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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

Page 111

by Selina Coffey

  She shifted her position, kneeling in just the right way so that she could guide his hard cock into her wet folds. Then she sank down onto him, enjoying the friction and feel of him stretching her wider than she’d ever felt before. Mira’s breath caught as she finally rested her ass against his hips. She squeezed her inner muscles and let a dirty laugh loose as he sucked in his own breath. She was so tight around him, she could feel him pulsing inside of her and knew he had to be able to feel her own movements around him.

  Salvador placed his hands on her hips, letting her set the pace as he contributed his own movements in time with hers. Mira quickly lost herself to the pleasure, her knees aching slightly, but she ignored the pain as the pleasure between her thighs rose. When she leaned back his cock hit just the right spot, and she refused to move from that position until she was panting, unable to form words. As her second orgasm scorched through her body, Mira momentarily wondered if her contracting pussy was hurting him but let the thought drift away as Salvador gave a guttural groan that set her off again.

  The sound he made could have been confusion, it could have been pain, but from the way he gripped her ass and pulled her tighter to his body, she knew it was pleasure. She rode him faster then, letting the friction of her own movements pull him with her to oblivion.

  Mira sank to the ground beside him when she’d caught her breath, wondering what would come next. For now she wanted to nap, to stare up at the stars, to suck on his beautiful cock some more, all at the same time. Salvador moved to his side, facing Mira, and kissed her. Smiling he sat watching her and slowly her eyes closed, and she slept there with him, in the desert with the Milky Way shining bright above them.

  Chapter 4

  “Your name is Julia? Why should that matter to me?” Mira asked as the beautiful woman before her swept haughtily around the room, fanning the sheer fabric of part of her skirt around her dramatically as she paced. Mira and Salvador had come back to the house early that morning, sleeping in Salvador’s room until Salvador rose to go take care of some business for the day. Mira could still feel his touch on her skin, the brush of his beard across her nipples, and she blushed just thinking about it.

  Salvador had made her feel like she was beautiful for the first time in her life. No man had ever made her feel like that. Some had made her feel special for a moment or two but most wandered away when the next woman caught their attention. She’d learned to take men or leave them but Salvador was different. He was considerate, making sure she was comfortable and happy, he made her laugh, and he listened to her opinions. He appreciated that she was educated and they’d spent a lot of time discussing historical eras and occurrences. He really was the man of her dreams.

  “Pardon me? Mira is it? Well, Mira I have some things you need to know if you’ll stop daydreaming about Salvador for five minutes.” The woman rudely interrupted. Looking at her, she was the kind of nympho Mira would expect Salvador to date but she had no idea who the woman was. She had that blonde hair color that was mixed with other shades that shouted ‘expensive, time consuming, and self-absorption’ to Mira. Her makeup was flawless and would have done a porn queen proud. The body revealed by what amounted to lingerie, that the woman apparently considered clothing, must have been a plastic surgeon’s crowning achievement with breasts and an ass that were not humanly possible but still somehow attractive.

  “Let me guess? You’re Salvador’s lover and you’re here to reclaim him from frumpy little old me? Is this the part where I’m supposed to run off and turn into you so that I can win him back? Because I can tell you this much honey, if he wanted you, he’d be with you. Not with me. But just to be fair, how about I go home for a little while and we’ll see how this works out? I can tell you before you start, you can’t tell me anything that I haven’t told myself before and if Salvador wants me, he has to prove it. I know he’s the next pack leader and has to produce an heir; I know we were contracted to marry at an early age. I also know you’re the type of dream woman he deserves. But sometimes, sometimes honey, us fat chicks win, so if you don’t mind, take your hooker looking ass on out the door so I can pack, okay? And honestly, I hope you catch syphilis.” Completely and totally astonished at the venom she’d just unleashed on the woman, Mira showed her the door, and shut it quietly as the woman flounced out with a sour look on her face. I bet she looks like she’s 50 in two more years, Mira thought to herself as she smiled and walked out of another door that lead to her bedroom.

  Sure, she could play the part of the broken-hearted fat chick and go home dismal and alone to eat herself into tighter pants, but not this time. She had a chance, an opportunity as one of the children of the Jaguar Clan, and she was going to make sure Salvador understood what this chance meant as well. They had a real chance at love here, a chance to do something for their clan, and she was going to walk away from it now to make sure they both had their cards laid out on the table where no mistakes could be made. She wasn’t going to live her life worrying if he was cheating, she was going to live it knowing he was happy with her or live without him altogether. He had to know the same thing about her.

  With a smile, she walked into her bedroom and packed her bags, asking the maid to call a cab for her as she loaded the bags into the hallway before writing a note to let Salvador know where she was going to be. Last night had been wonderful, spectacular even, and she wanted more, but she also knew who she was now and knew she deserved better than a marriage of convenience, a marriage that suited their clan. She deserved his love and devotion, and Salvador deserved the same from her. She smiled as she placed the note on his pillow, knowing he might misinterpret her good-bye, but willing to take the chance. If he let her go that was his loss, she was still going to be the clan’s story-keeper, she’d just do it another way.

  Mira fell asleep as the plane left Mexico, not realizing that it was Halloween, the night where the spirit world could cross into present reality. She hadn’t paid any attention to the signs, only wanting to get back to New York, to finish her job up, then head back to her new home. In her dreams, she found the people she’d missed the most her entire life; her parents.

  Her mother, young when she’d had Mira and dead before Mira was two, was a beautiful version of her daughter, with dark-brown hair and the same brown eyes Mira had. Her blonde hair came from her father and she wished momentarily that she’d had his clear grey eyes. They hugged her and held her close, both wanting to touch the daughter they’d missed for so long. They took her to a room with a large mirror on the wall and smiled at her, imploring her to look into the mirror. In the mirror, she saw her life with Salvador as his wife, laughter, love, and children filled the mirror. She smiled, reaching out to touch the mirror but the image changed, becoming dark and clouded as her finger touched the rim. The picture showed Mira in a dark, dusty room this time, her hair silver; her features pinched and bitter looking between the lines. She knew from this picture what life without Salvador would be and knew what the right decision was. If he came to New York she had to take the chance because life with him was going to be far sweeter than one without him.

  It took Salvador two days to find her and then he was there before her, a smile on his face, and his hair in that incredible bun that made her itch to touch him. Something about it just made her crazy for him. She opened the door wide, spreading her arms out to him. He gathered her up, carrying her into the tiny apartment.

  He soon found her bed and had her naked beneath him, face-down in the bed as he stroked his cock in and out of her. “Tell me you’ll never leave me again, Mira. I can’t take being without you.”

  “I won’t leave you again, Salvador, ever. Please, faster my darling. I need to feel all of you.” Mira felt as though the world was spinning, and she did not want to get off of it for a change. Salvador had her body begging for him the moment he appeared at the door, and she was helpless to refuse it. Mira moved with him, confident in herself because Salvador loved her, loved her body and soul. He loved the sof
t curves of her body, the way her skin glowed, and that when he pushed into her he didn’t bruise his hips. He loved feeling her beneath him and feeling her softness, not hard bone. Skinny girls were okay but he preferred bigger women, and Mira most of all.

  Mira didn’t hide herself, didn’t hide her longing for him. She felt no shame in begging him to fuck her, or in pushing his head between her legs. She knew he enjoyed pleasuring her just as much as she enjoyed pleasuring him and as the sun sank down into night, she finally pushed him over the edge. He’d had her in every room of her apartment, in the bathroom, on the couch, the floor, but he hadn’t allowed himself a release yet. He wanted only her pleasure, but now she was tiring. She needed to feel him cum; she needed to know he’d had his own release or she’d have him in every room of the place. Their love pushed them; their delight in each other’s pleasure drove them to seek the depths of that pleasure out but now Mira needed rest, but she would not rest unless he came.

  She got down on her knees, with him before her on her bed, and took him deep into her throat, moving her head up and down. His hands slid into her blonde hair, not controlling her movements but allowing her to move to her own rhythm. She moved her head quickly, sucking him to the tip of his cock before sliding back down again. Mira’s hands moved on him as he slid from between her lips, encouraging him to let go. She smiled as she felt the first hot drop on her cheek, then licked up the one that landed on her lips, grinning up into his eyes as the rest landed on her chest.

  His breath came in short, harsh cries, his release so powerful he shut his eyes and let his head fall back. He loved the sight of her covered in his cum but he couldn’t hold his head up as she stroked more of his juices from his cock.

  They fell into bed together, whispering of their plans for the future. Mira remembered something just before she fell asleep and spoke the thought aloud to Salvador.

  “Babe, when I was in the trance and we made love for the first time you said something about a baby. That we were making a baby. Was that true?” Mira hoped it was, she really did. She’d like to have more time with him without a child, but she’d also love to have a child of her own as well.

  “Yes my love, you’ll be able to take a test in another week or so to confirm it but that’s what we were doing. We were creating the next generation of were-jaguar. They’ll have both of us there to love them as well; it won’t be like your life, alone and lonely. We’ll both be there for our children and they will know nothing but love from us.” He said as he kissed her one more time.

  A year later, Mira laughed as she watched Salvador making funny faces at their daughter on the fertile green lawn of their back garden. Her husband was as much in love with their child as he was with her mother. He’d never seen anyone so fascinated with a baby before. Already Isadora’s eyes were the same green as her fathers, and her baby fine hair was the color of her mother’s blonde hair. Isadora’s birth had brought them even closer together somehow. Each new stage of their relationship, of their lives as leader of the Jaguar Clan and as keeper of their stories brought them closer together.

  A year ago Mira would not have ever dreamed this much happiness was possible. She still had no idea why her grandmother had been so unloving, so unkind to her but after Isadora’s birth she thought she might have an idea why. She so loved the child that the thought of losing her made Mira go cold. Perhaps the loss of her own daughter had made her grandmother too numb, too cold, to love the child of that daughter. Isadora would never know that pain of being unloved if she could help it, and she lived each day as if it was the last she’d get to spend with either of the two people she loved the most. If anything happened to her she did not want them to ever doubt just how much she truly loved them.

  Mira watched the pair, certain that life could get no better than it was with the man and child who made up her entire world. She knew the future only held more love for her and for the rest of her life, she would remember that cold grey image of her alone in the library as a warning of what her life could have been if she’d made the wrong decision. Staring up into the brightly lit sky, she knew she’d made the right choice, for her, for Salvador, and for the future of their clan.

  The End

  Part XIV

  Married to the Dragon

  Shifter Romance

  Chapter 1

  “Oh, Ellieth…” Her sister’s voice was hushed. “You look like an angel. Look—look!” Her hands guided Ellieth to turn around.

  “I do not look—oh, my.” Ellieth gasped. She had been sure that her sister was only giving customary compliments to the bride, but her appearance was indeed otherworldly.

  The wedding dress floated around her like something from a dream, layers of white seeming to drift in a breeze that touched no one else; Elven magic, her mother said with a sniff. The bodice glittered with diamonds so small that Ellieth could have sworn she was dressed in fresh-fallen snow— and so convincing was the illusion that she shivered.

  Her white-blond hair fell free over her shoulders, its waves adorned with pearls and blue gems that caught the light of the magical light globes, and her eyes seemed almost to glow. Ellieth was accustomed to dressing in dark blue, to accentuate her color, but she now regretted that she did not dress in white more often. She looked luminous, a creature of snow, as magical as the Elven palace that surrounded her, with eyes that spoke of old magic.

  “Well,” her mother said at last, sounding pleased, “they won’t have seen something like this before.”

  She sounded satisfied, as proud as any mother to see her daughter be married, but Ellieth knew the woman well enough to hear the tremor of fear in her voice. Everything hung on this marriage. Everything.

  “They will treat me well, Mother.” She turned, clasping her mother’s hands in her own.

  “If they do not—”

  “They must.” Ellieth smiled her reassurance, hoping that her racing pulse did not give away her own fear. She thought, with some annoyance, that her mother should be comforting her and not the other way around, but she knew it must be difficult to see one’s child walk into the danger of a hostile court. “They need us,” Ellieth reminded her.

  It was true, although she feared that the fact made the Elves more resentful than anything else. They were a proud race. Elfhame—or whatever unpronounceable name they called it in Elvish— was guarded by warriors who wielded bows, staves, and swords with equal precision. For millennia, the Elves were the most feared fighting force on Earth. And for centuries, they existed with humans in an uneasy truce borne of mutual desperation. The Elves, if they so choose, could crush the human nations in a moment… if they had not needed their troops for the increasingly ruinous battle against the dragons.

  The war had raged between the two nations since before Ellieth’s family took the throne in the human lands. She wondered if the Elves were aware that it had been their armies who placed her family in the seat of power, however inadvertently—when King Savin IV of the Elvenkin had slain Darius, the last of the royal line. Ellieth’s great grandfather, an archduke, had been chosen as the successor.

  And now Ellieth was to marry Savin’s namesake, so that the humans could aid the Elves in a battle they now, to their shame, needed humans to help them fight. As necessary as her presence was, signaling military aid, Ellieth knew it might not be welcome. She had crept to her father’s door while he conversed with her mother, and so she had heard him repeat the slander they said against humans: weak, terrified little creatures. Too easily crushed to be worth the crown Prince’s hand in marriage.

  When Ellieth asked her mother, a bit desperately, if they should go through with the marriage, her mother had reminded her simply that with Savin’s goodwill, no one else could touch her. And so Ellieth, whose concerns the week before had been centered on grain prices and the other tedious business of learning to rule; now found herself with the task of enchanting an Elven Prince. She had spent the ride to the castle trying to forget that she did not think she coul
d do it.

  “Do you think the Prince will be nice?” Ellieth’s younger sister asked softly, as if reading Ellieth’s mind.

  “Allina!” their mother said sharply.

  “I’m sorry.” Her sister’s eyes, a paler blue than Ellieth’s own, dropped down. Where Ellieth seemed born of extremes, pale as ice and yet with eyes like dusk, Allina was a copy of gold and aquamarine; her skin inclined to turn the color of honey in the sun, her hair as pure and glorious as liquid bronze, and her eyes shining the same clear blue as the waters around the human capital of Terrestra. Now she bit one rose-pink lip, flushing with shame.

  “Allina, don’t worry.” Ellieth reached out to tuck a lock of hair behind her sister’s ear. “Prince Savin will—”

  A distant roar went up in the great hall outside, and Ellieth broke off. Their mother picked up her skirts, hastening over to peer through one of the carved screens that separated them from the throng, Elves and humans mixing in stilted politeness. From the cheer, Ellieth knew that Savin must have taken his place at the altar.

  “Ellieth.” Her sister’s voice was low, panicked. “It’s not too late to go back.”

  “What’s gotten into you?”

  “I’m scared,” Allina whispered. “The dragon—Ellieth, you were already here, but we saw it when we came to join you. It’s black as night, it blocks the sun with its wings. If it lays siege to Elfhame…”


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