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Shantago's Revenge

Page 11

by Nicholas Penn

  “Marlowe angrily rolled his eyes as he turned off the tape recorder. I expected him to explode with anger, but instead he just started laughing. “So that’s it? That’s how the great Jordan Brady wants to be remembered? You want to be the guy that gets moved to the nut house for being so dangerous and crazy? Let me tell you, I already put one of your comrades in there permanently.”

  Marlowe’s laughter was fueled by more anger as he said, “See, I want something more for you though. In my opinion, you are unfit to walk the streets of Willoughby Woods. I want you to suffer, Mr. Brady. With all the innocent lives that you’ve ruined, the nuthouse is just too good for you.”

  Marlowe’s demeanor suddenly changed, as he now had a victorious look on his face. “I have a gift for you. I’ve been saving this little surprise for you till the end. This won’t take long; I’ll be right back.”

  Marlowe quickly returned with a new set of pictures. This time I could tell that Marlowe was up to something. With a sly tone to his words, Marlowe devilishly proceeded with his interrogation, “This little something just seemed appropriate.” Marlowe laid some new pictures down on the table. I quickly noticed that they were of Piper’s accident. I focused in on the few that were of Piper, horribly disfigured and lying there in the hospital. I was particularly fixated on one picture that was of Piper’s damaged neck. My anger rekindled at the sight of her bruises. “What’s this?” I asked the devil as he laid out his perfectly constructed trap. “Oh this?” Marlowe gleefully exclaimed. “These pictures are of the night Piper Lane, your girlfriend, died. It was so horrible what happened to her, don’t you agree? Most people think it was an accident. So did I until I did some more digging.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Look Marlowe. I’m not sure what you are implying but I had nothing to do with her accident.”

  Marlowe glared at me with his beady little snake eyes. “Piper’s accident, perhaps not. I’m talking about the murder of Piper Lane.” The jerk once again had my attention.

  Marlowe’s expression changed as his mouth tightened, “See, I think you’ve completely lost your mind since the death of your fiancé. Her loss was too much for you to handle, so you’ve been living in your own little world, a world filled with monsters. Personally, I don’t think you know the difference between fantasy and reality. Jordan Brady, in my opinion, you are dangerous. You’re not only a threat to yourself, but everyone that you come in contact with. Oh by the way, I have proof, and I intend to share it with you, just so you can relive the pain that is your life.”

  What proof was Marlowe talking about? Intrigued by his ramblings, I asked him to continue. “I have video of the last few seconds of Piper’s life here on Earth, God rest her soul. The hospital graciously pulled up that day in question once I realized that there might be more to the story than meets the eye. After viewing the video with sound, I just couldn’t believe it. Right there in the video I saw that you murdered your girlfriend.”

  I spit in Marlowe’s face as I came unglued, yelling at the top of my lungs, “I didn’t do any such thing. You want me to confess to a murder? Remove these restraints so that I can kill you; I promise that I will gladly confess to that one.”

  Marlowe calmly pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped down his cheek. He knew just how to push my last button. I later understood that he was a master at his profession.

  He found my weakness, which was in Piper, and was using it against me. Marlowe enjoyed that he struck a nerve, “Shame shame; you’re just adding to the list of charges again.” My blood pressure, was now at an all time high. “Jordan, why don’t you take a moment and calm down? I can’t have you stroking out on me before you confess.” Take a deep breath and then you can tell me what happened during Piper’s last few seconds.”

  I stared at Marlowe in disbelief. I couldn’t believe I let him get the best of me. I quickly realized my mistake, so I showed restraint, “Well we were talking but she was having a hard time catching her breath. I asked Piper if I needed to go and get some help for her, but she told me no. Her breathing machine alarm went off and started to chime loudly, so I knew the end was near. I held her close to my chest for a few more seconds, holding her tight until she passed away. She died there in my arms.”

  I wiped a tear from my cheek before continuing. “Piper was talking about our wedding and what our life would have been like. She even mentioned that we would’ve had a little boy. The words that she spoke were jumbled, but what she said was this: We would have had a little boy named Shawn. I always wanted you and Shawn to go–That’s the thing she said before the end.”

  “Well, that story is somewhat truthful, but a little misleading. Let me tell you what the audio shared with me. Piper was gasping for air only because you had your arms around her windpipe; at least that’s the angle I got. She was trying to tell you something, but I couldn’t quite make out what she was saying. It was broken, but I did understand when she called you Shawn and then Shawn Toggle. That’s when you finished her off. I played that tape back several times, listening to the way she said her dying words. After examining the audio, it closely sounded like she kept trying to say your name, Shawn, and then toggle. Personally, I think she was leaving us a clue to find, hoping that someone would review the tape. I think your girlfriend was naming her murderer right on the video.” Marlowe had a look of accomplishment. “Tell me then, what exactly is your name?”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How could he disrespect Piper in this way? I tried getting up from the table but my handcuffs were too tightly secured around my wrists. “Where are you going, Shawn Toggle?” I looked at Marlowe like I could kill him right there. “Answer the question. What is your full name?” I glared at Marlowe once more with a deathly hatred deep in my heart as I gritted my teeth and said, “Jordan Shawn Brady.”

  “Good. I guess that answers everything doesn’t it?”

  “That is my name–” Marlowe quickly cut me off. “Got it.” Marlowe pushed stop on his audio recorder. “That’s all I needed. The courts will love your confession.” I shouted back at Marlowe, “You are twisting my words into something that never happened, and I don’t believe that you have any video of me and Piper.”

  Marlowe stood up with a face of victory. “Well, we will let the courts decide about that. So, Shawn Toggle, since you made up this whole fairytale and put it in a book, does that make you the king of the toggles and Piper the queen?” I tried to head-butt the nasty swine but my restraints limited my movement. “Oh you’d better be careful you don’t want to hurt yourself.” The devil then said, “You will have to better than that, Shawn to get to me.”

  I was outraged at everything that they were trying to pin on me. “Marlowe, you can just go to hell. I didn’t kidnap anyone, drug anyone, or kill anyone. If Wyatt and John were both drugged, it was by the hands of someone else. Jenna was violently murdered but not by me. John was kidnapped but I wasn’t at fault. I’ve already told you who did all of this.

  As for Piper, I love her and I would never hurt her. You are just trying to take advantage of the fact that I have been up for almost two days and I can’t think clearly right now. Lastly, I didn’t write the Toggle Handbook and I am not the king of the toggles.”

  Your Time Has Come

  I glanced over at the clock on the wall and it was a quarter till doom, so I just started laughing whole-heartedly in Marlowe’s face. Marlowe picked up on my droll so he questioned, “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh nothing–nothing but a whole heap of carnage and destruction, and it’s headed your way.”

  “There you are with that nonsense again. Don’t you think that if I was really worried about an attack I would be doing something about it?”

  “All that I can say is you’d better get ready. Personally I think I want a lawyer and a good night’s sleep.” The pounding on the glass window came fast and repetitive once I mentioned getting a lawyer. “Marlowe, showing frustration on his face, scrambled to g
et his photos from the table. “I’ll be back in a few.”

  I gave Marlowe a grim stare while in an ominous voice I said, “Don’t worry about it Marlowe.”

  “He just stopped for a moment and replied, “Why?”

  In a sulky yet frightful way I answered him, “Your time has come.” he shook his head at me as if to say that he understood what I was talking about. Marlowe quickly arose from his chair and made his way to the door. With the door halfway cracked, he turned to me and said, “Hey Jordan?”

  I answered, “Yes?”

  That’s when I noticed Marlowe’s vibrant orange glowing eyes. His eyes were as flames of fire staring back at me. Marlowe laughed triumphantly before he exited the padded room.

  All of a sudden the lights went out. I could hear some commotion coming from what I guessed was the prison yard. Through the walls I heard the screams of the prisoners in distress. “Guards, get control of your people.” That plea was followed by many souls begging for help and relief.

  The guard’s guns went rapid for about twenty minutes, round after round, until the savages overcame them. It sounded like they put up a good fight, well at least until the ammunition became scarce. I did manage to hear a few loud ka-booms right before the gunfire dissipated. A few minutes later I could smell burning flesh seeping through the vents and into my room.

  I heard terror coming from each cellblock once the toggles breached the main entrance. I bet Jessica wished I was there to protect her now. There were a lot of gnawing and gnashing, followed by the grinding of bones and gristle, coming from the other side of the walls before it all went morbidly silent.

  I could only imagine the damage and destruction that was being done–all at the hands of the evil one’s commands. Yes, Beelzebub had come out to wreak havoc on the citizens of Willoughby Woods. You tried to warn them Jordan. You gave them every opportunity to heed the warning, but no, they wouldn’t listen. They all said that I was crazy, unfit to walk the streets. Well look whose crazy now?

  I could just imagine the fire stroggles reigning terror down on the city. That is a death I do not wish on anyone. By the time it was all over, I doubted there would be anyone left alive in this forsaken town.

  Sitting there alone in the dark with sleep starting to win over, my eyes grew heavy as I tranquilly thought Locked in this padded room just might be the safest place for me, for the moment. I heard a loud noise, which sounded like a cell door slamming shut, as I slowly opened my eyes. For the moment everything is okay … for the moment I am safe. Peacefully, my eyes closed, a little longer this time. For the moment … I am free.

  This book is dedicated to Michael, Robert, Kaitlin, and James Grant. May the legend live on through you.


  “My lord, we have breached the eastern walls. Would you like for us to proceed?”

  “Yes, march on and show no mercy.”

  General Krylon gave the swift orders to the battalion of toggle soldiers. “Attack at will. Do not hold anything back. Spare nothing.” The toggles poured over the eastern walls and flooded the city, wreaking havoc and causing torments to everyone that they encountered.

  Meanwhile, just past the prison walls, sat an old man rocking on his back patio, strumming an old beaten guitar. He stopped for a moment to put on his sunglasses. “One shouldn’t look directly into an eclipse.” He also shed his sweater jacket. “I’m glad that today I wore my favorite Hawaiian shirt,” knowing that today death is just a heartbeat away.”

  While he was still rocking in his chair, some expected travelers paid him a visit. The man sourly greeted them, “What took you so long? I’ve been waiting a long time for your visit.”

  The evil one showed him no mercy. “I have imprisoned the son of Nick, and now I’ve come for you.” The man rocked gently in his chair while humming a familiar tune the two knew so well. After he finished humming he said, “After all of those years, I would like to ask you just one question: Why? Why are you doing this?”

  The evil one, who routinely frowned, now had a devilish smile on his face. “I’ve been waiting a long time for you to ask that. How it delights me to be here today. So you want to know why I am doing this?” He started laughing the most sinister, demonic laugh one could imagine. “That’s easy.” He paused for a moment. “Because I can, that’s why.”

  The scoundrel mounted his chariot, which was a flying togglasaur, as he spoke with purpose. “Go now and finish my light work, I have a village I need to pillage.” The barbarian soared high above the clouds, leaving the old man there to deal with several toggles.

  Knowing just what he was up against, the old man wasted no time. “Have you boys ever heard of a song called “Two Terrible Toggles Fell in a Well?” No? I was thinking about writing another verse of it today, and it should go something like this.”

  Pushing his blanket away he stood there proudly holding Drifter. With his vocals already warmed, he started singing this forgotten verse: “One terrible toggle flew off in the sky as many terrible toggles were about to die.”

  Several of the toggles each carried powerful weapons, and were quickly approaching him as he belted out every note perfectly. Seeing the approaching danger up ahead, the old soldier chuckled as he asked them, “Have you ever heard of a toggle switch on a guitar? It’s pretty magical if you know how to master the instrument.”

  He quickly rotated the toggle switch to on as the guitar wondrously lit up. His guitar instantly transformed, mystically morphing into a most awesome toggle delucificator ray gun. “Way cool. I love a good sounding axe.” With a big smile on his face, the old man pulled back the whammy bar, which made a bizarre loading sound.

  The guitar/delucificator ray communicated to the old man with a nineteen nineties computer voice, similar to the “You’ve Got Mail” guy of yesteryear. The guitar sounded off in a loud voice, “charging is complete”. Locked and loaded.” The surrounding toggles were at a loss for words.

  Some of the toggles dropped their weapons and seemed disoriented while watching the one-man show. The old mercenary shouted forcefully at the wild-eyed creatures, “It’s time to kick it old school.” He pulled out of his pocket a crystal-clear pick. “How about I shred some Toggle Boggle Boogie for you?”

  The warrior fiercely plucked the first guitar string, which punctured the toggle’s eardrums with damaging force. Screaming in pain the toggles covered their ears as they fell one by one, trying to stop the bleeding.

  The legionnaire reached in his front shirt pocket as he sung another verse: “Ashes to ashes and toggle dust to toggle dust, killing you is a must,” He pulled out a small white satchel that contained a sparkling powder-like substance. The conqueror then twisted his hips, turning on the fan, which sat behind him on the porch. As the deadly toggle dust briskly swirled their way, one of the toggles placed his hands over his head while screaming out in terror, “No, not this way,” just before disintegrating into thin air with a single touch from the deadly dust.

  With one last heartfelt warning, the old man threatened the remaining toggles by aiming his delucificator at them. When the toggles didn’t react to his threats, the mercenary stormed towards the fleet of toggles, blasting them with his vorpal sword, which audaciously melted all of their faces. With a boisterous shout he buoyantly called out, “Hey there boys, I’m ba-ack.”

  Author’s Autograph

  Shantago’s Revenge

  Nicholas Penn

  Nicholas grew up in Huntington, West Virginia where he picked up the art of storytelling from his grandfather. This is his fourth book and second in this series. Nicholas enjoys the writing styles of fantasy, mythology, and humor.

  Never trust a toggle. Many have and many have perished. Always remember this one thing. If something goes bump in the middle of the night, and you are missing a sock or two from your sock drawer, there just might be a toggle in the house.






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