When Love's at Work
Page 10
“Meg,” Bobby fell into step with her within seconds, “I didn’t mean anything. I like you and I want to be with you. I didn’t mean to offend you.” He knew he shouldn’t have said anything. It just felt right in the moment and now she was pissed off.
Meg stopped walking and turned to face Bobby. “It’s not your fault. I think I sent you mixed signals. I didn’t mean to. You need to understand something, Bobby. I want it all. Prince Charming, the castle, romance, all of it. I won’t settle for less. I may want you physically, but I mean it when I say I won’t settle. One-night stands are not for me. They never have been. If that’s what you’re looking for, we can just end this thing now with no hard feelings.”
“End this thing?” Bobby replied with surprise in his voice. “I just wanted to have sex. If you don’t want to have sex, fine. Who’s talking about ending anything? I’m not.”
“I thought if you didn’t get what you wanted… well… you’d be done with me,” Meg said, looking at the cement sidewalk.
Bobby put his hand under her chin and lifted it gently so their eyes met. “You’re in my blood. I’ll never be done with you.”
Somewhere deep in her heart, Meg heard the whinny of Sir Bobby’s horse nearby.
Alex couldn’t sleep. The thought of Purity in the next room was driving him crazy. He wondered if she wore pajamas, a silky nightgown, or nothing at all while she was slept. How in the hell had she managed to have such a hold on him so quickly?
Alex decided sleep just wasn’t going to happen, so he got up and went to the kitchen. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and rummaged through the refrigerator and pantry. He puckered his lips as he named off ingredients in his head. He could make this work. He pulled cornbread mix, beans, canned tomatoes and seasonings out of the cupboard and onions and garlic out of the fridge. Alex’s famous chili and cornbread was about to be created. The longer it simmered, the better it would taste.
He put some Lynyrd Skynyrd into Pure’s CD player, making sure the volume wasn’t too loud so it wouldn’t disturb Purity’s sleep. He began dicing onions to Sweet Home Alabama.
Purity slept hard, for forty-five minutes, then woke up gasping for air. She almost yelped. Sweat beads were rolling off her forehead and her body was slick, as if she’d just run ten miles. She put her right hand up to her neck to feel for bruises. There were none. It was a dream. Only it wasn’t really. It was a memory.
Heavy sobs released themselves as she cried into her pillow. When would the nightmare end? When would the memory diminish and lose its powerful spell? She felt like she hadn’t had a peaceful sleep in ages.
Finally able to take deep, cleansing breaths, Pure became aware of a wonderful smell. Then she remembered Alex. Was Alex cooking? No man she had ever gone out with had prepared food for her.
Pure pulled on sweat pants and a tank top and headed into the kitchen, following her nose.
“Lynyrd Skynyrd, chili and a gorgeous man in my kitchen, am I dreaming?” Purity asked as she kissed Alex on the cheek.
“You should be dreaming. How come you’re not sleeping?” Alex inquired, concern leaking through in his voice.
“Bad dream,” Pure said, wondering if she should tell him the whole Derek story.
Alex didn’t ask in words, but his eyes did. She wanted him to know, to understand. Pure walked around the counter and climbed up onto one of the stools, resting her elbows on the counter. “Let me tell ya a little story ‘bout a man named Derek,” Pure attempted to lighten the mood by singing the words to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies theme. Alex didn’t smile. Instead, he followed Pure’s path and sat on the stool next to hers.
Purity spilled the tale of her relationship with Derek Worthington. Alex didn’t interrupt or offer advice. He did put his hand on her knee about halfway through the story. When she was done, Alex said only one word. “Bastard.”
Purity kissed Alex. A slow, mesmerizing kiss filled with appreciation, thankfulness, relief and amazement that she had been so lucky to find someone she just might be able to share her life with. As they enjoyed a long hug, Purity found the words I love you on the tip of her tongue.
Bobby and Meg were greeted at Pure’s apartment door by Alex.
“Purity’s in the shower,” he explained with a nod of his head toward the bathroom.
Meg wondered if the idea of sharing the shower with Alex had occurred to Purity. Knowing Pure, it had definitely crossed her mind.
Bobby went into the kitchen to raid the refrigerator for a beer while Alex whispered something to Meg. Bobby’s eyes narrowed. “What are you two whispering about?”
Meggie smiled and said sweetly, “Nothing.”
Bobby was suspicious, but decided it couldn’t be too bad if they weren’t concerned that he was standing right there watching them.
Purity emerged from the shower wrapped in a white terry cloth robe with arms that hung about four inches below her hands.
“You know you can get robes in different sizes now,” Bobby teased his sister.
Purity threw the towel she had been using to dry her hair at Bobby. “I don’t like boys. They all have cooties.”
“Not all of us,” Alex shot back with a grin.
“What smells so good?” Meg said, interrupting their playful antics as she took the lid off the pot of simmering chili.
“Alex’s chili,” Pure answered. “Have some, there’s plenty. It’s delish.”
“I’ll take some, too,” Bobby said, joining Meg in the kitchen and rummaging through the cupboards looking for bowls.
“There’s cornbread in the plastic container on the counter,” Alex added. “Help yourself.”
The friends and siblings sprawled over the comfortable couches and popped a movie into the DVD player. Within fifteen minutes, they were all fast asleep.
Emily Cravens was sitting on her front porch sipping iced tea when Alex pulled his silver Chevy Malibu up to the curb. Mrs. Cravens’ directions were easy to follow. Alex got out of the car and surveyed the house Purity longed to call her own. He could see why she liked it so much. It seemed like a perfect fit for Pure’s personality and nature, warm and genuine.
“Well, don’t just stand there, come on up to the porch,” Emily said with a welcoming lilt in her voice. “I poured you a glass of iced tea. Do you like sugar or that artificial stuff?”
“I like real sugar,” Alex answered as he walked through the white picket gate and up the steps onto the porch.
“Me, too. That artificial stuff tastes like crap,” Emily said with a twinkle in her eye.
The cool drink soothed Alex’s parched throat and he sat in the chair Mrs. Cravens motioned for him to sit in.
“Mighty nice of you to buy my house for Purity,” Emily started. “I don’t want just anybody living here and I know she’d take good care of the place.”
“I believe Purity would consider it an honor to live here, as well,” Alex replied. “I think the asking price is more than reasonable,” he paused and pulled a check out of his pocket. “I took the liberty of writing a check already. Hope you don’t mind.” Alex handed the check to Mrs. Cravens.
Emily’s hand shook slightly as she accepted the check. She had never seen so many digits on a check before. She knew she was doing the right thing, but it still felt odd, like she was selling her memories. She slipped the check into her ample bosom and secured it with part of her bra strap. She picked up her glass and raised it in a gesture of a toast.
“May this house bring Purity as much joy as it has brought me and my family,” Emily said.
They clinked their glasses and Alex said, “Here, here.”
Paperwork details would be worked out later. Alex couldn’t wait to tell Purity she had a house that was all hers.
Meg wasn’t sure what to do, so she called Courtney.
“What’s up, Meggie?” Court asked, after seeing Meg’s name displayed on her caller ID.
“I don’t know what to do!” Meg half-shrieked into the phone. �
�I mean, I love Pure and I want her to be happy, but I’m not sure I should have told him. Of course, he could easily have found out some other way, but… Oh, I don’t know!”
“Back up and start at the beginning, Meg, you’re not making any sense,” Courtney said, plopping herself down in a big, overstuffed chair.
Taking a deep breath Meg said, “When Bob and I came back from our date, Alex asked me if I had Emily Cravens’ phone number. I said sure and gave it to him. I know her number by heart because she used to give me piano lessons when I was younger, but I didn’t have a piano at my house to practice on, so she let me come over and use hers. Anyhow, I gave him the number and then asked why he wanted it and he said he wanted to surprise Pure by buying her the house.”
“Oh,” Court replied.
“See! See! That’s the thing! This whole scenario could totally blow up in Alex’s face. Pure might not want Alex to buy her the house. You know how she likes to earn things and accomplish things for herself. So, what if she gets all mad at Alex, and then mad at me for giving Alex Mrs. Cravens’ number?” Meg’s voice rose higher and higher with each word.
“First of all, Meggie, you need to breathe,” Courtney reminded her friend. “Second of all, I have the feeling that if Alex McCallister wanted to find Mrs. Cravens’ number, he could have done it without your help. Third of all, we don’t know how Pure will react. I think she’s falling for Alex, so maybe she’ll simply accept the completely lavish gift and enjoy it for what it is.”
Meg thought about Court’s words. “No way will Pure just enjoy the gift for what it is. She’ll either read more into it or say she can’t accept it. Or both.”
“You’re right,” Courtney agreed. “Still, it’s quite the romantic gesture, don’t you think?”
“If Bobby bought me a house, I’d certainly accept it and I’d ask him to move into it with me,” Meg said.
“So, things are serious with you and the Bobster?”
“Yes. Well I think they could be. I told him I didn’t want to have sex and he was okay with it, at least for now.”
“That’s cool,” Court stated. “I like it when guys don’t put on the pressure and allow things to happen naturally.”
“Me, too.”
“So, when’s Alex going to tell Pure the news?” Courtney asked.
“I’m not sure. He said he was going to call Mrs. Cravens right away, so my guess is as soon as he can gather the money to pay for the house.”
“That shouldn’t be long,” Court said. “From what I’ve heard about Alex McCallister, he could just write a check out for the full amount.”
“Man, that must be nice,” Meg commented, not being able to imagine having that much cash available whenever you wanted it.
“Thanks so much, Court,” Meg paused. “I feel like I can breathe now.”
“Breathing is good, Meg.”
“Yes, yes it is,” Meg said, ending their conversation.
Meg and Court both wondered how Purity would respond to Alex’s offering.
Chapter Eight
Emily Cravens had given Alex a key to the house so he could present it to Purity. Alex stopped by the Hallmark store and found a card that he thought fit the moment. He also purchased a piece of red silk ribbon and had the clerk tie it in a beautiful bow around the key. Alex knew if he tried to tie the bow it would have looked like a wreck. Once in his car, he wrote “welcome home” on the card and then placed the key inside the card, put it inside the envelope and ran the gummed edge across his tongue and sealed it.
He couldn’t wait to see Pure’s face when she opened it. He had arranged to meet her for dinner after she and her brother visited their mom in the hospital. Alex hadn’t been this excited to give someone a gift in a very long time.
Bobby dropped Purity off at Alex’s home and headed over to pick up Meg, as they were going to get together for dinner as well.
Pure loved the look of Alex’s home. It was a log cabin, although the word cabin implied that the house was small and it definitely was not small. Pure guessed it had at least four bedrooms and there were two visible brick fireplaces. The rolling green lawn was surrounded by tall pine trees. Crimson and butter colored rose bushes flanked the entryway on trellis’ that reached toward the second story.
She half expected to see a big dog come bounding around the corner with a couple of kids in tow. This was a house built for a family. As Pure’s eyes tried to catch every nuance of the landscape, she remembered that Alex was married. He had a family. Did he have kids? She had never asked him. She hadn’t really wanted to think about the fact that he was still a married man, no matter how hard Sheila said he tried to get a divorce from his wife. The fact remained, Alex McCallister was married. Pure frowned at the thought. She needed to have a talk with him and she needed to have it soon.
The front door swung open and Alex appeared in a pair of worn jeans and a navy blue t-shirt with one small, white star on the pocket.
“Hey, sugar,” he said as he quickly made his way from the front stoop to Pure’s side. He kissed her lightly on the lips and inhaled her scent.
“Hi,” Purity replied, savoring the feeling of Alex’s lips on hers. How come when she was anywhere near Alex, all thoughts of his wife disappeared?
“Come on in, I’ll give you the grand tour,” Alex said, gesturing for Purity to head into his home. The living room was earthy and warm in tones of sienna, hunter green, and chocolate. The sectional sofa was leather and felt like sweet cream to the touch.
“That must have cost you a bundle?” Pure couldn’t help but comment.
“It did,” Alex agreed with a large grin. “It was worth it.”
“Your home is so warm and inviting. I love the fireplace,” Pure stated, running her fingers across the sturdy brick. “How long have you lived here?”
“About two years,” Alex replied, remembering how much Callie had hated the idea of living in a log house. She refused to even consider moving into the home Alex had helped build. He hadn’t told her about it. He wanted it to be a surprise. It was a surprise all right, but not the kind he wanted. Callie had insisted that he purchase a house in a better neighborhood. Alex thought the neighborhood was perfect.
Taking a deep breath and deciding to take the bull by the horns, Purity asked, “Does your wife live here with you?”
Alex’s eyes seemed to bore right into her skull.
So, she wanted to go there, Alex thought, running his right hand through his hair like he always did when he’d rather be somewhere else. Anywhere else.
Alex sat down on the sofa and replied, “No. My wife, Callie, and I haven’t lived together for well over two years.” He fingered his wedding band, then continued. “I’ve been trying to convince her that we have grown apart and we need to end this…” Alex paused, grasping for the right word, “charade. It’s a marriage of convenience. Actually it’s very inconvenient,” he said as he stood up and began pacing.
Purity stood where she had been standing when she asked the question, watching Alex move as if he were a caged animal.
“She won’t grant me a divorce. If it’s not amicable, if both parties don’t agree, there has to be another reason -- infidelity, lying, finding out someone is a homosexual, whatever -- she won’t agree to irreconcilable differences,” Alex explained, again running his right hand through his hair. “I’m so damn frustrated by it all and I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to hurt her,” Alex’s eyes were soft with concern. “I just want to get on with my life and I want her to get on with hers.”
“Is she seeing anyone?” Purity inquired, thinking that maybe if Callie were involved with someone, she’d be more willing to move on.
“She was for a while, but she’s not now. At least not that I’m aware of.”
“You still wear your wedding ring.” It was more of a statement than a question.
“Yes.” Alex looked down at the gold band on his finger. “Yes, I do.”
Purity walked over and stood within arm’s reach of Alex. “Maybe you’re hanging on to the marriage just a little bit, too,” she suggested quietly.
Alex’s head rose suddenly and his eyes were bright with restrained anger. What in the hell did she know about his marriage? Twelve years he and Callie had been together, you don’t just throw that away on some whim.
“Say it,” Purity advised, “I can take it. There’s no use thinking something and not just saying it. I can see it in your eyes anyway.”
“Some words are better left unsaid,” Alex’s tone was hard as a rock.
So, his marriage was a tender topic. Well, they’d have to talk about it eventually because she had no intention of getting involved with a man who was committed to someone else. Even if they had been together for a long time, that didn’t explain why he still wore his wedding ring. Maybe he felt responsible for Callie, like he needed to take care of her. If that was the case, why didn’t he say so? How was she supposed to trust a man who wouldn’t even share his feelings with her?
“This night certainly isn’t turning out the way I planned,” Alex commented, turning his back on Purity and walking over to stare into the unlit logs in the fireplace.
“Alex, we need to be able to communicate,” Pure said, as she approached him once again. “You are already aware that I have huge trust issues. There’s no way I can get involved with someone who is married.”
“You knew I was married before you ever kissed me,” Alex challenged.
“Yes,” Pure replied, trying to stay calm. “I figured we’d talk about your situation and I’d come to understand what was involved in your relationship, but I don’t really understand. I think, if you really wanted to get a divorce, you would. That’s how you live every other aspect of your life.”
“How do you know how I live every aspect of my life?” Alex exploded. He didn’t want to talk about this. He wanted to give Pure her house and have her be delighted and happy. He didn’t want to be married to Callie and he didn’t like someone questioning how he had lived the last several years of his life. He was beginning to regret the day he met Purity Indigo Zyetta.