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Changing Faces (New Game Minus Book 1)

Page 4

by Sarah Lin

  It fell back with a yelp of pain and he jerked his sword again, driving the pommel into the wolf's remaining eye. That produced an even louder cry... followed by a terrible growl.

  The Alpha Wolf attacked him in a frenzy, biting and clawing at his chest, breaking his defenses with sheer ferocity. If he had been able to gain some distance, its blindness could have given him the advantage. He'd also hoped that some greater power would help him defeat the beast, as it had with the Ghoul Lord.

  Yet there was nothing except the raw animal fight. Bloodwraith struck back, kicking and punching at the beast as it tore into him. He managed to land several more blows to its face with the pommel of his sword, yet the wolf had no fear, expending the rest of its life to slay him.

  Finally a lucky blow with the flat of his sword knocked the Alpha Wolf back. Despite its wounds, it didn't retreat, instead hunching down and preparing to lunge at him again.

  This time, he raised his sword directly in its path.

  The blind wolf charged directly into the point, impaling itself on the over-sized blade. It let out a horrible roar of pain and its thrashing tugged the weapon from his hands. All he could do was pull himself away, escaping the flailing of its body until it finally lay still.

  [Victory! You received 100 EXP and one Alpha Pelt.]

  Finally. He was too weak to celebrate, but the boxes did not care about that. For the second time, he heard the cheerful music blaring in his mind.

  [Congratulations! You gained a level!

  Current Level: 3

  Current EXP: 68/400

  Unassigned Stat Points: 5]

  Despite the fact that he was bloody and exhausted, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. More raw power. He wished that he had spent more time looking for just a few more wolves - if so, he could have used that power to battle the Alpha Wolf instead of nearly dying. As useful as the power was, the risks of such combat were really far too high for his tastes.

  While he recovered, Bloodwraith assigned his new points and then looked over his personal box again.

  [Name: Raigar

  Race: Human

  Class: Barbarian

  Alignment: Neutral

  Health: 7/124

  Mana: 10/10

  Stamina: 0/113

  Level: 3

  EXP: 68/400


  Might: 18

  Vitality: 15

  Quickness: 13

  Intellect: 11

  Charisma: 10

  Willpower: 11

  Wisdom: 9

  Luck: 10

  Piety: 8

  Combat Skills: None

  Skills: Two-handed Weapons (4), Evasion (2), Survivalism (2)

  Proficiencies: Greatsword, Heavy Armor]

  Since he was restricted to fighting with brute force, he had placed most of his "points" into his strength so far and felt his body swell accordingly. He had first experimented with one point in "Intellect," since it would have been remarkable to feel his own mind expand... yet he had experienced nothing similar to the visceral improvement he had felt when increasing "Might." Disappointed, he had stuck to physical skills after that.

  Later on he might abandon his physical skills in favor of magic, as he had done in his past life, but he did not regret it. Power came so easily like this, feeding off the death of his enemies, that he had more than enough to spare. Besides, the physical power would make others believe that he really was Raigar returned. Though he had met no one else so far, that might change soon enough.

  Once he had healed, Bloodwraith ventured back into the cave. Absurdly, the last of the small wolves still waited in the last cavern and attacked once he entered. Foolish creature. He killed it in a single blow and felt disappointed when he only earned 6 EXP. This system would indeed force him onward soon.

  But that was not all he received. Amid the skeletons, he saw some equipment that looked to be in decent shape. Stranger than that, an actual treasure chest sat at the end of the cavern like out of some child's story.

  He opened it carefully with the tip of his sword, fearing traps, but none emerged. Instead, he saw only the glint of coins. Bloodwraith had cared little for coin in his past life, but adventurers always seemed eager to acquire it, so he should follow suit.

  When he poured it into his Extra-dimensional Bag, to his pleasant surprise it all disappeared into a single panel. According to that panel, he now possessed one "gold," seventeen "silvers," and 86 "coppers." None of that meant anything more to him than "a quantity of money" but it was better than nothing.

  What groups of people even used such a crude system, anyway? He thought that some of the borderlands divided their coins that way, named after precious metals but using alloys so that 100 of each coin equaled one of the next. That told him nothing about how much he could buy with it, though.

  Now, to look at the equipment. What stuck out to him first was that the weapon lying on top of a human rib cage was a greatsword much like his own. In fact, almost exactly like his own. He was about to discard it as useless when he decided to examine it more carefully.

  "Box gods! Tell me all that you know of these objects!" Fortunately, they complied immediately. First a box appeared over the sword he held, then a second over the one he had just found.

  [Iron Greatsword

  Base Damage: 8-12

  Durability: 100/100

  Rarity: Common]

  [Improved Iron Greatsword

  Base Damage: 10-14

  Durability: 100/100

  Rarity: Common]

  Bloodwraith shook his head at the boxes in disappointment. He had been wondering how he might determine which sword might be superior amid all the arbitrary numbers the boxes liked to present him. Now, he no longer wondered.

  Since there was no real choice, Bloodwraith picked up the new greatsword and placed the old one into his Extra-dimensional Bag. Though the "durability" numbers might seem useless, they struck him as an ominous portent. Better to carry around a useless sword than potentially be without a weapon.

  As for the armor...

  [Peasant's Shirt

  Armor: 1

  Durability: 25/25

  Rarity: Common]

  [Leather Armor

  Armor: 3

  Durability: 40/50

  Rarity: Common]

  Another simple choice, since "Armor" could only be a straightforward evaluation of worth. The box gods were not much for subtlety. Bloodwraith pulled off his shirt and was briefly surprised to see how much more muscular his body had become, despite the fact that he had just run around killing wolves. But this was hardly the greatest violation of logic, so he put it aside.

  Much stranger was the fact that the armor fit him exactly. It made so little sense that he was forced to conclude that either this had been set up for his sake, or that his powers extended so far as to manipulate the garb itself. But he had nothing else to check, so he just finished tying his armor and put away the old shirt.

  With all life slain in the cave, there was nothing left to do but depart. He longed to do the same to unsuspecting human villages, but suspected it would not be so easy. As he left the cave, he noted again how strangely lit it was.

  In all his life, he had never heard of a "Forest of Beginnings." It might be some local name for a minor grove, but Bloodwraith suspected something else was afoot. This was a special place, designed to allow him to grow accustomed to his environment. Though he had found it more disorienting than anything, he could vaguely understand how incomprehensible entities from another world might require it.

  Perhaps when he emerged into the real world, the boxes would leave him alone.

  Since there were few wolves left in the small wood, Bloodwraith began walking toward the place where he had seen smoke. That was the last major point he needed to explore, then he would have to venture through the pass and see what faced him.

  What would he do if the fire had been from a camp of soldiers? Or bandits? If they were soldiers, perhaps t
hey would welcome the adventurer Raigar. But if bandits... well, everything else he had encountered had tried to kill him, they probably would too. There could also be something even more dangerous.

  But most likely, he was as prepared as he would be. More power from the wolves' deaths, plus improved equipment. Nothing to do but explore the source of the smoke and see what challenge it would bear. Then he would comprehensively explore the rest of the forest, which he felt certain would contain mostly wolves, and finally head through the pass back into the real world.

  As he hiked through the forest, he encountered a couple more wolves, but they proved no meaningful challenge. Because injury mattered so little to him, he let one of them through to attack him. Though it succeeded in biting him painfully, its claws scrabbled off of his new armor. Not bad.

  The closer to the mountains he moved, the more the trees thinned out. He must be nearing the source of the smoke, though it wasn't until he emerged into a large clearing that he finally found the source.

  To the side of the clearing's path lay a small wooden cabin. It was positively picturesque - bizarrely so. From what he knew of peasants, not many were wealthy enough to build from such quality wood. Most who were forced to live in the woods would have dwelled in dilapidated shacks. But this cabin was sturdily built and the decorative trim would have fit in alongside homes from a real town. Strange.

  Before Bloodwraith could spend any more time pondering the mystery of the cabin, he heard a familiar growling... followed by a scream. Hefting his sword, he charged around the side of the cabin.

  On the other side, he discovered a group of several wolves surrounding a panicked woman. She was the first person he had seen since the strange trio, so he paused in surprise. Out here, alone, she would have no chance against the wolves and would soon be eaten.

  Unless the great adventurer Raigar came to her defense. Sighing, Bloodwraith charged to do something courageous.

  Chapter 3

  Bloodwraith had never in his life rescued a maiden, but considering that it primarily involved killing things, he didn't think it would be difficult. The wolves remained focused on her until too late, when he had already gotten behind them and pulled back his greatsword.

  In a single powerful swing, he cut through two of the wolves. The first died immediately and he only cut into the second, but it still dropped to the ground. Quite an impressive blow, and Bloodwraith was just beginning to feel proud of himself when another box appeared.

  [New combat skill developed: Cleave!]

  He wanted to curse at it for blocking his vision during the battle, but remembered that he was being watched by the girl. It still distracted him long enough that the remaining two wolves had spread out, getting on opposite sides of him. When they both charged, he cut down the one in front of him and braced himself for the one from behind.

  It tore into the back of his legs with claw and fang, but he was used to such attacks by now. Bloodwraith simply turned, ignoring the attacks, and struck down the creature. That left him standing alone surrounded by the four wolf corpses. A moment later another box told him the obvious, but he waved it aside to look up at the woman.

  She was younger than he had thought at first. Quite an attractive thing, her peasant's clothing simple but showing off her form well. Other than being better-looking than average, she was like a thousand other peasants he had seen and not thought about... well, most peasants didn't have bustiers that showed off that much. It seemed impractical clothing.

  At the moment, she was staring at him with a look of awe. When he met her gaze, she flushed and turned aside, brushing a lock of long brown hair out of her face.

  "I... thank you so much. Usually the wolves don't dare come close to the house..."

  [Quest Complete!

  Saved the girl from the wolves.

  Local Reputation +10

  Affection +20

  Alignment: Good +20

  Reward: Health Potions x3

  EXP +100]

  Well, according the box his quest was complete. Bloodwraith stood there awkwardly for a second, realizing that he needed to say something but uncertain how to conduct himself in a situation like this.

  "You, uh... are very welcome... fair maiden."

  She blushed again and looked away. "My name is Meara. I have little to offer, but I do create potions. I would be happy to give you some, and you may stay here if you need a place to rest on your travels."

  "Thank you very much... fair maiden." He accepted the three vials she removed from her satchel. They were nothing much, though he supposed they weren't bad for something she made in the middle of a forest. And they would give him an option for when he couldn't afford to retreat and heal.

  "No, please. Call me Meara."

  "Of course... Meara."

  [Affection +5!

  Meara Affection: 25/100]

  Gods, these boxes were infuriating. But Bloodwraith barely had time to feel angry at the boxes, because he was having a difficult time deciding just what to do next. The box gods had directly rewarded him with death energy for doing a good deed, so he had to wonder just how high the rewards might go.

  "So, Meara... is there anything else I might help you with?"

  "Oh! Yes, there is... I need to gather cureleaves from the forest, but with all the wolves these days, it's becoming rather difficult to go and gather them. You can see the cureleaves I'm growing in pots by the house... if you can bring me ten cureleaves, I would gladly reward you!"

  "That seems simple enough." If tedious. Bloodwraith suppressed that feeling and bent to look at the plants she had indicated. Was there really a plant called "cureleaf"? It had a distinct round shape and pale color, in any case, so it would be simple to gather. "What counts as one leaf? Just one circle? A branch of them? Or the whole cluster?"

  Meara blinked at him with a flat smile on her face. "Please bring me ten cureleaves."

  "I understood that, slatternly wench! I was asking-"

  [Affection -1!

  Meara Affection: 24/100]

  "I... apologize for my harsh words. I have had a difficult day battling against wolves and did not mean to insult you."

  [Affection +2!

  Meara Affection: 26/100]

  "Insufferable boxes! This is a child's view of-"

  [Affection +0

  You have confused Meara. Mentioning system mechanics outside the Forest of Beginnings may have greater consequences.

  Meara Affection: 26/100]

  Bloodwraith shut his mouth and decided to give up on it. Meara was indeed giving him a baffled look. He gave her a few generic apologies and backed away, heading back into the forest. Perhaps completing this foolish "quest" would help clear his head.

  [Quest Accepted!

  Find 10 Cureleaves for Meara.

  Rewards: EXP, Meara Affection, Reputation, Alignment, Health Potions]

  Not that it was much of a quest. More like tedious manual labor. But if the boxes declared there was a benefit to it, they might be correct. Fortunately, he soon happened across one of the plants and uprooted the entire thing. Now that he got a good look at them, he was fairly certain that he had seen a great many of these "cureleaves" while traveling through the forest.

  That was fortunate, because when he placed it into the inventory box, it became labeled "Cureleaves x1" - so that answered his question. Sighing, Bloodwraith the Corrupter of Worlds and Father to the Undead began trudging through the forests to collect a bunch of weeds.

  ~ ~ ~

  At first, Bloodwraith thought that the only upside of collecting the meaningless leaves was that he got to kill a few more wolves along the way. Yet that was beginning to lose its appeal, at least in part because they now gave him less raw power. Though he didn't like risking himself in combat, the wolves were so simple they were beginning to bore him.

  In that case, the only potential benefit to this waste of his time was the "quest" the boxes had declared. Bloodwraith trudged back to the cabin bearing double th
e amount it had required, just in case his theory proved correct. He could see it going either way, but decided it was worth the extra trouble since he planned to strip the Forest of Beginnings bare anyway.

  When he returned to the cabin, he found the girl working at a table just inside the door. Bloodwraith remembered to smile in a non-malicious way, straightened his shoulders, and stepped inside.

  "Meara! I've brought you the herbs you required!"

  "Oh, thank you so much!" She beamed at him as he set ten cureleaf plants down on the table. She started to say more, but as expected another box popped up in his vision and he focused more on that.

  [Quest Complete!

  Found 10 Cureleaves for Meara.

  Reputation +10

  Meara Affection +10

  Alignment: Good +5

  Reward: Health Potion x1, Special Bonus

  EXP +25]

  What exactly did this "Special Bonus" imply? Bloodwraith looked back up and started paying attention again.

  "I would be happy to create as many potions as you like," Meara was saying, "but I am only a peasant girl with limited skill. If I taught a grand adventurer like yourself how to use herbs and create new potions, not only could you supply yourself with them, no doubt you could create much greater items. Would you be interested in learning?"

  "You think I'm going to spend my time brewing potions like a peasant?" Bloodwraith swallowed and forced himself to smile again. "Well, uh, you think correctly. I would be honored if you taught me your craft."

  Meara beamed happily at him and began showing him the different herbs and how to prepare them. Yet with everything she said, another box appeared with a much simplified version of her instruction. [Pick up the herbs] - yes, obviously. [Store them in your inventory] - apparently the methods she described simply weren't necessary. Since everything seemed to have been made simple by his adventurer's power, Bloodwraith began to ignore it and focus on Meara instead.


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