie not coming back?”

  Angela had completely forgotten that she had a roommate who could walk in at any moment, and looking at the clock she almost jumped out of bed. “She’ll probably be back soon so we should get dressed, though I wouldn’t mind if you left off the shirt and make her slightly jealous at my insanely hot boyfriend.”

  Justin pulled his jeans back on, making sure to be careful with the zipper, while Angela started to pull on sweatpants. “Put on something nicer, I’m taking you for dinner. A proper first date.”

  Angela couldn’t help but smile at the thought of going on a date with Justin, and soon she was wearing the clothes she had been wearing when he had first gotten there. She felt a little self-conscious about the fact that he had seen her naked, but she really couldn’t be too bothered. It turned out to be a good thing they had gotten dressed because they had just sat back down on Angela’s bed when Susie came in. “I’m glad I don’t have to shield my eyes, though you might want to put on a shirt if you don’t want all the girls in this dorm to jump you. Find me one that looks like that please,” she added in Angela’s direction.

  “Welcome back but you should knock first if you never want to have to shield your eyes,” Justin said with a wink as he pulled on his shirt before settling back on the bed, his arm around Angela.

  “If you left I could ask her for details,” Susie said with a pointed look at Justin.

  “We’re going on a date,” Angela said and the happiness was clear on her face. It was clear she didn’t care what anyone thought, she had a boyfriend she very much liked and she was happy about it.

  “Oh a date? Shouldn’t that have come first? Alright, that was the last one, I’ll stop. I’m happy for you two, you seem happy together and that’s all that matters. So are you going to be ditching me for him all the time now because if so I’ll need to find myself a hot guy?”

  “She’ll be here every day. I have work and school so I’ll only have the evenings when I don’t have too much homework,” Justin said, pulling Angela closer to his side. “You’ll still have your friend.”

  “Good. And I want to get to know you better as well, considering you’re dating and all.”

  “We’ll probably all hang out often enough. Oh, the guy he lives with, Mark, took my ID so I can’t go out anymore.”

  “That’s a bummer, but I’m sure you wouldn’t be going out much anyway now that you have him.”

  “Yeah, probably not. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I’m not upset. There were some girls down the hall talking about going out so I might go along with them if you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all, just don’t ditch me every night.”

  “We should get going so we can beat the dinner rush. I hate waiting,” Justin said as he started to slide off the bed.

  “Good idea and you know this town better than I do. I’ll be back Susie, we need to study for the History exam.”

  “I’ll be here. Have fun you two.”

  Justin put his arm around Angela and together they started out the door. With it being a nice Sunday afternoon there were a lot of students out and about and Angela took in all the activity with a smile. She loved being a college student and she really loved LA. Of course she hadn’t seen much of it, but she had a feeling she would now that she had Justin, who was the main reason she loved LA as much as she did. She hated lying to her parents, but if she had to choose between Justin and lying to her parents she’d choose Justin any day. One day he might agree to see their parents again, especially if they continued dating, but quite honestly Angela wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell them she was dating her stepbrother. After all, they were rather conservative and probably wouldn’t approve. For now though she wouldn’t worry about any of that and would simply focus on getting a college degree while enjoying her time with the guy who currently had his arm draped around her shoulder. Their steps matched, and they easily walked down the street to destinations unknown to Angela but she didn’t fear it. Suddenly she relished in the unknown and what could come of it.

  The End

  Part XII

  Sweet Love

  Romantic Comedy

  About the Book

  Annie May Rogers comes to England to spend the summer with her grandmother and to discover th
e land of her birth. Thanks to her grandmother, what she finds is a boy from her past, now a grown man, who broke her heart as a little girl. Annie May doesn’t know, at first, that Daniel is the frog prince of her past, the boy who made her cry, but she soon finds out and it becomes their own private joke. Falling in love has never been so easy for Annie May or Daniel but betrayal soon mars her trip, and her entire world.

  Who is the mysterious Piper Sandbrook? What role does she have in Daniel’s life? Fearing that she has only been a joke to Daniel, Annie May breaks off all contact with him, fearing that her prince has turned back into a frog. Or maybe he was never a prince at all?

  Circumstances change, and questions must be answered. Can Annie May forgive disloyalty and did Daniel really betray Annie May at all? Will Piper admit her role in it all and can Daniel and Annie save each other when push comes to shove? Most important of all, was Annie May’s grandmother wrong to choose Daniel for her granddaughter or was it the smartest decision she’s ever made? Is Daniel the frog or the prince that Annie May has always dreamed of?

  Chapter 1

  Pushing her luggage through the door of the inn, Annie May Rogers called out to her Nanna, letting her know she had arrived. Clomping up the stairs she wondered what her summer in Derbyshire was going to produce. After a long flight over the Atlantic from America, a stop in Germany, and one more flight that finally landed her in Manchester; Annie May was exhausted. The train trip and cab ride to the inn didn’t help ease any of her exhaustion either, though it was wonderful to see her homeland again.

  Annie grew up in America, but her parents were English. They’d moved her and her brothers to America when she was a baby and though there had been week-long trips, she’d never really stayed longer than a week at a time. She had come over for the summer to take a break after completing her university degree in information technology and wanted a break from computers and homework before looking for a job and settling down back in America. She wanted pubs, friends, laughter, and some time with her Nanna. She knew her grandmother would be busy serving behind the bar, so she took herself up the stairs and found a room that was empty.


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