Book Read Free


Page 37

by Jai Williams

  Ronnie and Stan headed out of the arena and joined their allies in the fight. They killed everyone that wasn’t on their side. The seating areas were covered with blood and dead bodies. Many others in this fight joined Ronnie and the others because they too hated Dwayne or just wanted freedom from this place, so it wasn’t an uneven fight; it was a fair fight. Ronnie picked up a handgun from the ground and used it as well as keeping one of the swords he had. Ronnie shot and stabbed his way through the crowd of armed men and women. Head shots, stomach shots and all kinds were performed by everyone as they stormed through the seating area. Some men and women that were on Dwayne’s side ran and headed inside. All the man and women from both sides of the stadium who were on Ronnie’s side headed inside after all the men and women fled. The seating areas were now a graveyard. As everyone headed inside through the hallways, rooms were torn into, men and women in the building saw this horror and some joined to protect the place while others joined to gain their freedom. From room to room, people were getting slaughtered. It was horrible to see but the world is a complete horror show so this wasn’t something new, so they continued to fight. Some of Dwayne’s men and others who joined them, hid behind walls for cover and fired their guns at those attacking them. Many fell but many rose because this wasn’t going to end now with Dwayne winning; they’ve lost too many in the fight to just give up now. Many of the people allied with Ronnie headed to the armoury room, which were the locker rooms, and they grabbed more firepower, including explosives like RPGs and grenades. Both sides of the building were being torn apart, parts of walls and ceilings were being blown up, people set fire to rooms they cleared – it was close to the end of this bloody and brutal fight.

  The group of people Ronnie was with, got to the cafeteria area and shot the place up, “DON’T DESTROY THE FOOD. WE’LL NEED IT!” yelled Ronnie. Ronnie was now holding an assault rifle; he had ditched the sword and handgun. The parts of the hallway and rooms they left, looked like scenes from horror films; it was just blood and bodies, some had their heads cut off, brains splattered on the ground and floors, arms, legs and chest cut into and there were some of those who died with their whole body spread all over the place, which would have been from the explosives. Luckily, there were no children caught in the crossfire because Dwayne didn’t care much about children so he never brought them back to this establishment, so it was just adults that roamed these halls freely – until today, of course.

  Back in Dwayne’s room, Dwayne was preparing his plan that was a mystery to all of his men, a plan that would stop all this, which made it sound like he was probably setting off a bomb to blow this place up, but even Dwayne wouldn’t do something crazy like that; after all, this is his castle and a king doesn’t blow up his castle, not if he has something else up his sleeve. Back in the fight, the group that wasn’t with Ronnie got to the strip club; they smashed through the door and blew up a part of the wall so that lots more could enter and they shot, stabbed and bashed their way through this place. The strippers screamed and ran to cover; some of Dwayne’s men who were already in the room put their hands up. “W-what is this madness?” asked one of Dwayne’s men.


  “YOU FUCKIN’ TRAITORS, ALL OF YOU!” he yelled in anger, Max shot him down and they all killed those in the room who weren’t with them.

  “Girls, it’s ok, we aren’t here to harm you, we’re here to free you from Dwayne. So, please stay hidden and stay out of the fight. We don’t want any of you dying today,” said Max.

  Angel stood up from the couch she was hiding behind. “W-whose idea was this?” she said in fear.

  “Ronnie’s and trust me, you’ll see freedom today,” replied Max. Max and all the men headed out of the room to join those who were still fighting and they had more men that joined so they had an advantage.

  Captain Harris and his soldiers that were still alive, were with Max and they pushed through, killing all those they could see.

  “This is it, men, this is what we’ve been fighting for. This is what we’ve been waiting for and when it’s all over we’ll rebuild our base,” said Captain Harris to his soldiers. They kept pushing forward until they saw the other group who Ronnie was with and there were only ten of Dwayne’s men that were in the middle of them, which without hesitation they gunned down. Ronnie walked up to Max, stepping over all the bodies.

  “That’s this floor done. What do you think waits for us upstairs?” he asked.

  “Well, I think we’ve nearly killed all of Dwayne’s men. There are probably about twenty or so upstairs guarding Dwayne or hiding and waiting for us, so we’ve got this,” replied Max confidently.

  Captain Harris and Dean came forward, “Ronnie, wow, you’re alive. This plan of yours is…” said Captain Harris… “…crazy, insane and unexpected.”

  “Yeah, I know but thank Max, because he’s the one who brought together the men that hated Dwayne. The only thing I did was convince Max to do it,” replied Ronnie, butting in.

  “Well it’s about time we got free,” replied Captain Harris.

  “Not completely free yet; we still have upstairs and Dwayne to kill,” replied Ronnie with confidence that they could finish the fight off. “Ok well, follow me, we’re going upstairs,” said Max. They all followed Max upstairs but in a cautious manner, because they didn’t want to run into a trap. One by one, they finally got up; there were about forty of them left. They headed slowly through the hallway and checked every room to make sure they weren’t going to be ambushed.

  They headed to an area that had cells like the cells downstairs. “What are these cells for?” asked Ronnie.

  “They’re for the slaves,” replied Max. They looked in the cells to see if anyone was in them, but when they looked in them all they could see were women dead in them, on the floor and in the beds – it was a horrible sight to see.

  “That is, ah. What the fuck is wrong with Dwayne? I doubt they all committed suicide. This is obviously his work, or he commanded his men to kill them,” said Ronnie with a horrified look.

  “Oh brother, this is just bad,” said Max with a shocked and worried look on his face.

  “What do you mean, this is bad?” asked Ronnie.

  “I heard that the last time he did something like this he was in a smaller place with fewer men, and some of his men were disloyal to him. So, Dwayne killed some people his disloyal men cared about, to punish them,” replied Max, looking horrified.

  “That’s horrible,” replied Ronnie. Some of the people that were with Ronnie headed to curtained cells and started crying, so Ronnie walked up to a guy at a cell near him and tried to comfort him. “I’m so deeply sorry. I know what it feels like to lose someone and it’s hard to move on from it,” he said.

  “She was my world,” replied the guy as he cried.

  “Well. um…” said Ronnie.

  “Wally. My name’s Wally,” said Wally, butting in.

  “Was she your wife, Wally?” asked Ronnie.

  “She was. She was my everything. She made the killing and horror bearable. I only continued being loyal to Dwayne because he told me that one day he’d free her and she can be free with me in this place, but he killed her and she never got to see freedom again. I just hope she’s in a better place and I hope she forgives me for what I’m about to do,” said Wally as he started to get angry.

  “What are you going to do? Please don’t do something stupid,” replied Ronnie with a serious look.

  Wally looked at Ronnie and wiped his tears away. “Stupid? No, not stupid. I think the word you’re looking for, is revenge. I mean, I don’t think you want to kill Dwayne just because of what he forced you to do;
no, I think you want to kill him because you want to get revenge,” said Wally. Ronnie gave Wally a sad look. “Yeah, that’s it, you want to get revenge but why is the question, and you know the answer. It’s because he killed someone, someone close to you, someone you love. So, am I correct, am I in the ballpark?” said Wally as he was full of anger.

  “Yeah, you’re right, I want to get revenge on him because he killed my parents, but I want to do it in a way that doesn’t get me killed. So, please don’t go to him solo and get yourself killed, because that’s not what your wife would’ve wanted,” said Ronnie.

  “Sarah, her name is Sarah,” replied Wally.

  “Well, don’t go in there guns blazing by yourself because Sarah wouldn’t have wanted that. She would want you to stay alive and keep fighting. I mean, I didn’t know her but I would guess that that’s what she would say if she was here,” said Ronnie.

  “You’re right; you’re absolutely right,” replied Wally.

  Ronnie stepped away from Wally and looked around at the others who were mourning their lost ones. “That goes for anyone else. I’m sorry that you have lost a loved one or friend but you can’t be reckless and do something that you’ll regret. So, please, let’s do this, the way that it’s meant to be done,” he said. Everyone agreed but unfortunately for Wally, he was lying and he ran away from everyone. He headed toward Dwayne’s room but he didn’t get far because soon after Ronnie tried to go after him, Wally got shot in the head.

  “EVERYONE TAKE COVER!” yelled Ronnie in a panicky tone. Ronnie couldn’t head back to the others so he headed into a room that was near him and shut the door behind him so he was out of harm’s way. The others took cover and returned fire. There were a couple of men heading towards them wearing riot gear, so it was hard to kill them. Ronnie looked around in the room he took cover in and he tried to find something helpful. He searched the whole room until he found a bag that had frag grenades, flashbangs and concussion grenades. He responded with relief, “Yes, something helpful.” Ronnie opened the door a teensy bit to see the riot geared men. They were close and one shot near him so Ronnie shut the door and grabbed a grenade from the bag. Ronnie pulled the pin off the grenade and opened the door quickly to throw the grenade at the men. The grenade went off and Ronnie kept doing the same thing over and over again.

  Max and the others saw what Ronnie was doing and they ran towards the men that were trying to kill them. Ronnie saw Max and the others running at the guns he was throwing grenades at, so he stopped and ran out to join them. They killed all the men wearing riot gear by pushing them down and shooting and stabbing them in their heads. Max looked at Ronnie. “Thanks for the distraction,” he said.

  “You’re welcome. Now let’s get to Dwayne quickly and end this before more of these fuckers show up,” said Ronnie. They ran down the hall and as they were doing this, Dwayne was still in his room. Dwayne had two people with him. They were his prisoners; they had their hands cuffed and Dwayne put a bag over both of their heads to cover their faces. “Okay you guys, looks like it’s time to shine and show your people whose boss here and why you don’t fuck with the boss,” said Dwayne.

  Dwayne pushed the two people forward and opened the door so he could leave his room. Dwayne pushed them out of the room and got them into position for when Ronnie and the others showed up. There were ten of Dwayne’s men outside of Dwayne’s room. “So, what’s the plan, boss? I think I can hear them coming,” said one of Dwayne’s men.

  “Well, these two fuckers will surely stop them and if not, then they are just like me – a monster,” replied Dwayne.

  “How are these two people going to stop them?” asked one of Dwayne’s men.

  “Well, it’s who they are, that will stop them from killing us,” replied Dwayne confidently.

  Ronnie and all the men and women ran down the hall and saw Dwayne, his men and two people with bags on their heads. They stopped a couple of feet away from Dwayne. “Wow, I’m impressed – no, really I am. I had no idea you guys had the balls to do that. And my men – I don’t know how you convinced them to turn on me, so just wow, you guys did it. You win. I will gladly surrender and you can keep me as your prisoner and do whatever you want to me, just don’t stick things in my ass, ok?” said Dwayne with an evil smile.

  “Just like that, you’re not going to fight us?” asked Ronnie as he was thinking that something wasn’t right.

  “We’re outnumbered, so we don’t stand a chance but can I ask you one question before you kill or imprison us?” asked Dwayne.

  “What is it?” Ronnie asked, as he suspected something was wrong.

  “I don’t like it when you kill my men. So, if I kill your people would we be even?” he asked. Ronnie was a bit worried.

  “What…what do you mean by our people?” he asked. Dwayne asked his men to take the bags off the people in front of him and Dwayne grabbed two handguns and pointed them at the two-people’s head’s standing in front of him.

  “These people,” he said with a great big smile. Ronnie was scared, he was shocked and worried at who he saw. “Alice? Finn?” he said.

  Chapter Thirty-Six: The Battle on Gills Ground

  A few weeks ago

  Dave followed Ronnie and the others out of the tent. Dave stopped Ronnie before he got into the car with the others. “Ronnie, good luck. I hope get your revenge. Kill that guy and please come back in one piece – the piece that shows that good side of you, the nice guy, the guy I will remember,” he said.

  “What do you mean, the guy you’ll remember?” asked Ronnie.

  “I mean not one of them, a monster, a killer, a – well…you get the point. So, don’t let this rescue mission change you,” replied Dave.

  “I promise I’ll be the same person, you see right now,” replied Ronnie.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you soon,” said Dave with a smile.

  “I’ll see you soon, friend,” replied Ronnie. Ronnie hopped into the car and the two cars full of soldiers left the base. Dave and the others who were still at the base had high hopes that they would return with Captain Harris and the soldiers who were captured.

  Dave headed to the dining tent where Finn and Alice were hanging out and he sat down across from them. “Hey Dave, where’s Ronnie?” asked Finn.

  “He and the others headed out,” replied Dave.

  “Where did he go?” asked Finn curiously.

  “They went to rescue Captain Harris and some soldiers who were captured by people,” replied Dave.

  “What, they were captured? But how did they know, unless they told them over a radio or something?” said Finn.

  “No, there were two soldiers who escaped and told us,” replied Dave.

  “Well how would they know where the Captain and soldiers are being taken?” asked Finn.

  “You remember that guy we brought back here?” asked Dave.

  “Yeah that asshole, who can forget him,” replied Finn with a bit of anger.

  “Yeah, well he told us that everything he did, he was forced to do by Dwayne, his leader, and he offered to take them to Dwayne’s location where the Captain and others would be taken,” replied Dave.

  “And they believed him?” asked Finn, who felt a bit unsure about what Dave said.

  “Well it doesn’t matter if they believed him or not. They needed to get there ASAP or who knows what will happen to Captain Harris and the soldiers,” replied Dave.

  The two soldiers that were guarding Ted earlier, the guys who were working undercover for Dwayne, headed over to a soldier who was at the gate. “Hey man, looks like you need some food and rest. Why don’t you go grab something to eat and go grab some rest and we’ll take over here,” said one of Dwayne’s men.

  “Umm, yeah, I think that sounds like a good idea. Thanks guys,” replied the soldier.

  “No worries,” replied one of Dwayne’s men. The soldier walked off to the dining tent. The two undercover men waited till the soldier was out of sight.

  “Okay, he�
�s gone. Now you take the sniper on the left and I’ll take the one on the right,” said one of Dwayne’s men, so they split up and climbed up to the watch towers that had sniper lookouts. The guy on the right got up to the top same time as the guy on the left. The guy on the right walked up to the soldier who was already up there looking out with a sniper.

  “Hey man, looks like it’s swap time,” said Dwayne’s man.

  “Actually, I got up here an hour or so ago. I’m sorry but I’m still up here for a few more hours,” replied the soldier.

  “Damn, that sucks. I would have just said sure. Now I’m gonna have to do this,” replied Dwayne’s man. The same kind of conversation was happening on the left tower. So, Dwayne’s men both slit the soldiers’ throats that were holding the snipers. They made sure they didn’t make a sound and afterward they gave each other the thumbs up to signal that it was all clear.

  Far in the bushes and trees across the road from the base there were lots of Dwayne’s men waiting to get the all clear from the men already in the base. They were armed and ready for a fight; their vehicles they used were parked farther down so they wouldn’t be spotted. The two of Dwayne’s men who were in the lookout towers gave a wave in the direction to those who were in the bushes to signal that it was clear to head over. One of them in the bushes saw it, so he turned around to some of the other men.

  “Okay guys, we can go. Put your silencers on because we don’t want to alert them all at once. We don’t know how many there are,” he said. They all headed quietly over to the wall near the gate and as they were doing this, the two men in the towers headed down to the gate and opened it as quietly as they could so Dwayne’s men could enter the base and as soon as they all entered, which there was about thirty or so of them, they headed stealthily throughout the base. They split up into small groups so they could cover more ground. One group started by cutting all the tires of the vehicles, so that if the people in the base were alarmed they wouldn’t try to drive away. One group headed to the armoury tent, which they had no idea that that’s what the tent was used for, so when they entered the tent they were overwhelmed with joy.


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