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Theon Untamed: First Contact (Untamed World Book 1)

Page 8

by Hannah Davenport

  “We need to head back before the meat spoils.”

  “Okay.” Anything to get away from this embarrassing moment. They both wade to the edge of the lake. “Turn around.”

  He flashes her a cheeky grin before slowly turning around, presenting his back. She quickly climbs out, scoops up her clothes, and heads behind some bushes. “Okay,” she calls out.

  When he emerges, he doesn’t try to hide anything. His steps are slow, sure, and Catalina can’t stop from peeking. Slack-jawed, she looks her fill, at least until he crosses his arms and clears his throat. Her eyes shoot to his, and her cheeks turn pink… again.

  “Like what you see?” Yes, she does, but she will not tell him that.

  “Shut up,” she says in a rush before she turns around to hide her face.

  With a chuckle, he pulls on his trousers.

  They gather their things, and with the backpack slung over her shoulder, they head toward the topside Commons.

  With each step, she becomes more nervous. Moving to a new home always evokes a pool of dread.




  Holding Catalina in the lake stirs something deep inside Theon. The ridges on his forehead tingle, making him want to rub them against her. When he pulls her close, his hard length brushes up against her stomach.

  She trembles when he holds her tight, too scared to let loose her arms and hug him back. He wants her but knows she is uncertain. A strange new planet with new rules and cultures. He’ll wait.

  When she says she will not participate in bed sport, amusement washes over his face, knowing one day he’ll have her. It is only a matter of time. But to lighten the mood and relieve her of her fears, he merely smiles. “I was not asking.” At times, her undertones turn pink, and he wonders at its cause. It fascinates him to watch this strange phenomenon.

  Theon fills with worry as they head back to the Commons. Even though he wants her in his bed, he does not know what the others will think. Not that it matters to him. They can say whatever they want about him, but he will not let them hurt Catalina by words or by deeds.

  As they near the Commons, Odias spots him first and comes trotting over.

  “Where have you been? You missed training.” His eyes slide from Theon to Catalina.

  Clapping Odias on the back, Theon’s face pulls wide as he jests, “Surely you could find another training partner.”

  “I can.” Odias still looks confused, his gaze roaming the length of Catalina.

  “Come. You can help me pack some meat in sarka.”

  “You killed another garr?” Odias falls in step with his friend.

  “No. Catalina did.” Theon smiles over at her before addressing Odias once again. “She is the female who came back with Toran.”

  Stopping mid-step, Odias’ eyes shoot to Catalina, and then he quickly dismisses the idea with a wave of his hand. “Impossible. She is not strong enough.”

  “Hey!” Catalina takes offense, but Theon lays his hand on her shoulder, halting further comments.

  “She did. I watched it with my own two eyes.”

  Odias doesn’t question the statement as he continues walking. Entering the storage room, Theon grabs a barrel of sarka and begins the process of curing the meat.

  Catalina dips her finger into the sarka before bringing it to her mouth. “This is salt!”

  “You have sarka on your planet?”

  With bright eyes and a big grin, she says, “Yes. We flavor our food with it. We soak in it, gargle with it, the list goes on and on.”

  “You are a strange people.”

  Catalina watches every move that he and Odias make while curing the meat. When the meat is placed on a hook that hangs from the ceiling, Theon turns toward Catalina. “Ready to see where you will be staying?”


  Odias narrows his eyes. “Where will she be staying?” he asks, his voice accusing. Why does he say it with that tone, and what does it matter to him?

  Theon levels his gaze, daring Odias to say anything else as he answers the question. “With me.”

  A long, slow breath escapes Odias’ lips as he shoots Theon a incredulous glare. “I’ll see you at the training fields.”

  “Until tomorrow.” With his eyebrows pulled close together, Theon watches Odias leave. He puzzles over the exchange, wondering what just happened. Why should Odias care who Theon invites back to his rooms? Shaking off the odd encounter, he concentrates on the female standing at his side.

  With his hands laced behind his back, he smiles down at Catalina as the two of them walk around casually, not in any hurry to be somewhere.

  “He seems… nice.” Catalina barely chokes the lie out.

  Theon bursts out laughing. “What? You hesitate.”

  “Well, I just met him. What should I say? He looks at me weirdly, and he doesn’t like that I will be staying with you.”

  “You caught that, huh?” Theon’s gaze slides down at her once again with a smile dancing on his face.

  “Yep. I’m very studious that way.”

  He chuckles while shaking his head as they walk. “Would you like to see the training fields first?”

  “Yeah. When I was on the ship, Sans took me to the training room, and I watched some of them fight.”

  “He did?”


  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Not really. It was brutal.”

  “Brutal…” he muses, “I do not think I have heard it described that way.”

  “Let’s see, guys beating the hell out of each other with their bare hands. Yeah…brutal sounds about right to me.”

  Theon likes being with Catalina, walking around with her at his side. Her odd view of things keeps him in a state of amusement. Her beauty, mesmerizing. She is an amazing female, and he looks forward to getting to know her better.

  When they come to an open grassy field, several groups of two have paired off. Theon leads Catalina to some nearby rocks, where they take a seat.

  Kaid and Onton fight in the center, exchanging punches and kicks. Catalina leans over and quietly whispers, “It’s hard to watch. This makes me want to run out there and bandage their injuries.”

  Theon folds his arms across his rumbling chest. “That would be something to see. I imagine they would be stunned if you tried.”

  “I still don’t understand why they don’t use protective gear.” Catalina shakes her head as she watches the two of them go at it.


  She nods. “Always.”

  “With the lack of females, fighting helps with the aggression. Many males petition to train here, and each has his reasons. But all of them know that the females visit the training fields during the day.”

  “Whoever beats his chest the hardest wins the girl?”

  He glances at Catalina as his face stretches in amusement. “That is an odd way of saying it, but yes, I guess so.”

  They sit in contented silence watching the fighting until someone pulls them away from the main scene.

  “Theon, I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Tarra says as she walks over and stands next to him.

  “Tarra,” he inclines his head slightly. “I had other things to do today,” he says without intonation.

  “Oh, I see.” Her eyes dart quickly between the two of them. No doubt she wonders where he and Catalina have been. “Catalina.” The tone of her voice sounds condescending, even to Theon.

  Hearing her name, Catalina glances up at Tarra, and with a big fake smile, she says in a friendly voice, “Oh, hey, Terra. I didn’t see you standing there.” She leans around, looking behind Tarra. “Where is your posse of wannabes?”

  “Wanna what?” Tarra shakes her head. “Never mind,” she says in a haughty voice before focusing on Theon. She tilts her head and bats her eyes as she exaggerates a fake grin. “So, Theon, how about that meal you promised to share with me?”

  With an expressionless face, Th
eon’s irritated eyes slide briefly up at Tarra. In a monotone, he answers, “My apologies, Tarra, but I will be sharing a meal with Catalina before I show her where she will be staying.”

  “But… she has a place in the female Commons.” She sounds flustered, confused.

  Theon looks down at a nonchalant Catalina and holds out his hand. “Ready to get something to eat?”

  She places her hand in his, and with a teasing grin, she says, “Why yes, thank you.” The two of them head away from the training fields, away from Tarra, who shoots daggers at Catalina with her angry gaze.

  When they are far enough away, Catalina questions, “I thought you had meat stored in your pack for us to eat tonight.”

  “I do.” He never says that he wishes to deter Tarra in hopes she will set her sights on someone new, but that’s exactly how he feels. Constantly having to fend off her advances makes him weary.

  Hand in hand, they walk through the Commons, heading toward his rooms. Theon doesn’t like the looks the other males give Catalina as they pass. There is no doubt she is beautiful, and he wants to shield her from their prying eyes.

  “This is where I live.” Theon steps to the side and waves Catalina in first. When the door closes behind them, he watches as she slowly turns, taking everything in.

  Not wanting to admit it, he worries that his living quarters will not be adequate for her. It holds none of the comforts from down below, only basic necessities.

  “This is amazing,” she says as she scans the area with wide eyes.

  “I am glad you like it.” Relief takes the place of worry. It doesn’t make sense, but he desperately wants her approval even though he’d not say as much.

  Glancing around, he tries to see the large room through her eyes. The corner holds a massive pallet of furs to soften the floor. In the center, a small circular fire pit holds blackened embers, and when the fire is adequate, the smoke vents through a small hole in the ceiling. A bureau to hold his clothes. A couch, a chair, and a small table, nothing more. A simple life.

  “This is amazing! The Commons are shaped in an octagon.” She hurries to the small opening in the wall. “There is no glass, just open space looking out at the training fields.” She briefly glances over her shoulder with a wondrous expression. “To be so open, it must never get cold here.”

  “The furs keep me warm, and the Commons surround the training fields and the underground entrances.”

  Her face splits wide with a grin as her eyes dart to the pallet. “No bed?”

  He shrugs, nonchalant. “I find sleeping on the furs much more comfortable, and I like the warmth that they provide.”

  She turns back toward the small opening and gazes out at the land. Theon walks up behind her and lays his right hand on her shoulder. They don’t speak as he peers over her shoulder, trying to see his land through her eyes.

  They watch the sun drop down behind the mountain, cloaking the room in a dim light. “Come on, let’s eat, and then I’ll show you where you can change.” His hand skirts down her arm, his fingers intertwining with hers.

  He squeezes her hand before letting go, then kneels to build a small fire in the pit, covers it with a grate, and then places the meat in the center.

  “I can’t believe this,” she says in awe. “It’s like camping indoors.”

  He gives her a tender smile, “I’m glad you’re enjoying this.”

  When the meat is finished cooking, they eat in silence.

  Afterwards, Theon leads Catalina to a smaller room off by itself and gives her privacy to dress for the night while he slips on his sleeping shorts. When she emerges, his eyes roam the length of her. A sleeveless, flowing white gown accentuates her curves. Her dark hair and skin contrast with the cloth, making her even more beautiful, regal. Holding out his hand, he smiles. “It has been an eventful day. Let us get some rest.”

  Without hesitation, she places her delicate hand in his as he leads her to the pallet of furs.

  Lying face to face on the furs, he gazes into her sparkling eyes.

  “Thank you for not making me go back down there.” Her eyes search his.

  The room is bathed in silence as the last light fades away. He can barely make out the outline of her face, but he can feel her eyes on him, feel her soft breath sweeping across his face.

  “I do not think anyone could make you do anything.”

  He feels the smile that graces her face, hears it in her voice. “That’s true.”

  His reaches up and lays the palm of his hand on her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her jawline. His length hardens, but he ignores it, determined not to ruin the moment. He needs to let her get used to him. When he takes her, and he will, it will be mutual and without hesitation. “Let us rest. Tomorrow will be here soon enough.”

  “Okay,” He likes the way she studies him before she finally closes her eyes. When he hears her slow, steady breathing, Theon knows she is asleep. He stares at the outline of her delicate face with slightly parted lips until his eyes grow heavy, and he joins her in slumber.


  Light streams through the open window, slowly waking Theon. With the feel of Catalina’s bare leg hitched over his thigh, his length springs to life. Her sleeping gown has ridden up, and with his arm around her waist, his fingers feel the swell of her ass.

  His heart leaps in his chest, but he tamps down his desire. Now is not the time.

  As he gazes down at the top of her head that lies on his chest, she lifts her face and smiles sleepily. “Morning,” she says, untangling her legs before rolling to the side and adjusting her gown.

  “G’morn,” he replies, hoping she did not notice his erect length.

  She rolls over onto her knees before getting to her feet. Theon lies on his side and props his head up with his hand. He watches as she runs her fingers through her dark, silky hair. When finished, she looks over her shoulder and smiles shyly. “I can’t believe I slept so well.”

  “I always found the pallet of furs more comfortable than a bed.”

  “I can see why. So, what are we doing today?”

  “I told Odias I would meet him this morn to train.” Theon climbs off the pallet and stands. Her eyes widen when she stares at his tented sleeping shorts.

  Theon walks briskly over, wraps his arm around her waist, and pulls her tight against him. He needs her to feel him, to know how much he wants her. Bending his head, he nibbles on her ear before saying, “It is a normal morn reaction, Catalina.”

  “Oh…” she says breathlessly. He lets her go, and she steps back and clears her throat. “So, you’re training this morning. Can I go?”

  “Of course.”

  After eating some dried meat strips, Catalina dresses in a white, form-fitting, V-neck shirt and black pants that hug her curves. Theon watches intently as she arranges her long dark hair in a unique way. When she finishes the task, she announces, “Ready.” Hand in hand, they head toward the training fields.

  It is much more crowded today with both males and females. Theon leaves her on the edge, and he goes to find Odias, so she finds a quiet spot alone and plops down on the ground.

  Having Catalina there to watch him train makes him want to try harder, hoping to impress her.

  “You are distracted.” Odias grins as they circle each other. “This may be my lucky day.”

  Theon scoffs, “I don’t think so, old friend.”

  “Who are you calling old?” Odias jabs with his right fist.

  Theon quickly moves out of reach. “Nice try, but you are too slow.” Just as he says the words, Odias’ fist connects with his eye, barely.

  Theon throws his own punch, catching Odias full force in the jaw.

  With bloody grins, they circle each other before Odias barrels full force toward Theon. As he nears, Theon lowers his shoulder and catches Odias around the waist. Using his speed against him, Theon flips Odias over his shoulder. With Odias flat on his back, Theon straddles his friend, pinning his shoulders to the ground.
  “Nice try.”

  Odias turns his head to the side and spits out a mouthful of blood. “Good move.”

  Theon jumps up and extends a hand to his friend, helping him to his feet. “Thanks. I will be back.”

  Spotting Catalina all alone on the edge of the training field, he trots over. The thought that no one would speak to her grates on his nerves, and he realizes, this must have been the way they treated her in the female Commons.

  “Having fun?” he grins as he wraps his arms around his knees.

  “Watching you all beat the hell out of each other? Yeah, sure.”

  Theon laughs as he focuses on the training. “It is not that bad, is it?”

  Catalina searches his face before raising her dainty hand, her finger tracing a cut under his eye. “You’re bleeding.”

  He reaches his hand up and catches her wrist in his grasp. He holds her stare; the air electrifies. All smiles fade when Theon sees the look of desire darken Catalina’s eyes. “It is nothing.” His thumb gently rubs the inside of her wrist, running his finger over her pulse. He can feel it quicken with his gentle touch.

  He watches her breath quicken, the way her lips slightly part, but she doesn’t speak. Still holding her gaze, he says, “I have one more match, and then I will be finished.”

  “But we just got here.”

  He holds her desire filled gaze. “And now I am ready to leave.”

  Still silent, she nods. One last look, and he jumps to his feet and heads for the center of the training field.

  When the match ends, Theon collects two pails of cold water, needing to clean the sweat and dirt from his body. He carries them back close to the Commons. “I need to wash off.”

  “Can I wash off too?”

  “Yes, there is plenty of water as long as we are sparing with it.”

  He lathers the soap over his body and hair before pouring the cold water over his head, washing the dirt and grime away. It tamps down his raging desire and cleans him at the same time. Immediately, he feels better.

  Catalina gently splashes water on her face and arms, washing all visable skin. Hand and hand, they walk around the Commons. Theon shows her the grounds in more detail and they spend the rest of the moon cycle talking.


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