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Page 23

by Jai Williams

  “So, I informed Ted and told him the plan, which was that he was to continue doing his shit but when these men – you guys – show up, he was to pretend that he didn’t know that you were coming. And I told him to have his men stand down when he chained you guys up in his torture room, so Ted understood but said, why do that, and I explained that other people would eventually show up and save the men – you guys. And when this happened I told Ted that he was to let them do that, as well as allowing you guys to capture him and bring him back to your base. So, Ted was all clear with that. Then the next part of the plan was for Ted to not give up my location too easily but to give a clue on where they might find my location, which is something about a secret room. Anyway, when he gave the clue one of you guys probably picked up on it and you four plus two more headed back to Ted’s place trying to find this secret room and you were hoping that something inside would help you find me. But it was a trap and you got caught and was brought here.”

  “But here’s the best part: I told my men to at least let some men escape so that they could go back to your base and inform your other people, who would then interrogate Ted and I told Ted to tell them this sob story of how I forced him to do everything he’s done, which is not the case. In fact, Ted loves torturing people. So, Ted would tell your people the location that we’re in and they would bring Ted along with them because he would convince them to and on their drive here they would run into some more of my men and they would be allowed to drive through and head here, which would be in a couple of hours,” said Dwayne with a serious look.

  Captain Harris looked up at Dwayne, “So, it was all a set up just to get us?” he asked.

  “Well yes, of course. When I hear that a big group of soldiers are in my area, I want to take everything they have, including their humanity. And here’s the masterpiece of the plan. Those two men who work for me who are at your base – well, they’re still there and as soon as your men leave, then they will open those gates in your base and let a fuck load of my men in and well, let’s say if you ever escaped and went back there, there would be nothing to go back to, but ashes,” said Dwayne with an evil and joyful look upon his face.

  Captain Harris pushed out all the fear he had and changed it to anger. “There are innocent men, women and children there, and you’re going to allow your men to kill them all,” he said with so much hate.

  “Well, my men will take the women and some of the men who don’t try to fight back. We need women because we need something to fuck and as for the men, well, you know, maybe they join me or they join the arena. And for the soldiers and other people who fight back–well, they will be killed because after your so-called rescue team gets here I will have enough of you guys. And I hate children so they will all die,” replied Dwayne. Dwayne walked up and down Captain Harris and the soldiers. “Okay, now that I’ve told you about most of the plan, which has been successful so far, I might as well tell you about your next part in the plan, and that is to not bitch and whine about how many innocent people have died and how many you’ll have to kill if you want to live and how you think you’ve lost, but when you get rid of the idea of trying to make the world what it once was, you’ll finally come to your senses and think wait we’re the fuckin’ winners here. No law, no prison, no voting. This is tits. This is the life,” he said. No one replied. “Okay, so you definitely know by now that you have to fight in the arena, whether that’s with innocent people or the people in your group, so there’s no choosing who you’ll oppose. I mean, who knows, you might reunite with a cousin or old friend, and it’ll be like fuck, this is awkward, but it’s either you or them. And don’t think it’s just a guy’s sport; no, we add women to the mix too. Sometimes, it’s just man on man or woman on woman or if we feel like it we’d like to see a man versus a woman and some of these women fighters we have, are monsters. Just the other week, one of our woman champions was fighting a guy and she cut his cock and stuffed it down his mouth and cut his head off. Now that’s what she likes to call deep throat head, ha-ha,” said Dwayne, cheerfully. Dwayne looked over to his men who were still in the room. “Chris, I want you to rap to these guys about that crazy fight last week,” he said.

  “Sure thing, boss,” replied Chris.

  “So, it started off normal though, between a dude and a hoe; they started staring at each other’s eyes and then they said let’s go. A stab right there, a cut somewhere; I don’t know what was happening; I was so unaware. Blood was gushing on the ground; it was splashing; the crowd was lashing out for more blood and bashing. So, when the guy fell to the ground we heard him make a sound; he was spilling blood all round, and that’s when she went down. This shit was so insane, couldn’t think it through my brain but shit was hella deranged. Head decapitations, lost in translations, I forgot for a second, that this real life and not some dream vacation. This shit was crazy, after party, shit man, that shit was hazy. Aw man I think I fucked some chick and didn’t use protection once again, but fuck it man, I don’t give a shit if I see this woman in pain. So, in conclusion, fighting and killing is the fuckin’ game and if you don’t follow through, then that’s your loss not gain,” said Chris as he happily rapped.

  “Fuck yeah, cunt, that was fuckin’ sick. Always laying the mad rhymes. Damn, I wish I knew you back when you were a rapper,” said Dwayne with a joyful tone.

  “But I am a rapper,” replied Chris.

  “Duh, I know. I mean back when you got paid to do it and had concerts,” replied Dwayne. Dwayne looked back at Captain Harris and the soldiers. “Anyway… Decapitations, throats slit, hearts ripped out, continuous stabbing in the head or chest or wherever. These are just some of the things you’ll have to do or that will happen to you. So, just think right now what kind of future you want to have. One where you’re dead, or one where you’re alive and kicking, literally. So, now we’re going to leave you here in the dark and wait till your buddies show up – sound fun? Okay, great,” he said smiling. Dwayne’s men walked out the door first and Dwayne followed them and he turned the light off in the room Captain Harris, Bruce, Alan and Jackson were in and he slammed the door, leaving them in complete darkness.

  A few hours later

  The door opened up and Captain Harris, Bruce, Alan and Jackson heard footsteps and men talking. Torches came on and one of the men approached Bruce, and Bruce saw that it was Stan. A man walked over to Captain Harris and Captain Harris saw that it was Ronnie but he didn’t approve of them being here because of what Dwayne told them. The lights came on and some of Dwayne’s men surrounded Ronnie, Stan and the others. They pointed their guns at them, outnumbering them. Dwayne stepped in and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Dwayne. Ha-ha, and you guys are fucked,” he said with a smile...

  Chapter Twenty Two: Caught

  Ronnie, Stan, Dean, Roger, Jay, Ted and four soldiers were standing there with their guns held high at Dwayne’s men, except Ronnie, because Ronnie had his gun pointed at Dwayne. Ronnie had a furious look on his face. There was a bit of fear but mostly anger that Ronnie was showing. Dwayne looked at Ronnie. “What are you so angry about? Oh sorry, was it because you thought this was going to be a piece of cake? Just come in unnoticed, unchain your people and leave? Well, sorry to break it to you, man, but you’re not going anywhere,” he said with a smile. Dwayne looked at all the soldiers. “None of you are going anywhere,” he said. Ronnie, still with that angry look on his face, was about to charge at Dwayne.

  “Stop him, Dean. I know what Ronnie’s about to do and he’ll regret it if he does,” said Captain Harris, so Dean looked at Ronnie, who was standing beside him, and quickly grabbed him before he could make a step.

  “No-no. Ronnie, don’t,” he said as Ronnie was trying to resist.

  “Let go. I need to kill this monster,” said Ronnie, trying to pull away from Dean.

  “Whoa, what’s this? I’m not a monster. No, in fact I’m the opposite of a monster, which is…” said Dwayne calmly. He started clicking his fingers, trying to think wh
ile he was looking at his men. “Guys, what’s the opposite of a monster?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” replied some of Dwayne’s men.

  “A…good…guy,” said one of Dwayne’s men as if he was unsure.

  “No, I’m not a good guy. Well, umm…yeah, I am a monster, actually,” replied Dwayne.

  Dwayne looked at Ronnie, who was still being held back by Dean. “But how do you know I’m a monster? I haven’t done shit to you yet. Oh wait, I know – you heard about the gladiator arena and thought oh shit, this guy’s a fuckin’ monster, forcing people to kill each other for sport – what a fuckin’ sick fuck. So, I forgive you if you think that but if I find out that you were one of the guys who went fuckin’ berserk on my men and killed them, well then, that forgiveness is going to have to wait a while or never,” he said with a serious look.

  Ronnie calmed down a bit. “Okay, let me go. I’m fine now,” he said in a calm tone to Dean, so Dean let Ronnie go, but Ronnie still had a bit of anger – not enough to charge at Dwayne, though.

  “You have no idea or you just forgot, did you?” said Ronnie directly to Dwayne.

  “Sorry. What man, what did I forget? Oh wait, did I forget to offer you a beverage? I’m sorry, where are my manners? Would you like a drink?” said Dwayne sarcastically. Ronnie just stared at Dwayne. “No? Ok, well shut the fuck up,” said Dwayne. Dwayne started to walk around in front of his men, circling Ronnie and the soldiers with a smile and enjoyment that he finally had them trapped.

  “Years ago, I don’t know probably ten or so years–anyway, you knocked on the door of a lovely, innocent and caring man and woman’s house and you stepped right inside demanding a child you assumed they had, and they never gave up their child. So, you burnt their house down with them inside, and their child lived many years scared and alone until now, when he finally came across that man who killed his parents. And that same person is ready to get revenge,” said Ronnie with a sad and angry look.

  Dwayne stopped and walked up close to Ronnie. “I’ve killed many people in my life, many parents too. But taking children – well, I’ve only done that a couple of times in my life before I said fuck it, fuck children. So, you gonna have to refresh my memory. What were your parents’ names?” he asked.

  “Brad and Robin Reed,” replied Ronnie as he glared at Dwayne, incensed.

  “Oh wait, they’re the people that ran away and my leader told me to go find them and bring back their child because that’s why he thought they ran away. And he told me to deal with the parents any way I chose. So, for years I was searching for these people until I gave up and decided to become my own leader and command my own men, but then one day I thought back to how I got to become a leader and said to some of my men let’s go find these people. So, then one day I showed up at this guy and chick’s house and they didn’t give up the child, so I told my men to burn down the house. They poured petrol everywhere. I think the man or woman got some poured on them, so one of them instantly burned. We couldn’t find the kid,” said Dwayne.

  Dwayne gave Ronnie a grin. “So, you’re telling me you’re the kid? Aw man, what a small world it is. So, you just thought you’d show up here to get some revenge? Ha-ha. I got to ask, how did you escape the burning house alive?” he asked with excitement. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” replied Ronnie with hatred.

  “Yes, I would like to know so just fuckin’ tell me so we can get this show on the road,” replied Dwayne with a serious look on his face.

  “There was a huge tunnel that was dug from under the house to the woods. How stupid do you feel from not searching the whole fuckin’ house?” said Ronnie with a bit of a smile.

  “Well, not as stupid as you. You see, if you’d stayed with your parents I would have probably not killed them and just bashed them till they wished they were dead or gave them a choice to join me and accept me as their leader. And then everything would have been ok but instead, you crawled away like a little bitch and now it’s too late. So, your parents’ death is probably your fault – did you even think that, or are you just blaming other people for you being a pussy?” replied Dwayne with a grin.

  Dwayne waited for a response but there was none so he continued walking in circles around the soldiers. The soldiers were still holding up their guns. “Can we just please lower the guns? I mean, you’re outnumbered so you won’t able to kill many of my men. So, give it up and lay them on the floor,” said Dwayne in a calm manner, but the soldiers continued holding their guns up, not caring what Dwayne said. “I SAID FUCKIN’ PUT THE GUNS DOWN!” yelled Dwayne, feeling annoyed, so the soldiers and Ronnie slowly placed their guns on the ground. “Thank you. Now that wasn’t too difficult, was it?” said Dwayne as he calmed down.

  Dwayne walked up to Ted, who was still trying to act scared, even though this was all part of the plan. “Now Ted, I am so fuckin’ furiously, fuckin’ pissed off, fuckin’ upset, fuckin’ disappointed and the last one is I am… so fuckin’ proud,” said Dwayne angrily until the end of his sentence. All the soldiers and Ronnie looked over at Ted with confusion.

  “Well, who else would have pulled this off without raising suspicion?” replied Ted with a smile.

  “Exactly. I chose the right person for the job and for this you shall be rewarded greatly,” said Dwayne, feeling proud. “OH SELINA!” yelled Dwayne happily.

  Selina ran into the room and ran to Ted and jumped in his arms. “I missed you,” she said with relief.

  “I did too. Now let’s fuck,” replied Ted.

  “Oh, you’re such a romantic,” replied Selina with a sexy look on her face.

  “Not just yet, ok love birds. See Ted, we got to explain to these retards how stupid they are and then we watch the first match. Then y’all can fuck. Got it?” said Dwayne as he interrupted Ted and Selina.

  “Haven’t seen a fight in a while. This is gonna be fuckin’ sweet,” replied Ted in a thrilling attitude as he let go of Selina.

  Ted stepped back with Selina and they stood in front of some of Dwayne’s men. “Okay, first of all can I get a…” said Dwayne enthusiastically “…we are the dumbest fuckin’ cunts in this room, whoop-whoop,” said Dwayne, all showboaty. He waited for a response but there was none. “Well then, first of all, thank you for being a bunch of dumb cunts. Now, let’s start at the start and since those chained to the wall already know this story or plan – whatever you want to call it – I’ll keep it short. It started a couple of weeks ago. I sent some men out and they found your base then told me, so I sent two guys out to act like alone lost men. And you guys brought them into your base and treated them like your own. And they told me about your plan to get or kill me or whatever. So, then I told Ted to act the part in getting captured and convince you idiots that he was forced to torture people. Then he told you where I was and yadda, yadda, yadda…now you’re all fuckin’ here and your base is now fuckin’ ashes. The end,” said Dwayne, joyfully.

  Dwayne turned and looked at Ted. “Wow, what an amazing plan, huh?” he said.

  Stan clenched his fist. “So, you tricked us, huh? You killed our people, innocent men, women and children, and now you’re going to kill us,” he said angrily.

  “Can I answer that, Dwayne?” said Ted. Dwayne responded with a nod. “Yes, you were tricked. I mean, how stupid are you, thinking that a man like me would change? No, we didn’t kill everyone at your base, only soldiers and men who fought back. The women we want to keep, and the children were killed because well, Dwayne hates children. And no, we’re not going to kill you; you’ll kill each other in the arena, which is what was planned after you killed some of our people. We originally thought that you should have a choice between fighting in the arena or joining Dwayne but after you killed Dwayne’s men that’s something that can’t be forgiven, so that’s why you motherfuckers are going to the pit,” said Ted.

  “Good job, Ted, that was an easy and simple way to explain it. My way would’ve included shit about trust and loyalty but I think they get the gist,
” said Dwayne. Dwayne looked back at his men. “Pick up their guns and check them for any other weapons and things they can use to escape. So, pretty much just grab all their shit,” he said demandingly, so Dwayne’s men walked forward and picked the guns up and checked Ronnie, Stan, Dean, Roger, Jay and the four other soldiers for anything they were carrying.

  “Touch my dick and that’s the last thing you’ll ever touch,” said Stan in an angry tone to the guy who was patting down Stan’s body.

  “If I touch your dick that’s the last time anyone would ever touch it, ha-ha,” replied the guy. Dwayne’s men took all the weapons, ammo, sharp objects and anything that could be used as a weapon from Ronnie and the others and they got back to their positions.

  “Okay, let’s get these guys down to the cells. We’ll come back for the ones chained up,” said Dwayne, so some of Dwayne’s men grabbed Ronnie and the soldiers and started pushing them out of the room one by one.


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