Book Read Free


Page 40

by Jai Williams

  “What happened? Who are you?” asked Angel.

  “My name is Alice and Dwayne did this. Dwayne has all the men and women locked up and he’s going to kill them all, including my boyfriend,” said Alice with relief that she was saved.

  “Well, that ain’t going to happen; now that we’re here we’ll help them, because we hate Dwayne just as much as they do,” replied Angel.

  Alice was untied from the chair, so she got up. “Thank you. We need to hurry,” she said.

  “Okay. So, did Dwayne take your boyfriend to the cells?” asked Angel.

  “No-no, he wanted him, Ronnie and some others to be taken somewhere else to be chained up,” replied Alice.

  “Oh no, not Ronnie. We need to go now. I know exactly where he took them. Let’s save them and let’s get our freedom back,” replied Angel with a worried look on her face.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Monster’s End

  It was all quiet, nothing but silence in the room Ronnie, Captain Harris, Finn and Stan were in. Blood was still dripping from Max’s dead body. Ronnie looked at Max and thought to himself that he didn’t deserve that; he deserved to die an honourable death, not chained up to a wall and shot in the head because there’s nothing honourable about that. The only thing Max showed before he died was bravery, when he stood up to Dwayne and told him the truth, which is what got him killed. Well, he was going to die eventually, but the way he spoke to Dwayne is what made Dwayne kill him in the first place, that and Max being a traitor. Ronnie had to finally come to the realization that it was over, all hope for escape was lost and everyone else had probably given up, so he decided to join them and as much as it pained him to come to that conclusion, he had to do it because there was no beating Dwayne and the rest of his men solo. No, he had to have a team with him but that team gave up, so he gave up too.

  Meanwhile, back at Dwayne’s room Alice just got rescued by Angel and two other women. They headed to the other bunch of women that were waiting farther away from Dwayne’s room.

  “What’s with the get-up? Why are you just wearing bras, underwear and high heels?” asked Alice as she looked at all the women.

  “Well um, see, Dwayne wanted to make this place perfect so he made a strip club which is where women like us dress up like this and dance sexually on poles and men’s laps and we also have sex with some of the men too,” replied Angel.

  “Oh, that sounds horrible. Were you forced into doing it?” asked Alice as she felt horrible for what the women were used for.

  “Yeah, at first, but some of us liked this lifestyle and as soon as this fight was happening we um, well, it was like we flicked a switch in our heads and we woke up and said that we want out of here; we don’t want to be raped anymore – well, some of the men were gentle, like Ronnie,” said Angel.

  “Ronnie. You know Ronnie?” asked Alice.

  “Yeah, I do. He’s one of the nicer guys but Dwayne forced him to do horrible things and whatever he’s done, I believe he should be forgiven; after all, he’s probably moments away from death and he doesn’t deserve that, because I think the things he’s done and others have done that were in the same situation, did what they did, to save us and to free us from Dwayne and we need to save him and the others for doing that,” said Angel as she felt worried about Ronnie.

  “I believe you’re right. So, let’s go and save them,” replied Alice.

  All the women followed Angel until they got to the stairs that led down to the hall that led to where Ronnie, Captain Harris, Finn and Stan were. “Okay, me and three others will go down because if there are guards there, then four of us wouldn’t raise an alarm, but if we all went then that would be suspicious. So, you three follow me,” said Angel as she pointed to three women.

  “W-what about me? Shouldn’t I come?” asked Alice.

  “They know that you’re a prisoner, I would assume. So, stay here and we’ll come get you when the coast is clear, ok?” replied Angel.

  “Sorry, I just want to see Finn so badly to make sure he’s ok,” replied Alice.

  “I understand but please stay here till it’s clear,” replied Angel.

  Back down downstairs in the cells, Dwayne was slowly killing every man cell by cell. The cell Dean was in also had Roger, Jay and some others. “Man, I don’t think we’re getting out of this one. I’m sorry to be a bummer, but that’s what I think,” said Dean.

  “Well, if that’s what you think then whatever, but for me I’m not giving up; we have to fight. There are more of us than those who are still with Dwayne, so there’s still a chance,” said Jay as he wasn’t giving up hope.

  “Chance? See we can’t take that chance. We can’t take any chances anymore. I mean, look where that got us,” said Dean.

  “What do you mean we can’t take any chances?” asked Jay.

  “Chances get you captured and get you killed,” replied Dean.

  “But they also don’t,” said Jay confidently.

  “Yes, but it’s better to do something when you are one hundred percent sure that it’s going to work. See, Ronnie took a chance that we would win and he was wrong and now look where we are. So, no, I’m not taking any more chances and if we escape this place somehow, then when I see a bunch of people who could be innocent I’m not taking that chance. I’m going to avoid them or kill them,” said Dean, truthfully.

  Jay turned to Roger. “Are you the same?” he asked.

  “I um, I don’t know what to believe anymore. Whether we escape or not, I don’t know if I’m with or against Dean’s decision but the one thing I can tell you, is that I’m never going on any more missions with the Captain, no sir. Fuck that; I’d rather stay back and drink till it’s my time to leave this world,” said Roger.

  Jay gave them both a disappointed look. “I don’t believe what I’m hearing. I mean, what happened to the guys who wanted to fix the world. Where are those guys?” he asked.

  “There is no fixing the world; there’s just accepting this world and apart from the innocent dying, well, the world is kinda better. There’s no taxes, no laws, no work; there’s just doing what you want to do and what I want to do is just relax and drink,” said Roger.

  Dean looked at Jay. “I love your spirit man, but just face it; this is the world now and I’m sorry you didn’t get to see what the world was once like. I had fifteen years in it and it was great while it lasted, but you have to wake up and come back to reality because this is it, this is all the world has to offer now,” he said, believing that that was the truth now.

  “Killing, rape, etc. That’s not what it has to be like. We can fight, make a community and build it up till it becomes something more, something that can take down places like this and soon enough the rest of the world will be doing it,” said Jay. Dean didn’t reply.

  Meanwhile, back upstairs Angel and three women headed downstairs and down the hallway till they saw two of Dwayne’s men outside of a room guarding it, so they approached them.

  “Wow-wow-wow, what are you girls doing? You shouldn’t be out here, it’s not safe. You should head back to your place. Dwayne wouldn’t like seeing his women roaming these halls,” said one of Dwayne’s men. Angel and the other girls thought to themselves, fuck this guy; we can walk freely wherever we want.

  “But we couldn’t stay in there. It was horrible seeing those dead bodies everywhere,” said Angel as she put on a scared voice.

  “I know. Sorry, but you have to head back. I’ll escort you,” said one of Dwayne’s men. The guy forcefully pushed Angel forward.

  “Oh, so you wanna play rough, huh?” said Angel in a sexy tone. Angel turned around and started making out with the guy. The other guy that was guarding the door looked away and Angel grabbed the guy’s knife that she was making out with and stabbed him in the neck while covering his mouth so he wouldn’t make a sound. Angel pulled the knife out and let go of the guy. The other guy heard the sound of something hitting the floor so he turned his head back and saw the guy dead on the ground with blood
around him.

  “Hey. What the fuck did you do, bitch?” he said, angrily and before the guy could aim his gun and shoot it at Angel and the others, Angel threw the knife she still had in her hand at the guy’s head, killing him instantly and silently. They headed up to the door and opened it. Ronnie and the others heard the chaos that was happening and didn’t know what to expect but they saw four women enter the room.

  “Angel. W-what happened? What are you doing here?” asked Ronnie with relief.

  “Saving your asses, that’s what we’re doing,” replied Angel.

  The woman each headed over to all of them and tried to break them free from the chains.

  “The men outside probably have a key or something,” said Ronnie, so Angel headed out of the room and checked the dead guys for a key but she couldn’t find any so she headed back to Ronnie.

  “They don’t carry a key,” she said.

  “Of course not, Dwayne probably doesn’t trust his men so he’s carrying the keys. Damn,” replied Ronnie.

  “So, how do we free you?” asked Angel.

  “Shit, I have no idea,” replied Ronnie.

  “Lock picks, use lock picks. Do you have any?” asked Captain Harris.

  “I know how to do that. See we sometimes accidentally lose the keys to the cuffs we use on some of the guys we have sex with and so some of us learned how to use paper clips and pock picks to uncuff them,” said Angel, smiling.

  “Nice story but could you please go and get ‘em? We’re kinda in a hurry,” said Ronnie. “Oh yeah, sorry. I’ll be right back,” replied Angel.

  Angel took her high heels off and ran out of the room and upstairs to the other women.

  “W-what happened?” asked Alice with concern.

  “It’s safe. You can go down. I just need to grab something to unchain them,” replied Angel. Angel headed to the strip club and Alice and the other women headed down the stairs and went to the room that Ronnie and the others were in. When Alice entered the room, she ran over to Finn and hugged him.

  “Oh, I’m so glad you’re ok,” she said with relief. Finn looked at Alice with an upset look.

  “Yeah part of me is ok but the other part isn’t,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” asked Alice.

  “Why don’t you ask Ronnie?” replied Finn.

  “W-what do you mean by that?” asked Alice with a confused look.

  “Oh, you know. So, don’t lie,” replied Finn.

  “Know what?” asked Alice.

  “You know, you were never a good liar but the one thing I loved about you was that you were loyal to me and never did anything to hurt me until today or whenever it happened,” said Finn.

  “Oh, he ah told you, did he?” asked Alice.

  “No, Dwayne told me, that’s the shitty part. See, if Ronnie told me then I would maybe try to forgive him, but the fact that Dwayne told me showed me that Ronnie doesn’t care about me and he would do it again. Now, I want to hear you say it,” said Finn.

  “Say what?” asked Alice, feeling really guilty.

  “What you did with Ronnie,” replied Finn, feeling frustrated that he had to ask. Alice looked at Ronnie and Ronnie nodded to her with a sad look, so Alice looked back at Finn.

  “I…had…sex with Ronnie…it wasn’t my fault. I was forced to do it,” she said as her eyes teared up.

  “Can you tell me it didn’t mean anything?” asked Finn.

  Alice hesitated. “No, it meant nothing,” she replied.

  “Then why the hesitation?” asked Finn.

  “I’m sorry,” said Alice as tears ran down her face. Finn turned his head away from Alice and didn’t respond.

  Back upstairs Angel reached the strip club and entered through the big hole in the wall, she headed to one of the bedrooms and grabbed a lock pick kit and she headed out of the strip club and ran back to Ronnie. Angel caught her breath first. “Okay, I got it,” she said. She started pick locking Ronnie’s chains first, followed by Captain Harris, Finn and Stan. Ronnie looked at Max’s dead body.

  “What happened?” asked Angel with a horrified look on her face.

  “He spoke the truth and he died for it,” replied Ronnie as he felt so responsible for Max’s death.

  “Max was a great guy; he wasn’t like the others, he was gentle and kind and didn’t want this life. He wanted to be free but he hid it away so no one could tell, but I knew that that’s what he was thinking,” said Angel.

  Ronnie turned to Captain Harris. “So, are you still giving up?” he asked.

  “Let’s just forget about it and stop Dwayne once and for all,” replied Captain Harris as he felt hope again. They headed out of the room and Ronnie grabbed one of Dwayne’s dead man’s guns and Captain Harris grabbed the other dead guy’s gun. They ran upstairs and headed to the strip club and on the way, Stan and Finn grabbed a gun each. They all headed to the strip club.

  “Why are we here?” asked Angel.

  “Look, we’re so grateful for you rescuing us but now you need to stay here out of the fight and this time we will be back. I promise,” replied Ronnie.

  Without question, all the women which included Alice stood and sat in the strip club. Angel gave Ronnie a kiss. “I’d never thought I’d say this but I think I love you,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “Oh, umm,” replied Ronnie in surprise.

  “Sorry, it’s terrible timing, isn’t it? I just had to say it,” said Angel.

  “Yeah bad timing but we’ll discuss it when I come back, yeah?” replied Ronnie.

  “Sure,” replied Angel with a smile.

  Ronnie, Captain Harris, Stan and Finn headed off towards the cells; they quietly headed down the stairs and at this point Dwayne was outside in the arena about to kill another bunch of men. They got down to the door that led into the cell area. Ronnie looked to Captain Harris, Stan and Finn. “Okay, there were ten of Dwayne’s men that were with him before we were chained up so one was probably guarding Alice, so he’s dead and two were guarding us and they’re dead, so seven men are left, I would assume. There’s probably one or two men down here and one or two guarding the women’s cells and the rest are with Dwayne. So, if we kill whoever’s guarding these cells we’ll outnumber them,” whispered Ronnie with confidence.

  “Sounds about right,” whispered Captain Harris. Ronnie opened the door a tiny bit and took a peek. He saw one armed man down near the end cells, so he slowly closed the door and turned back to Captain Harris, Stan and Finn.

  “Okay, there’s one guy. So, this is going to be easy and quick,” he whispered. Ronnie opened the door slowly and the others followed. Ronnie got up close to the guy roaming the hall and when the guy turned around Ronnie had a knife ready in his hand and he stuck it in the guy’s neck and pushed him to the wall while covering the guy’s mouth so he didn’t make a noise. Ronnie pulled the knife out and dropped the body. He wiped the blood off on the guy and looked up at Captain Harris and the others.

  “That was easy,” he said.

  Dean got up close to the bars of the cell he was in. “You guys escaped!” he said with relief. Ronnie looked over to Dean, who was in the cell that Ronnie was in, the first day he got to this place.

  “We had help,” he said.

  “Okay well, can you unlock this cell and free us?” asked Dean.

  “Sure thing,” replied Ronnie. Ronnie searched the guy he killed and couldn’t find a key.

  “Damn, there’s no…” he said. Stan clicked his fingers and walked up close to Dean.

  “Remember, when some of us were in that cell and Ronnie tricked a guy into coming close to the cell and he knocked him out and grabbed his keys?” he said.

  “Can you just get to the point?” said Dean, butting in.

  “Anyway, we didn’t give back the cell key. We hid it in the cell you’re in,” said Stan.

  “Where did you hide it?” asked Dean.

  “It’s under the bed on the left,” replied Stan. Dean quickly walked over to th
e bed and crouched down so he could find the key under the bed. He grabbed it and got back up and walked over to Stan.

  “So, this has been here the whole time?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” replied Stan.

  “We should’ve used it,” said Dean.

  “Yeah, and end up like the rest who tried to escape? No thanks. Hand me the key,” replied Stan. Stan unlocked the cell Dean, Jay, Roger and some of Dwayne’s disloyal men were in and Stan headed to the next cell.

  Stan unlocked four cells and just as he was about to unlock the fifth cell Dwayne and five of his men came through the door. “Shit, they’ve escaped. Unlock the champion cells and use them to help you kill those fuckers,” said Dwayne with anger.

  “What about you? What are you going to do?” asked one of Dwayne’s men.

  “I’ll get plan B ready,” replied Dwayne. Dwayne went back through the door and headed upstairs.

  “Plan B, what’s plan B?” asked one of Dwayne’s men but none of them answered, because they didn’t know, either. Dwayne’s men unlocked the champion cells and the other cells that had the still loyal prisoners.

  Stan continued unlocking the other cells as quickly as he could. “Okay guys, let’s finish this once and for all. CHARGE!” said Ronnie to all the men around him. Ronnie and the other men ran towards Dwayne’s men and the other prisoners and they started to attack each other. It was a brutal fight, punches were taken and men were getting slaughtered; it was bloody.

  Ronnie turned to Captain Harris, Stan and Dean, who were near him. “Okay guys, I’m going to try and get through so I can take down Dwayne. There’s no way he’s coming back for his men,” he said.

  “Okay, we’ll help you get through, but make sure you come back alive,” said Captain Harris.

  “I’ll come back alive. I can promise you that,” replied Ronnie with complete confidence in himself. So, the men on Ronnie’s side pushed through and Ronnie quickly ran through and headed through the door and upstairs.

  One of Dwayne’s men saw Ronnie escape.


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