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Page 21

by A L Fogerty

  “Kayla,” Riddick whispered, his arm still around her. “I’m so sorry.”

  He was unable to contain the emotions that were boiling inside him. She looked up at him, her eyes big and watering. She searched his face then pulled him to a couch away from the others, holding him close. He melted into her, smelling the scent of her skin and feeling the soft, silky strands of her hair under his fingers. Just being with her filled him with relief.

  She took his hands in hers and looked into his eyes, her expression resolute and unwavering. “I should have been a better mother.”

  “I’m the one who lost her.”

  “No. We can’t do this to ourselves. We have to concentrate on finding her and bringing her home.”

  “Do they know where she is?”

  “Malik might have spotted her with Willa’s sister, in a camp near the fissure. In the morning, Gloria will open a portal, and we will march on the army of darkness. We will get our daughter back and close the rift. But first, you need rest. You need food and healing. Come with me. You can share my room.”

  Riddick followed Kayla through the long, wide hallways of the witches’ compound. She opened the door to her bedroom and helped him inside. There was a large bed made up with fresh blankets, and Kayla helped him sit down and put his feet up. A moment later, Quinn was at the door with a tray of food.

  “We’re going to get you fixed up right away, brother,” Quinn said as he walked into the room. He set the food tray on Riddick’s lap, and Riddick began to eat. Quinn muttered prayers of healing, placing his hands on his brother’s ankles. The warm shimmer of Quinn’s magic flowed into his bones. There was a sharp spike of pain. He choked on a mouthful of soup, and it sputtered onto his clothes. Kayla took his tray and put it on the table while Quinn patted his back. The pain subsided as the injuries healed.

  “He still needs to rest.” Quinn moved to the door. “I’ll leave you in Kayla’s capable hands.” He gave them one last look and smiled with a nod before turning to go.

  Kayla stood near the window, and the light cast a halo around her auburn hair. He had missed her so much that his heart hurt. Seeing her filled all the cracks of loneliness that had opened since Oksana had gone missing. He knew he could overcome any trial if he was with his mate. Together, they would find their daughter, and they would make it right.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Kayla watched Riddick eat his meal. When she’d left, she’d feared she might never see him again, but there he was in her room, eating rabbit stew in her bed. When he finished, she climbed into bed beside him, snuggling against his chest. He put his arm around her shoulders. It was so good to smell him and to feel his agile arms around her, embracing her with a love that could only come from Riddick. She took a deep breath of his scent and relaxed into the sense of well-being that came from having all her mates with her.

  Kayla leaned back and tried to look into his eyes, but his were closed. He let out a deep sigh and rubbed her back, running his fingers through her hair. He opened his eyes again and gazed at her longingly. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  A tear slid down her cheek, and she leaned toward him, claiming his lips with hers. The taste of him ignited desire in her core, and it spread through her like a raging fire. She wrapped her arms around his neck and climbed into his lap. He cradled her as their tongues collided. With each kiss, their need grew more frantic. She tore at his shirt and pulled it over his head.

  Spreading her hands over his chest, she sat astride him and felt his body rise between her legs. Riddick ran his hands down her back and cupped her behind, squeezing gently and pulling her against him. The hot gush of lust ignited from the tip of her tongue to the seat of her desire. She slid over his length, growing wetter and hotter with each passing second.

  He pulled her leather vest open and pushed it over her shoulders before tearing her shirt over her head. His chest pressed against hers, their skin smooth and warm against the chill of the air. He undid her pants and flipped on top of her. He grinned down at her, showing his straight white teeth and the glint in his eyes that reminded her of the old Riddick, the happy Riddick, the carefree Riddick she’d fallen in love with. She wanted so much to go back to before the ghost had scratched her and evil had entered her soul. Before the worry and pain. And in that moment together, they once again were the spirited hunter and the carefree rogue.

  They tore each other’s clothes off and smashed together under the blankets, their bodies writhing and their tongues dancing as the heat grew between them. He slid his length over her wet core as he kissed her forehead and cheeks and lips. She reached down to grip him, holding him firmly in her hand. She caressed him with long, languid strokes then angled him against her. He pressed to her hot, moist entrance. Then he slipped inside, easing himself slowly into her channel. His thick shaft stretched her walls, brushing against her deep need. He grasped her body, finding his rhythm.

  She cupped his chin with her hand and looked into his eyes as he thrust more deeply into her core. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes went wide. They gazed at each other in that moment, their bond as tight as the string of her bow as she released an arrow. The arrow shot straight through her heart and exploded in her body. Her orgasm sliced through her like a razor-sharp blade.

  “Riddick,” she moaned, tilting back her head. “I don’t want us to ever be apart again.”

  “Sweet Kayla,” he whispered, arching his hips and thrusting again.

  The impact of his hips on her pelvis sent a rush of pleasure through her as her breasts bounced gently underneath him. He pulled up one of her legs and held her there as he thrust relentlessly into her core.

  He took her far away, where they could be like they once were. She loved feeling his energy and the power in his body as he took his pleasure in her. It felt like the answer to a prayer as she released herself from concern, let him take control, and felt him release his own despair as he filled her with pleasure. She came again in a burst of glorious throbbing ecstasy, calling his name.

  He turned her over on her hands and knees and tilted her ass up in the air. She leaned down below him, resting her head against the pillow. He was so hard and commanding, so full of need and desire. It felt right to let him have all he needed from her body. She let go completely, lost in the moment. Riddick’s fingers dug into her hips as he came. She groaned, orgasms cresting and falling in waves.

  With a gasp and a long moan, Kayla slowly fell away and took him into her arms. She held him and stroked his back as they breathed heavily together in a timeless moment. Neither spoke for a long time. No words were necessary. Their bond radiated between them, jumping back and forth like a bouncing ball as he caressed her shoulder and kissed her forehead.

  “I’ve missed us.” He breathed into the top of her head.

  “We are always together, even when we’re apart.”

  He kissed her forehead and held her closer. “I know. But it’s so much nicer when we’re in the same room.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Kayla woke before dawn, knowing what was before her. They were set to move out and meet their foe on the battlefield. The plans were prepared, and the lines were drawn. All that was left was the march. She turned over to find Riddick sleeping beside her, and a cool wash of contentment rushed over her shoulders.

  She kissed his cheek, sighed deeply, and rolled over, placing her feet on the floor. She looked down at her hands and felt her alpha power coursing through her. The upcoming battle would be the true test of her ability. It would be the culmination of all the hardship and work for her, the Blackfangs, and their allies. She would not let them down.

  She stood and dressed slowly, carefully lacing up her leathers. Riddick stirred in bed behind her, and she turned to look at him. The sun was rising, and the light caught in his eyes. He smiled. Their connection radiated between them.

  “It is good to see you first thing in the morning,” Riddick said.

  “If I’d known that travel could be so instantaneous using a witch portal, I wouldn’t have bothered marching across the land,” she said with a laugh. Then she grew serious. “We lost a quarter of our number in a battle in the desert, and another quarter decided to leave after that.”

  “Have the shifters gained any confidence since arriving here?” Riddick asked.

  “The witches have been enchanting their armor and weapons. It will make them resilient to magic and much deadlier against demons.”

  “If only we all still had our ability to shift. We would give the witches and vampires and demons a run for their money.”

  “Even without our poison bite, we still have the strength of a legion of men and women to take into battle. And with the witches’ enchantments, we will be a formidable force.”

  “I hear fear in your voice, Kayla.” Riddick stood to place his hand on her shoulder.

  “I am afraid. I would be a fool not to be. But I can’t give up now.”

  She turned to him, and he pressed his lips to hers. She savored the flavor of his mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck. There was no returning to the safety and security of her youth. There was only the present. There was only the march through the portal and the battle that lay ahead. As long as she had her mates with her, she knew she would have the strength to prevail. She backed out of his embrace and smiled at him, his presence resolving her to what lay ahead.

  There was a knock at the door, and she called for the visitor to enter. The door opened, and Quinn stood on the other side.

  “There is food prepared in the dining hall.”

  “I don’t know if I can eat.”

  “You should try,” Quinn said.

  She stepped out of Riddick’s embrace.

  “The alphas are preparing their troops,” Quinn said as she and Riddick followed him down the hallway.

  They made it to the dining room, where the entire army was seated and eating their morning meal. The mood was mixed. Some seemed somber and resolute while others projected exuberance and anticipation. Kayla found herself firmly in the center of the two extremes. Her energies were broken and whirling.

  She tried to eat the food that was served to her, aged hard cheese, dried meat, and fruit. It was all delicious and well prepared, but her stomach rebelled. She saw Quinn eyeing her from the end of the table and shoved another bite in her mouth. He was right—she should eat. There was a long day ahead, and she needed her strength. There was no telling when she would have the opportunity to eat again.

  When the soldiers had finished their meals and the witches magically levitated the serving plates away to the kitchen, Kayla stood and followed the army outside. The regiments were broken into packs and clans, the alphas of each group leading the troops. It made it easier for Kayla to defer to Jagger to organize and give orders. She knew he was better at that sort of thing. It was a relief to her to have Jagger take some of the responsibility off her shoulders.

  She prepared Bane and Lightning for travel, settling her horse and making sure her wolf was well-fed. Gloria began the spell to open the portal that would take her army to the base of the mountain and into the lowlands, saving them weeks of journey and hardship.

  The troops sat astride their horses, waiting in nervous anticipation. Malik, dressed in a long black robe, walked toward Kayla with an onyx bowl in his hands.

  “Is that your child?” Malik asked. He waved a hand over the glassy surface.

  She looked down into the bowl. On the surface of the water, she could see a raven-haired witch holding her daughter in her arms.

  “It is.”

  Malik nodded. “We will retrieve her.”

  “Or we will die trying.”

  Once Gloria had finished opening the portal, Kayla went to the head of the procession, showing the others that she would be the first to go through. She gripped Lightning’s reins and looked down at Bane. The wolf’s amber eyes gazed up at her questioningly. She sent a message to both her familiars, letting them know that there was nothing to fear.

  She nudged Lightning forward toward the shimmering oval that lay before them. He balked, but Kayla urged him on with both her body and mind. Finally, the stallion relented. He charged into the portal, taking Kayla with him. Inside, it was as if she was trapped between worlds, suspended in time. But an instant later, she came out on the other side of the portal into the driving rain. She was surrounded by grassy hillsides dotted with oak trees. The air smelled slightly of sulfur.

  Behind her, Bane trotted out of the portal. Quinn emerged from the shimmering void, his eyes alight and his lips parted in wonder. After him came Jagger, Riddick, Sid, Felix, and all the witches. They joined her in the grassy meadow under the driving rain of the western winter. As she and others looked out at the landscape before them, the rest of the army emerged. Finally, the wagons and supplies followed.

  Without thinking, she stepped before her troops, walked back and forth astride her noble steed, and addressed the assembly. “Beloved friends, family, comrades, the best and the strongest of our kind. Today, we stand at the precipice of great change. And the courage required for you to come to this moment in time is not underestimated. You all deserve the greatest recognition for your belief in what is good and right and for your belief in this mission.

  “All of our strength and courage has led us to this moment, where we join together in this righteous battle. We fight for our home, for our families, and for our right to live our lives in peace.

  “I want each and every one of you to know that you are the fulfillment of the prophecy. You each are the saviors of this world. No single one of us is responsible for what we have gathered here today. We share it equally, as brothers and sisters. And it is my great honor to be here with you at this moment. I raise my sword to your strength and your courage as you raise your swords to mine.”

  Kayla thrust her sword into the air and shouted into the sky, “For love and life! For home and family!”

  The army chanted along with her, the energy of the group growing stronger and stronger with each word. They held their swords and daggers and hammers aloft. Above them, the rain clouds parted, and the sun emerged from the gloom, casting a stream of light down from the heavens and onto Kayla. It glinted in the steel of her sword. A tear rolled down her face as the heavens opened and gave her a sign.

  “Onward, we ride!” she yelled. She turned Lightning away from the crowd and charged down the hill. A resounding scream of agreement rose from her troops as the army charged toward its fate.

  Chapter Forty

  The army moved under a cloak of illusion, through the wet valley, and over the green hills toward the west. Kayla could feel the chill of evil. The scent of sulfur clung to the breeze, growing stronger as they drew closer to the fissure. Her skin pricked with goosebumps and reddened as if with fever. Every cell in her body begged to retreat.

  She knew the men and women who marched beside her felt it as well. She could hear her troops murmuring whispers of fear. Are we marching to our deaths? Can this ragtag group of shifters and witches possibly defeat an army like the one gathered at the rift into hell?

  It was half a day’s march through the borderlands, where the world went from green and growing to black and desolate. They approached the edge of what had once been the most abundant farmland in all the world. As far as the eye could see, the land wore a black scar. It was covered in the oily goo that had decimated the roads on their journey.

  She rode to Jagger, whose eyes were ablaze with intense focus. “We camp here. We march at dawn.”

  Jagger nodded and cantered down the line of troops, carrying out her orders. Riddick was preparing camp, with Bane looking on. Kayla dismounted, and he turned to her. She reached out and touched his hand. “Will you play a song for me tonight?”

  “For you, anything,” he said, giving her a slight hint of the smile that had once been so easy on his lips. She nodded and stepped into him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He kissed her forehead then turned to retrieve his mandolin from his horse’s back.

  “I have something…” Sid said, approaching. He pulled a rag doll from his pack and handed it to her. “I made this for you. For Oksana.” She looked down at the little doll, with its stitched mouth and yarn hair. It wore a pink floral dress of fine cloth that would have suited an alpha princess. She ran her fingers over the fabric and pulled the doll to her chest, holding it lovingly as if she were holding her child.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “It isn’t nearly enough,” he said, reaching out to touch her elbow. She looked up into his eyes, so overcome that she stepped into his arms. “We will get our daughter back and return to Mist Valley, where we belong.”

  “Yes,” she said with a sniffle. “Yes, we will.” She felt the pull of her mated bond with Sid. He was sturdy, strong, kind. Exactly what she needed.

  “I’d better finish setting up the tent,” he said, rubbing her back gently. “You need to rest tonight and be fresh and ready in the morning.”

  She nodded once and turned away, the doll still clutched to her chest.

  The leader of the army was about to march on the greatest foe on earth, but she clutched a doll to her chest. It made her laugh. Kayla had learned since leaving Smoke Mountain that her well of emotions was what gave her strength. Her love was her power, not her weakness. She loved her daughter. She loved her pack, and she loved each and every one of the Blackfangs.

  She built a fire with Riddick, and Sid finished putting up the tent. When the army was bedded down for the night, gathered around their own fires, the Blackfangs joined her around hers. Felix had his nose in a book. Riddick strummed his mandolin with a happy tune. Jagger stared at the fire and poked at the coals, and Quinn sat cross-legged, with his eyes half-closed, muttering prayers to the goddess. Sid sat beside her and offered her some wine, which she accepted gratefully, taking a long draw. She handed it back to him and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.


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