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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

Page 134

by Selina Coffey

  She made a lot of money in her eleven years with Evelyn, despite not sleeping with the clients. Now she was looking for a new life. A life of a similar quiet atmosphere and peace. She wanted to live in peace. That was all she wanted. Maybe a puppy too. She still hadn’t got that puppy she’d always wanted.

  2016, Miami, Florida

  Jacqui put down her smartphone and looked out at the people buzzing past the street café she was sitting at. Well-dressed tourists walked by, trying to look as though they belonged by not gawking at everything that looked exceptionally expensive, amusing Jacqui. They were almost harder to take seriously than the ones dressed in the cheap bikinis and flip-flops from the discount stores that dotted parts of Florida. Snobbery for snobbery’s sake always amused Jacqui.

  She came from humble beginnings and though she was now rich, she felt like she didn’t quite fit in. She hid those feelings behind ice blue eyes and pale skin, far paler than anyone living in Florida had a right to be, but she managed to protect herself from the sun’s harsh rays with her clothes and a lot of careful planning. Along with gallons of sunblock.

  Just now she was sitting beneath an umbrella, her eyes protected by large designer sunglasses, watching the tourists go by. Sometimes she came down from her high-rise world, down to the ground, just to make sure it still existed. The only time she left otherwise was to go somewhere with a client. Her needs were cared for by a wealthy patron, a man that had his own proclivities but kept Jacqui around for appearance’s sake. Just one of many men she’d served over her life as an escort.

  She was a front, a haven, a ruse for gay men that refused to be dragged out of the closet. She was paid well for her services but sometimes she needed to come back down to the real world. Jacqui shifted as she spotted the woman she was meeting and held her arm out. The woman saw her and came to sit with Jacqui.

  “Good morning my darling, how are you?” Carla held her hand out to Jacqui, her own eyes hidden behind large glasses but her beautifully full lips stretched in a warm smile.

  “I’m fine, Carla, want a drink?” Jacqui took the other woman’s hand and squeezed before she let it go. Besides Evelyn, this was the only other soul on earth that Jacqui had formed any kind of bond with. As Evelyn’s personal assistant, Carla knew about Jacqui’s life but did not intrude on it or judge her, she simply acted as a friend to the other woman. When Jacqui allowed it.

  Tall, Latin and beautiful, Carla was a dream come true for many but she had no time for such things. Her life as a child had not been so great either and she was also one of Evelyn’s foundlings. Carla had chosen a different path in her life than Jacqui but she was still well-cared for.

  “Have you considered Liam’s offer?” Jacqui’s eyes narrowed as she looked at her friend, watching for any clue Carla might give away. Carla was a professional ice queen too, she had to be in her line of work, and gave nothing away. Jacqui knew a man had recently offered quite a bit of money for a night with Carla but Carla had refused to answer so far.

  “I have. I’m considering it. But for now, I’m here to talk about you. Here is the list you requested.” Carla slid a folder over to Jacqui and Jacqui took it.

  Pictures of very handsome men with their profiles outlined filled the folder, an inch thick. This was another of Evelyn’s services, men who required wives but didn’t want questions asked. They wanted a woman with an impeachable past with excellent skills at hiding the truth. The need for secrecy was obvious when she saw that many were politicians and men with a need to hide their sexuality. The world had become more accepting of homosexuality, but for those in the higher echelons of power, the need to hide their true selves seemed to be necessary. Others were in fields ruled by men that would see a gay male as weak.

  Others, such as a few of the actors Jacqui now saw in the folder, had contracts with their studios that held a clause that they would not disclose their sexuality. Straight women wanted straight male heartthrobs, not gay men that were completely unattainable. The illusion that there might be a chance, some windswept night when the stars aligned, had to be there and gay actors didn’t often get leading male roles.

  Jacqui suppressed the urge to raise her eyebrows at some of the names she found in the folder. She’d have never guessed about the men she recognized. She’d simply had no clue.

  “Shocking isn’t it?” Carla sipped at a mojito as Jacqui flipped pages.

  “It is. Sometimes I feel like my entire life has been an illusion.” She sighed and put the folder down. She’d have to make a choice within 24 hours then incinerate the folder. Secrecy must be maintained.

  “That’s why we do what we do, Jacqui. I’m glad to see you’re going for some kind of normal, though. Even if the marriage is a sham.”

  “This life can be a long one. Eleven years feels like a hundred, you know?” Jacqui brushed a sleek lock behind her ear and began to eat the salad the waiter brought out to her.

  “I understand. Evelyn says to let her know your choice and she’ll send another envelope over with the details.” In an age where electronics could be hacked, paper could still burn. Most of the information about clients was kept out of computer systems and could be incinerated at a moment’s notice.

  “I’ll let her know.” Jacqui’s naturally strong white teeth picked a black olive from her fork delicately, seductively, without any effort. She was trained to give an illusion and though she’d never been with a man she’d made many quiver just by eating in front of them. The skills had become second nature to her now and she didn’t even notice Carla watching her avidly.

  “I’ll miss you, you know.” Carla’s words were an admission that would normally not have been spoken and Jacqui looked up at her friend.

  They were friends but a lot had remained unsaid between them, neither wanting to fall into the world of even platonic love. Emotion was an enemy and to be squashed. But something was different about Carla today and for a moment Jacqui’s façade cracked.

  “Will you?” Curiosity weighted her words and Jacqui looked away, hoping her sunglasses still hid her eyes the way Carla’s hid her dark chocolate brown ones.

  “Yes, I will. But that’s to be expected. So, I’ve decided to accept the offer. It happens in two days. Maybe I’ll use some of the money to come visit you wherever you end up.” Carla knew Jacqui would never accept anyone in Miami so travel would have to be involved.

  Jacqui felt a prickle of annoyance. She’d have to hide her past in her new life, Carla would not only be a reminder of that past, she’d be a clue. But the annoyance was subsumed by a quiver of delight. Jacqui suspected Carla was infatuated with her but neither had ever broached the subject. Maybe that’s what drove Carla to take the offer and make the admission.

  Jacqui had noted the sideways glances over the years, the lingering touches, but had never allowed herself to consider taking the friendship further. She’d felt curiosity the same as she had with men, she just wouldn’t allow herself to be weak. Sex made you weak. Even with women.

  “That would be lovely.” Jacqui let the words break through, her long years of friendship with the woman finally winning out. She couldn’t look at Carla after she said the words so she went back to staring at the people passing by, her salad forgotten.

  “That’s settled then. I have to get back to the office. Message me later with your decision.” Carla bent to give Jacqui’s cheek an air kiss before she walked way, quickly disappearing into the crowds.

  Inhaling deeply, Jacqui left some money with the waiter and left. She had to make a decision quickly. She assumed any man would do what she wanted. A sexless life as a decoration when needed, a woman that could pursue her own interests otherwise. A life of no children, with a husband that led a quiet life. She’d already dismissed the politicians and military men. Too much spotlight was placed on those type of men, she wanted a quiet man with no aspirations in politics or fame. If the man was well-known that was fine, but she didn’t want someone the press would hound for all their days.

  Back at her crisp, white, minimalist apartment, Jacqui settled down onto a red velvet couch, her bare feet tucked beneath her. One man had piqued her interest and she went back to him. Cade Alexander was tall, dark, and at thirty-six years of age, he was very handsome. There was something cold about him though, something in his black eyes that seemed to push people away, even from a photograph. His sexuality was not listed but she had to assume he was just as homosexual as the others.

  A rancher in Kansas, Cade was looking for a woman of her age, with her looks, and for the same reasons, she wanted a husband. A quiet, sexless, childless marriage so he could focus on his own life while letting the world think he was married and happy.

  He was perfect really, not so old she’d be called a gold-digger behind her back, and not too young. He wasn’t ostentatious or dramatic looking, he was just a rancher in a suit. A very handsome rancher. Jacqui reminded herself she wasn’t looking for love and took his picture out of the file. This was the one.

  She’d start an email exchange with him this evening and hopefully, arrangements would soon be made. As the wife of a rancher, she’d be left in peace, with a secure future. And if something happened, well, she had her own nest egg to fall back on. This marriage idea appealed because she’d be able to have more security but if it did not work out then it was alright.

  Jacqui knew she wasn’t leading the normal life and never would. She wanted the illusion of it though, for her own security. Only in her dreams at night did she long for love, to be touched, that was the one arena of her life she couldn’t control. She took pains to become adept at forgetting her dreams as time went by, now she barely knew if she dreamed at all.

  She’d worked to leave her past behind, to build a façade around herself that was next to impossible to crack. She hadn’t cried since the day her mother died. She could laugh, but to feel genuine love, care or heartbreak was not something she was willing to ever experience again. Jacqui wasn’t a cruel person, she was just unyielding and determined to never feel what she’d felt her entire childhood ever again.

  Love made you weak, vulnerable and a target. Jacqui knew she never wanted to experience any of that ever again. Her father had left her, her mother had left her, and she’d had no one else to turn to. Nobody but Evelyn, and from her Jacqui learned to make it in this world. She hadn’t wanted fame or notoriety, she just wanted security. Evelyn had given that to her and Jacqui knew that Cade would do the same by offering her the same as she offered him, an illusion for the world.

  Read the full story now

  About the Author

  Selina Coffey is a romance writer who lives happily in London with her husband and son. She is a hopeless romantic who grew up always believing in love and she is not ashamed to admit this! It is this belief that makes her so passionate about writing crazy love stories.

  A stereotypical girly girl, she loves shopping. So whenever she gets a chance and the spare cash, you will probably find her browsing online for the next pair of shoes to add to her collection!

  You can find her online at

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