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Kougar, Savanna - Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Savanna Kougar

  Tears burned Kandace’s eyes, then spilled onto her cheeks. As sobs unexpectedly wracked her body, her mother gathered her close, comforting her.

  Ripped in half by her emotions, Kandace didn’t know which broom to jump over. Should she let go and cry her eyes out, or should she suppress her agony over the loss of her witch parents, her life here on Enduoir Prime?

  She did realize, she needed to find out more about her powers so she could protect herself and others. And time was short.

  “My daughter,” her mother crooned to her, a sweet repetition. “My most precious daughter. We have been deprived of our natural life together. Do not think I abandoned you. I have watched you grow up from afar. I walked in your dreams whenever it was safe. Your father and I have guided your path. We will continue…we will continue.”

  Kandace stifled her tears and straightened a bit, but not enough to lose her mother’s embrace. “My dreams, all the warning dreams, it was you.”

  “Yes, beloved.”

  “You can’t say my name, can you?”

  “No, the very vibration of your given name will alert Evil Over-Voice woman, as you called her.”

  Her mother caressed the side her face wiping away Kandace’s tears.

  “My father?” Kandace yearned so deeply to meet him it felt as if her soul burned, and turned inside out.

  “He is guarding us with his sentinel magick.”

  “Will I…?” Kandace didn’t finish, seeing the answer in Pharrilya’s dark amethyst eyes.

  “There will come a time when we will be a family once again. Now is not that time, my beloved daughter.”

  The raw pain in her mother’s gaze knifed deep inside Kandace’s heart. Choking back more sobs, she asked, “What do I need to know?”

  “The moment will arrive to use the power I warned you not to use in the dreams. That is also the moment to defeat the elite group of our enemy who hunt you on Earth. Say their race’s name, the Quevj, then cast forth your words with the combined power of Mother Earth’s elements, wind, water, fire, earth…”

  Her mother’s words faded away.

  “No!” Kandace screamed. She reached out to hold on, but Pharrilya gradually disappeared before her eyes, insubstantial as morning mist.

  Grabbed by some force, Kandace hurled backwards through a swirling tunnel.

  I will walk your dreams, my daughter.

  Stilling inside, Kandace knew to the core of her being that her mother would be with her, and there for her.

  She landed with a soft bounce between Zin and Zol. Blinking, she watched her gown vanish as if it had been pixie dust.

  “Walk in my dreams,” she repeated, then took long moments to commit everything to memory.

  “Kandace, darling,” Zin and Zol chorused softly.

  Swivelling her gaze, she met their dark enigmatic gazes. “Thank you. However that happened.” Uncertain what to reveal, she paused, then asked, “How did that happen exactly?”

  “From our triad of power we generated enough vibrational force to temporarily open a portal for a direct trip to Enduoir Prime,” Zol explained.

  “So you could visit with your birth mother as you wished,” Zin finished.

  “Well, it certainly worked like a charm. Thank you again, hellhounds. Wow, you two do know how to influence a woman’s heart.” Once again, she became teary-eyed but shut down the water works. Instead she shook her hair back, a soothing action.

  “We want to sweetly lick our Kandy Apple’s heart,” they rasped together.

  “You two. I’ll bet you know you’re winning me over.” Regarding them both, Kandace realized she could tell them apart even though they were both naked. “Hey, how do I even know which one of you is which? You could have changed positions. I mean I know who is who.”

  “You’re our witch. Of course you know.”

  Kandace quivered inside at their simultaneous words, a strange corkscrew of sensation she’d never experienced.

  Propped up on his side like his twin, Zin brushed her cheek with his thumb, tenderly wiping away the tracks of her tears.

  Zol thumbed away the remaining wetness from her face, his touch so gentle Kandace felt cherished. “May we lick your tears away?”

  How could she say no? Besides, her curiosity got the better of her. “Oh, go ahead.”

  Eager as hounds, they bent down to her face. Their small laps on her cheeks felt delicate as feathers, yet wet and slightly rough.

  Kandace giggled, enjoying their odd attentions. Once they finished, they nuzzled her face and moved away. She stroked their handsome jaws, now sandpapery with whisker growth. “You do shave, then, like humans?”

  “We do. However, we can alter our physiology.” Zin rubbed his chin against her palm.

  “I’m living in Halloween-fantastical world, aren’t I? Far, far beyond what I’ve ever imagined.” Kandace sighed as the weight of her world hit her again, and lowered her hands. “So much has happened. Did you hear or sense what occurred between me and my Enduoir mother?”

  “We know the gist of your meeting.” Zol combed his fingers though the length of her hair, easing through the tangles. “We heard nothing, my Kandace. It was not ours to know.”

  “The way the future is shaping up, handsome hellhounds, I think I’m going to need our triad of power. Whatever that is, I’m still not sure I understand, even after floating and spinning…and…is all of our power together greater than the sum of our individual powers?”

  “It is greater. By tenfold,” they both answered.

  Kandace didn’t move for seconds, scarcely believing her ears. How could that be possible?

  Chapter Nineteen:

  Become Our One Witch

  “Tenfold!” Kandace did a quick survey of their guileless sincere expressions. “I mean, I assumed it wasn’t only our joined powers together. But, how is that possible?”

  “It is the natural alchemy when hellhounds join with their one witch.” Zin lightly stroked her thigh.

  “It becomes permanent once we bind with you.” Zol drifted strands of her hair through his fingers.

  “Bind?” Caught in the eye of another emotionally staggering storm, Kandace didn’t move.

  “We become your faithful and devoted mates, or your husbands, if you prefer.” They spoke as one.

  Oh, Goddess! Her head swam marathon laps. Of course, their passionate marathon lapping of her body remained a damn wicked temptation.

  “Darling Kandy, our force is erupting now.” Zin trailed his fingers up her belly in a caress.

  From the corner of her eye, Kandace witnessed his eruption all right. Black as lava, his cock reminded her of a phallus sculpture from ancient Rome, except for the red fiery rivulets…well, erupting.

  Zol stroked her breast with his fingertips sending delicious quivers though her. “We are ready to bind with you, beautiful Kandace.”

  In her peripheral vision, she watched Zol’s shaft spew his fire force gently, a match for his twin. Speechless, immobile, she waited. What now? Not to mention her future seemed about to change forever. That is, if she did bind with them.

  Speaking truth to herself, Kandace realized fate offered her no other path.

  Oh, she could debate options. That would only lead to a round-robin of head-throbbing frustration, something she did all too often. However, it didn’t alter the here and now.

  She could try a sorcery trick or two. Although, Kandace doubted the cosmic tide would be turned by any incantation she managed. Destiny had her locked in good and tight, tight as her dress bodice had been.

  “What am I supposed to do?” Raising upwards, she pointedly glanced at their obsidian-looking cocks. “It’s not like I’ve ever been to a hellhound binding ceremony.”

  “First, Kandace, kiss us.” Zin languidly caressed her back, then leaned toward her mouth.

  With her body yielding, she offered her mouth, then passionately molded her lips to his. Their kiss deepened, a clinging of their mouths that melted her bones into dr
eamy and sparkling goo.

  “Oh, Zin.” Breathless with him, Kandace stroked her palm over his luxuriant mane of hair, and swore it possessed a strength all its own. “I can’t complain about how you make me feel. Better than Disneyland.”

  “We’re in our own magic castle.” Zol’s darkly sensuous voice possessed her. His thumb skimmed her nape, then caressed her neck. “Kiss me, Kandace.”

  Feeling airy as gossamer, Kandace let her head drop back and gave herself to Zol. Like a wizard, he claimed her mouth. Boldly seducing her lips, he made them belong only to him for the longest time.

  Sliding her palm up Zol’s chest, she glided strokes over his chest, definitely carved by Venus herself. Once their lips separated, she panted. “Goddess, Zol.”

  “Taste us, Kandace.”

  Zin brought her hand to his Vesuvius-spilling cock, then slowly moved her palm up and down his shaft.

  “Damn, you’re slick like polished stone and hot…hellhound hot,” she added, unable to resist the obvious irony.

  “Hellhound hot for you.” The sound of their chorused voices penetrated her as if a volcanic growl rose up from the Earth’s core.

  Kandace trembled like a virgin inside. “How often does this…this happen?” She flicked her glance back and forth.

  “Whenever we need you to taste our molten blaze for you.” Zol lifted her hand and tenderly wrapped her fingers around his personal obelisk, as Zeus referred to them. “Now, it is for binding with you, darling Kandy.”

  Kandace shivered for real. Zol and Zin covered her hands encouraging her hold on them. Still, in some way she didn’t fully understand, her palms remained mystically glued. She couldn’t let go. “I’m supposed to suck your out-of-this-world, strange…okay, I’ll just call them Vesuvius cocks.”

  “Your heart-shaped mouth sucking my cock, Kandy love, would be an unsurpassed carnal event.” Zin tightened his grip on her hand briefly. “However, it is you tasting our lava fire, that will bind us.”

  Her heart thundering, she asked, “You don’t have an ingredients list, do you?”

  “Hellhound essence du jour,” Zol drily rasped.

  “Too amusing, Mr. Tuxedo, sans his tuxedo.”

  As if drawn by an invisible force, Kandace gradually leaned toward Zin’s eruption. Whiffs of smoke, sinfully rich with other fragrances, enticed her nostrils. “I don’t suppose your essence tastes like smokin’ hot barbecue sauce.”

  “No, not barbecue sauce.” Zin subtly shifted, offering the head of his cock. “A hint of smokey red wine, perhaps.”

  “Perhaps, also, a touch of mesquite and fire-roasted pepper.” Zol’s polished growl teased her.

  “Kandace,” Zin encouraged, his tone low with need. “Bind with us. Become our one witch.”

  “This is so odd,” she whispered. Yet, in her depths she felt a twist, a turn toward her hellhounds. Hers.

  “Become our one witch,” Zol echoed.

  Her life flashed before her eyes, as it had been. She bent toward Zin’s cock. Gripping him as if his shaft had become her joystick, she flicked out her tongue. Delicately, she gathered a drop with the tip, then tentatively tasted the thick, flame-red substance. Robust flavors met her taste buds, unknown except for the subtlety of brimstone.

  Craving more, Kandace lapped up one rivulet. She settled her mouth over his shaft, tasting rather than sucking. Zin’s essence absorbed into her being, an electrically charged force that ecstatically lit up her insides.

  “Zin. Oh, Zin.” She brushed her lips over the smoothness of his smoldering-hot head.

  “My Kandace, my one beautiful witch.” Zin palmed her breast, fondling.

  He tweaked her nipple and she burned with passion, with bliss. Moaning softly against his cock, she knew the time had come to bind with Zol.

  Lifting her head, she stroked her palm over Zin’s hard-as-a-tower cock. In a gallant motion, he cupped her chin and bent toward her mouth.

  At the press of Zin’s lips, enchantment wove through her. It was a sumptuous kiss, one to dine on and savor, and she did, until finally he released her mouth.

  Kandace tightened her grip on Zol’s matching shaft, her force spinning inside her like a whirlwind. With her mouth watering for the taste of him, she leaned toward the red-orange lava flow of his cock.

  “Kandace, love.”

  Zol’s tone said it all. She quaked with the strength of his vibrational desire. Kandace wouldn’t have been surprised if the room suddenly trembled around them, given how much he wanted her to belong to him and Zin.

  “We are shivering the universe.” Zin spoke to her thoughts.

  Zol thrust his cock to her lips. With a gentle insistence, he pressed against the seam of her mouth. Kandace enveloped his head, slippery with his spewing essence. The flavors fire-burst inside her mouth, so similar to his twin, yet with a torrid tang that had her sucking him like a lollipop.

  His growl of rapture spun through her, and Kandace soared. Steamy with bliss, she slid her mouth from his cock and licked up the streams of his binding substance.

  Once she consumed the last drop, her body felt light as air and amazingly powerful. Kandace shaped her lips to his polished black crown, and reverently kissed.

  “My beautiful woman.” Zol’s fingers sank into her hair, and he pulled her upwards forcefully, until their mouths almost touched.

  “Darling Kandy, you will not regret becoming our one witch.”

  His lips took hers with a deliberation that caused her insides to swelter and swirl. Stunned by her sudden need, Kandace dived her hands into Zol’s hair. Clinging to him like a desperate cat, she seared his lips with her kisses.

  When their mouths finally broke free of each other, she panted long moments. “What have you done to me, wicked hellhounds, with your…eruptions? I think you’ve transformed me into “The Witches of Eastwick,” all three of them. Lust-wise, that is.”

  Zol searched her face with his scorching gaze while seductively tugging her hair. “It’s all in the kiss, Kandy love, not our eruptions,” he teased, tongue in cheek. Briefly, he brushed her lips with his.

  “Yeah, yeah, sure, I bet. Does Hades have a place for lying hellhounds? Liar, liar, hides on fire.”

  “You’re not thinking clearly, darling. Being able to light our hides on fire is an exceedingly useful ability.”

  “I can’t think clearly. I’m on fire.”

  Zol slammed his mouth against hers, yet with a finesse that fueled her passions to a new ferocity. Kandace molded her body against his, wanting no separation between them. Letting go of her hair, he swept his palms over her back. Eventually, he eased the pressure of his mouth, freeing her lips.

  “You two do kiss as if you’ve mind-probed my every dream and desire.” Realizing what she said, she asked, “Have you?”

  Flames leapt in the depths of Zol’s eyes. “Not in the way you’ve suggested, Kandy love.”

  “We are resonating with you. Thus, we know you.”

  Zin’s tone, dark with passion, tripped her trigger, and Kandace whimpered. She straddled Zol’s loins, enfolding his lance-straight cock with the lips of her hungry pussy.

  Undulating vigorously, Kandace slid her sensitized seam up and down his hard length. Her clit zinged with pleasure, even as she reveled in the feel of his cock.

  Chapter Twenty:

  There is Purple Everywhere

  Zin seized his exquisite witch’s haunches, lifting her high. Black blazes of lust consumed him as he stared at her moon-pale ass. Aiming his lava-hard cock, he plunged inside her sheath and straight to her core.


  Her whispered scream of his name told him what he wanted to know. She wanted more of his binding essence. Buried inside her, he held her tight and spewed.

  “Yes, oh yes!” she cried out.

  Her slick sheath welcomed him, even as she squeezed his pillar- like length unmercifully. Convulsing with orgasmic rapture, her supple hips arched higher, and she sang moans.

  Zol swept his
hands along the lovely curves of her sides, caressing her petite body wherever he could reach. With their extreme pleasure mutual, he and Zol connected gazes briefly.

  “Goddess, your Vesuvius cock feels good,” she praised. “I think I’m going orgasmically insane.”

  Bathed in her sweetfire juices, Zin drew in her sexual force, what she as their one witch naturally surrendered to him. “Kandace, I feel your sacrament.”

  “Sacrament,” she breathed out.

  “You are our witch,” Zol softly growled, “Your precious energy fills us.”

  “Goddess, I’m the one filled.”

  Whimpering with the exultation of her release, she collapsed on Zol, her body gleaming and gorgeous. An indescribably sweet torrent of her orgasmic essence flooded Zin. He howled his own primal pleasure. His grip on her hips remained unrelenting as he ascended to Mt. Olympus heights.

  “Kandace. My Kandy Apple.” Zin kept her tight against his loins, savoring the incomparable carnal feel of her ass.

  “It’s begun,” Zol announced.

  “Yes, the smell of irises in bloom.” Zin slitted his gaze enough to witness the purple mist forming around them.

  “Irises,” she murmured, “the fragrance is divine.” Lifting her head, she rested her chin on Zol’s chest.

  Tenderly, he embraced her head between his palms and raised her face, so their lips sealed in an enduring kiss that Zin felt as a rapturous zap of lightning straight up his shaft.

  “Such temptress lips, darling.” Zol nibbled her bottom lip and Zin surged with his twin’s enjoyment.

  Opening his eyes slowly, Zin watched streams of purple swirl around Kandace, the flow in harmony with her supernatural force.

  “Mmmm…now, I’m smelling violets. I feel all purply.”

  “That means it’s my turn.” Zol nipped her pert nose with his lips, and Zin spun with his twin’s savage need to possess their witch.


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