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The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3)

Page 6

by Veronica Soliman

  She could try to find out what evidence he had and destroy it, then run away again. That was a pretty easy plan considering she'd done it twice already. But she didn't destroy evidence, she created it and left messes. She couldn't hide her tracks even if she wanted to.

  She shook her head as her reflection smirked in the bathroom mirror. The chandelier-like lights illuminated the bathroom with a languid peace that made her want to reach for Adam's shirt collar and kiss him. It made her feel sensual.

  She'd just showered, and the smudged makeup had gone down the drain. Her green contacts were the type that would dissolve eventually, but she didn't want to run that risk, she quickly took them out and washed them in solution. All her decisions she made needed to be calculated precisely to make sure nobody discovered her facade.

  Eleanor was home, she felt a strange comfort in knowing that this is where she belonged. The vanilla scent of the bathroom was enough to make her woozy and the soft carpet of the guest room made her want to nap on it. The beige walls and the clean sheets looked and smelled delectable; Eleanor wanted to stay.

  It felt good to let her blonde locks free after the night she had, her head was becoming quite itchy and she, unsurprisingly, had redness around the spot of the tight wig. She stretched her long, tanned legs and lay on the bed, taking in the full effect of being back in Adam Carnegie's home. She grabbed the fluffy white bathrobe that Mrs. Carnegie had handed her, she was such a sweet lady when she didn't know that Elena was Eleanor. The warmth engulfed her as she dried the water from her body.

  She silently walked out of the guestroom of her old home, it felt weird being in this huge room when Adam's was so nearby. She crept out and made sure the door was locked so she could sleep freely tonight.

  "Elena," a voice scratched at the door along with a light tap. She groaned, wanting so badly to be free of her costume. She hurriedly put the contacts in and tossed the wig over her head. It was dry. Crap, she quickly took it off and tied her semi long blonde hair up- it was wet, so it looked brown, perhaps red. She drew freckles on her face and put the black eyeliner on messily.

  "Yes?" She asked, opening the door, wrapping the bathrobe tighter.

  "Yes, I apologize dear, get dressed quickly and meet me in the west wing. I'd like you to join us for some tea, perhaps get to know my son." Mrs. Carnegie winked and left. Eleanor was hilariously confused, was Mrs. Carnegie trying to set her up with an engaged man? Or did this woman know? Eleanor was skeptical and paranoid of everyone and everything. She wasn't sure who to trust or if they knew it was her.

  "West wing?" She asked. She didn't realize her home was actually bigger than she had expected.

  "Yes, head down the hallway and to the left, turn right and go down the second set of stairs, once there, you'll be on the second floor and if you turn right my son's room should be a few doors down. Walk past that and head down the stairs and you'll find another flight of stairs that lead to the main living room, turn right from there and go into the smaller living room, you'll know it's the smaller one because it has a soft brown couch and the kitchen is right across from it- and it's messier because Adam hasn't let a maid there for about a year now! He hasn't even changed his bedsheets, this disgusting boy needs a girl like Eleanor to set him straight- or at least he should let go of her memory and... well... anyway, I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes dear." Eleanor didn't think she could remember any of that, but more importantly, she hated the resentment that Mrs. Carnegie held toward her. Of course, she'd be resentful, you broke her son.

  Eleanor just nodded, shutting the door and changing into the clothes that the generous Mrs. Carnegie had brought up for her. She put the wig on, hoping they'd all think she used a blow dryer. She searched for a blow dryer, but alas, there was one which she turned on and fanned randomly around the bathroom.

  Generosity definitely ran in the family aside from Hank Carnegie. She wore the jeans and sweater, not missing that the sweater smelled oddly of musk- it was definitely Adam's sweater. So, Eleanor took it off and just wore a tank top.

  Eleanor wondered why she trusted her so much, was Mrs. Carnegie suspicious of her? Did Mrs. Carnegie know more than she was leading on? Is it a regular thing for her to help a stranger who looked like a hood rat on a cold snowy day? How many people had been in the guest room? How many people had been offered luxurious clothes by Mrs. Carnegie- or Adam even... Eleanor wondered if there were a south and north wing as well, from the outside Eleanor had thought the mansion was huge but she had only ever spent her days in Adam's bed and the living room. She had no idea that the home was that big.

  She quickly brushed the wig with her fingers and placed it over her head after she changed. She wore the clothes that she was given as she walked down the broad hallway. She could see the giant chandelier a floor above her and attached to the ceiling. Interesting to know that the home she had lived in for almost a year was way bigger than she had thought. Maybe he renovated it after she left, turned it into an even bigger maze.

  She walked down the second staircase as she had been instructed, but her mind went blank when she saw Adam heading toward the other staircase up to their room. Her heart beat wildly, fluttering in anguish. Her mind flew to filthy flames as she watched her handsome husband walk. He'd definitely gotten way more muscular, his biceps bulged before, but now it seemed his dress shirt was too tight. Eleanor knew she was drooling as he turned and caught her eye.

  Shit. She thought, wanting nothing more than to turn the other way. It was as though the devil himself was listening to her inner monologue as Adam turned around, not a single ounce of warmth on his face.

  "My mother is looking for you, Elena," he seemed to have trouble pronouncing her name without completing the last few letters of Eleanor, "follow me." He said, walking closer as she immediately looked down to avoid recognition. If for one second he recognized her, Eleanor's plan would be a total failure and she would surely end up in jail.

  "Okay, sir." Eleanor replied, trying hard to thicken her accent. He didn't speak another word to her until they reached the kitchen and parted ways. She stared longingly at him as he went about his business.

  "Elena! Darling you're looking lovely." Mrs. Carnegie smiled as Eleanor nodded and walked over to her side.

  "Hello Elena." The driver from earlier was seated beside her, he was clean shaven now and his luxurious brown hair was no longer covered by a hat. He had a smirk playing at the edge of his lips, a look that read I know something you don't know.

  Eleanor shuddered at the thought, about to run hand through her hair before realizing she was wearing a wig- a wig that would fall off any moment.

  She quickly brought her hand down and placed it at her side. Zac didn't miss a single thing, eying her carefully as Mrs. Carnegie continued to talk.

  Shit. Eleanor thought.

  "Elena?" Mrs. Carnegie asked, staring at her with concerned deep-set eyes.

  "Yes Mrs. Carnegie." She said in a breathy voice, spinning her head to look directly at the elder woman with lavishly outdone gray and brown hair.

  "I was just saying how much you look like Adam's wife, well she died if you haven't heard the news, but darling, if you could pass as her doppelganger if you tried. I mean, we talked about this- I think you're right." Mrs. Carnegie didn't know the half of it as Eleanor nodded and blushed and she babbled on.

  "I've never heard that before, but I've only been in the US for a short while anyway." Eleanor lied through smiling pearly whites. "Also, I'm very sorry for your loss."

  "Between you and me," Mrs. Carnegie leaned in further, "he's better off without her..." Eleanor felt offended, she couldn't hide her offense as much as she would have liked.

  "Why?" An ounce of annoyance was prevalent. She folded her arms, feeling attacked as Zac eyed her and Mrs. Carnegie smiles like a queen.

  "It doesn't matter dear, he's remarrying soon." Mrs. Carnegie said gracefully, not providing an answer. Eleanor nodded blankly, glancing at her lap to hide the scowl that
had taken over her whole face.

  "Well anyway, we didn't just call you down here for no reason." Zac cut in, “we have a theory and since she couldn't keep her mouth shut, you know, you’re part of this now. We think Eleanor may be alive... "

  "Let's hope she isn't..." Mrs. Carnegie cut him off as her words sliced right through Eleanor. She hadn't realized she had been hated by Mrs. Carnegie, perhaps she's hated her ever since Eleanor sent Adam to the hospital for trying to help her. Or when Eleanor left Adam to mourn forever. "Anyway, would you like some tea Elena?"

  Eleanor shook her head, a cryptic expression on her face now. Zac cut in, not noticing any tension as he continued to talk.

  "But she might be. Adam wants me to search and we found this girl named Bree Walker, Adam told me that she met with him one night by Eleanor's street, may she rest in peace, and they spoke about Eleanor. Then, the next day she dropped off Eleanor's ring to John, the gatekeeper. We think she might know Eleanor or is affiliated with her in some way so as of right now we're searching for her. She was reported missing December 29 by her boyfriend Josiah Matthews and when I went to check the apartment out, he pointed me to the IOU letter, but he was clearly drunk so he might not remember that." Zac lied; it was part of his job to make himself out to be as innocent as possible. Eleanor's mind fled to Josiah, was he home by now? Was he safe? Would she ever see him again, had he betrayed her? Was he safe?

  Zac's mouth kept moving as Eleanor randomly stood up. The world seemed to go hazy, blurry, and she felt dizzy. Her mind worried for too much and she felt the need to sleep. Before Josiah could say another word, Eleanor cut in.

  "Sure, I can help, my family knows I am staying in the US for a while anyway. Anyway, I'm feeling slightly light-headed, so if you'll pardon me, I'd like to go sleep." She hurriedly walked away after Mrs. Carnegie gave her a concerned nod. She kept her head down and her eyes staring at her bare feet. She turned the corner and in the split second that she was about to run up the stairs, she felt something.

  It was at that very moment that she bumped into what felt like a wall. A muscular arm reached for her but couldn't keep a grasp. She lost balance and fell on her butt- praying that her wig stayed on.

  Chapter 11: Nightmares and Wishes

  Eleanor Carnegie

  Josiah quickly input her name into the search engine, he had patients waiting for his attention outside. He felt finicky this morning, he missed sleeping beside Bree and talking about life before they knocked out. He missed her skepticism, her smell, her face, and her body. He missed her.

  The Carnegie Theory was the first website that popped up on this search bar, he scrolled past it. Then scrolled back up to select it.

  In memory of Eleanor Carnegie, Adam's drastic new look on life.

  He grew curious, clicking on the news article on the website as soon as a nurse walked in.

  "Dr. Matthews, there's a patient in room 5A who urgently needs your help, he says he's in a rush." Josiah couldn't imagine what could possibly count as urgent in this town- a splinter perhaps. Nevertheless, he stood up and closed the tab, he would do more research later.

  He wrapped his stethoscope around his neck and headed toward the room.

  "Dr. Mathews, I assume." A well-built man with brown eyes and a chiseled jaw sat in a tuxedo. He looked suspiciously familiar, his skin was smooth, and his biceps bulged beneath the suit. He had eyes that were so dark and devoid of emotion, the dark brown of them seemed even darker because of the shadows under his eyes. This man looked young and old at the same time. He knew everyone in town, and nobody actually came to Clearwater on detour.

  "Yes, sir. I'm Dr. Josiah Mathews M.D. the nurses were supposed to get your stats but nonetheless, what's your name sir and how can I be of assistance to you?"

  "My name is Adam Carnegie," he said, standing up to meet Josiah's six-foot two height. He was slightly taller just because of the posture and confidence he held.

  "Carnegie?" Josiah audibly gulped, his eyes immediately widening. His breathing almost choked him as he eyed the man who was now crossing his arms.

  "Yes Doc, and I have a few questions for you."


  Eleanor had her wig messily wrapped around her face, smelling the comfortable freshly washed linens below her. She snuggled beside the fluffy pillows, an air of comfort surrounding her as she dug herself deeper into the bed, she didn't want to get out. She hadn't slept in a bed this comfortable for months; she had taken that for granted back when she was actually living here.

  It took her a moment to recall that she was just a guest. A guest who would just be staying a few days while she destroyed any evidence that led to them finding out who she actually was. She was awaiting the snow to calm down so she could return to England supposedly. Perhaps England was a good idea... except she couldn't go anywhere without any form of identification or a passport.

  Eleanor yawned, pushing the worried thoughts and her hair out of her mouth as she stood up and walked the long ten strides toward the bathroom, her feet rubbing against the soft carpet.

  She wished she could just live here again and be with Adam like old times. Unfortunately, the past had to stay there.

  She almost screamed when her eyes met her reflection. The black eyeliner she wore was splattered all over her face and the green contacts had dissolved into nothing. She gasped, the wig was messy, and she had no brush. What the hell was she supposed to do now?

  She began to panic, perhaps if she just left her face like this and asked to go out quickly, nobody would notice her eye color had changed. That's what she would do.

  She rubbed the black all over her face, covering any features as she walked outside in her bathrobe. The messy eyeliner stains looked like she'd just been crying.

  "Holy God in heaven." She muttered, feeling completely lost. Had the house gotten even bigger in the five hours she slept? Had the distance from the top to the exit increased? She hugged her bathrobe closer to her naked body as she followed the random steps she had done yesterday.

  Hopefully she would run into Adam again. Hopefully she could rub against him- accidentally of course. Eleanor tripped on the last step of the final staircase and landed flat on her face. She didn't like how clumsy she had become, how ungraceful. Her body was splattered on the ground for prying eyes to see, she sat up.

  At the moment, she regretted every single action she had done. She had been happy here before she ran away. She had been happy before she had the crazy idea to visit Adam.

  Trying to convince herself that what she did was for the greater good was becoming more and more difficult. Of course, it wasn't for the greater good. She had killed a not-so-innocent man and left the love of her life to eat her dust.

  She had taken away two people that Adam loved and left him with nothing but a hole for a heart. She silently sat up, feeling heat rush to her cheeks when Zac's eyes landed on her.

  "You might've wanted to wear something under that bathrobe." He smirked, looking at her body as she quickly covered herself.

  "Sorry." Her accent sounded more Canadian today and she shook her head, standing up and fixing the slippers on her feet.

  "You're going somewhere?" He asked.

  "Good observation. Yes, I am Mr. Perceptive. I have overstayed my welcome." She tried to sound prim and proper, but as the seconds lazed by all she wanted to do was tell him to fuck off so she could leave.

  "You're going out on the streets, all alone, dressed like that?" He laughed, his eyes scanning her bare legs as she wrapped the bathrobe closer to her body. His gaze drove her up a wall in discomfort, she wished she could turn into a cat and flee.

  "I thought we agreed. With Mrs. Carnegie?" He responded crossing his arms.

  "Look," Eleanor approached him, placing a steady finger on his chest, "I am on my period and I am going out to get some pads. Now leave me the hell alone!" She squirmed under his gaze.

  "I thought your eyes were green?" He replied as she immediately looked away.

; "They are." She muttered as he placed a finger on her chin, within seconds he would lift her face to his and see the blue. Perhaps his eyes were the ones playing tricks. Her cheeks were flushed, and she grew angry.

  "Zachary! Leave the poor girl alone, she's just broken up with her boyfriend and you know it's going to take her a while to get back in the playing field." Zac's fingers immediately dropped. He left her a smug grin before turning toward Mrs. Carnegie.

  "Where's Adam?" He coolly asked, stepping backwards and shaking away his vile thoughts.

  "He had to go somewhere- he didn't tell me exactly where... He'll be back soon. He just won't give up on that damn dead wife of his. You know the five stages of grief right, I thought he had gotten over her by now, but ever since you planted that idea into his mind, he has been neglecting his fiancé Magdalene. Do you know how much she has been complaining to me about that? It's making me miss Eleanor because that girl never talked to me. It is unacceptable and Zachary, you need to be the one to tell him that there is nothing that could lead back to Eleanor. His wife is dead, and he needs to cry her a river and get over it." Mrs. Carnegie crossed her arms over her busty front, glaring at Zac.

  "But what if I am curious too. What if I want to see if his Eleanor is actually still alive?" Eleanor couldn't help but snicker, earning looks from both parties before her. They couldn't see the irony of this situation.

  "It's just that this conspiracy doesn't sound like something that could happen in real life, you've got a pretty big imagination." She too crossed her arms.

  "Why don't you go change so my imagination can get bigger." He smirked as Eleanor rolled her bright blue eyes. She realized again that she was too revealed, her eyes were being given away, yet she didn't want to care.

  She wished she didn't have to hide. To be able to jump out of her shell of lies and tell them that Eleanor Carnegie was actually right in front of that. That would be a death wish. Or just a jail wish- for a long time.


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