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Now and Forever--Let's Make Love

Page 14

by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

  “I’m exhausted,” Sue said. “I love my grandchildren, but they are a handful.”

  “Someone at the office said that grandchildren are a joy twice, once when they arrive and once when they go home.” Craig saw the magazine in Sue’s hand. “What’s that?”

  “Oh, I found this in the bathroom as the kids were packing. When I gave it to Nancy, she told me to keep it. Actually, she winked and told me she had lots more like it.”

  “What is it?” Craig asked.

  Sue put the catalog in Craig’s lap. “Take a look.”

  Craig stared at the scantily dressed model on the cover. “Oh,” he said, turning to the first page. The catalog was filled with models dressed in almost nothing. As he turned the pages, the outfits got more and more outrageous. “Would you wear things like these?” he asked.

  “Don’t be silly.”

  Craig pointed to one of the pictures, a nubile young woman in a lace teddy with no bra cups. Her oversized breasts filled the openings. “I’d love to see you in something like this.”

  “You’re being crazy. I haven’t looked like that woman in thirty years. No wait, I take that back. Even thirty years ago, I didn’t look like that.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t look like that. You’d look like you.” Seeing Sue’s face, Craig let the subject drop. Later that afternoon, they made love with more passion than they had in a long time.

  Several weeks later, Sue and Craig spent the evening relaxing on their bed watching Some Like It Hot on a movie channel. As the movie ended, Craig took the remote and turned off the TV. Without a word, he went to the closet and pulled out a brown paper–wrapped package. He dropped in on the bed beside his wife. “Open it. It’s for you.”

  “How come?” Sue asked. “It’s not my birthday or anything.”

  “I know. Can’t a husband buy something for his wife every now and then?”

  “You know what they say about gift horses,” Sue said, ripping the paper off the moderate-sized package. When she had exposed the box inside, she pulled off the cover. Inside was a black lace one-piece stretchy leotard, obviously bought from the catalog her children had left. “Oh Craig.” What could she say? Without realizing what she was doing, she glanced at her almost completely flat chest.

  Craig walked around the bed and placed his fingers beneath Sue’s chin, lifting her face to look at him. “Look, baby. I’ve had that in the closet for weeks, waiting for the right time to give it to you. I looked at Marilyn in that movie and I just wanted to see you in this.”

  “But I’m no Marilyn Monroe.” Her sense of the ridiculous came to the fore. “I’m closer to the president, James Monroe.”

  Not allowing her to divert him, he continued, “I know how you feel about your body and you’re wrong. That’s all there is to it.”

  Craig watched his wife’s muscles tighten. “Oh Craig,” she said, tears welling in her eyes.

  “Baby, believe me. You think you’re old and skinny and flat-chested. But—”

  Sue interrupted. “But I am. The only time I had any tits at all was when I was pregnant. I’m fifty-three.” She found herself getting angry. “I’m old, way beyond this stuff. Oh Craig, how could you humiliate me like this?” Tears ran down her cheeks.

  “I would never do anything to upset you like this, darling. I just saw this in the book and I so much wanted to see you in it. I think you’re hot and sexy, that’s all.” He held the cat suit up and looked at her through the lace. “And it makes me hot to think of you enticing me with this thing on.”

  Sue swiped away her tears and looked at her husband’s face. He really meant what he had said, she realized. He really thought she would look sexy in this ridiculous outfit. “You’re serious,” she said.

  “I am.” He took her hand and guided it to the swelling in his pants. “It got deflated thinking that I hurt you, but it’s here for you.”


  “Really. I like your tits. I love your body just the way it is, because it’s your body.” He paused, then said, “I want you to go into the bathroom and put this on. Please.”

  “But …”

  “Baby, do it for me. Do it because I want to see you in that stretchy thing.” When he saw her hesitate, he added again, “Please.”

  Reluctantly, Sue picked up the package and walked into the bathroom. How could he? she thought. Didn’t he understand? She pulled off her jeans and shirt and stepped out of her underpants. “No bra,” she muttered, looking at her almost nonexistent breasts, “because there are no tits.” She looked at the rest of her body. Not an ounce of fat anywhere. I look like a prepubescent boy, she thought, with old flabby skin. That person who said that you could never be too thin must never have been skinny. She ran her palms over her ribs and angular pelvic bones. Then she slid her fingers through her salt-and-pepper pubic hair. “It was bad enough to go gray,” she muttered, “but when my pubic hair went gray, that was the final insult.”

  “Honey,” the gentle voice came through the bathroom door. “Please.”

  Sue closed her eyes and pulled the suit up her legs and over her hips. She gasped when she noticed that the crotch was split.

  Wiggling into the rest of the suit, she said, “Did you look at the picture of this thing carefully?”

  “Not really. Why?”

  She pushed her arms into the long lacy sleeves and adjusted the low V neck. “Well, let’s just say it’s not subtle.” The lacy weave had been arranged so that there was lace around her breasts, but her nipples were clearly exposed. In the same way, her pubic mound was easily visible.

  “When do I get to see?” Craig asked through the door.

  “You asked for it,” Sue said, reaching for the doorknob. With shaking hands, she squared her shoulders, turned the knob, and opened the door.

  “Holy shit,” Craig said, his eyes widening. “You look sensational.”

  “I do not,” Sue said, “but thanks for saying it.”

  “Hush,” Craig said. “I don’t care how you think you look. Get over here!”

  Sue looked at her husband, openmouthed. He was looking at her like a piece of chocolate cake that he was about to devour. And he had never spoken to her that way before, either. Astonished, she found that she liked it. She thought about the way she must look in the suit, but the look on Craig’s face banished all negative thoughts. “You want me, come and get me,” she said, suddenly brave.

  A grin slowly spread over Craig’s face. He reached out and grabbed his wife’s wrist. “God, you look sexy in that thing.” He yanked and Sue tumbled onto the bed. Craig found her mouth with his and kissed her deeply. He couldn’t keep his hands still, rubbing and stroking Sue’s body through the lace of the suit. He pinched her nipples, then sucked on them through the almost nonexistent material.

  While Sue watched, he stood up and pulled off his clothes. His cock was harder than she had seen it in a long time. He lay beside her, on his side, propped on his elbow. “You look good enough to eat,” he said, nibbling on her neck, her lips, her ears, her breasts. He placed his hand flat on her stomach, then slowly slid it lower, insinuating one finger between her thighs. When he felt her wet, springy hair, he looked into her eyes. Surprised, he said, “Hey, this thing has no crotch.”

  “I noticed,” Sue said, spreading her thighs.

  “I did, too,” he said, rolling on top of her. “I don’t want to wait.” He used his hand to rub her pussy, then guided his cock inside her waiting body.

  “It feels funny to have you inside me while I still have clothes on.”

  Craig moved sinuously against the lace of the suit. “Feels kinky, but good.” They stroked and caressed while both Sue and Craig got increasingly excited. Finally, with a few last thrusts, Craig came, then rubbed Sue’s body the way he knew she liked until she, too, was satisfied.

  “I love you in that suit,” Craig said later.

  “Me, too,” she said. And she suddenly realized that she actually meant it.

  My fi
rst erotic novel, Black Satin, came out in June of 1995. It is a story about two very high-class call girls who operate out of a brownstone in Manhattan. Several months after the book’s publication, I got a wonderful letter from a man who had been introduced to the adventures of Carla and Ronnie in a most unusual way. A contractor, he had been summoned to the home of a couple who wanted a room constructed in their home that would provide the freedom to explore sexual adventures the way Carla and Ronnie did in their brownstone. His clients had given him a copy of the book to take home, and after reading it, he moved a few walls and created a secret room for the couple, complete with a hidden entrance.

  Dean and Norma created a similar room and, with a now-empty nest, creative minds, and a bit of cash, lived their deepest desires. Notice that these toys came from the hardware store, not a catalog.


  After the last of Dean and Norma’s five children left home, the two lovers spent several months working on plans to rearrange the upstairs of their large house. They wanted a room for their unusual kind of fun and games, but one that no one would know about. With the help of an understanding contractor and some cleverly rearranged walls, they created a separate, windowless room with an entrance throug0 the back of Dean’s closet. Soundproofed, well lit, and with a separate heating system, the creatively decorated “playroom,” as it became known, was finally completed one Friday in February. Although they had seen the room throughout its construction, Dean and Norma had denied themselves the pleasures of using it. Therefore, that weekend was to be their first time.

  “I know what I want to do tonight,” Dean said as they sipped an after-dinner drink. He gazed at the ceiling as Norma replied, “Anything you want, baby.”

  Norma enjoyed it when Dean occasionally took complete charge of their lovemaking. They didn’t play games like that often, but tonight it seemed like the most exciting way to christen the new room.

  “Anything?” Dean said.

  “Absolutely anything. I am your servant for the evening.” She bowed her head and assumed a subservient posture, a position that she knew would encourage her husband to allow his imagination to run wild. Through lowered lashes, she watched a grin spread across Dean’s face.

  “Wait here for ten minutes. Then dress in old clothes that you don’t care about and I’ll send for you.”

  For ten minutes, Norma sat in the living room, listening to her husband rattle around upstairs. It was strange to hear closet doors and dresser drawers opening and closing, furniture moving, then footsteps, then suddenly nothing as Dean entered the new soundproofed environment. As the hand on her watch crawled, Norma found herself getting very turned on. Although she had no clear idea of what Dean had in mind, she knew it would end with incredible sex.

  At the end of the prescribed ten minutes, Norma climbed the stairs and changed her clothes. Following Dean’s instructions, she dressed in a paint-splattered jogging suit, old underwear, and an old pair of socks and tennis shoes. Then she sat on the bed to wait for her husband’s summons.

  After five more minutes of tense waiting, she heard Dean’s voice. “Come in here, Norma.”

  Norma opened Dean’s closet door and saw that the door to the new room stood open. She entered and closed it behind her. The room was wonderful. Three walls were covered with a soft beige leather wall covering; the fourth was mirrored, concealing wide closet doors. The floor was thickly carpeted in deep green and the ceiling was covered in white tiles, with translucent panels for lights. There were also spotlights in several places.

  “Take off your shoes and socks first,” Dean said, a broad grin lighting up his face. “This carpet feels wonderful on bare feet.”

  While doing as he suggested, Norma looked at the full-length terry-cloth robe he wore. She wiggled her naked toes in the deep pile, then said, “You’re right. This feels decadent.”

  “Now, come over here,” Dean said, taking her hand. He led her to an upholstered bench he had placed in the center of the room. “I want to do something new in honor of this new room, but I want to know whether you trust me.”

  “Trust you? Of course.”

  “I will stop anything at any time if you don’t want to play anymore. Clear?”

  “Of course.”

  “And you’ll tell me to stop if you want me to?”

  Norma wondered at all this preparation, but she knew she did trust Dean implicitly, and she couldn’t imagine anything he might do that she wouldn’t like. However, she said, “I will tell you to stop if I don’t like something.”


  “Wow. With all this buildup, you’ve gotten me very curious.”


  “I promise. What are we going to do?”

  “I want to tie you up.”

  Norma’s knees shook. Dean had taken charge of their lovemaking several times and she had found herself incredibly aroused by being told what to do. Together, they had read stories about lovers tying each other up, but they had never tried it. She looked into Dean’s eyes. “All right.”

  “I’ve always wanted to do this, and our playroom gives me the freedom to tell you. But I don’t want you to do it just for me, but because you find the idea intriguing, too.” Dean took Norma’s hand. “Do you?”

  Norma was trembling. She never believed her husband would try anything like this. She realized that her nipples were hard and her pussy was very wet. She lowered her eyes. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Dean crossed to one of the mirrored closets. He opened one of the doors and withdrew a small paper bag. “I got these several months ago. From the beginning of the design of this room, I had a picture of you in my mind, and, well … Hold out your arms.”

  As Norma extended her arms, Dean took two leather straps from the bag. “These are actually dog collars, but they will do just fine, I think.” He fastened one collar around each of Norma’s wrists. “Now for the legs.” He pulled two more collars from the bag and fastened one around each of Norma’s ankles.

  “Now what?” Norma asked softly.

  “Lie on the bench the long way, on your belly.”

  Norma did as she had been told and watched as Dean threaded a long rope through the rings on the collars, then tied her wrists and ankles to the legs of the bench. When he was done, she heard him sigh. “Oh baby,” he said. “I pictured this so often.”

  “I’m sorry you waited so long.”

  “How does it feel to be tied down like that?”

  “There was a moment when it felt scary,” Norma admitted.

  Dean immediately bent over and reached for the rope. “I’ll untie you.”

  “Don’t,” Norma said. “I said it was momentary. When that passed, it felt thrilling.”

  “Can you get loose?”


  “Try. I want to watch.”

  Norma wiggled. She could slide the ropes up and down the legs of the bench, but she couldn’t get free.

  “Good. I like to see you like that,” Dean said, his breathing rapid. “Can I go further?”

  “I agreed I would tell you to stop if I didn’t like something.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Norma relaxed her entire body, allowing her arms and legs to hang limply and her head to fall against the edge of the bench. “Yes,” she purred.

  She heard rustling sounds and watched as Dean undressed. She saw that he was naked beneath the robe, his erection ready for the games to come. Then she felt a cloth tied across her eyes. “I want you unable to see,” she heard Dean say. “Just remember the sight of my naked body, and how hot I am for you. Does that feel sexy?”

  Deprived of her sense of sight, Norma panicked. “No. Yes. I don’t know.” It was sexy, she realized. “Yes. It’s sexy. Very sexy.”


  Norma heard noises from behind her, then felt Dean’s hands on one leg. “These clothes are in the way,” he said. “I have big scissors here and I’m going to make you all naked.” />
  Norma jumped as the cold steel of the blade of the scissors touched her calf. Slowly she heard and felt the legs of her jogging pants being cut up the back to the waist.

  “Now these,” Dean said as he cut her panties. Then slowly, he rubbed the cold handles of the scissors over Norma’s buttocks. “Feel the cold?”

  Norma shivered. “Yes. I feel it.” She felt the cold, smooth handles being rubbed over her inner thighs and then caressing her overheated pussy. “So cold.”

  “Let’s warm things up a bit.” He left her momentarily; then Norma felt heat on her ass. “I turned on a spotlight so it shines on your beautiful buns. Can you feel the warmth?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “How does it feel on your pussy?”

  Norma spread her knees slightly so the heat flowed to her crotch. “It’s erotic feeling heat like that.”

  “Umm, good.” Then she felt Dean’s hands knead her buttocks and then he kissed and licked the smooth skin there. “You have such a beautiful ass,” he purred. The shears snipped up the center of the back of the jogging top, then down each arm. He cut the back and straps of her bra with loud snaps of the scissors.

  Now she lay on the remnants of her clothes, but her back was completely naked. She moaned from the excitement. She spread her knees as best she could to open her pussy to the heat and for her husband. “Not so fast,” Dean said. “I know your pussy must be so hot and needy, but I’m not ready yet.”

  Norma heard some unidentifiable sounds, then felt something icy cold on her back. “When I bought the collars, I bought some chains, too—heavy, cold metal chains. He lifted her chest and placed a piece of the chain under her, against her heated breasts. “Just feel that.” Then he wound the chain around her waist, under the bench, and fastened it somehow.

  Norma couldn’t hold her hips still. She was tied, blindfolded, now chained, and she was as hot as she had ever remembered. She wanted Dean’s big cock filling her pussy. “Please,” she moaned. “Please.”

  “No. Not yet. Although it’s killing me not to fuck you right now, I want to go further. I want to make this into the picture I’ve had in my head since we began planning this room.” He put a large bell in her hand. “Drop this or ring it if you want me to stop anything. I want to gag you so I can hear you moan but not speak. May I?”


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