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Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He leaned back in his chair, his tie off, his collar undone and he thought about this evening, about the possessive, protective way those four men acted with Alda. Could they have feelings for her? Want her? All four? It was possible. He felt the anger pool in his gut. She was his, and Tatum’s. He knew the moment he saw her, spoke to her, that she was special and that she could finally be the woman Tatum was looking for. The one they could share. He didn’t want to think about her being with other men. He had to be realistic though. She was a beauty, and she was quite independent, enjoyed the night life with friends, and was no virgin. Hell, it could be positive that she could handle more than one man in bed. Tatum had particular tastes and a woman would need to be strong, submissive at the same time in order to handle it.

  They left with her. Probably brought her home, maybe they were fucking her right now.

  He felt his blood pressure rise, and heat encase his body. He downed the brandy and then put the glass down. He needed to keep her busy, keep her away from those men and instead remain with him and Tatum as much as possible. If Tatum found out she was with other men his cousin may not go so gentle on her. There may not be time for several dinners and courting her. He may need to rush things along more quickly. Antonio needed a plan. A place to take her and force those other men from her life, from her mind, and from ever touching or possessing her body again. He tapped his chin. Yes, he needed a plan. A good one, and when the time came he could make the move, whisk her away, and those assholes would no longer be a threat, but a memory of what tried to stand in his and Tatum’s way, but couldn’t.

  * * * *

  Alda sat on the couch in her robe after taking a shower and drying her hair. She tucked her feet under her bottom as the guys made breakfast, and enough to feed an army. Watching them, and how big they all were and filled with muscles, they kind of were an army and definitely had salacious appetites. Especially for her.

  She still didn’t know what would come of this relationship, or if it really was one. Now that they weren’t touching her, making love to her, she was feeling wary again on whether this could work, and also about her job and the current potential opportunity. Haley was pretty firm in her evaluation of the situation last night and where Alda should focus. On her profession and not some one-night stand, or sexual fantasy that may last a short period of time. How would it look if the representative of a high-end cosmetic line was involved in a ménage with four men? Not a committed relationship, but some taboo relationship frowned upon by so many in society. How would her family react? Her cousins, who knew who these men were, who they worked with and were connected to, and certainly knew their reputations with women. Was she being naïve? Were Royce, Brew, Logic, and Train being realistic, too, or were they all, her included, caught up in the sensations, the lust, the connection between them that they couldn’t see what eventually would come? Separation.

  As she looked at them, and Logic turned, giving her a wink, then Royce walked by and caressed her shoulder then gave it a squeeze and she smiled at him, she felt like this was perfect. Like they truly cared about her and this could maybe work. Maybe not forever, but because it felt so good, perhaps she could hold on to them for as long as she could? Then she thought about the way they avoided discussing past today, past making love, and sharing anything personal about them. She asked a simple question, something that could ease her fears and her mind with these complex and hardened men. She asked them to tell her something personal about them. Something others didn’t know. She wasn’t asking for a marriage proposal or to know if they ever killed anyone, or some sort of dark secret, she just wanted to know if they had parents, family maybe, where they grew up, or if they preferred football over hockey or baseball, or maybe NASCAR or golf, something that told her a little bit about them on a personal level. Instead they cut her off. Kissed her, made love to her again, or simply turned the conversation around to focus on her, and get more personal information on her. They were distrusting, private, intimidating men, yet somehow they penetrated her heart and made her like them way too much to be treated like they felt so little for her.

  She still wondered if it was just sex for them, but great sex, like none they had with another woman before and perhaps that was what made them hang on instead of push her away entirely like they seemed to do with other women.

  Was that supposed to make her feel special, and like she was the one needing to sacrifice everything for them while they still went on doing what they did? She would be stupid to believe that Haley would accept this. That Maxwell would and Antonio, too. She would lose this new position as the cover model, the representative of the makeup product line. For them, could she give it up when they were offering nothing in return, no indication of commitment, just ride it while it lasted? Her chest tightened and her gut clenched. Tears filled her eyes and she closed them and laid her head down on the cushion on the couch, watching them. Brew was looking at the laptop. Royce was doing something with his phone. Texting, reading messages or e-mails and Logic and Train were cooking breakfast. They talked about what they needed to do today, and how crazy of a weekend it would be working at Oliva and going by Club Empire Saturday night.

  “So how is next week for you guys?” she asked, and only Royce looked at her.

  “Busy as damn hell,” he replied and started talking about some meetings and business things but nothing specific and she knew they wouldn’t tell her anything and it needed to remain private. In her head she saw the week go by in a flash.

  “We’ll call you and maybe stop in after work one night, or you can give us a key to your place and one of us if not all of us can sneak in and spend some time with you,” Brew suggested.

  A booty call in the middle of the night? She would be their guaranteed sex toy, conveniently available in the middle of the night after they spent hours at their clubs, surrounded by women drooling over them, touching them, arousing them only for them to come to her place and fuck her for relief? This didn’t sound like the relationships her friends had with their made men. She felt insulted, hurt, pissed, and then quickly processed everything and replied as she sat up.

  “I have a busy week, too, starting tonight and over the weekend. This is new for all of us. Taking our time would be wise, so no key to my place. Is that coffee ready yet?” she asked, putting on her sexy smile and walking into their kitchen and by Logic and Train. Train pulled her close and looked at the gap in the robe they gave her.

  “We’ll get together Sunday night. Okay?” he said and then kissed her lips and ran his hand over her ass. She pressed her palms to his chest as he held the spatula in one hand and flipped the pancakes. He wasn’t even looking at her, yet he was touching her and it affected her entire body. It wasn’t fair. Not fair at all.

  She slipped from his arms and busied herself with coffee, offering them some too and then passing out the mugs after fixing them like they wanted. She took hers black, hoping the bitterness would alleviate the anger, the hurt and the sickness in her gut. Sambuca would have done a better job burning her throat and her emotions away. She closed her eyes and then willed herself to hold in the tears and get through breakfast, then she would ask them to get her home so she could prepare for tonight and decide what was best for her and her future, and what she really felt she deserved. She wanted to be cared for, loved, respected and protected. She didn’t want to feel used, meaningless, or temporary, and that was what she was feeling right now and it wasn’t good at all.

  Chapter 9

  “She isn’t answering my text,” Train said to Logic.

  “Alda is at a party, more than likely talking business and her phone is in her purse. She’ll text like we told her,” Logic replied.

  Train looked at Royce and Brew. They were both extra snappy tonight. Earlier they had discovered the possibility of a connection with this new drug and Salento Sorenno. Not a very nice guy, and one involved with pretty bad shit. He was out of Connecticut, but had his hands on everything from street drugs to
prostitution. Royce and Brew had dealings with him in the past.

  Dominick, Giuseppe, and Andreas bought out the building next door to where Oliva now was. They owned the block of apartment buildings, store fronts along with Royce and Brew. At the time Train and Logic had money tied up in their own businesses of storage facilities and distribution centers for liquors and beers that provided products to the surrounding bars and restaurants in the area. They each had their own money, own income and also shared businesses together.

  They also cut deals with their friends Lenox, Cobra, Roman, Ziek and even Jack, Turbo, Covan, and Harley to be silent partners in it all. They were trustworthy and good friends.

  Train swallowed hard, unable to get the bad feeling out of his gut. He didn’t like having Alda out of his sight. Her behavior was off this morning as they talked about their busy weeks. He had the feeling that she might have been hurt, or insulted by them not being able to get together constantly. They didn’t exactly offer her a commitment, verbally or other than asking for a key to her place. That was pretty serious. They never even dated one woman or maintained interest in one, but with Alda everything was different.

  He knew his brothers were feeling the connection, the potential of seriousness this relationship could have. They were being stubborn and fighting it, and Train couldn’t help but worry that it could cause Alda to not trust them, and maybe even keep her distance and put up walls. They had a lot to work on in regards to making a commitment solely to her, making her feel special and cared for, and not just a lover.

  His phone went off. He glanced at it and the relief he felt at seeing it was a response from Alda surprised him. He read the text and squinted.

  Super crowded and loud in here. I can’t talk now. Have a good night. I’ll touch base during the week.

  “Touch base during the week? What the fuck does that mean?” he said aloud.

  “What is it?” Logic asked. He showed him her text.

  “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “No shit.”

  “We’ll have to handle it later, Royce is waving us over, Dominick needs our help again.” Train nodded and put his phone on the clip on his hip, then followed Logic. He wasn’t happy. Hell, he was pissed off and concerned. Was she blowing him off? Them off? He couldn’t help but feel like he and his brothers were screwing this up. He needed to talk to them. They had to figure out where they stood in this relationship and admit to Alda what they were all feeling. No one liked to be vulnerable and in their line of business vulnerability got people killed. This was not business though, and if they weren’t honest with Alda, they could lose her completely.

  * * * *

  Alda felt the arm go around her waist and lips against her bare shoulder. The off the shoulder dress accentuated her large breasts and trim waist. It was long, to the floor, but the slit up the side made it look sexy and classy. It was in a deep burgundy red and she wore matching high heels.

  She tightened and then exhaled.

  “Something wrong?” Antonio asked and then shifted to face her, letting his large warm hand caress along her waist. He didn’t remove it as he stared down into her eyes. She knew she looked emotional.

  He narrowed his eyes. “What is it?”

  She shook her head and put the phone in her clutch. “Nothing. I’m good. Are you enjoying the party?” she asked him. He stared at her, looking so fierce, seasoned, experienced. She bet he had a lot of women just as Brew, Royce, Logic, and Train did. Maybe she was being foolish and blowing their resistance, their noncommitment to her out of proportion? Should she give them time as if they needed to adjust or was she being stupid? They may never adjust and just think, she would bend for them and change her life for them while they kept doing their thing and she kept worrying about whom they might cheat on her with.

  Antonio’s palm cupped her cheek and she looked at him, teary eyed.

  “You’re sad, hurt, and I can’t help but think that it has something to do with those men from the other night. You’re a beautiful, professional woman who deserves to be catered to, cared for, put first and cherished. Not taken for granted.” His words hit her hard. That was exactly what she was feeling. For granted, like she would be there for them to screw, to pleasure and give pleasure while they went about their lives, not even committing to solely her. Did she not trust them?

  “Oh, sweet Alda.” He pulled her into his arms and walked her out of the crowded room and toward the hallways and private enclave. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath then exhaled as he caressed her and held her close. He felt big, muscular, and his cologne appealing.

  “I’m sorry, Antonio. This is so unprofessional of me. I’m embarrassed,” she said and pulled back. He kept his hands on her hips and then reached up and stroked her cheek.

  “Don’t apologize for hurting, and feeling used. Men like that are a dime a dozen, out to get what they want, to take and take but not give in return. You’re too beautiful, too special, Alda, for that kind of treatment. You have a lot going on in your career. Your future is so bright, I’d hate for you to throw it all away on a fling, on a dead end avenue. Don’t let them do that to you,” he said to her.

  “I feel so confused.”

  He squinted at her and brushed his thumb along her lower lip.

  “You’re not confused when we’re together, are you? I mean, I know I’m one man, and perhaps can’t compete with men a little younger like they are, but my experiences, being seasoned, my mistakes and successes help me to see and appreciate a woman like you. I would not take you for granted, Alda. With me you would know where I stand. You would come first. Your happiness would be my life’s work,” he said to her and gave a soft smile, stroking her cheek. She couldn’t help but to smile and then sniffle.

  “You are gorgeous when you’re smiling and happy. This last week I didn’t see much smiling and I don’t like it.”

  “I appreciate the compliments, Antonio, I do. I’ll get through this and figure it out.”

  “There’s not much to figure out, Alda. I can make you happy, make you smile, show you how special you actually are instead of using you for what I want. They’re using you, plain and simple. How can four men stay faithful to one woman when they’ve obviously never committed to one ever?”

  She nodded. “You’re right. I keep thinking the same thing.”

  “If it’s a worry about your reputation now that you’ve been with four men, I’m willing to put that aside and pretend it never happened. Let me show you how a real man treats a woman he cares for deeply and can commit to.”

  He clenched her chin, she tightened only a moment, her mind frazzled at her thoughts, at Antonio’s words and actions and then his lips were over hers and he kissed her gently, passionately. She let him, and she decided she truly needed to analyze what was best for her, especially since it seemed the only other person looking out for Alda was Antonio.

  * * * *

  Antonio watched Alda laughing along with Tatum. They hit it off immediately, his cousin a character and very suave and charismatic with Alda. It just solidified the fact that she was definitely meant to be with them. Tatum looked at him several times and he knew that he wanted her with them in bed tonight. It was too soon. So much happened here, and he needed to make sure she didn’t have second thoughts and still wanted to be with those four men.

  “I hadn’t expected them to get along so well,” Haley whispered to Antonio.

  “It’s fate, I suppose.”

  “What about those men?” Haley asked.

  “I’m working on that. Your assistance could be helpful. Make sure you get pictures of us together. I want them all over the place,” he said and Haley signaled the photographer as Antonio walked over to Alda and placed his hand on her hip. She smiled up at him and one look at Tatum and he couldn’t help but feel smug.

  “I will not allow you to keep her to yourself, cousin. Alda is way too special,” Tatum said and kissed her cheek. She blushed.

  “You’re too
sweet, Tatum, and have such a wonderful personality. How come Antonio hasn’t brought you along to the meetings and things all week?” she asked.

  “I was feeling a little under the weather from traveling,” he said and went about explaining to her about his jet lag and about the multiple trips overseas with business. Antonio pressed a kiss to her head.

  “You would love it, Alda. You should come with us the next time we head to Paris or Germany. We can show her all the best restaurants and that little cottage you adore so much, Antonio,” Tatum said.

  “A cottage?” she asked.

  “Oh yes, it’s a small little place located on a vineyard. That’s sacred ground to Antonio. His retreat, and place to get away from it all.”

  Her eyes widened. “It sounds lovely. I’m sure it must be hard to get time off when you’re running multiple businesses and flying overseas and back and forth to the States,” she said.

  “Picture,” the photographer stated, interrupting them and Tatum and Antonio both pressed close to Alda and held her.

  “It can be, perhaps you would like to see it in person and enjoy it with us?” he whispered to her.

  “She would love the gardens, and the vineyard where they make the wine and we can sample some,” Tatum said and she glanced at him. Tatum kissed her neck and Antonio held her possessively. These pictures were going to be perfect.

  Alda pressed back.

  “I’ve never been out of the country before. I’m always so busy working and I’m sure this new position won’t give me much free time,” she said and stepped away from them.

  Antonio took her hand and pulled her close. He whispered to her. “We are not them. Those men who used you, who played with your emotions and heart.”

  “No, Antonio, that’s not what happened.”

  “Sure it is. If it meant something then they wouldn’t be making you sad, or causing tears like earlier.”


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