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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

Page 105

by Selina Coffey

  Kajika’s mouth followed his fingers, making Tana squirm in anticipation. They were heading in her favourite direction; south!

  Her eyes flew open as his fingers and mouth found her clit at the same time, pleasure rocketing through her body.

  “Oh! Oh wow!” She stammered, the sensation of his hot tongue against her cool clit incredible. His fingers moved further down, to glide inside of her slick walls, causing her hips to jerk, another thrilled gasp escaping her lips. She let her head fall back and Tana let go as he thrust his fingers in and out of her in time with his tongue. Kajika loved her with his mouth and his fingers, taking her sighs and gasps as signs of what she liked best. When her breath quickened, when she stopped being coherent he moved a thumb down to the tight little ring hidden between her buttocks, not entering her body but teasing her just enough to send her over the edge.

  Tana lost the ability to speak completely as she came, her head thrown back and her back arched, the muscles of her pussy grasping greedily at his fingers, wanting more from him. Before she’d climbed down completely he was there, filling her body. Moving within her, taking her high again as his cock stroked that sweet spot inside of her, his thumb still teasing at her ass.

  Tana touched Kajika, sliding her hands over his chest, down his back, and up to his mouth slipping a finger inside between his lips. He sucked at her finger, making her pussy clench in response to his suction. His cock responded with a twinge of its own and his thrusts increased, strengthened. Tana had to brace herself on the ground, digging her heels in to stay still as Kajika’s concentration on his thrusting increased, his hands now braced on each side of her head. Tana was so caught up in watching the wonder of Kajika fucking that she wasn’t paying attention to her own body, lost in watching the emotion, the feelings that crossed his features as he worked inside of her.

  Kajika had different ideas and wanted her to join him so he slid a hand between their bodies again, finding the nub of flesh that would drive her to heaven with him. He circled the flesh, knowing he’d found the right spot when her pussy tightened around him and her breaths quickened. As her pussy gave one strong pulse, squeezing him tight, his orgasm broke, the grunt he couldn’t hold back signalling to her body to follow. They went together, Tana’s movements, her gasps, driving him on.

  She held him when it was over, when he’d collapsed in her arms. She stroked his hair, loving how it felt brushing against her skin. She didn’t think she loved him yet, this was too new, too unexpected, but she knew what had driven him to his cruelty. It may have been misguided, but it was done for a reason she could understand: self-preservation. For now, she was content.

  Chapter 4

  Tana settled into village life, working with Mingan as a healer and helping with the chores when she wasn’t with Kajika. The villagers were happy that Kajika’s bullying of Tana had stopped and that they now seemed to be building a relationship. Tana moved her few belongings to Kajika’s wigwam, and they spent every moment they could steal in the day making love. Tana had shown such stoicism, such bravery that he decided to take her out on a hunt, looking for meat for the village. It wasn’t dangerous but far too many women were squeamish and did not like the act of killing. Tana accepted, although she’d never killed anything. Their survival depended on it so she knew it was something she would have to learn to do.

  They set off early one morning, following the trail of a deer down the mountain. Tana tried to concentrate on what Kajika was teaching her about tracking but realized quickly that she recognized where she was. She’d stopped here to take pictures not long after leaving her first camp. Moving down the mountain, she saw the camp grills, the building for a water pump, and a lone tent, weathered by the elements but still standing. She stopped and stared at the tent, a wave of anxiety, of fear, spreading throughout her body.

  “Kajika,” she whispered, taking his hand to stop him as she pointed at the tent.

  “What is it, my heart?” He asked, concern over the fear he saw in her face.

  “That is my tent. The one I thought I’d brought with me the day I found the village.”

  “So you left your tent that is not a problem. Maybe we can find some of the things you’ve been missing there as well. Let us have a look.” Kajika walked over to the tent, looking around the campsite.

  Tana followed slowly behind him, seeing everything just as she’d left it the night before she found the village. Kajika looked at her, worried, and then did what she could not force herself to do. He unzipped the tent and there; within its confines, Tana found the answer to her questions.

  Stumbling, falling to the ground she sobbed as memory finally engaged and she knew what had happened, why she could see her reddish-brown hair sticking out of the top of her sleeping bag. Her heart had developed an arrhythmia in the night, and it had just stopped working. It happened to athletes, people with healthy bodies, and people with heart problems, even to those that had no idea they had a heart problem. They just fell asleep one night and did not wake back up. She didn’t feel pain; she didn’t even really wake up, but she knew that was what had happened and her anguish at knowing the truth finally, at seeing her body there, helpless and abandoned, was devastating.

  Kajika quickly picked her up, carrying her away from the scene, and back up the mountain, his strong body handling the burden of her weight with ease. He raced back to the village, calling for Mingan as he ran to his wigwam. The healing elder came, gave Tana a tea to calm her but not make her sleep, just enough to calm the sobs wracking her body, so that he could speak to her. Kajika sat beside her on their pallet, holding her hand as Mingan spoke.

  “So you are a spirit. That is why you could not leave, that is what I suspected though you could not remember your death. I don’t know how you saw the LOL, perhaps now that you have fulfilled what you came here to do you can cross into the LOL more easily, but you can no longer live there. This is your world now. Don’t look at it as an end to your life, Tana, look; you have a life here amongst our people. You have Kajika, me, Allana, and the others to keep you company and your health is improving without all of that pretend food you told me about. This is your second chance at life but if you cannot handle this life you can always go into the great beyond.” Mingan said reassuringly.

  “The great beyond?” Tana asked.

  “It is a place of oblivion, where you cease to exist, you are just gone. It is a form of spirit suicide I suppose. You just stop being.” Kajika told her.

  “Ah, no, I don’t want that. Never. How long can I expect to live here?” Tana asked.

  “Well, Mingan is 900 years old, I’m 480, if that’s any help.” Kajika spoke again.

  “You’re joking!” Tana said with a gasp of disbelief.

  “Not at all. Time is not the same here as it is in the LOL. We age differently. The good news is, that when our time comes we are reborn, either here or in the LOL, so we get to live again.”

  “That sounds nice actually, the thought that we get another chance.” Tana said, a sad smile spreading over her face. “It won’t be so bad, living here. I’m going to miss some of the modern conveniences but there are definitely things here worth staying for. I’m not going into the great beyond anytime soon; I can assure you of that.”

  Tana squeezed Kajika’s hand, hugged Mingan, and then bid him goodnight as he left. Kajika came to her and lay beside her, pulling her close to his body. The nights were cooling now, winter approached, and she was glad of his heat. She took his hand, kissing it before putting it back down on her stomach.

  “Will you truly be happy here, my love?” Kajika often called her that but he’d never said he’d loved her.

  “If I have you with me, Kajika, I don’t care where I am.” She replied sleepily but happily.

  “I love you, Tana. And I have a confession to make.” He whispered into her hair.

  Pushing aside her exhaustion, Tana sat up and faced him. “You love me?”

  “I do. And I hope you’ll forgive me.” H
e said, looking down at his hands.

  “Go on then. I can’t say unless I know what it is.” She replied.

  “My wife did not run away, she went into the great beyond, she is gone forever now. She could not have children. She would become pregnant then the babes would either wither and die inside of her or would die when they were born. The misery of it finally got to her and she ended it. No matter what Mingan gave her or what we did to keep the babes healthy they always died and she just could not go on, even knowing that she had another life to live, one where she could have children.”

  “How very horrible for you both! I cannot imagine how you’ve dealt with that. But it kind of explains your behaviour when I first came. It doesn’t excuse it but it does explain it.” Tana said, kissing his palm.

  “No, it does not excuse it, not a bit. So, do you love me? Have you forgiven my behaviour?” He asked.

  Tana gave him a wicked grin and said, “I don’t know, Mr. High and Mighty, should I love you?”

  “Oh you should love me every day for the rest of this life and then some! I’m absolutely adorable don’t you know? And I know some tricks that you like.” He answered with his own cheeky grin.

  “Do you now? Care to show me some of those tricks?” She asked huskily, moving her mouth to his.

  “I’d love to,” he said as she moved to straddle him as he sat up. Their lips joined, the passion building quickly between them. They knew how to touch each other now, what brought the broken gasps that meant “don’t stop,” and what sent the other one into oblivion. They were going to kill each other if they weren’t careful!

  Tana moved her hands over his chest as his tongue invaded her mouth, her fingers grasping at his nipples and pinching hard as he gasped. He bent his head forward, whispering to her as his lips slid down the side of her neck below her ear.


  “Oh, it’s not teasing darling if I carry through on my promises.” Tana responded, grinding her pussy into his hot, throbbing cock.

  “I hope you aren’t going to make me wait tonight, I need to be inside of you now.” He whispered as his lips slid down the other side of her neck, making her squirm into him harder.

  She moved then, taking his girth in her hand as she pulled her hips back. Slowly, oh so slowly, she allowed him to slide into her slick body, clenching and sucking him in with her muscles. She was hungry for him and only he could give her what she needed.

  Taking her bottom in his hands, Kajika started to move her hips, guiding her into the first groans of the night. He was determined to make her sadness go away and this was the only way he could think of at the moment. He moved her there, scrunching down to take her nipple into his mouth, sucking hard to make the sensation jolt straight down into her groin. Tana gasped and held his head tight to her, now moving her hips on her own, finding her own rhythm as she leaned out, bracing her hand behind her so that she could move her hips without falling.

  Tana whispered to Kajika as she rode him, telling him of her love for him, of how she wanted to spend an eternity with him and then ten eternities more. She gasped as she spoke, her climax close, her words running together, driving her on, until he reached between them, stroking her clit with a hard stroke of his thumb that sent her flying. Kajika smiled as she rode the pleasure, enjoying the serpentine movements of her supple body. As she came down he rolled her over, wanting to look into her eyes as he came inside of her body.

  Tana watched him, his movements a display of his strength, a study in the miracle of the body. His arms braced behind her head flexed, the muscles standing out. His stomach was flat, hard muscle showing through to highlight his fitness. Kajika’s face was even strong, his jaw a hard line that clenched as the first waves rocked him. A man in the throes of passion was a powerful thing to watch, and Tana felt the response of her body as he emptied himself in her.

  She let her head fall back as he calmed, staring up at him. “This is why I know I’ll be alright, Kajika. This. We don’t just have passion, it’s not just fucking that we do, it’s love. We share something beautiful and this is what makes this world worth being in. I won’t mourn my own death anymore, I’ll rejoice in my new life, with you, in the spirit world, where I belong.”

  “You are right my love,” he replied as he nuzzled her neck once more, his passion for her still not quenched. “This is what makes life worth living. I just wish now I hadn’t wasted so much time in learning that.”

  “We will never get that time back but we learned a lot from our first weeks. Besides, we have several lifetimes, don’t we? Maybe by the tenth one I’ll have tired of you and been able to get you out of my system.” She laughed as he tickled her ribs for that remark. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you, even when you were at your cruellest. I was drawn to you even though I told myself I was a million kinds of fool. I can’t say that I’m glad I died but if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here. There’s no denying this is where I’m meant to be. For now and always.” Tana reassured Kajika.

  “Always, my love, always.” He replied, smiling down at her, the love he felt for her shining through even in the semi-darkness of their home. Her home.

  The End

  Part XII

  Lion Boss

  Shifter Romance

  About the Book

  Mike Allaster bought Club Regalia with the hopes of continuing the success it had been. As a successful business man he wanted to branch out, and the successful club was just the place to do that. He knew he was a handsome man, and had used that to his advantage many times.

  Julia is a bartender at Club Regalia, and despite her business degree she truly loves bartending and has no intention of ever leaving. That is, until Julia meets Mike and her world is turned upside down. When he reveals his secret, in hopes that she will accept him despite it, can she accept him as a lion shifter, or will she run away from the world she loves?

  When Julia decides to run, it is up to Mike to bring her back and make her realize that he is the perfect man for her and that having a lion shifter in her life can only be beneficial.

  Chapter 1

  Julia had graduated with a business degree earlier that summer without having a clue what she wanted to do with her life. She knew she had to start thinking about it, but at the moment she was content with her life exactly as it was. She shared a small apartment with her roommate and best friend Sarah, and they both worked at the nearby Club Regalia seven nights a week. They were bartenders, and it earned Julia more money than an entry level management position would while allowing her to meet some of the hottest guys in town.

  Not that she was looking for a guy, but she was not opposed to having a little bit of fun. She knew she was far from what most men considered beautiful at 5 foot 3, with a big figure, round butt and average sized breasts. If anything she could be considered the girl next door, while Sarah was the prom queen, but Julia found that she really didn’t mind. She got plenty of attention and she wasn’t looking to settle down, so she wasn’t worried about any of it.

  “What do you think is going to happen?” Sarah asked as she joined Julia in the bathroom to start putting on make-up. “There has to be a reason we have to come in early.”

  “I have no idea. John hasn’t said anything, and he’s the general manager so he would know. I have noticed that he hasn’t been at the club as much as he used to be, so something is definitely going on. I suppose we’ll find out when we get there,” Julia said unconcerned. She knew there was no point in sweating over what it could be, as she wasn’t going to be able to change the outcome anyway. That was a philosophy she had adopted years ago, after several setbacks in her life had almost overwhelmed her.

  Less than an hour later Julia and Sarah found themselves sitting on barstools along with the rest of their co-workers, waiting for the meeting to start. John was nowhere to be found, and considering he had called the meeting, they knew they simply had to wait. Julia hated waiting and she hated when someone was late to a meeting they schedu
led, which was also very unusual for John who was more punctual than anyone she knew. When John walked in ten minutes later, Julia almost fell off the chair when she saw who he was with.

  That was Mike Allaster. The richest bachelor in town and what most women would call a total hunk. He was tall at 6’3”, with tanned skin and a muscular build. His bright blue eyes could pierce your soul, as it did in many of the pictures she had seen of him, but they could also be incredibly gentle and kind. He was the picture of what you’d call an Alpha male, and he radiated power and dominance. Julia had never met the man, and that was what she had always thought from the videos and pictures she’d seen of him, but seeing him here in person she knew she had only scratched on the surface of the man that was Mike Allaster. When she realized Mike was staring straight at her, she couldn’t quite contain her blush and focused on John as he started the meeting.

  “Thank you all for coming in a bit early. I have an announcement to make, and it’s not easy for me to tell you this so I’m just going to come straight out and say it. I have sold Club Regalia. Due to some family commitments out west I have to move back to my hometown, and I didn’t want to close the club which was my only other option. As you have probably guessed, I have sold the club to Mike. Mike has promised to observe the club before making any changes, to see what he likes and what he doesn’t like, and I know you will all make him feel welcome. Please treat him the way you treat me and I don’t see any problems. Mike is the official owner as of an hour ago, but I will remain the manager here for another week to help with the transition. I know everyone has duties to fulfil before we can open in thirty minutes, so I’ll let you all get to it, but if you have any questions you all know where to find me. Mike, do you have anything to add?”


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